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The Lone Wolf

Though she never revealed to others why she left the Desert sands of Dwilight, it was no secret that Kalixta hated her family. Her journey to escape them, she traveled first to Atamarra and then to Belutarra before finally settling in the northern republic of Melhed. It seemed a quiet place. A place for her to escape her past. She found solace in learning the sword, mastering and swiftly becoming Melhed's finest swordsman.

When Kalixta had first arrived and joined the army, the 5th Invasion was only just ending. She herself participated in its final battles, slaying daemon, monster, and undead horrors alike in the defence of Man. Only when the last Daemon was cast back into the Abyss did the blights at last begin to lift from the land. The army was dispatched south to aid their neighbors in countering the rouges that where running rampant through the countryside.

During this time, Kalixta had secured herself as Countess of Seven Rivers and was earning a comfortable income when she received an unanticipated visitor. Maya Tandaros, a new knight and aspiring warrior, presented Kalixta with her Sword and service. By this time, Kalixta had been appraised of the Tandaros's relationship with her family and, despite her misgivings, welcomed Maya as her first knight. Day and knight, the two women trained. As time progressed, their relationship changed from that of mentor/student one more akin to sisterhood. Life was quiet, and for that, Kalixta was happy. But, as is its nature, the world continued to spin regardless of whether it had her attention.

Melhed underwent a period of dynamic political change. A whirlwind rebellion led by Bloodspeaker priest and Founder Duke Yeux Serpantis of Agyr, drew Kalixta from the comfortable riverfront home she had made for herself and cast her into politics. When Yeux as for her support in his bid to claim the new Crown of Melhed, Kalixta ascented. Her unmatched skill with a blade naturally facilitating her rise to become the Crown's own Royal guard. She fought against the loyalist in Agyr, what little there were, earning the title of Margravine of Agyr from the newly minted King Yeux. The offer was made to secure her Loyalty, and she was given to choose between ruling the Capital or being made Duchess of Fronepu. She chose the former, preferring instead to convey the opportunity upon Pavel Jeffrey, then-Imperator of Melhed who would later become a dear friend. In her stead, she called for Maya's elevation to Countess of Seven Rivers. When things settled down at last, she returned to her quiet life of training, ignoring whispers of a new war that was coming... Unlike her mentor, Maya was not for the quiet life. Kalixta failed to anticipate what a political animal she would become. within months of her arrival in Melhed, Maya had sworn herself to the bloodspeaker faith (a move Kalixta always questioned)and secured a wedding proposal from King Yeux. It was not long before the two were wed with a child on the way and Kalixta found that her duties as Royal Guardian were swiftly expanding.

Then came the war with Thalmarkin.

Kalixta never really understood why the Thals, or"feathers" as Maya disaffectionately referred to them, called for war, but she greeted it with grim determination. She used her great income from Agyr to fund most of the knights. In the beginning, things did not look so bad. But when it became apparent that Melhed would eventually be ground down by sheer numbers, Kalixta championed the idea of a plan code named Dragonstrike, named for the legendary beast that attacked from above without warning. She an a small group of volunteer nobles would sail forth and raid Thalmarkin's northern coastland to draw pressure from the Front. The plan met with only limited success and was swiftly beaten off by General Solari of Thalmarkin. Upon returning to the Front, Kalixta encountered Alitoth Himoura, whose inflammatory remarks caused her to challenge the older man to a duel to first blood. Honor was satisfy when she sent him home wounded and chastened. Kalixta never was a "bigger picture" sort. She paid little attention to the constant shuffling of the upper echelons. So it came as a surprise when King Yeux asked her to take up the duties of Praetrix, Melhed's Judge. Sworn to obey, she could not refuse. Besides the Execution of the known Infiltrator, Kuvio the Red, her actions in that office had little significance and less impact. Yeux's announcement that he planned to retire and let his new young wife, Maya, rule Melhed came as yet another surprise. Maya's first move was to secure Kalixta's grudging support, for the older woman viewed Yeux's departure as an abandonment.