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The Roast of Bowie Ironsides

Roleplay from Kiyth Ilyrians

Message sent to everyone in your realm (17 recipients)

Turning to Bowie he roared back "And I am sure on the day that your eyes finally do shut the WHOLE WORLD will let out a sigh of relief. Until then I am happy to call you a brother of Swordfell! May you annoy The Brown until the end of your days!"

Kiyth had never been one for drinking excessively, even at parties, so he quickly made himself scarce before Bowie could get a hold of him to drink with him. A young noble not yet of age bumped into him backwards turning around quickly saw who it was that he had bumped and ran away frightened. Kiyth heaved a sigh and sat down in a nearby chair. He proceeded to pull out a picture of his late wife Elizabeth and a single tear ran down his face as he remembered the last party he had been to was the one where he had lost her.

Quietly he put the picture back into its rightful spot beside his heart, the only place that still held warmth in it. Standing back up he scanned the room for the Lady Abbigal and saw her leaving the room arm in arm with Enoch. He thought to himself " I wonder what that young man hopes to achieve by attempting to pursue Abbigal"

Feeling something wrap around his leg he looked down to see a baby boy not barely a year old. He smiled, a rare occurence, Kiyth had a weak spot for children. He bent down and picked him up and brought him to a servant "Find this boy's mother and tell her to look more carefully after a treasure such as this one."

Seeing that the party was in the midst of changing its personality he decided to grab a glass of the wine he had sent from Flow, and take a walk outside. As he exited the room and began traipsing around he ran into Abbigal. "I see you have ditched your escort of the night, I trust everything is alright and he is just seeking sanctuary for himself?" Kiyth immediately picked up a few signs that not all was well. The red hand, the slightly blushed cheeks either out of anger or embarassment, and the tensed shoulders tipped him off to this.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (17 recipients)

Bowie's eyes started to spin ever-so-slightly. Lord Kiyth went out of view. Lord Deorwulf and Lord Claude were around somewhere. The last thing he recalled of Lady Abbigal and Sir Enoch was something about the garden and her armour? He chuckled to think what those two items had in common. Where they going to decorate the armour with his flowers? They better not! Those were his flowers! Unlikely...His mind went in a variety of other directions. In Bowie's younger days he was a heavy drinker and a wild playboy. Part of that was to eat away the demon, part of it was to fill the time. As he grew older he depended less and less on the poison, and less and less on his other vices. Perhaps it was because he was becoming more sure of what he needed to do and where he needed to go and realized that a clear mind was the safest way to control the demon. If he could indeed control it...

Tonight, despite his recent temperance, was a party! Swigging another drink he bellowed out to no one in particular, "Make a man forget his pain before his friends remind him over and over again!" This, of course, was in reference to the Roast that was imminent to start. He noticed that his voice rose louder and louder and people stood further away from him.

Hm, he thought, maybe he should eat something. Out of nowhere the Demon screams out, "Where's the women I ordered! FELIX!!"

The waiter's face went dark with shame..Apparently that little doozie was not supposed to be made public.

The stage was now ready to begin the main event of the evening. A minor nobleman looked over to Bowie expecting him to introduce the next part of the ceremony, then realized the host was not in the surest condition to do such a thing. Then again, when was he ever?

Bowie wandered up to the stage.

"Fellish! We form a family! We form a family, we do," he stumbled then caught himself. "You," he pointed dead ahead to one of the waiters, "You are my brother. We fight and die, we do! We argue and exchange secretss we do! SShhhhh, don't tell any-one." The waiter looked around embarrassed.

Felix joined Bowie on stage and comforted the Demon. Addressing the crowd he said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, perhaps our Lord should have a seat? The stage is ready if anybody would like to razz the Demon of Dwilight. Please come on up and hit him with your lowest blow." Felix brought Bowie to a chair prepared for him at the centre of the hall, a few feet away from the stage. Bowie sat down and started clapping and cheering out, as if the show had already begun.

Roleplay from Abbigal Pike

Message sent to everyone in your realm (17 recipients)

Abbigal was surprised that the Ice Lord could tell that something was wrong. Though she should not have been since she was without an escort now. She found a seat and sat down to calm herself a bit.

"I did not so much as ditch him. It was a mutual parting of ways after he forgot himself for a moment. Do not worry though the matter has been taken care of and I am positive that Sir Enoch will think twice before repeating his mistae."

Abbigal paused for a moment and though. She wished she had not been so hasty and left the bottle behind in the garden. She could do with something to calm her nerves down.

"So tell me my friend, I see you are alone tonight. If memory serves me correct you wife died some time ago? I am sure you miss her greatly. Though do you ever find yourself desering the presence of a lady? I assume I can trust you with a secreat. That I find myself in such a situation with Sir Enoch. It is nice to have enjoy the company of a man but my heart is not in it. My heart still remembers and yerns for someone not here."

Abbigal paused for a moment and felt better. Though she feelt silly for sayig so much. She looked about hopeing that a servent would return soon with her change of clothes. She felt very much like it was time for a change in atire and wanted to be back in the comfort that wearing armor had to offer.

Letter from Kiyth Ilyrians

Message sent to everyone in your realm (17 recipients)

Sitting down beside Abbigal, he began to reply to her inquiries,

"Yes I am alone tonight, and forever that shall remain the case I fear. I lost my wife some time ago at a party much like this one.

The Wife's Death

It was to be a celebration of my return, but it turned out to be the thing that broke the only thing left living in me, my heart. The party was held on the coast of Donghaiwei, and it was a beautiful sight, but paled in comparison to the beauty of Elizabeth in my eyes. I used to be quite the partyier back then I loved the atmosphere and the drinking and the feeling of ecstasy that was always tingling in my toes. We had just finished dancing together and decided to take a walk much like you and Sir Enoch did tonight, although this one ended much much worse."

Stopping Kiyth looked down trying to compose himself. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath and continued

"We were both as happy as two individuals could have ever been, even with my icyness I was alive and on fire that night. We decided to take a walk up the cliffs and sit by the edge and watch as the sun set and the moon rose above the horizon. How long we sat there I could not tell you, for it didn't matter to me as long as I was with her. Eventually she turned and smiled at me. A smile I will never forget for it is the last time I saw her face clearly. She then jumped up and took my hand and pulled me so that I would get up, but I decided to stay seated...Oh how I wish I would have gotten up. She shrugged and began dancing around, my eyes watching the blur that was my wife and the love of my life. Her dress was flowing beautifully until suddenly she tripped over a rock"

A single tear rolled down Kiyth's face

"She tripped over a rock and tumbled over the edge. My night shattered, I should have stood up with her and danced, for I would still have her now if I had!"

Kiyth let out a yell of pain so loud it frightened the birds out of their nesting places.

"You ask if I ever desire another woman? Not the same as I desired Elizabeth. I understand the remembrance of your heart, and I implore you to keep with it. The desires of the heart if broken are irrepairable."

Looking up he saw a servant coming towards them bearing a bundle.

"I do believe the clothes you requested have arrived. I shall leave you here if you like or I can walk with you inside. It is your choice"

Kiyth Ilyrians

Margrave of Flow

Roleplay from Abbigal Pike

Message sent to everyone in your realm (17 recipients)

Abbigal listend intently to the Kiyth's story. At first she liked the story about him and is wife going for a walk and could imagine the too sitting and watching the sun set. Though when the end came he face was one of shock and then she began to cry. After a few moments she decided that it was a party after all and it would be stupid for the two of them to be outside and not enjoy themselves. She did the best to wipe away the tears and smile again.

Once again my friend you bring to a loss of words and I thank you for your advice.

She stood up and gave the man a hug to try and make them both feel a bit better. When the servants arrived with packages Abbigal was happy.

Lord Kiyth I think it is time to join the party once again. If you will excuse me though I must change and put on that present of yours. Then we can see if it is to late for us to join in at the roast of the deamon. After all one does not get the chance to chance to poke fun at the wily goat without him doing the same to you.

Then Abbigal once again returned to Bowie's estate and went to the locked room where he breastplate was stored. She open the package and found a change of clothes. Her servants and done right and packed some simple light cloth that would fit nicely under the breastplate. They had also managed to fine some chain leggings and arms that could would attach nicely to the breastplate. They appeared to be made of white gold but felt way to light to be and there was also the fact that she did not own anything this nice. She wondered here her servants had found them. When she had put everything on she was amazed at how light it all fealt and how easily she could move. The Ice King had not lied when he said that the breastplate was as light as silk. Abbigal could barely tell that she was wearing it. She was pleased with herself and glad to be in something that she felt more comfortable in. After finishing her change she returned to the main room where the party was. She absently wondered if anyone would notice her change in clothes. Abbigal first snuck over to the bar to get another glass of the strongest wine they had. Then found a nice place to sit and listen to the Deamon Roast. Abbigal decided that she would take her turn a bit latter.

Roleplay from Claude Onyxis

Message sent to everyone in your realm (17 recipients)

Claude downed his... what was it, fourth? fifth? sixth?... glass of wine, stood up unsteadily, and began to make his way towards the stage. He supposed he'd be the first to Roast the Drunken Demon of Dwilight. Heh, he mused. Drunken Demon of Dwilight, what a Dastardly alliterative thought. Such Drivel he'd come up with in his mind after enough Drink.

On his way to the stage, he grabbed another glass of wine, some of the harder stuff that had been brought out, from a waiter that he passed, and quickly drained it of its contents. He was getting quite red in the face, clearly intoxicated, but not so intoxicated as to have abandoned all reason. Climbing up onto the stage, he began.

"I suppose I'll start off the Roast of the Host."

He dramatically pointed a finger at Bowie.

"You! Demon of Dwilight! Bowie Ironsides! I shall take a verbal hammer and show that your sides are truly made of much softer metal than iron!"

He paused for just an instant. That was one of the corniest jokes he had ever made.

"You are quite obviously a learned man, and of much experience. How is it, then, that you have not learned in all your years how to hold your tongue? I swear, at least half of the correspondence I've received in my life has borne the insignia of Bowie Ironsides! I can't even call talking to him conversation, because conversation implies two people actually conversing, and I can never seem to get a word in edgewise."

There were small chuckles from the crowd.

"And that's not even the worse part. Not only do you never stop talking, but you can never seem to stop fighting, either. Our realm was but what, a day and a half old before you started the Great Epistolary War of Swordfell?" Claude winked at Bowie, obviously jesting at the amount of blame he was actually placing upon him for that event. "Although I must give you some credit for your political successes. You're the only ruler I know of to hold office for a negative number of days! I think it must be a record!" Claude clapped his hands mockingly. "Someone bring me a drink! I propose a toast to the almost-Lord-Imperator Bowie Ironsides! May his reign be prosperous, if it ever actually begins!" Upon this statement a more literal-minded servant promptly delivered Claude not only a glass but an entire bottle of wine, from which he took a deep swig.

"And that whole Demon of Dwilight thing! It must be nice to have a Demon to blame for all of one's personal flaws, yes? Mine just tend to be attributed to me, but I suppose we can't all be so blessed as you. Or is that cursed? I can't tell sometimes." He took another swig of wine. It was getting harder to remember everything he had prepared; the wine was certainly having its effect.

"I think I'll step down and let someone else take a shot, now. He's probably softened up a bit."

With this Claude exited the stage and gave Bowie a friendly clap on the back before taking a seat in the audience and waiting for others to continue the Roast.

Roleplay from Abbigal Pike

Message sent to everyone in your realm (17 recipients)

After the Overseer had his turn ant Bowie Abbigail decided that it was her turn at the deamon. Abbigal watches as Kiyth comes back in and hopes that she see that she is wearing his gift and knows that he apreciates it much. She then strides over to the bar table and grabs a bottle of Ashrathe in each hand. Abbigal then goes up to where the deamon is sitting and gives him one bottle with the biggest grin she could muster. Then Abbigal then goes up and takes the stage

I suppose it is my turn now let us see how I do is roast of our resident deamon here. I will try and do my best but I am sure that my young, naive, and nimble tongue will be nothing compared to the ancient, erratic, silver-tongue of or friend here. Yet I will see if I can come up with a few words to say.

Abbigal takes a big gulp from her bottle of Ashrathe.

Lets see first what shall we call you Deamon, Dean, Fiend, Father, Heathen, Hero, Rebel, Recluse, Bore, or Brother. With someone who has lived as long as you have and has they are bound to be called many things by many people. For good or bad the people who meet you end up forming one of two opinions of you. Either they despise you and want to kill you or they call you friend and enjoy your company. Some may wonder why this is but I think it is for a simple reason. That is because you have not quite tamed that daemon tongue of yours. You often speak the first thing to enter your head for the better of for the worst. You are as quick to complement a person that you like as your are to curse the ones you do not. Often times you even manage to do both at the same time.

Abbigal takes time to pause catch her breath and take another swig of her drink.

You have traveled to more places then most people have even heard of or can imagine. Some times you travel because you get bored bust most of the time it is because you have been tossed out for some reason or another. Why this is only heaven may know. Though sometimes I think the reason is because when you pick you destination you go places where you know there will be a certain amount of trouble. Where people have already heard the many stories about you and want to kill you because of what they have heard. You could not simply go someplace where they have not heard of you(even if that palce exists) for there is something that drives you to go to the one place where nobody wants you. Wether you go there to make amends, prove that you can withstand their ridicule, or to get yourself killed only you know.

Abbigal once again paused to give the crowed some time to ponder her words. Then takes a few large drinks from the bottle before continuing.

About this deamon that you claim is inside you. You are the only person I know who admits to having their own persoal deamon. Most people that have them try to put it away and deny its existence. You on the other hand take a different approach. You acknowledge it for what it is. The other part of you that comes out at the worst time. The part of you that comes out when thinking is not an option. The part of you that is needed to do things that if you took a moment to think about it you would not do. You have crafted this other part of you into its own creation that you blame for the wrongs of your life. You blame this other you for doing the stuff that you want to do but know you should not do. If this is a blessing or a curse nobody can answer. Some would say it gives you the freedom do do whatever you want and have a solid reason to fall back on others would say that it causes you to be cast out from society as a troublemaker that nobody wants around.

Roleplay from Abbigal Pike

Message sent to everyone in your realm (17 recipients)

Another pause and another drink and some more drinks of the bottle.

Now a few words from the point of a view as a ruler. You are the kind of person that a ruler never knows quite how to deal with. Should you be banned or exiled because you dare to speak out against the crown the church of the realm or the government. Should your silver tongue be put to use as a diplomat. Should you be ignored for your insane and profane remarks. Should you be put to use as a courtier and Lord. Can you be trusted to keep secretes or should you be feed information that you only want your enemies to hear. These I am sure or the questions most rulers think when they think of you. I hope that when and if you get the chance to rule there is at least one person around to give as much trouble, grief, and freindship as you give.

Abbigal stops again and goes to take another drink of her bottle but finds it empty. She frowns a bit but finally speaks.

Well this bottle of Ashrathe is done and I think I must find meself another. So I supposed that my turn to poke fun at the old coot is done. Who is next for their turn.

The Abbigal begins to walk off the stage stumbles a bit and steady her self and walks a bit more carefully now. As she walk by Bowie she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading back to the bar to claim a bottle of the wine that Kiyth sent to the party and a glass. Then goes and finds a seat next to the Ice King. With all the drink she has had to warm herself up she could do with a bit of cooling off. Abbigal wonders where Enoch is. It has been a while since she left him in the garden. She hopes that he was not to hurt or scared off. After all she did enjoy the mans attention.

(ooc Wow that ended up being longer then I expected. Well its a good thing because I will not have much time to write tomrow. Should be around for important stuff though)