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===The History===

The Comacho family is a diaspora of individuals tied by a bloodline stretching back a mere twenty years to a legendary figure known as Martin Templar, the once dictator of the Assassins Guild in the Colonies. It is said that the late dictator fathered dozens of children amongst his female disciples during his short rule. It is said that the progenitors of the Guild looked upon his debauchery with disgust, and that it was this constant womanising that led his own banker to murder him. Others say it was merely pretext for a power grab. Whatever the case, the dictator was slain and his progeny either liquidated along with him or sent into hiding throughout the fringes of the Colonies.
It was amongst these scattered children that a new Great House arose.
Amidst the craggy rocks and dismal skies, the crashing waves of the world's end known as Drenga, one of Martin's maidens known as Stalina raised her child, isolated in a crude wooden hut on the seaside. The child, who's name was Dwayne, spent his youth fishing, exploring the lonely wilderness and studying the various documents his mother had brought with her when she fled the Guild. Amongst those documents were detailed analysis of his father's military exploits, which Dwayne was greatly interested in, obsessed with even.
Dwayne's interest in war was not like his father's, though. His father had approached warfare as merely a practical means of furthering his ambitions. Dwayne's manner of interest, however, would come to be demonstrated twenty years later, when he would sack his own lands of Nothoi. But that is a tale for another time.
One day while out wandering along the coast, Dwayne, who was fifteen years of age at the time, happened upon a shipwrecked boat. It was once a small but well made craft,that much was obvious, but even so it had sustained a deal of damage. It's prow was cracked in two, the sail hung limp and tattered from it's tottering mast; it was like a ghost ship. Dwayne, ever the adventurous sort, searched through this craft and came across a sword, as well as many bodies, most of which were dead, and one of which was merely unconscious. The hearty young Dwayne tied the sword to his belt, slung the unconscious man over his shoulder and trekked back to his hut, where he and his mother would nurse the man to health.
The man, as it turned out, was a noble of a petty noble house, House Comacho, based in Giblot. When he first gained consciousness and appraised his surroundings he was appalled at being put up by simple peasants (he was never to learn who Dwayne's father was). He attempted to get up to leave, but found himself too weak. So, unable to leave, the noble, who's name was Cravious Comacho, endured the impoverished pair who cared for him, but not without protest. He rained verbal abuse on his poor hosts and often flung away the bowls of fish head soup they gave to him. Dwayne grew increasingly angry at this uncouth and unwanted guest, but refrained himself for his mother's sake. His mother, a sweet but extremely naive woman, was taken in by the nobleman's promise that he would adopt the young Dwayne into his household, in payment for her hospitality.
These dis-pleasantries were nothing, however, in comparison to what would happen once the noble had regained his strength. He feigned weakness until the opportune moment arose, and, while Dwayne was out fishing for breakfast soup, Cravious fell upon Stalina like some rapacious beast. He killed her, grabbed the sword that Dwayne had found (and lied resting by the door) and then set off before Dwayne returned.
Dwayne came upon his ransacked house and witnessed the bloody and bruised corpse of his mother. He cried awhile, holding her in his arms. But grief quickly turned to rage and, taking the knife he used to gut fish, he set off in search of his quarrey.
The nobleman had had a head start, but Dwayne, who was young, fit and who knew the land well, was able to track Cravious down. Cravious faced Dwayne with contempt. Despite his weeks of rest Cravious was still a formidable opponent. He had fought in wars, some started by the dictator Martin, and had formal knightly training. He also had a sword, while Dwayne merely had a knife.
The noble pointed his sword out in front him and mocked Dwayne. "Come here cub, let me teach you a thing or two." Dwayne circled him like a wolf, fire burning in his eyes. At last the noble made his first move and made a wide sweep with his sword, but Dwayne lunged back, missing it, and then lept forwards in time to catch Cravious between swings. The nobleman was gutted in a slow and painful manner; he cried out for mercy, but none was to be had. At last the work was done, Stalina was avenged.
What next? Dwayne took the noble's sword and made note of his name, "Comacho," then set off to unite his own kin, who he knew from his mother were scattered about, raised by widowers just like him. They would be exceptional individuals, it would be easy to identify them. Dwayne searched for years across the wilderness but could only find one other of his clan, a girl named Kwa, who, though clever and talented, was hopelessly insane. She would do, he thought.
The two came together as long lost siblings who had lived lonely and isolated lives would. They had both been adventurous youths, and together they formed quite a team. They travelled across the Northern forests and mountains, slaying monsters and searching for their kin. Dwayne told her about Cravious, his mother and his plan for vengeance, which would involve murdering all of the current members of House Comacho and usurping it for themselves and their own kin. She agreed.
Together he and Kwa travelled to Giblot city, home of House Comacho. The city, and it's eponymous realm, were under constant military threat at the time and so didn't ask many questions when two new recruits signed up for the city guard. The pair rose through the ranks quickly, for their abilities were great. They came to command units of their own and hatched their plan. During the next siege, while the rest of the guard was busy, she and he would track down the members House Comacho and slay them. As House Comacho was small and unimportant, no one would really notice if it's members were killed during a battle and a couple of new ones took their place.
The attack came and the plan was executed almost perfectly, almost. Dwayne went through his list of targets without a problem, but Kwa ran into trouble when her final target, the saucy young daughter of the House's reigning patriarch, was in bed with Romeolio, an important merchant. Kwa and her troops burst into the lovers's chamber to find them in naked embrace. Shrieking the girl covered herself with a blanket while the merchant shouted "How dare you bother me like this, I'll have you hange- *gurk*" and slid down, his throat cut by an advancing Kwa. The girl went next.
Afterwards Dwayne and Kwa met up and Kwa informed Dwayne of what had transpired in that love nest. Once word got out, she would be doomed -- her troops had seen her do it and they couldn't be trusted not to tattle, not with a ransom for Romeolio's murderer. She made hasty plans to flee the continent. Dwayne bid her farewell, and that was the last he was to see of her. She would successfully establish herself amongst the nobility of Dwilight, as a member of the obscure Comacho Family.
Dwayne, for his part, stayed in Giblot. The Comacho estate was now abandoned, it's residents dead, and so he simply moved in. He, still being a high ranking guard, combined his military standing with his recently acquired nobility to rise in the ranks further to become general, though he did much care for it and quit soon after. He defended Giblot during several bloody sieges and lived to see the city's fall. His work in conquering the Comacho estate vanished into smoke, as he watched the city burn from a nearby hill. Dwayne would travel the wilderness a bit longer, finding two other siblings, Flint and Saxon, and adopting them into House Comacho.
Thus the Comacho clan was made into what it now is. A loose alliance of eccentric wanderers, descended from that murdered dictator, Martin Templar.
===Family Members===
* [[/Dwayne/]]
* [[/Kwa/]]
* [[/Saxon/]]
* [[/Flint/]]
===Unique Items===
* [[/Tome of Necromancy/]]

Revision as of 07:03, 10 October 2013