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<center>===The Himoura Family===</center>
The Himoura family is one the games older families, with its share of heros, villians and the downright insane. Founders of one of the game's oldest religions, The Chaos Requim, quite a few of the members of this well known family have been worshippers of demons.
===The Himoura Family===

The Himoura family over time has developed into three main branches. The Atamara Branch started with Raziel, and is now in its fourth generation. The Far East Branch began with Senoske, and is now in its third generation. The True Branch began with Kenshin and is in its fifth generation.  
A short lived member of the family, he orginally founded the family in Shiverwood. He was smote by God Tee'Hom on accusations of being a demon.<br>
Weapon: Arkenine
Titles: None

A mercanary from Darka in the days where they were true mercanaries. He found himself in the kings favour upon discovering his talent as a bard. He loved his brother Raziel2 dearly, but ignored the rest of his family, even his own son. Upon hearing of Raziel's death, he threw himself on his sword.
Weapon: Queen's Guard
Titles: No official government positions. Royal Bard.
Raziel joined the realm known as Minas Ithil, a newly seceeded realm from Eston. Minas Ithil was locked in a war with its neighbors, Tuchannon II (no longer in existance), Norland (under new government), and Southasland (destroyed by a rebellion forming the third Tuchon empire. Was summarily destroyed.). He quickly found friends there and grew became good friends with the Hero King Dead Angel2. Dead Angel2 met his end in those wars, valiantly fighting to defend what he loved. Raziel set down the path of a hero upon the death of Dead Angel2. Raziel became a legendary hero in those parts, and was considered the embodiement of the Ithillian spirit. He fell under the thrice damned swords of his enemies in Lyton, which has now become the location for the family mansion.<br>
Weapon: Faust
Titles: The Emobodiement of the Ithillian Spirit.
<b>Kayne2</b>- <br>
Upon hearing of his brothers death, Kayne comitted suicide. Kayne2 however shed no tears, he hated his father. His father had prevented him from stepping up to nobility and Kayne2 started his career in his mid twenties. Kayne2 was an infiltrator for Darka, but soon became disgusted with the realm and left. He headed to Alebad, loving controversy and wanting to seek out his religous enemies there. He engaged in a long duel with the Pontifex and the fight was long and fierce, eventually ending in a draw. After becoming subjected to corruption and a bogus fine, he asked for money from the council to pay for it, recieved a hefty sum and took off with it. He went to Beluterra, the "holy" grounds of the Chaos Requim. He took up his rightful spot as High Priest and wielded the cursed sword Arkenine. He wandered for a while and at one point ended up fighting alongside the undead and proclaimed himself the Undead King. He eventually grew tired of dealing with humanity and descended into hell, leaving behind Arkenine, and now he along-side his lords, rules over hell with an iron fist.
Weapon: Arkenine
Titles: Arch Priest of Varyma Nolvo, King of the Undead
<b>Raziel2</b>- <br>
The most famous, rather infamous, member of the Himoura family is Raziel2, son of Raziel. Raziel2 was an alcoholic when he took his fathers place in the nobility of Minas Ithil, having lost his fiance and father in a short time frame. He drank himself near into oblivion, then his fathers friends intervened and to help with withdrawal he found a new drug... Pancakes. He eventually stopped using pancakes and focused on selling them, erecting a great shadow empire. Pancakes were made illegal in Minas Ithil after many nobles grew addicted and blew thousands of gold on them. Raziel2 strove to make money, and became the opposite of his father, a rich, ruthless mobster with a great deal of skill with a sword, using finesse rather than brute strength. Raziel2 became lord of Dunstoke and later Duke of Leohampton. There he founded the guild, The Red Pancake Cartel, making his illegal orginization a structured body. He later lost dukeship on a bogus charge of supposedly attempting to assault an allied general, when in fact he had been struck upon the head with a can of tuna, launched from the weapons of his rival Dante, and stumbled into the tent on accident. He now seeks to become the best swordsman on Atamara.<br>
Weapon: Midnight
Titles: Former Count of Dunstoke, Rightful Duke of Leohampton, The Pancake Baron, Champion of Minas Itihl

==The True Himouras==
The dark paladin Erlang journeyed the world with his adopted son, Senoske, and taught him the art of war. Erlang fought bitter wars on the EC, stood against the undead hordes of Beluterra and found his way to Outer Tilog. He had himself home there, he exacted cruelty upon the people and pleased the gods of the Requim. Senoske fled when he saw this evil and devoted himself to fight the evils of the Requim. However, Erland lusted for power and attempted to rebel against the government, but was discovered via a traitor and disappeared. Every now and then reports come from allover the world of a man wielding a cruel whip and a dagger wreaking havoc among the locals.<br>
Weapons: Arkenine, Bullwhip
Titles: Deacon of Despair
Brother to Erlang, Nobdy was one of the East Continent's most unsung legends. Nobdy infiltrated Sirion Castle, blew up walls, hampered the local production and wounded the banker, Circle. His deeds were known to few, but those who did know were in awe. Nobdy has killed a great deal of men, his kill count reaches into the thousands. However his wounds grew painful, he left to Atamara and contented himself with a peaceful life. He retired briefly, but eventually came back to start anew. He started in Perdan, grew disgusted with military command and headed to the Grand Lodge of Lunaria at the advice of his dear nephew, whom he considered a brother, Senoske. He then fell into darkness. His son Kamal presented him Arkenine, and Nobdy took it and wounded Kamal. He soon became corrupted and started the Chaos Requiem up anew. He later was killed by Valius Hendrix in a duel to the death.
After leaving Erlang's side he returned to his homeland and enlisted in the army. The Svunnetland Saex was a great army, but little did they know what the young recruit Senoske would achieve. Senoske quickly rose in the military, rivaled only by his nemesis Himo Musou. Senoske won the All-King's favor and became Captain of the All-King's guard. From there he was made a Senator and Count of Todpitz. After the duke of Hathdes died in a duel over a woman, Senoske was made duke and assumed command of the Svunnetland Saex, a great honor for him. However he grew bitter at the Senate, and his hatred for Zhao Ziyang, president of the senate, reached an all-time high. Then the All-King moved the capital from Masahakon and succession after succesion occured. His city joined Himo Musou's new realm, Nighthelm. Senoske with a heavy heart left Svunnetland and became duke of Hatdhes and General of Nighthelm. Senoske was later elected Arch Priest, then eventually became ruler. However at the time Senoske was too young for the burden of ruling and his emotions controlled his actions. This caused wars and hostility. A rebellion removed Senoske from office, and his old city of Hatdhes suceeded to form Rhitallia. Senoske still loved Nighthelm and concieved plan to bring Hatdhes back. Senoske went to Rhitallia and joined, having been banned as a result of the rebellion. Senoske's friend Artemis was dictator and Senoske became general and Duke of Hatdhes once again. However in a daring move Senoske had his ban lifted and surrendered Hatdhes to Nighthelm. He left on a pilgrimage to the East Continent and returned. He joined a guild the Hall of Blood and Battle. War began and new regions were aquired and Senoske was named to be a lord. However Keldaar, ruler of Nighthelm at the time, became possessed and stepped down. Thraymn, who was in disfavor with Senoske, appointed someone else to spite him. Senoske hid his emotions and vowed to expose the plotting bastard, and restore justice. Soon though Gul'Dan became King, after Thraymn fell ill. Senoske has many enemies, one of whom is the "master" assasin Aspire. Aspire has tried many times to assinate Senoske and failed every time. Aspire went on to kill many militia in Nighthelm and wrought havoc on the realm. Senoske vowed vengance and swore an oath to hunt him down, kill him and any like him and any rulers who permitted him their realms.

The longest, most established branch, it is present throughout the world, and has no geographical attachment like the other branches of the family. The words of the True Himouras are "Omnes Pereundum." The True Himouras family mansion is located off the coast of Beluterra, on an island and is more fort than mansion.

[[The Chaos Requiem]]<br>
[[Senoske and the fight against the Requiem]]
*[[/Kayne II/]]
*[[/Nobdy/]]                                                          *[[/Erlang/]]
*[[/Ahriman/]] / [[/Rathan/]] *[[/Setsuka/]] *[[/Jonsu/]] <b>|</b> *[[/Pelinal II/]] *[[/Tiberius/]] *[[/Alitoth/]]
==The Atamara Himouras==
The most stable branch of the family, the Atamara Himouras have served Minas Ithil for generations, up until its recent destruction, leaving Raziel IV without a home, and sworn to avenge his homeland. The words of the Atamara Himouras are "A verbis ad ververa". The Atamara Himouras' mansion is located in Lyton.
*[[/Raziel III/]] *[[/Arkady/]]
*[[/Raziel IV/]] *[[Raziella I]]
==The Far East Himouras==
The youngest branch of the family, the Far East Himouras are hardy men, warriors all. They are devoted to the Order of the Elders, and many have held high positions within the faith. Every generation of Himoura has produced a Warlord of the faith. The words of the Far East Himouras are "Dies Irae". The Far East Himouras mansion is in Tapaliez.
*[[/Magnus/]] *[[/Skarn/]]
[[Category: Families]]

Latest revision as of 11:08, 13 August 2013

The Himoura Family

The Himoura family over time has developed into three main branches. The Atamara Branch started with Raziel, and is now in its fourth generation. The Far East Branch began with Senoske, and is now in its third generation. The True Branch began with Kenshin and is in its fifth generation.


The True Himouras

The longest, most established branch, it is present throughout the world, and has no geographical attachment like the other branches of the family. The words of the True Himouras are "Omnes Pereundum." The True Himouras family mansion is located off the coast of Beluterra, on an island and is more fort than mansion.

The Atamara Himouras


The most stable branch of the family, the Atamara Himouras have served Minas Ithil for generations, up until its recent destruction, leaving Raziel IV without a home, and sworn to avenge his homeland. The words of the Atamara Himouras are "A verbis ad ververa". The Atamara Himouras' mansion is located in Lyton.

The Far East Himouras


The youngest branch of the family, the Far East Himouras are hardy men, warriors all. They are devoted to the Order of the Elders, and many have held high positions within the faith. Every generation of Himoura has produced a Warlord of the faith. The words of the Far East Himouras are "Dies Irae". The Far East Himouras mansion is in Tapaliez.