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title =<b>The Tara Times</b>|
title =<b>The Tara Times</b>|
price =<i>'''Price:''' ONE GOLD PIECE</i>|
price =<i>'''Price:''' ONE GOLD PIECE</i>|
quote =<i>'''Editor:''' [[Peter Kolak]]</i>|
quote =<i>'''Founder:''' [[Peter Kolak]]</i>|
issue =<i>'''Date of Issue:''' June 1st, 2007</i>|other=}}
editor =<i>'''Editor:''' [[Jose Dela Cruz]]</i>|
issue =<i>'''Date of Issue:''' September 1st, 2008</i>|other=}}

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<b>Disclosure:</b> Whatever is stated in the Tara Times does not reflect the opinions and ideals of all Taran nobles.

title = <b>Abington Army in Sullenport</b>|
title = <b>Defeat at Picnu!</b>|
article =<i>June 22th, 2007</i>
article =<i>September 27th, 2008</i>
The mighty Army of Abington has been spotted massing in the Redspan city of Sullenport a few days ago. After initial fears of a counterattack, this reporter now believes that Abington is too afraid of a direct confrontation and will only march when everybody else has left for home. Observers from other realms have noted the similarity of this strategy to that used against Darka all those months ago. There... Abington allowed multiple cities to be looted before attacking the heavily laden Darkans. For Redspan's sake, let us all hope this is not the case here.
A rare battle between near-equal forces ended in defeat today as a Falasan/Minas Ithil Army invaded the recently freed region of Picnu. 16470 CS of Rabbits/MI went against 15315 CS of Tara/Darka troops in a brutal battle. Despite the valiant defense of our soldiers and allies, we were overrun in a protracted battle.
<i>Written by Jose dela Cruz</i>
<i>Written by Jose Dela Cruz</i>

title = <b>Meldeen to be Annexed</b>|
title = <b>Correction:</b>|
article =<i>June 21th, 2007</i>
article =<i>September 19th, 2008</i>
The Tara Military Council announced today that the Annexation of Meldeen will proceed.  
It has been brought to our attention that Ash'rily is <b>NOT</b> the capital of the Ash Sea Islands. The correct capital is Ser'quia. We apologize for our error.

This reporter is gratified that our realm is heeding the plight of Redspan's beleaguered citizens. The mismanagement of King Tony has led to widespread starvation and destruction even into the capital, Stargard, itself. This reporter is proud that Tara will bring peace, law and order back into our neighbors' lives. Let us all hope that not much damage is done before rescue arrives.  
Personally, I really don't see the point of this since ASI will be extinct soon. The Dead Bear No Ill Will...  
<i>Written by Jose dela Cruz</i>
<i>Written by Jose Dela Cruz</i>

title = <b>Stargard Falls!!!</b>|
title = <b>Setbacks on the Northern Front</b>|
article =<i>June 20th, 2007</i>
article =<i>September 16th, 2008</i>
Soldiers of Carelia, CE and Talerium breached the Walls of Stargard today as the massive attack continued. Unable to survive 3-1 odds, Redspan Troops are expected to evacuate to Sullenport and await Abington Reinforcements. Should Abington fail to appear for any reason, expect Redspan to be extinct withing the month.  
A coordinated counterattack by Falasan and Minas Ithil has succeeded in taking Cori and Picnu away from us. With our own allies unavailable and monsters/Norland Raiders n the rear, we have been unable to muster enough to resist.

Rest assured, this is only a minor delay in our plans of spreading Freedom to the Oppressed.  
<i>In other News...</i>
<i>Written by Jose Dela Cruz</i>
Discussions are underway in Foda concerning the dire need of Redspan's peasants. Following the fall of their capital, it is expected that a humanitarian crisis will develop. Tara, in light of her own recent Alliance with Redspan, is being called upon to alleviate the common man's suffering. In order to minimize the plight of the desperate Redspan Realm, Tara will generously consider putting Redspan Lands under Stewardship until the crisis has been resolved. Expect the Dictator to make a decision soon.
<i>Written by Jose dela Cruz</i>

title = <b>Battle of Stargard, part 1</b>|
title = <b>Fall of Ash'rily</b>|
article =<i>June 20th, 2007</i>
article =<i>September 16th, 2008</i>
Redspan's Capital, Stargard, is barely hanging on as the combined armies of CE, Talerium and Carelia assaulted its walls today. Though massive damage was inflicted on the attackers, the same amount was also done to the Goat Army. With reinforcements flooding into Stargard and Tara still not even engaged, it is expected that the City will fall come nightfall.   

No word yet on Abington, the only hope Redspan has of survival.
<i>3 days ago...</i>
We have just gotten word that a major assault has overrun Ash'rily, capital of the Ash Sea Islands. An estimated 30,000 CS Army of Caergoth/Carelia defeated ASI's 15,000 CS defenders in a titanic battle. Damage to both armies and the fortifications have been massive.

<i>Written by Jose dela Cruz</i>
<i>Other News...</i>
ASI has takenover Barnlure in a pointless gesture of defiance. This action has only delayed the eventual assimilation of the Capital into Carelia. Still, we salute ASI in its will to fight destiny.
<i>Written by Jose Dela Cruz</i>

title = <b>The State of the South</b>|
title = <b>Upsurge of Monsters Delay Advance!</b>|
article =<i>June 19th, 2007</i>
article =<i>September 8th, 2008</i>
Carelia has flip-flopped once again and this time it could mean the doom of the south.  With Abby's allies already engaged in campaigns up North, this war could be the destruction of Redspan and the long awaited downfall of the great military power of Abington.  The way things have worked out should be good for Tara who stands to gain some regions, however the same can be said for Carelia. This war could very well make Carelia quite the force to be reckoned with and, considering their past, this could be a concern.  Regardless their combat strength, and more importantly quick refit time, will be quite the asset in taking down Redspan.  Tara will fight alongside her more than any other realm on the frontlines of this war. The drums of war are beating and it looks like they may be heralding a changing of the guard.
There has been a large resurgence of undead and monster activity in Carelia, the Cagilan Empire, Darka and Tara. These evil creatures are of such size and strength that normal militia units are incapable of stopping them. Thus, it is with reluctance that each realm must dispatch a task force for disposal.

<i>Written by Oscar</i>
We do not know how Falasan has done this but rest assured, the Freedom of Rabbits is still our highest priority!
<i>Written by Jose Dela Cruz</i>

title = <b>WAR!!!</b>|
title = <b>War Update</b>|
article =<i>June 19th, 2007</i>
article =<i>September 6th, 2008</i>
<i>Nobles of Tara,
We are on the eve of what will become a great Campaign. We are holding true to our promises to CE in their attack on Redspan.
To what end this attack goes on, noone may know. But I will tell you this, Tara will stand by her federated ally, in good and evil, through light and dark, to glory. Be faithful, knights, and fight hard, for there is a huge battle to be won.
Dictator and Executor of Tara</i>
<i>Written by Jose dela Cruz</i>
title = <b>War and Alliance</b>|
article =<i>June 19th, 2007</i>
The Cagilan Empire and Talerium have just signed into an Alliance with Carelia!!! More than that... just a few minutes afterwards, CE declared War on Redspan!!! There is little doubt what is happening here. Soon Carelia and Talerium will join this war and attack. The only question is, where does Tara stand? 
As anyone can see in the map, we are doing very well. There is almost no resistance now when our army liberates Rabbit regions. Peasants welcome Tara with open arms. Both Barad Falas and Tucha are surrounded, there people starving while their Lords flee. As I write this, I look out my window and witness the massive army gathering for the siege of Barad Falas. Once that persecuted city is free, Falasan will be broken.

<i>Written by Jose dela Cruz</i>
We shall see...
<i>Written by Jose Dela Cruz</i>

title = <b>The Taran Realm Council...or lack thereof</b>|
title = <b>Traitor Identified at Last?</b>|
article =<i>June 16th, 2007</i>
article =<i>September 1st, 2008</i>
Earlier today Allan, recently appointed banker of Tara, was forced to step down from his position.  Rumors have it that he has been bedridden with a vicious virus but this claim has not been substantiated.  This only continues the strange situation that our realm has been put in over the past few weeks.  As it currently stands Lister and Jonathon are the only two members of Tara holding council positions, with Jonathon acting duly as Dictator and Judge, Lister as General and the Banker position sitting empty. It seems almost too much that our Banker would be nowhere to be found during the mysterious loss of crops across the continent of the past few weeks (the general consensus now being this had something to do with the undead invasion) and some believe foul play or some evil force is at work.  As for things that are within our control, not only are some peasants getting confused by the lack of a council, but some nobles are voicing their concerns as well. For the moment however, we must have faith in Jonathon to continue to lead us and all of Tara well.
One of the early questions in this war has always been the early warning the Ash Sea Islands received during the massing of our armies at their border. We have later learned that a traitor from Suville leaked the liberation plans to our enemies, prolonging the war and suffering of ASI.

<i>Written by Oscar</i>
Clearly, Sir Damian Bedwyr, Duke of Stoneville can be none other than the traitor in question. HE made ASI suffer and, indeed, the argument can be made that the Falasan War is his fault as well.
The Tara Times will seek to confirm this speculation and get back to you.       
<i>Written by Jose Dela Cruz</i>

title = <b>Second UnDead Leader in Tandsu</b>|
title = <b>Falasan Inquirer Admits Fault!</b>|
article =<i>June 15th, 2007</i>
article =<i>September 2nd, 2008</i>
It would appear that the UnDead are getting organized as Clearing handed his army over to a new leader, Trawling. We do not know the significance of this event nor do we know why the UnDead avoided battle this morning. Will the Army of Tara fight this new UnDead Army? No one knows.
I have just finished reviewing past issues of our brother journalists across the divide and I have come to a stunning article...

The Trawling Horde numbers 209 UnDead at 3350 CS. Tara has over twice that in men and CS. Victory should be assured. 
<b>Falasan admits they are to blame for the war!</b>   

<i>Written by Jose dela Cruz</i>
Indeed. In a fine display of honesty, the most recent edition of the Falasan Newspaper freely admits that it was their ineptitude and foolishness that has caused all this mayhem. Thousands of deaths and countless villages could have been spared had the stubborn Rabbit King shared the views of his reporters.

The Tara Times urges the Falasan Inquirer to promote an unconditional surrender among their people. This is the only humane action in the face of their nation's culpability in recent events.
title = <b>UnDead Clearing in Tara!!!</b>|
article =<i>June 14th, 2007</i>
<i>Written by Jose Dela Cruz</i>
Concern and determination are in the air today as multiple reports of Undead and Monsters filter to the Capital. Reports in Alcatil, Tandsu and Aigaling have all been small and were destroyed easily.
The report from Ledunds, however, sent a chill down everyone's spine.
An UnDead Horde numbering about 226 UnDead was spotted in Ledunds moving towards Tandsu. Believed to led by the feared UnDead, Clearing, it represents the largest threat thus far in Tara's history. Not since Darka's Incursion into Redspan has an UnDead threat of this magnitude been recorded. As you may know, Tara had to call on our Darkan Allies to completely eradicate the menace. Today, calls for Talerium could be heard instead. The speed of the UnDead have made coordination difficult, however, and none are certain how many answer the call.
All available Troop Leaders are ordered to Tandsu to intercept Clearing's Horde and destroy it. We do not know how Clearing made it into Tara without detection... but the Army of Tara will do its best Clearing never leaves her lands. Come dawn will tell... 
<i>Written by Jose dela Cruz</i>
title = <b>UnDead spotted in Corniel</b>|
article =<i>June 13th, 2007</i>
A large Army of Monsters have been scouted in Corniel earlier today. Led by a creature called Running, they number about 56 Monsters with a CS of 2700. Though there is no indication as yet of movement to Chagasu, the Tara Military Council have chosen to reinforce the borders with extra men.
<i>Written by Jose dela Cruz</i>

title = <b>Dictator Jonathon targeted by Tara Infiltrator!!!</b>|
title = <b>Tara Times is BACK!</b>|
article =<i>June 9th, 2007</i>
article =<i>September 1st, 2008</i>
Confusion and speculation are sweeping the streets of Foda tonight as news leaked of an assasination attempt on Jonathon, Dictator of Tara. Though relief was visible on word of the Dictator's survival, shock was also apparent as Arin, Infiltrator of Tara was identified to be the culprit.  
The pressures of war have forced all available staff to the frontlines, abandoning their journalism duties for the greater good. As the tide of war turns our way, we have now found the time to continue our work here at the paper.
This is the second known attempt on Jonathon's life by a fellow countryman. As we take notice of the almost constant murder attempts these last few weeks, we ask the question: Are these the work of Tarans as well?
We have been unable to obtain a comment from any Military Council Members. As calls mount for the torture and interrogation of the traitor, we all wonder how deep has the rot spread? 

<i>Written by Jose dela Cruz</i>
We apologize for any inconvenience.       
<i>Written by Jose Dela Cruz</i>

title = <b>Tensions increase with Abington</b>|
title = <b>Abington Reborn!</b>|
article =<i>June 1st, 2007</i>
article =<i>September 1st, 2008</i>
Large numbers of Abington soldiers have been trespassing thru Tara following their decisive defeat against CE and our own Army for several days now. Though our realm wishes to maintain good relations, the continued violation of our lands could not be permitted. General Lister has therefore rallied the army to Tandsu in preparation of a major battle. Should Abington continue to ignore our warnings, blood will certainly flow from the poor Abington soldiers foolish enough to enter our lands.
The Blight of Atamara is back!

<i>Written by Jose dela Cruz</i>
Sir Damian Bedwyr, now King of Abington, Duke of Stoneville, Marshal of the Praetorian Guard has just created Abington from the ashes. Fury is rising throughout the continent as realm after realm declares war on the abomination. One trusts armies will soon put an end to this embarrassment.
<i>Written by Jose Dela Cruz</i>

title = <b>Allan appointed Banker of Tara</b>|
title = <b>New Reporter in the Ranks...</b>|
article =<i>June 1st, 2007</i>
article =<i>September 1st, 2008</i>
Following the election of Zadar Nargath as the new Prime Minister of the Cagilan Empire, his brother Ottar has graciously stepped down as Banker of Tara to prevent a conflict of interest. Though no one doubts Ottar's dedication and loyalty to his realm, he felt that such concentration of power in a single family was corrupting and dangerous. This writer salutes Ottar for his courage and nobility.
I am pleased to introduce Sir Kalanar Ardarcil to our readers. He is a Knight of Tarasac and will report on the battles our realm has fought against our enemies.  
After reviewing several applications and hearing the advise of his Council, Jonathan, Dictator of Tara has chosen Allan Albanezia, Count of Tandsu as our new Banker. It was deemed that Allan's extensive experience as a Trader made him the best choice for the position. Let us all work together and insure a prosperous future for our homeland.
Allan has chosen to follow Taran tradition and stepped down as Count of Tandsu. The Council is currently reviewing applications for his replacement. All are welcome!!! 

<i>Written by Jose dela Cruz</i>
Welcome Kalanar!   
<i>Written by Jose Dela Cruz</i>

Latest revision as of 06:20, 22 March 2014

Tarabanner.png The Tara Times
Price: ONE GOLD PIECE Founder: Peter Kolak Date of Issue: September 1st, 2008

Archive History

Disclosure: Whatever is stated in the Tara Times does not reflect the opinions and ideals of all Taran nobles.

Defeat at Picnu!
September 27th, 2008

A rare battle between near-equal forces ended in defeat today as a Falasan/Minas Ithil Army invaded the recently freed region of Picnu. 16470 CS of Rabbits/MI went against 15315 CS of Tara/Darka troops in a brutal battle. Despite the valiant defense of our soldiers and allies, we were overrun in a protracted battle.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

September 19th, 2008

It has been brought to our attention that Ash'rily is NOT the capital of the Ash Sea Islands. The correct capital is Ser'quia. We apologize for our error.

Personally, I really don't see the point of this since ASI will be extinct soon. The Dead Bear No Ill Will...

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

Setbacks on the Northern Front
September 16th, 2008

A coordinated counterattack by Falasan and Minas Ithil has succeeded in taking Cori and Picnu away from us. With our own allies unavailable and monsters/Norland Raiders n the rear, we have been unable to muster enough to resist.

Rest assured, this is only a minor delay in our plans of spreading Freedom to the Oppressed.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

Fall of Ash'rily
September 16th, 2008

3 days ago... We have just gotten word that a major assault has overrun Ash'rily, capital of the Ash Sea Islands. An estimated 30,000 CS Army of Caergoth/Carelia defeated ASI's 15,000 CS defenders in a titanic battle. Damage to both armies and the fortifications have been massive.

Other News... ASI has takenover Barnlure in a pointless gesture of defiance. This action has only delayed the eventual assimilation of the Capital into Carelia. Still, we salute ASI in its will to fight destiny.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

Upsurge of Monsters Delay Advance!
September 8th, 2008

There has been a large resurgence of undead and monster activity in Carelia, the Cagilan Empire, Darka and Tara. These evil creatures are of such size and strength that normal militia units are incapable of stopping them. Thus, it is with reluctance that each realm must dispatch a task force for disposal.

We do not know how Falasan has done this but rest assured, the Freedom of Rabbits is still our highest priority!

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

War Update
September 6th, 2008

As anyone can see in the map, we are doing very well. There is almost no resistance now when our army liberates Rabbit regions. Peasants welcome Tara with open arms. Both Barad Falas and Tucha are surrounded, there people starving while their Lords flee. As I write this, I look out my window and witness the massive army gathering for the siege of Barad Falas. Once that persecuted city is free, Falasan will be broken.

We shall see...

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

Traitor Identified at Last?
September 1st, 2008

One of the early questions in this war has always been the early warning the Ash Sea Islands received during the massing of our armies at their border. We have later learned that a traitor from Suville leaked the liberation plans to our enemies, prolonging the war and suffering of ASI.

Clearly, Sir Damian Bedwyr, Duke of Stoneville can be none other than the traitor in question. HE made ASI suffer and, indeed, the argument can be made that the Falasan War is his fault as well.

The Tara Times will seek to confirm this speculation and get back to you.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

Falasan Inquirer Admits Fault!
September 2nd, 2008

I have just finished reviewing past issues of our brother journalists across the divide and I have come to a stunning article...

Falasan admits they are to blame for the war!

Indeed. In a fine display of honesty, the most recent edition of the Falasan Newspaper freely admits that it was their ineptitude and foolishness that has caused all this mayhem. Thousands of deaths and countless villages could have been spared had the stubborn Rabbit King shared the views of his reporters.

The Tara Times urges the Falasan Inquirer to promote an unconditional surrender among their people. This is the only humane action in the face of their nation's culpability in recent events.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

Tara Times is BACK!
September 1st, 2008

The pressures of war have forced all available staff to the frontlines, abandoning their journalism duties for the greater good. As the tide of war turns our way, we have now found the time to continue our work here at the paper.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

Abington Reborn!
September 1st, 2008

The Blight of Atamara is back!

Sir Damian Bedwyr, now King of Abington, Duke of Stoneville, Marshal of the Praetorian Guard has just created Abington from the ashes. Fury is rising throughout the continent as realm after realm declares war on the abomination. One trusts armies will soon put an end to this embarrassment.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

New Reporter in the Ranks...
September 1st, 2008

I am pleased to introduce Sir Kalanar Ardarcil to our readers. He is a Knight of Tarasac and will report on the battles our realm has fought against our enemies.

Welcome Kalanar!

Written by Jose Dela Cruz