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Roleplay from Khari Kye (4 days, 20 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (11 recipients)

Necessity had required her to travel to Miner in her own vessel instead of with her betrothed Rynn JeVondair. She had made a short stop to Eiduld, hoping that Astrum’s Vasilif Sergio Mozzoni would entertain her request for him to act as her ‘father’ in the upcoming ceremony. Unfortunately he had had to decline as he was otherwise preoccupied. With her father recently passed away she had hoped Astrum would fill that role.

The docks of Miner were ever busy and it took some time to moor the vessel, yet she was patient as was her nature.

Roleplay from Khari Kye (4 days, 12 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (11 recipients)

With her vessel secure she disembarked with a small detachment of servants and guards and began working her way toward the Regents palace. It was time to present herself.

Roleplay from Rynn JeVondair (4 days, 8 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (12 recipients)

As the sun broke over the splendid walls of Mimer, so too did the Royal D'Haran vessel, Wind Dagger, break over the crests of small waives, angling her sails against the wind as she steadied into port.

Rynn JeVondair, Duke of Raviel and Prime Minister of D'Hara, breathed deeply. Here was a city he had never thought to see, and certainly not as part of his very first trip abroad! Church bells tolled, whether they were greeting him or cheering the setting of the sun which gave way to the advent of the starry night sky, Rynn knew not.

The Wind Dagger, captained and crewed by skilled D'Haran natives, slid gracefully against the pier. Men jumped onto the tock to secure the linings as Rynn gazed at the cityscape. he could make out the flags of the nobles who were also present; His beloved Khari and good friend Himeko among them. He was suddenly glad there seemed to be no reception to greet him. Rynn was unsure he could handle what those two scheming together could erect!

With a gentle sigh, Rynn's thoughts strayed not to the war in the south, but to his wedding, and the sad knowledge that he would have to tell his bride to be that the Honeymoon to Swordfell would have to be canceled.

D'Hara had been summoned to war, and his people needed him.

"Sailor!" Rynn beckoned. The sailor in question presented himself before his Prime Minister promptly.

"Aye milord?"

"Find me a map of this city, or some fine astroist willing to guide me. It wouldn't do for the ruler of D'Hara to find himself throughout lost just before his wedding."

Roleplay from Khari Kye (4 days, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (12 recipients)

"M'lady, he's here!" Exclaimed one of her ladies as she burst through the door. Khari was nearly ready for bed but now all desire for sleep vanished. Dressing into a nonformal evening dress she set out to welcome Rynn.

Roleplay from Himeko Ishida (4 days ago) Message sent to all nobles in the region Mimer (12 recipients)

From the balcony of her administrative quarters in Mimer, Himeko marveled at the varied ships that held port in th harbour

Not that there was anything surprising about the number of vessels, for Mimer was a busy port on most days. Rather it was the sight of so many banners, representing dignitaries from foreign lands, all come to witness the matrimony of two rulers.

The Iron Duchess girt her ceremonial sabre as she turned to the waiting attendent.

"Have Khari and Rynn both arrived into the city proper?"

"Yes, milady," the handmaid did a small curtsy before continuing, "The Governess and the Prime Minister await."

"Very good. Let us go and welcome them, then!"

Roleplay from Khari Kye (3 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (11 recipients)

In the early autumn days Khari spent her time with Rynn organizing their upcoming ceremony. Her union with D’Hara’s Prime Minister was more than merely a political one. Through numerous correspondences since the Long Winter she had actually grown quite fond of the man. Then in her recent visit to D’Hara the dark skinned leader of D’Hara had charmed her with his exotic looks and personality. This union would indeed be more than political.
Having invited many from all over Dwilight they now gathered in a grand parlor provided by Duchess Alana Deytheur for dinner, dancing, and inevitable intrigue of social politics.

Roleplay from Rynn JeVondair (2 days, 15 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (11 recipients)

Rynn paced the floor of his apartments. For the first time in far too long he was wearing robes of state, rather than the armor he grown accustomed to. The sapphire hilted bastard sword strapped to his back, however, was no ceremonial blade. Rynn had been unwilling to part with the family heirloom for any reason, it was as much a part of him as the elements were. Nevertheless, His raiment looked resplendent, D'Haran blue and gold clashing dramatically with his hazel green eyes and light brown skin.

It itched everywhere.

Ghandan, Margrave of Port Raviel and Rynn's best man, sat at a corner table as he muched on grapes and held back laughter. Inevitably, grape gunk splattered everywhere as he lost control and roared his mirth. Rynn stopped long enough to look daggers at his best friend, but was unable to maintain the glare's intensity thanks to the ceaseless itching.

"Blasted thing! How did you ever con me into this ridiculous monkey suit. And what's taking so long? Do you stargazers habitually wait to see if the groom dies of impatience before getting on with the ceremony?"

"I'll have you know," Ghandan managed to wheeze, "That monkey suit cost more than the whole of your sandy desert home, my friend. How was I to know that the incredibly fine silk, imported from the Far East, would be too much for your ultra delicate skin? As for the wedding, I've been assured preparations have been made. These are your last few hours as a bachelor! Why don't you have a few grapes and enjoy it?"

"Damn you and damn your damned grapes old man!" Rynn fiddled with lace at his wrists with growing frustration, finally collapsing defeated, into a chair next to Ghaundan. Rynn put his face in his hands, his intricate braids fell forward to obscure them, further muffling his voice. "I look like a woman," he moaned. Of course, that was only the tip of his concern, the wedding was supposed to have occurred on the first day of August and he was to anxious for any more delays. With the war to the South and West developing, he needed to be home. The delay might already have cost him his planned honeymoon in Swordfell, but with news rolling in about Barcan treachery and Cowardice in te face of Aurvandilian advance, it was only a matter of time before-

"Oh buck up, you'll look fine! Think of the wedding as a battle or something, whatever you young heroes are on about. Personally, I prefer to picture everyone naked when attending high level public events. It calms me down. After all, it wouldn't do to make any minor misstep. I can tell you that after being D'Hara's ambassador for so long, any minor misstep can have hugely castrophic effects throughout the diplomatic community and-"

"Ghandan," Rynn interrupted without looking up, "you are not helping." Roleplay from Khari Kye (2 days, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (13 recipients)

With the vast majority of the expected guest having arrived at Miner, Khari could feel the pressure from Rynn to begin the ceremony. The two of them then approached Regent Himeko Ishida, a finial time to ensure all was in order. They had requested the regent to perform the wedding ceremony and she had agreed.
The following day the bells began to toll announcing the wedding had commenced.
Dressed in a flowing white gown trimmed with the blues and greens of the Farronite Republic, Duchess Khari Kye looked magnificent as she entered the Cathedral of Mons Vaticano with three of her ladies followed behind her as they held the lengthy trails of her dress in their hands. As she walked slowly down the aisle to her future husband her eyes made contact with many of the guests. One guest in particular caught her attention as she gazed upon Lady Allison. Seeing her Khari mouthed an almost unperceivable ‘Welcome my Sister’ then turned her full attention to Rynn.

Roleplay from Baal Zephon Beldragos (2 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (13 recipients)

Baal relaxed amidships, the closest he could get to the water.  While most Priests would spend their time Communing with Nature or whatever element they revered, The Elder actually preferred to listen to the elements themselves.  He did not mean to “listen” to the way the seasons interacted with each other; he meant actually listening to the elements.  At this moment, he was listening to a story being told to him by a Zephyr, additional details added by the Riptide gurgling against the side of the schooner.
The two juvenile elementals were excitedly telling the priest about the different ships arriving from far lands, each “tasting” different from the other.  OF course, the elementals did not actually eat them; instead the otherness of the vessels filled the water and the air with the essence of far off lands.  This is commonly why many busy ports would have occasional tricky currents or winds, the elements loved the newness of the flavor brought by the vessels.
As he sat there making strange gurgling and huffing sounds, the Priest’s scribe approached him.  
“My Lord, it seems the Harbor Master has given clearance for the Far Shore to dock.  It seems they were waiting for a ship from the western continent to arrive before letting us land.  It was probably an Astrologist…”
Baal looked at his scribe, shooting the young wordsmith a look that froze his blood and caused him to hold his tongue and not utter another word.  “You will not speak of that again without my leave.  You are assigned to the Ambassador of the Grand Duchy.  We represent the entire Realm and I will not have your loose tongue flapping about and giving them a bad reputation.  Everyone here will be aware the High Elder of the VE Faith is attending and they will be looking for such outbursts like yours to soil the reputation of the envoy and in turn the entire Realm.  Before that would happen, I would remove your tongue, you don’t need it to write.  Do I make myself clear?”
The Scribe as visibly shaken, the color drained from his face and he tried to swallow past the dry spot that suddenly appeared in his throat.  “Y-y-yes Sir.  It will not happen again.”
“Good, gather my luggage and prepare to transport it to the embassy or the guest chambers they will supply for us.”
Baal turned back to the two elementals flittering about to finish the story they were telling him.  A smile of genuine enjoyment spread across his face as he laughed at the joke the Zephyr told him.  The nearby sailors made hidden gestures to ward off hexes or curses and were glad to soon be rid of the man who supposedly speaks to the air and water.

Roleplay from Rynn JeVondair (2 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (13 recipients)

Rynn stood at the alter with Ghandan, his best man and ring bearer at one side, Regent Himeko ready to intone the words at his other.
The Journey to the true heart of Astroism was still a blur to Rynn.  One moment he was waiting in his apartments in the Regent's palace, the next, he was bundled off by hallway and carriage to places unknown.  He saw not the crowds nor the guest until being installed at the head of this colossal cathedral.
Oddly enough, he was not nervous. All was as it should be and this union was many long and bitter years in the making. Khari had slowly won him over with hear steadfast loyalty and easy grace, both of which were on display in abundance as he watched her walk down the isle towards him. The celestial voices of a children's choir rose in song, culminating as his bride to be paused beside him.
No, Rynn was not nervous, this was what he wanted. A wife, beautiful an strong, as much a union of nations as it was of people. Rynn was a man who new himself well. One needs to know thyself when one leads a republic. And yet, he could not identify what the feeling was until Khari turned to regard him, a twinkly in her eye as a ringlet of dark brown hair fell out of place. Himeko took a breath to speak. Instinctively, Rynn reached to pat the errant strand back into place, then Khari's eyes locked with his before he could retract it back. Her eyes, twin cool dark pools glistened amber in the light of a thousand thousand candles like the stars themselves. The heat of her was like a fire, and Rynn was drawn to it like a moth.
Rynn realized suddenly what he had been feeling, and new then that he never, ever, wanted to take his hand back.
The Cathedral, and indeed the world, seemed to shimmer away like gossamer on the wind...

Roleplay from Himeko Ishida (2 days ago) Message sent to all nobles in the region Mimer (13 recipients)

At the end of the aisle stood Himeko, a slight smile on her lips as she watched the couple's stately procession through the throng of guests.

So many were here, Astroists and foreign dignitaries alike come to witness the wedding of two rulers.

As they came to a halt in front of her, the Regent's smile widened and she began the solemnisation.

"Esteemed guests, we come today to grace the matrimonial solemnisation of Prime Minister Rynn of D'Hara and Governor-General Khari Kye of the Farronite Republic."

She dropped her gaze to eye Rynn and Khari in quick succession.

"Under the Holy Bloodstars, and with the congregation assembled here as sacred witness, do you Rynn JeVondair agree to take Khari Kye as your wedded wife?"

"And do you, Khari Kye, agree to take Rynn JeVondair as your wedded husband?"

Roleplay from Himeko Ishida (2 days ago) Message sent to all nobles in the region Mimer (13 recipients)

At the end of the aisle stood Himeko, a slight smile on her lips as she watched the couple's stately procession through the throng of guests.

So many were here, Astroists and foreign dignitaries alike come to witness the wedding of two rulers.

As they came to a halt in front of her, the Regent's smile widened and she began the solemnisation.

"Esteemed guests, we come today to grace the matrimonial solemnisation of Prime Minister Rynn of D'Hara and Governor-General Khari Kye of the Farronite Republic."

She dropped her gaze to eye Rynn and Khari in quick succession.

"Under the Holy Bloodstars, and with the congregation assembled here as sacred witness, do you Rynn JeVondair agree to take Khari Kye as your wedded wife?"

"And do you, Khari Kye, agree to take Rynn JeVondair as your wedded husband?"

Roleplay from Ghaundan D'Espana (2 days ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (13 recipients)

Ghaundan had arrived to Mimer some days before the ceremony, trying to remain quiet and not attract much attention. Usually he would have gone straight to feasting and the spectacle, but this time was Rynn the protagonist, and not him. The days quickly went by, and soon Khari and Rynn arrived, and Ghaundan made sure to bother the couple here and there, though always within the limit of the understandable and tolerable. Dinners, speeches and training Rynn to wear appropiate robes were the activities that took most of his time, and sooner that he would have thought he was in the altar, at the side of his friend as his best man and ring bearer.

He had chosen his best set of robes, and the black and silver suited himself perfectly. His favourite ceremonial sword hung from his wide hip, a fine piece with ivory handgrip and more expensive jewelry than any real sword would ever had, and he had had his hair cut and prepared for the ocassion. It was in that attire that he waited for the wedding to go on, feeling more than excited for both the event and being in such a magnificent temple of Sanguis Astroism as he was. He would have to do some tourism once everything had ended, that for sure, but for the time being he watched Khari and Rynn, as everybody else. His chest bursted with the pride of accompaning his best friend as best man, and he could only have positive thoughts at that time. That was an historical event, and he was going to live it from within. If that was not something good, then well, what could it be?

Roleplay from Ghaundan D'Espana (2 days ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (13 recipients)

Ghaundan could hardly resist his laughter during the whole private session to dress Rynn with real ceremonial robes and teach him how to behave with them. Every now and then, his friend did some movement that the silk did not accept well, and it made Rynn to blame everything and scratch his whole body even more noticeably. That for not speaking of the actual dressing process, which took three times more than the already long time for such an elaborate clothing.

However, when Rynn moaned about looking like a woman, Ghaundan collapsed, and his laughter crossed walls and windows alike.

- Well, you see, stinking like a commoner dressed in battle armour you are not going to impress anyone, hmmmmm? Stop pestering, Rynn, I had never seen you so wonderfully dressed. You absolutely must get used to this, it is the first time you seem like an actual ruler. A little bit exotic perhaps, but nonetheless a ruler.

Seeing Rynn so nervous after his mention to think of everyone naked and the importance of the ceremony, a malicious grin appeared on his face, and he pretended to look at some part of the clothing, negating with his head.

- What reminds me... See that? It is overly loosened. Let me call some servants, they will tighten it appropiately.

Ignoring Rynn's terrified face, he made the servants to enter, and hold his laughter once again when the curses of Rynn started flying like crazy.

Roleplay from Baal Zephon Beldragos (1 day, 21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

Baal was quickly rushed to the set of apartments set aside as the Fissoan Embassy along with his luggage. The carriage arrived and the elderly man jumped out before it had a chance to come to a halt.

“Prepare me a bath, I will not show up at the wedding smelling like a sailor.” The staff hurried off to heat the water. He hurried to his chambers and unpacked the ceremonial robes he needed for the event which was supposed to start within the hour. Twenty minutes later he was drying water out of his beard and hurrying to his fitting room to get dressed. Adorning his simple white robes, he placed the Amulet of Office displaying all five Elements, the Ruby denoting fire, the Diamond signifying Air, the Sapphire representing Water, the Emerald standing for Earth, and finally a simple piece of lowly Amber, tying everything together representing Spirit or Life itself. Placing another Amulet over the Verdis Elementum Talisman, Baal signified he was indeed the High Priest of the Order but he was not here for this. The Amulet of the Grand Duchy riding over the Verdis Elementum regalia showed he was here first as Ambassador and this should be noted.

Ringing for a servant to have the fastest horse paired with the carriage, he began the descent to the front door where he was met by his Scribe. “Get the rest of my belonging unpacked before I return and get the household in order. Send out some servants to the market to stock the kitchen and get everyone fed. Their first night in Mimer should be memorable.”

With that, Baal was swept into traffic of horses, carriages, and people afoot. Being stopped several times at checkpoints, the Ambassador medallion easily let them pass through the guard stations and even scored an escort toward the end of the trip. Leaving the Captain a few gold coins as thanks for his extra service, Baal left his escort behind at the gate of the Grand Cathedral. Upon his arrival, the smooth working of well experienced staff swept him inside and to the great doors. The usher nodded to the two guards in full ceremonial garb to open the portals and then led him into the huge space beyond.

Baal kept his composure but the space within the Cathedral could hold an entire temple alone. The ceiling would have been lost in the shadows if it was not for hundreds of candles burning, suspended upon great chandeliers larger than teamster wagons. The immense hand worked glass windows flared with color depicting unknown scenes from the Sanguis Astroism Faith. He really must speak with the clergy to find out more about the faith.

The Ushers tried to lead him to his assigned seat with as little disturbance as possible but every head turned to see who was arriving at the last minute.

Roleplay from Rynn JeVondair (1 day, 13 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

The sound of doors admitting a late comer interrupted the Royal couple before either had a chance to confirm their vows of matrimony. Every head turned to watch as an older man, finely garbed in Fissoan colors, was escorted by two ushers to an empty seat. Candlelight twinkled off the pendant of Verdis Elementim that hung about his neck, their tiny flames flickering as a gentle breeze entered the cathedral behind him. It swept the congregation and Rynn breathed deeply as it reached him. Though he had never actually met the man, Rynn recognized by colors and pendant as Baal Zephon, Ambassador of Fissoa and High priest of his own faith.

Rynn suddenly realized he had been feeling very alone, surrounded and lost among all the stars.

As High Priest and Ambassador, Baal had a long way to walk, his seat being among those nearest the altar. Baal inclined his head to various dignitaries as he passed, and finally took his seat. The cool breeze seemed to cease as the old man finally rested. Upon closer inspection, Rynn could tell that Baal had clearly rushed to make the ceremony, and he was touched by all the effort that must have taken as he recalled his own swift journey to be here.

Khari squeezed his and slightly,, having respectfully waited long enough, she was making her own impatience felt. Rynn smiled and squeezed back, but did not turn back to Himeko. Instead, he faced the congregation.

"Two realms, two faiths, two vows!" His words echoed throughout the chamber as he opened his other hand in invitation for Baal Zephon to join the royal couple on the alter, is intent implicit as he nodded his head for Baal to take a place next to Regent Himeko. "This day, let us be as one."

Roleplay from Baal Zephon Beldragos (1 day, 10 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

Baal climbed back to his feet, his joints complaining after settling in his seat and getting comfortable. He ignored them and planted a smile across his face, acting the perfect guest who had just received the greatest Honor. It would be a grave insult to refuse Rynn’s simple request, even if he wanted to do so. It did not matter what his joints wanted or not, he was representing both The Grand Duchy and Verdis Elementum.

“It would be the greatest Honor, my Lord and Lady.” proclaimed Baal in a clear voice so all could hear.

Taking the place indicated, Baal stood tall and proud, trying to be the best example he could of everything his presence represented. Everything that was about to happen will be sent around the entirety of Dwilight. If anyone would ruin the moment, Baal was damn sure it would not be his doing.

Roleplay from Rynn JeVondair (1 day, 10 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

Though it was clear that Baal suffered some physical reservations, Rynn admired the mans' spiritual strength which caused him to rise to his invitation. Truly, he was overjoyed that the High Priest rose to the occasion. He squeezed Khari's hand, his anticipation palpable.

"High Priest Baal, Regent Himeko, if you would be so good as to intone your words, I will declare myself for Khari through both my faith and yours on this most wonderful of days!" Rynn gestured to include the expanse of Astroists who watched the alter attentively.

Roleplay from Jonsu Himoura (1 day, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

Jonsu had invited herself, and she now stood towards the back of those congregated, leaning on her crozier, watching, waiting.

Roleplay from Allison Kabrinski (1 day, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

During the commotion of the late arrival Allison spotted Jonsu skulking in the back. She took the opportunity provided by Baal's distraction to move to the back and stand next to Jonsu.

"Sister, so nice to see you. Had any luck plotting my demise?"

She spoke softly so that Jonsu could hear and her voice would not carry very far.

Roleplay from Jonsu Himoura (1 day, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

Jonsu grinned, and then looked at the skull topping her crozier.

"Say hello to Allison, Cratchet."

Jonsu tilts the crozier towards Allison, and then in a poor attempt at ventriloquism, says

"Why hello Allison, what a fine day it is. Oh, but it seems I've gotten ahead of myself."

Roleplay from Allison Kabrinski (1 day, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

"Is that really the best you can do? That seems rather vulgar and crass for one such as you. I expected better. Why is it your other family members refused duels? Resting on your laurels?"

Allison snickers, "Is this where Im supposed to make some jab about your husband losing yet another crown?"

Roleplay from Jonsu Himoura (1 day, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

"If by family members, you mean family member, then I will inform you Raziel IV cares little for the affairs of the family. Kabrinski is an even more meaningless name to him than the rest of us. Enjoying the South? I expect the squalor and filth that is your temple suits you." Jonsu jiggled her crozier at Allison, smirking.

"I can't wait to add yours to the collection, though I'm afraid it will be a bit more charred than this. I heard he cried before the end. Sevastian has what he wants, and that's his duchy. If the rest of your friends in Swordfell want to gloat about holding the high seat in a republic that is fine. Finding oneself so consumed over the divides is folly. Rock, and more rock. Of course, its a grander thing than your little cult."

Jonsu put Cratchet's skull closer to Allison's face.

"Join the collection Allison. You know you want to."

Roleplay from Allison Kabrinski (1 day, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

With the skull so close Allison reached out and grabbed the skull. She gave it a twist ripping it off.

"Thanks for returning this to my family"

She wrapped the skull gently within the folds of her robes.

Roleplay from Grimrog Bjarnson (1 day, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

King Grimrog, was watching the cermony from his seat, feeling slightly bad, but just slightly, that he was obscuring the view from the people behind him, he also had entered the cermony late because of rough seas and the long distance from Asylon, and as he sat down he had heard man behind him mutter to his female companion as Grimrog took his place. This blond giant of a man towered over most men, even as he sat down he knew that the persons behind him would see nothing more then his black and green robe with fur details.

He twirled one of his braids in the beard with his large fingers with a puzzled face as the VE priest was invited to the co-host the cermony within the large structure he would not know how to describe, so impressed by its magnificence.

Roleplay from Grimrog Bjarnson (1 day, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

King Grimrog, was watching the cermony from his seat, feeling slightly bad, but just slightly, that he was obscuring the view from the people behind him, he also had entered the cermony late because of rough seas and the long distance from Asylon, and as he sat down he had heard man behind him mutter to his female companion as Grimrog took his place. This blond giant of a man towered over most men, even as he sat down he knew that the persons behind him would see nothing more then his black and green robe with fur details.

He twirled one of his braids in the beard with his large fingers with a puzzled face as the VE priest was invited to the co-host the cermony within the large structure he would not know how to describe, so impressed by its magnificence.

Roleplay from Jonsu Himoura (1 day, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

"Its just a plaster cast anyway." Jonsu said, reaching into her robes and affixing a new one to the top of her crozier.

Roleplay from Himeko Ishida (1 day, 3 hours ago) Message sent to all nobles in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

Himeko masked her annoyance at the interruption of the ceremony as she glanced at Baal, who now stood beside her.At the far end of the cathedral she espied two women in conversation. Jonsu and Allison, it seemed. The tension between them was obvious enough that a blind man would see it.She leaned over to Baal and whispered quickly, her voice low to preserve the solemnity of the event."I know not what faith you profess, Ambassador. Moreover, this is Mimer, the seat of my faith and the capital of my realm." She continued, "In normal circumstances I would not allow a profession of another religion within these halls, but out of respect for Fissoa and D'Hara, and the fact that this is Rynn's wedding, I shall modify the ceremony to accomodate us both."

Roleplay from Baal Zephon Beldragos (1 day ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

Baal replied, speaking to Himeko in the same manner.

“I have no intention to do anything other than stand here. This is your House and it would be rude of me to try to usurp it in any way. You can trust me; I will do nothing to cause trouble, only which Rynn asks. I will follow your lead.”

Baal watched the beginnings of a heated argument in the rear of the cathedral, the distance too great for him to hear any words. He also observed that seveal others have noticed the two women. At least he was not the one who could be blamed for causing trouble.

Roleplay from Ghaundan D'Espana (1 day, 3 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

Ghaundan looked to the door when Baal entered the temple, not very sure of who the man was. When Rynn spoke, he quickly realized the identity of the man, and saw him joining them all at the altar. Himeko as SA's priest, Baal as VE's representative, Rynn and Khari as the future couple, himself as Rynn's best man... He made a half smile, amused at the look of the usually empty altar, now increasingly crowded with different personalities. It was then when he realised that Jonsu and Allison were present, and the smile quickly dissapeared from his face when they started arguing, his eyes opening in disbelief when he saw them exchanging a skull and Jonsu taking out another of her robes.

- In the name of the Stars, what are they doing here...? - he whispered, unheard to all but those with an exceptional hearing.

He caressed his sword's handgrip, hoping without much energy that they would realise their incredibly offensive attitude, and swearing to himself that if they dared to ruin the wedding of his best friend, he would be the one polishing skulls.

Roleplay from Khari Kye (22 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

Though she had expected there would be unforeseen outcomes from the wedding gathering, the sight of Baal, an elder of Verdis Elementum, standing before her by the side of Regent Himeko had been relatively low on her list. His entrance and then motion to stand in the forefront cause a stir amongst most of the gathered guests. Be that as it may Khari was wedding a VE follower and accepted Rynn’s request with a squeeze of her hand in his and a smile.
She had also noticed that King Grimrog Bjarnson of Asylon had finally arrived and she was glad to see her newest ally.
Her attention returned to the two elders of very different faiths and the words they both spoke.
Looking at Rynn as he held out a ring, the symbol of their marriage, she said “I do.”

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (18 hours, 34 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

At some point unnoticed by most, Mathurin, dressed in the simple robes of a priest of no particular rank, had appeared at the side of the priest of Verdis Elementum. He nodded and smiled at Baal, then turned his attention to the ceremony.

"I do enjoy a wedding, don't you?" he asked, quietly.

Roleplay from Rynn JeVondair (6 hours, 28 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

"Do you have the offering?" Baal intoned solemnly, quieting the surprised whispers of the congregation with his smooth baritone voice.

"My pendant Verdis, Your Eminence." Rynn produced a small vial of white sand, the earth of his birthplace, the Desert of Silhouettes.

Baal nodded in silent approval, glad the young ruler had remembered the old ways. "By the Earth in your bones, that which greeted you when first you came to this world, do you swear to hold her and protector from all comers?"

Rynn held the vial aloft for all to see, "I do so swear."

"By the Water in your blood, spilt to protect those you love, do you swear to nurture and share with her in all things?"

Rynn took the ceremonial dagger at his hip and priked his finger, spilling a drop of blood into the vial. "I do so swear."

"By the Wind in your lungs, that bore you to this point, do you swear to guide and be guided by her?"

Rynn blew gently onto the vial, covering it up swiftly to trap his breath inside. "I do so swear."

"And by the Fire in your heart, that has never burned brighter, do you swear to her be Light for as long as the flame of your life burns?" Rynn offered the vial on a string to Khari, who recognized her part to play and took the small pendant. Rynn closed his hand over hers.

"Lady Khari," Baal inclined his head gravely, "In your hand you hold all that is, has been, and will be Rynn JeVondair. By his own words has he bound himself to you, such is his faith and love. Keep it with you always."

Khari glanced back at Rynn and answered without looking back at Baal."I do so swear." Khari said, her brave voice ringing with finality.

"Then by the elements that make up all things, and before this honored congregation of our brothers and sisters in love, if not faith, I join Priestess Himeko to pronounce you man and wife. Bound in faith and love, may two become one this day. You may-"

Rynn swept Khari into his arms, the itching silk forgotten as his lips eagerly found hers. She returned his embrace with all the passion he had grown to lover her for.

"-kiss the bride," Baal finished in in awkward surprise. "Well, I suppose that's that then." But his voice was lost in the cheering of the crowd and the colossal ringing of the thousand bells of Mimer. Roleplay from Jonsu Himoura (6 hours, 14 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

"Didn't he demand Queen Alice of Luria Nova bear his children if she broke a peace treaty? Lovely husband." Jonsu muttered just loud enough for everyone to hear.

Roleplay from Ghaundan D'Espana (1 hour, 46 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

Ghaundan watched the rest of the ceremony at Rynn's side without a word, involved completely in it until Mathurin spoke, something that made him aware of the presence of the founder of his faith. He quickly adopted a serious expression, and bowed lightly as signal of respect and apology for not noticing him earlier. He was also taken by surprise by the ritual of VE, and he could not help but make a disgusted gesture when Rynn spilt his blood. Looking to the church to avoid saying something he would surely regret after that, he waited until the end, and when Rynn and Khari kissed each other he let out a quiet chuckle.

- As if that was the first time, you young hero of everyone... - he whispered.

As the bells rang and the crowd cheered, he congratulated the couple, forgetting for once the formalities to embrace his friend and speak in his ear, hoping that the noise would cover his words as it was doing with Jonsu's.

- Your face, Rynn! Smile as the Prime Minister you are, not as a teenager in love!

Roleplay from Rynn JeVondair (1 hour, 22 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

Rynn was only just able to hear his best man's faint words over the bells and the cheers and blood thumping through ears as his heart pounded in triumph. He was about to turn back down the aisle, but sensed Khari immobile. She was bowing before an elderly, innocuous looking man who seemed to have appeared from behind the pulpit at some point while Baal had administered the VE portion of the ceremony for Rynn.

His identity was simply to piece together, Rynn could imagine only one man besides himself (and that would be a far stretch indeed) that Khari would ever bow to. Her spiritual father. This was Mathurin, founder of all Astroism, architect of what had far and away become the most powerful organization the world had ever known, in whose cathedral Rynn had just taken. As the word father crossed his mind, he could not help but to wonder if priest had intended to "give" Khari to him as she had requested of Vasilif Sergio, who was even now leading his armies on offensive in the South.

Rynn, who had come from very little, had never been the most adept socialite, but refused to let his uncertainty defeat him. He gripped Khari's hand. Different faith or not, this was Mathurin's house, and Rynn would honor him.

Dipping his head and shoulders, Rynn joined his wife in bowing before the head of Sanguis Astroism.

Roleplay from Khari Kye (1 hour, 15 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (15 recipients)

Khari hid her annoyance well when Luminary Jonsu Himoura rudely spoke out during her ceremony. Though she was an elder of Sanguis Astroism she had come to expect such childlike mannerisms of the woman. Undaunted she bowed with Rynn before her Prophet and welcomed him.
Turning back to the guests she held up her linked hand with Rynn’s in celebration of their union, and then kissed her husband once more. This was their day and there was a grand ball to attend!

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (5 hours, 21 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (14 recipients)

Mathurin allowed the excited hubbub to continue a while, then calmly took up a position at the pulpit and waited.

Voices gradually diminished as he was noticed by more and more of the congregation.

"Lords and ladies of Corsanctum, Faithful, honoured guests," he began when the temple was quiet, "we have witnessed something I consider to be of significance. All too often Sanguis Astroism is accused of a militaristic imperative to cleanse the world of non-believers. And yet today, in the Sacred Heart of Sanguis Astroism, we have born witness to the joiningof Lady Khari, priestess and Guardian Stalwart of the Faith, and Prime Minister Rynn of D'Hara, a follower of the path of Verdis Elementum. The ceremony contained elements, if you'll pardon the pun, of both religions, and I hope it also satisfied both."

He paused for a moment or two. "I would like to take this opportunity to ask; why do we have religion? What is the purpose of faith? What is the place of a church?

"I would suggest that it is threefold, though I acknowledge that it is in my nature to see import in patterns of three." He paused to bow to Baal at this stage. "Firstly, and most importantly it is a unified struggle to pierce the veils of mystery of the world around us, to understand the Truth behind truth, to commune with, in some small, mortal way, and get closer to, Divinity. Secondly, it is a joint glorification of that same Divinity, a public recognition and exclamation of the connection we have with the Divine. And thirdly, it is a community of fellows who tread the same path to Divinity, who can support each other, can aid when our faith is troubled, and comfort when our souls are wounded.

"Recently I have had to travel to Aurvandil to try and understand our Faith's relationship with 'Orthodox' Astroism. Sadly, I'm sure you know well by now, it has been determined to be nothing more than a political tool, designed to validate Allison Kabrinski's heresy and to bring offence to our Church. There was no seeking of truth, no glorification of anything other than possibly Allison herself, and no community other than through vitriol.

"By contrast I ask you to consider the contribution of Verdis Elementum today, specifically the act of consecration of the pendant Verdis we saw. Even as an outsider to their religion, and doubtless failing to truly comprehend all it signifies, I could easily see the desire to understand the workings of our world, the veneration of the elements, and the unity the act brought. We turn our gaze up to the Bloodstars, they turn their senses to the elemental forces at play in the world around them.

"There is much debate in our Church at the moment as to whether or not other religions should be tolerated, especially within those realms which are dedicated to our Faith. To those who would suggest that all others be cast out, I ask this question. Can you be sure that the same Divinity which shines through the Bloodstars, which manifests within each man and woman, which lies at the core of our Faith; can you be sure it does not also inspire the elements, quicken the Wind, hasten the Fire, strengthen the Earth and stir the Water? Verdis Elementum also reveres the element of Spirit, which surely gives a only a different consideration to the Spark of Divinity we hold to be within us all. Can you be sure that they are not simply walking along a different path to the same destination?"

Roleplay from Grimrog Bjarnson (9 hours, 46 minutes ago) Message sent to all nobles in the region Mimer (13 recipients)

On the wedding feast...

King Grimrog danced with the newlywed bride and did his best to not step on her feet with his. Holding her small hands in his lightly and with a smile on his face they exhanged a few words before the dance ended. He bowed her and thanked her for the dance before he turned his attention to the groom. Slowly he made his way through the crowd, a towering blond giant, braids in his beard and a few in his hair, falling down on his broad shoulders.

He exhanges a few words with the groom before he turns his attention to the guests in the room, raises his cup and clears his throat.

"First I wish to thank Govenor General Khari for the invitation to this feast, and I wish the married couple a long lived future with plenty of kids. Also thanks to you, Prime Minister Rynn, we might not be greatest of friends, but we both know the meaning of honor and I wish you a healthy marriage.

Thirdly I wish to thank the Church for allowing an isolated Asylonian to visit your great house of faith, and showing me that there is another side of the church, then the looming shadow that threatens the Asylonian Orchards. And great thanks to thoose Regents that granted me free passage. I am sure many of you barley know who I am, something that should be corrected in the future.

Once again, many thanks and may the newly weds enjoy this moment, I am afraid I must leave you shortly as my Kingdom requiers its King."

With the final words he raises his cup, salutes the newly wed and drinks a mouthful of the wine and then withdraws himself from the center of attention.

Roleplay from Ghaundan D'Espana (2 hours, 48 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (13 recipients)

Ghaundan saw approvingly how his friend bowed in front of Mathurin, founder of Sanguis Astroism. Paying him the given homages himself, he attentively listened to his speech when he spoke, glancing between Mathurin and Baal from time to time. It was indeed something worth a thought or two, and he had already asked himself those questions before, without finding a final, ultimate and definitive answer. Not that he could, if even Mathurin was not entirely sure of whether SA or VE were closely related or not.

Later on, and already on the feasting, he ate and drank heavily, though he restrained himself a bit as he had not the seaweed species to clean the mind that he always used when at home. He also spoke with many of the guests, taking the time to personally say goodbye to both Himeko and Grimrog before they departed. An Ambassador always had to take care of the image, after all.

Roleplay from Rynn JeVondair (2 hours, 31 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (11 recipients)

Rynn watched with not a little trepidation as the Mountain the Glides danced with his wife. King Grimrog was easily the largest man Rynn had ever seen and looked about as out of place with his braids and furs amid all the pomp and ceremony as Rynn felt. But for all that though, Khari seemed right at home. Indeed, she had never looked happier, which was a balm to Rynn's heart. His Pendant Verdis, the crystal vial corded about her neck, sparkled in the firelight as she twirled to the lively music. While Grimrog seemed to know the motions, it was she that lead, having him use his peerless strength to lift and spin her about like a father with his firstborn daughter. It was heartwarming. Rynn resolved to begin sending some personal letters to the mountainous blond ruler in the future.

The silk was itching again. He had no idea why his skin rejected the admittedly fine material, but was a least able to take pleasure in the fact that there was no foreseeable way for Ghuandan to con him into it again.

Rynn did not know the northern steps, deciding instead to be uncharacteristically withdrawn. In truth, he wanted to bolt for the door, draggin Khari behind him to places unknown. Suffices to say, he felt very out of place in Mimer and, since Himeko had departed, very few had gone out there way to make him feel welcome. Even so, His ship was leaving at sunset to bear him to war. He may as well enjoy it while he could.

Once the dance ended and Grimrog made his pleasant toast, Rynn joined in, saluting the Bear King and downing his drink.

Roleplay from Ghaundan D'Espana (5 hours, 5 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (12 recipients)

Ghaundan enjoyed the last remnants of the feast with great joy, and decided to spend the last hours with his friend Rynn, which seemed noticeably dull in comparison to his usual self. After teasing him for a bit about his appearance and the huge difference with his usual way to dress, he finally caught that Rynn was simply not much into joking that day, so he decided to leave the issue and just stay with him, chatting in a relaxed way and surveilling everyone at the meal. When Rynn confirmed that he was departing soon, Ghaundan nodded, and remembering the whole bunch of stuff that he had to address at home (one of those things the nearly-starving status of Port Raviel), he proceed to say goodbye to all the presents, spending the bare minimum with Allison and Jonsu and extending the farewell much longer with Mathurin, always wrapping his words with the utmost respect for the man.

Only then he allowed himself to leave the almost ended ceremony with a myriad of apologies and very believable excuses, accompaning Rynn to his ship and finally sailing back to D'Hara. He could not avoid looking back a last time to watch the magnificent temple, still visible in the mist of the night, and promised himself to return again at other time, when the situation and time were more propicious. Yes, that would be the way to go.

Roleplay from Khari Kye (3 hours, 32 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (12 recipients)

In all the evening was delight for the newlyweds as they and their guest dinned, danced, and gossiped. Throughout the night, those watching noticed Khari place her hand upon the crystal vial of Rynn’s Pendant Verdis, that hung around her neck. The pendant caught everyone’s attention that greeted her and at times Khari seemed to even feel a slight tingling sensation from the crystal. Or was that her imagination.

Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and Rynn was set to sail this very night. The two thanked their friends and guests, then exited the grand ballroom. Though he planned to sail with the evening tide Khari was confident that he would miss his scheduled departure…