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'''''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides'''''
'''''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides'''''

Bowie slapped his knees and stomped at each jab from Lord Claude and then Lady Abbigal. They were too poignant! As each of them came over to him he grabbed them and gave them a firm hug.
Bowie slapped his knees and stomped at each jab from Lord Claude and then Lady Abbigal. They were too poignant! As each of them came over to him he grabbed them and gave them a firm hug.

Latest revision as of 05:29, 30 January 2013


Roleplay from Enoch Dishman

...interesting. He set the bar back in place and re-locked the stone building. After eying it, he felt confident none would suspect tampering.

Enoch dug out a ornate pouch from his pockets and proceeded to roll some tobacco he had brought from his family's fields. While he made his way back to the door leading to the party, he smoked and mulled over the past. As a boy, he had taken to some ignoble hobbies. He recalled often how he and his noble friends would sneak away to outlying towns, disguised as peasants, and trawl bars with local lads. They had even did the reverse, disguising outlying peasants in their ornate attire and playing them up as visiting nobles from afar. He still couldn't help but smile when he thought of the hijinks his old friends would get him into.

As he reached the door, he decided that those days were past. Then, he had been an unknown pup, no real responsibilities other than fancy feasts and dolled up ninnies. He had left that life to pursue greater adventures. Now that he found them, he realized that the child he had been in the East Continent would lead him to ruin in Dwilight. He had attained station and recognition, things that brought hefty punishments to the kind of indiscretions he had been so familiar with. He would need to tread more carefully.

Putting out his cigarette, he opened the door and heard roars of laughter. The roast must be in mid-swing. He jostled his way to an indiscreet position so that he could see the show without drawing attention to himself. He would wait and decide what course to take from here.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Bowie slapped his knees and stomped at each jab from Lord Claude and then Lady Abbigal. They were too poignant! As each of them came over to him he grabbed them and gave them a firm hug.

Then he threatened them both, "I'm going to have to find a large fish to slap both your faces with!" Dropping his glass he chuckled and stammered on stage.

"Fellish! This party celebrates the two week anniversary of our Republic! I'm sure everyone is groaning and at their wits ends for having already spent two weeks with me! I'm not stuck in this realm with you, you're all stuck in the realm with me!" He swigged more Ashrathe and laughed.

Felix stepped on stage to reclaim his Lord and sit him back down. "Anyone else want to take a stab at me?" Bowie shouted as he was pulled off stage.

Roleplay from Abbigal Pike

Abbigal was sitting by Lord Kiyth and enjoying herself when she noticed Sir Enoch sneak in and try to hide. She slowly got up and walked over to him the best she could.

"So are we feeling any better? I hope I did not hurt you to much? You where gone for quite a while and already missed Lord Claude and myself roasting our host. I hope you enjoyed your walk."

She stood back a bit and turned around so that Enoch could see the new out fit she had on.

"By the way what do you think of the Ice Kings gift after it has been put to use?"

Roleplay from Enoch Dishman

"I feel much more in control of myself, thank you Lady Abbigal. It is a splendid piece of craftsman-work the Ice King has given you. I am sorry to see you in attire not fit for dancing, but am glad to see you feel more in your element." Enoch smiled. "Although I cannot say I am sorry for my previous actions, because they came from the heart and the heart speaks through action...I do feel deeply sorry for assaulting you unwarranted. I assure you that I will restrain myself, but you should know that I appreciate a woman who can smack a man sober."

Abbigal did look much more comfortable. He was sad to have missed the ribbing of Bowie, but he was sure he would hear of what transpired. He would not partake in the jesting. There would be other balls, other parties, and he felt he had enough of the night. He would spend the rest of this night at ease, contemplating his rejection and what (if anything) could be done.

"Let us have a seat and await the rest of the festivities. I'm sure Bowie has more planned than his own self-deprecation to top off the night." he remarked and offered his arm to Abbigal.

Letter from Abbigal Pike

Abbigail smiled a bit.

"Do not think you will be getting out of a dance that easy. I think battles are nothing more then dances with high stakes. Where when you make a mistake you will pay dearly. My battle armor is much heavier then this. I can assure you I can still dance. Though if you do not wish o dance with me then just say so I am sure I can find someone else who will dance with me. I do not have a problem with speaking from the heart. That is something we all must do. If I may say your timeing was off. Who can say what the future will bring. Though right now we can simply be friends."

Abbigal let Enoch guide her to a seat as they waited to see what else Bowie had in store for the party.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Bowie returned to the stage for one last comment, "Fellish, what a grand ol'time we've been having! We've ate, we've drank, we all had a good laugh on me. Now it is my turn for a little fun. Ready for my sharpest joke yet? I demand that you all leave at once!" He stomped his foot to make a loud sound. "The party has ended! The Demon has spoken!"

He ordered a unit of men to enter in and tip over tables and kick over chairs. Cyrus the monkey got loose and started chucking glasses at the floor, with Jingo trying to recover him.

Still on stage, Bowie shouted out, "I hope you all had a wonderful evening and that you all have an even better trek home! No one is allowed to remain here at my estate. If you are in no condition to leave the city stay at Duke Deorwulf's estate" Bowie pointed to Duke Deorwulf and wagged his finger.

Felix tried to get the Demon off stage but was having a tough time of it. The Demon squirmed his way out of Felix' headlock and kept shouting, "You're all spineless! You're all empty! You're all leeches and parasites!" He threw his full glass of Ashrathe into Felix' face and took off in the other direction. Drenched, Felix stood there completely furious and a bit embarrassed.

The chaos and mess increased as Cyrus started swinging from the roof lanterns, to which one unhinged off the roof and collapsed to the ground, igniting the floor on fire! Nobles ran in every direction to escape the main hall, now aflame.

"Someone has to save the monkey!" Bowie shouted out, he was hiding behind one of the tipped over tables. Cyrus, for his part, was completely safe and mingling about the overturned food table.

Roleplay from Kiyth Ilyrians

Upon the apparent outbreak of Bowie's demon Kiyth turned to Abbigal and said "and this is why I wear armor." He then proceeded to grab the monkey and go outside. The fire not really having an effect on him.

Roleplay from Enoch Dishman

Once Enoch saw that the night was about to end in a violent bang, he helped usher Abbigal towards the exit. The way was mostly clear, a road of fleeing nobles made it easy to find the path out, but one ruffian did wander too close to himself and Abbigal. He kicked the knee out from under the man flipping tables near them and carried on with escorting Abbigal outside.

"Well, that was a night worth remembering." Enoch yelled over the ruckus. "I pity his servants who will...DUCK!" he cried as he pulled himself and Abbigal low to avoid glass and debris from the mad monkey's wrath.

Enoch couldn't contain his laughter at the chaos. It reminded him of the old days. Running pigs into high class brothels, hiding horses in his uncle's pantry, and hallucinogenics in the punch bowl. He never had the honor of seeing such shennanigans at such a elevated position as this. His friends and himself would never have had the stones to pull anything near rulers and lords. Perhaps even if he never took the heart of the Lady, there may still be joy to be found in this land.

Roleplay from Abbigal Pike

In the Chaos of the end of Deamon Bowies party Abbigal let her self be escorted out by Sir Enoch.

"Thank you for the interesting evening I hope to see you around some time."

Abbigal then walked back to her estates that where left in Flowerstown.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Bowie awoke face down in the middle of his main hall. It was quiet. The sun peered in to singe his dry eyes and lightning bolts shot through his head. He was hungover from the night before. Sitting up, an odorous gust of charred wood rushed into his nose and he vomited to his left. Wiping his face he heard a soft, "Hmph." He looked over to his left and noticed a pair of feet soiled by his retch. Looking up, he saw an unimpressed face that belonged to Felix, his house master.

"Good morning, Felix." Bowie said as one would to a mother.

"News from the Republic, Master, it is rather important." Felix handed Bowie the letter.

Unable to focus properly, Bowie handed the letter straight back, "Read it to me."

Felix rolled his eyes.

"It says that Lady Imperatrice Abbigal has exiled Sevastian Guile from the Realm on the grounds of conspiracy to commit insurrection and high treason against the Republic."

Bowie's eyes shot open!

"You're kidding! You mean we're finally amputating that foul growth! You mean that we can finally be a Republic! You mean that nobody has to suffer listening to his boorish drawl!"

"Not quite, Lord, he has been exiled not evicted."

Bowie's eyes thinned.
