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The Hunting of a man

The writings of Heracles Lacedaemon, noble patriarch and farm owner, father of the renown Amyclas of MoonBay and Belarus the slayer. These works are compiled and furthered upon by the Hunter Belarus, Royal Ranger of the Duchy-Kingdom of Sun Hall and bane of rogues, with the approval and seal of his noble elder brother Baron Amyclas.

"There is no hunt like the hunting of a man." My father always said, as he drove away many a stranger, riding them down with horse and spear, or setting the dogs on them. You've got to cull them before they grow bold, or they will cause greater trouble. It is his teachings that inspired me to take up the mantle of hunter to keep the lands and lives of honest men safe from those who would see all things become common. - Belarus

This is a dissertation of the true nature of "monster", "undead" and "rogue" hunting in Dwilight. We shall be focusing on the more human factors of asocial behavior and lawlessness that gives rise to the prevalence of violence against respectable citizens and their property. While the authors do not completely deny the existence of the supernatural, we assert that such cases are rare, and often exaggerated into fantastical tales to impress tavern audiences and scare children.

Vagrancy is a broad term used to define anyone without an honest living or home. Many of these people wander from place to place, across villages, towns and regions, sleeping where they will and often stealing food and valuables whenever opportunity arises. Others may be seen engaging in vices like prostitution or begging. Vagrants are generally outcasts of society, and are often run out of settlements by local constables or community watch groups.

Vagrants, when their numbers become high enough, are known to band together in groups, becoming bold and engaging in more brazen criminal activities. The following are some types of groups of vagabonds you will encounter if you hunt them.


Gypsies are nomadic groups of vagrants. They tend to move from region to region in organized caravans. Most of the time, gypsies keep a low profile, hiding from militia and settlement watch. Some gypsies own herds of cattle and livestock, which will they will let graze on lands they pass through. Others are known to poach in the wilds. Many gypsy adolescents will engage in acts of thievery in nearby villages. Some gypsy groups style themselves as "traveling circuses", but discerning constables know that these are just fronts for prostitution, gambling and begging. Some gypsies are also known to dabble in witchcraft.

When hunting gypsies, you may encounter the following: Low level groups: Stray Children who wandered off, no doubt to find things to steal.

How to hunt gypsy children:

Children are physically weak, but can be fast, easily spooked and hard to catch. Many however, are inexperienced and naive. They can be easily lured with coin and treats.

Small groups of poachers trespassing illegal grazers

High level groups: Gypsy caravans, typically with families. Expect mounted opposition from caravans with horses.


Brigands are violent and dangerous outlaws, varied in their style, composition and level of skill and equipment.

Men of the road: Bands of thugs usually led by highly trained and equipped cavalrymen. These men may be sponsored by rogue noblemen looking to make a quick coin.

Tribal groups: Natives and savages that roam the wilds. Usually confined to badlands and peripherals, they tend to wander down to raid settlements.