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The winter after the vanquishing of Arcachon, Emperor Velax de Vere of Arcaea sent the freshly knighted Sir Munsel Keen with a gift for King Galiard Scarlett of Cathay. The following exchange took place on 7th December, 1012.

Roleplay from Munsel Keen
Message sent to everyone in the region Anacan
"Sir Brashen, King Galiard's train approaches the capital!"

Brashen lowered his sword, raising one hand to his sparring partner to signal the end of their bout. He ripped off his helmet, wiping off sweat with one armoured forearm, and approached the messenger.

"At last! Tell my men to prepare themselves to meet royalty. And fetch my horse." Brashen's complexion was red from exertion, but he turned to his sparring partner with a face full of excitement. "He may be a slow old man, but in his day King Galiard was a renowned politician and soldier. He's seen the rise and fall of more realms than I can name. Come, let's go meet him." He patted his belt, where the royal gift was safely tucked away.

Lonas sheathed his sword, more restrained than his younger master. "Wait a moment, Sir Brashen. You don't want to go meet him looking like you've just walked off the battlefield. He's royalty, and you're Arcaea's envoy, there are a few expectations that must be fulfilled."

Brashen glared at Lonas before glancing down at his muddied cuirass. It was a functional item, battered by regular use in training, and although it had yet to see battle it was hardly in pristine condition. Lonas is right, as usual. The Arcaean knight stomped off to change into finer clothing.

Dressed more properly in his best green velvet tunic, embroidered in gold with his heraldic charge (a spur), Brashen rode out at the head of his men. Beside him rode Lonas, carrying the banner of Arcaea rather than Brashen's personal standard. The procession rounded Anacan's castle, moving out onto a large cobbled square, when Galiard's own unit began to cross the square from the opposite side. Increasing their pace, the banner fluttering out behind them, Brashen and Lonas left their men some distance behind them.

"King Galiard," announced Brashen, "I bring a gift of great value from his imperial majesty Velax de Vere, the first of his name, Emperor of Arcaea, Vanquisher of Arcachon and Defender of the North to celebrate the momentous alliance and everlasting goodwill between the crowns of Arcaea and Cathay."
Munsel Keen (Knight)

Roleplay from Galiard Scarlett
Message sent to everyone in the region Anacan

"I have hired a lawyer," announced Ulwitt Dodd as he rode astride a stout old palfrey alongside Galiard, who rode a similar, sure-footed animal on the mountain road down from the Citadel of Haul.

Galiard made a face. "What for?"

"To interpret the word 'retirement' in some fashion that does not involve climbing a mountain every two weeks," grumbled the old knight.

"You don't like your tower?" Galiard frowned.

Dodd snorted. "The tower is perfectly nice," he replied, "it's the heights all around the tower that I hate."

Galiard waved dismissively. "Most nobles would kill for that view."

"You did, as I recall," Dodd observed.

"That was in battle," Galiard countered. "It isn't killing if it's in battle. It's glory."

"Ah," Dodd nodded. "My apologies, m'lud. You gloried them until they handed you the fortress."

Galiard looked pleased. "That's better. Anything in the mail?"

"Yes," said Dodd, "that reminds me: the King of Arcaea--sorry, the Emperor of Arcaea has sent an envoy with a gift."

"A gift?" Galiard tilted his head. "He sent his armies during the war. What did we do to deserve a gift?"

Dodd shrugged. "Maybe he missed your bithday."

"He's missed eighty of them," answered the King, "What's different this time?"

"Maybe he's congratulating you on his becoming the Emperor?" Dodd suggested helpfully.

"I didn't have anything to do with that," Galiard shook his head. "He 'invited' us to become vassals of the Imperial crown some while back and we declined--" he stopped.


"He's having me killed," Galiard declared.

Dodd furrowed his brow. "Just you?" He spread his hands. "After all this time, you'd think the very least the Gods might grant is that I'd be worthy of somebody having killed along with you. Why is he having you killed?"

"I don't know," admitted Galiard.

"And isn't the Royal Guard more than a little bit alert these days to people trying to kill you?" Dodd looked unimpressed.

"Perhaps he's decided that I've outlived my usefulness," mused the King.

"You've outlived most every other quality," Dodd said dryly. "He didn't give you presents then. I shall wager that Emperor Velax is not sending a knight you have never heard of to have you killed."

"But that's just the right person to have me killed!" Galiard announced. "I enjoy a good wager," he brightened. "It shall keep my spirits up before I am killed."
Galiard Scarlett (King of Cathay)

Roleplay from Galiard Scarlett
Message sent to everyone in the region Anacan

The garrison in the Royal Palace was routinely alert for people arriving with nefarious intentions and so did not appear at all out of the ordinary, though that may have been because Dodd did not convey the King's wager to them on the basis that a habit of false alarms and the subsequent double shifts and unnecessary impositions on courtesy would none-too-ironically result in somebody wanting to kill Galiard.

Though custom dictated that visitors be received in the audience chamber, the mild winter meant that the King's court routinely set up shop outside (where there was breeze and mulled wine) rather than inside (where there was only mulled wine) and today was no different. The Cathayan Royal Guard held ceremonial but still quite functional halberds at the angle dictated by etiquette to make it appear as if their purpose was to hold up a lovely and invisible pavillion tent rather than to impale anyone approaching the King without permission.

In this instance, the King rose from his throne and performed the sort of ritual half-bow to which men like him were accustomed -- the sort of gesture that loosely translated to "were I younger, less important, or both, I might bow properly, but even if I could be bothered I might not ever stand up straight again at my age."

The King spoke.

"We welcome you to the Court of Cathay with the gratitude and hospitality to match Our certainty that there is little Emperor Velax owns that is not of great value," he said, privately grateful that his baritone had remained deep and gravelly in his old age rather than growing shrill. He squinted at the knight. "Pray forgive me: my eyesight is not what it once was, but I am unfamiliar with your arms. I do not think I have before seen a spur afield; do I judge rightly that this is your first visit to Cathay?"
Galiard Scarlett (King of Cathay)

Roleplay from Munsel Keen
Message sent to everyone in the region Anacan
The fabled King Galiard Scarlett. An old man whose commanding voice was all that remained of his more vigorous days. Brashen met Galiard's squinting eyes without glancing aside. He was about to incline his head in greeting when Lonas coughed loudly. A sharp thrill shot down Brashen's back; he had been about to greet the King of Cathay as if the man had been a common knight! Instead, Brashen dismounted smartly and handed his horse's reins to his banner bearer. He took two powerful strides towards the King before performing an inelegant but respectful bow.

"Your majesty, I am grateful to receive the Court's hospitality. Your surmise is correct. I have never before had the opportunity to tour Cathay's fertile lands and pleasant cities." The Arcaean knight's words were stiff, clearly unused to diplomatic conversation beyond the barking of titles. "His imperial majesty Velax de Vere, the first of his name, Emperor of Arcaea, Va-" Brashen's repetitive litany stumbled after another cough from Lomas. "Emperor Velax wished me to convey his warmest regards."

Brashen patted his belt pouch to reassure himself. The precious band of gold had not left his side since he had been charged with its protection. Pride restored him to his former confidence.

"Both Arcaea and Cathay have long and storied histories. Both our realms have stared down destruction, rising phoenix-like to greatness again. While one phoenix soars the other cannot be forgotten. Arcaea now approaches heights unheard of since records began, and so it is only right and proper that it should remember Cathay at this time."

While the King and Brashen had exchanged greetings the Arcaean soldiers had crossed the square. They fanned out, coming to a halt in two lines behind the Arcaean standard. Their spears would have glistened in the sun had their metal not been so tarnished. Brashen's men took in the Cathayan Royal Guard with unfriendly eyes. Envy turned their thoughts dismissive and rivalrous. Guarding the King, indeed; these Cathayans had been given soft jobs and shiny steel, but were surely weakened by their easy palace lives.

With a swift and sure movement Brashen pulled the golden band from its pouch. He carefully unwrapped it from its protective black velvet and knelt to offer it to the King, head bent. In a genuine, almost boyish tone the young knight intoned, "The Emperor wished me to give this treasure to you on behalf of all Arcaea, to commemorate and celebrate the treaty and alliance between our two realms."

The Old Band of Life was clearly ancient in appearance, made from gold and inscribed with an unknown tongue. Brashen had tried to puzzle it out on the his journey to Anacan, turning the ring in his hands with unaccustomed delicateness, but his efforts had been unfruitful. He had no idea what King Galiard would make of it.
Munsel Keen (Knight)

Roleplay from Galiard Scarlett
Message sent to everyone in the region Anacan
"Indeed," Galiard listened, not concealing a hint of amusement at the young knight's performance. "Though I daresay that Arcaea has been to the block and back more regularly, if not more recently."

The King made a sort of dismissive gesture with his hand, and the atmosphere temperature in the court seemed to thaw a couple of degrees as the nobles in attendance relaxed just slightly. "Please rise, Ser Knight; I am grateful for your attention to etiquette, uncommon as that has become in our modern day, but when you can count your remaining years on one or two hands one tends toward disposing of formalities. You are welcome, Ser, and would be even were you not bearing gifts. But let us have a look."

Dodd stepped forward to inspect the ring, but Galiard unceremoniously swatted him aside. "He isn't going to poison me with a bauble," observed Galiard dryly. "Besides, poison requires metabolism and digestion to work, and I stopped both of those years ago!" There was a polite, only mildly awkward chuckle in the court.

The King squinted at the ring. "This writing is the old tongue," he declared to a sea of blank expressions that were not about to contradict him. "I recognize the script from some relics of the Highland Empire kept by the monks in Ossaet."

"What does it say, m'lud?" Ulwitt Dodd manufactured some interest in jewlery that he did not otherwise possess.

Galiard held the ring up to the sunlight. "Hem that devyse to wear thys bande, deeth shall nevere yfalle." He frowned, rubbed at the inscription, and then studied it again. "Or else 'nigh' yfalle."

"I didn't know m'lud could read the old tongue," Dodd said mildly.

Galiard slipped the ring on his finger. "I can't," he said, "but that's what I would've inscribed on it if I could."

At the moment, a page of no more than thirteen arrived, carrying a gothic-looking axe. "Gift for the King!" the page announced.

Galiard glanced up and frowned. "No-one remembers by name-day for a decade, and now this?" He waved Dodd over to the page, and the old knight relieved the boy of a fine-looking axe that would be elegant were it in better condition.

"When one lives overlong," Galiard said to Brashen, "one acquires the habit of waiting for the other shoe to drop. My Kingdom is larger than it has ever been, and stable besides; the most powerful sovereign in the Far East sends me gifts, and I receive an axe un-asked for. Do you think, perhaps, Ser Knight, that this is the Gods' way of telling me to quit while I am ahead?"

The eyes of the court fell on the young knight as the King regarded him expectantly.
Galiard Scarlett (King of Cathay)

Roleplay from Munsel Keen
Message sent to everyone in the region Anacan
Colour rushed to Brashen's cheeks as King Galiard chuckled; he was grateful that the court could not see his face due to his kneeling posture. Was he being mocked? Suddenly Brashen felt very far from the familiar fields of Arcaea, unbearably foreign to this well-established hostile Court, a rash uncultured youth. Who was he, in the grand schemes of kings? Did he even really know why had he been sent? Was there, perhaps, some animousity between Velax and Galiard, and so was Brashen a sacrificial pawn?

He rose upon the King's command and felt the more relaxed atmosphere immediately. Galiard's avuncular manner eased Brashen's nerves, as did the lessening of formalities. Nevertheless, the mention of poison informed Brashen of the harsh realities of politics. It also informed him not a little about the elderly monarch's own state of mind. Galiard was clearly preoccupied with his own mortality even as he tried to dismiss it with humour and wit. Brashen realised that the King's quips were meant as much for the Court as for his visitor, constant proof that the King's presence of mind had yet to deteriorate.

The tall knight's back straightened as the King addressed him once more, Brashen's steady blue eyes meeting Galiard's wrinkled gaze. "I think, your majesty," he said gesturing at the axe in Dodd's hands, "that this weapon is a tool of war, meant for winning battles and glory. Any weapon, even one as well used as this, can remember its purpose; like men, weapons are best maintained and strengthened through tests and hardship. The ring on the other hand," continued the knight, indicating the item in question, "is a symbol of influence and, in this case, vitality . Your majesty, you surely lack neither as much as you worry."

Unheard by Brashen, one Arcaean soldier in the back rank muttered urgently to his neighbour. "Willas." No response. "Willas!" Again, no reaction. The first soldier's upright spear tilted out of formation, clicking against Willas's own weapon.

"What?" Whispered Willas's annoyed reply.

"I got to piss!"

"What? Cliff! You should have gone earlier!"

"We were told to come right away! Look, could you pass me your helmet, mine's strap is fiddly."

Willas's scandalised expression made obvious his opinion of that idea. He clarified it nonetheless. "Piss in your own gods damned helmet."

The almost imperceptible sound of fluid tinkling against metal became the backdrop to the rest of the royal conversation.

"Taken together," Brashen said to the Cathayan King, "the ring and the axe should remind you of the many friends that your years have earned you. The name Galiard of House Scarlett is known throughout the Far East. I myself felt no small measure of anticipation when I learned that I would have the honour of meeting you. No, King Galiard, I do not think that you are being told to quit while you're ahead. I think you are being reminded of the many resources that you still have at your disposal. To those only recently knighted, like myself, they are fearsome to behold."

Brashen observed the sumptuous Court, the well armed Royal Guard and the loyal Dodd. "These fine Cathayan noblemen are yours to command. Your many guards and servants watch your every step for danger. Yours is the luxury of choosing where and how to lead, for I am sure that they will follow." Who was Brashen, in the grand scheme of things? A rash uncultured youth but not a sacrificial pawn, perhaps a novice with potential in the grand schemes of Kings.
Munsel Keen (Knight)

Roleplay from Galiard Scarlett
Message sent to everyone in the region Anacan
Galiard seemed blissfully unaware of the soldiers' emergency. Or perhaps he was aware and had some Royal contraption designed to sustain him through long hours at court and so said nothing. If so, it was not apparent, particularly as Galiard eschewed the traditionally bulky and flamboyant attire of some sovereigns; the only obvious indication that he was a King came from the Royal arms of Cathay on his cloak, along of course with the fact that nobody other than Ulwitt Dodd spoke plainly to him.

Galiard laughed. "Well spoken, Ser, well spoken. Better than Emperor Velax, even, for all his power he is as articulate as a wet brick, though in truth that is a pleasant change from the flowery dissembling one hears from most sovereigns. But you flatter Us: vitality is the province of young men, or else middle-aged men planning to live unto old age. It is the vehicle through which one arrives at my condition but by necessity of nature must then discard: it may be that I have many resources, but everyone in this court, no matter how they pretend to the contrary, is conscious that past achievements do not render one immune to the passage of time, and that the proud old king today may become a feeble, infirm, drooling idiot tomorrow. 'Quit while you are ahead' becomes more appealing every day, though of course you are not so foolish as to tell that to a foreign King upon your first meeting. Well done: you have the first ingredient of a long life."

Dodd handed the axe to a man-at-arms, who departed to add it to the King's personal armory (for occasions when the King needs a giant axe). The King waved a bony hand and the court began to disperse, or at least mingle in a less orderly fashion. "Tell me, Ser Knight," began Galiard, "how did you come to serve Arcaea?"
Galiard Scarlett (King of Cathay)

Roleplay from Munsel Keen
Message sent to everyone in the region Anacan
Brashen tried to suppress his pride at receiving the King's complement. For the first time he felt comfortable enough to join in with Galiard's laughter. "From such an expert in longevity I will consider that high praise indeed."

The Arcaean knight took a moment to compose his response to Galiard's question. Despite the presence of so many others, with the Court dismissed their conversation felt surprisingly intimate. "My father was a minor nobleman in King Jenred's court, and after that King Velax's. He served Arcaea dutifully in battle for many years, and although no ballads will be sung of his exploits he was as true a knight as there has ever been. You will not have heard of him - he was never... never a quick witted man, but he was rewarded well enough for his loyal service. He was devoted to his children," Brashen remembered with a fond smile, "which was fortunate, for he was cursed with very many of us! He taught us well, with stories of his exploits and those of his fellows, and was never shy of instructing us in proper knightly conduct."

Brashen lowered his voice so that all but Galiard and himself would have to strain to hear his words. "I was not his favourite child, but I am the eldest, and the most skilled in the arts of war. My father went north to conquer Arcachon, riding his favourite warhorse. He came back on a cart, a cripple, his armour riddled with holes. Had it happened ten years earlier, my family would have been destitute, but fortunately we - his children - we had grown old enough to care for one another. As I was saying, I am the eldest and most skilled. It fell to me to take up his sword and steed." How his brothers and sisters had complained... his father, delirious, had commanded him to give Sadyus and the weapon up. His father had wanted them to go to Althea, his favourite. Althea! That honourless vixen who had deserted her family for a life of adventure. What had she done to deserve their father's legacy? What did she know of duty, courage or honour?

Aware that he had stopped speaking for a fraction too long, Brashen pressed ahead. "I won my armour in a local tourney," how reckless I was, "and set out to find a liege to knight me. Fortunately, Duchess Dentara of Lasop proved willing enough to take a chance on a young man of few exploits, and so I swore myself to her service. My brother Munsel left for Dwilight, and my father with him, but I look after the rest of my family, for as long as I have a liege to look after me. And so I now serve Arcaea, as my father once did." The memory of his father and brother leaving was as vivid as if it has just happened. His father had been so bitter, so angry, so changed.

"I find myself boring you with my entire life story, King Galiard, as short as it must seem compared to your own. I have read the Tale of Galiard, but you have surely forgotten more tales of valour than I have ever heard! I mean-" Brashen suddenly realised how insulting his comment might seem, "you are a man of great experience, your majesty." He finished lamely.
Munsel Keen (Knight)

Roleplay from Galiard Scarlett
Message sent to everyone in the region Anacan
"Never apologize for honesty." Galiard interrupted the young knight. "I have forgotten many things, though not what it was like to be a knight. If you were subjected to my tale then you know that I was a King twice over before departing for Ohnar, and that episode did not last especially long, so I spent several years as a knight of no particular rank before the opportunity to rebuild Cathay arose."

"The Arcachon war was one of the ugliest I have ever seen, and I only saw a tiny piece of it," the King frowned. "That was because the losing side was more willing to cede nobility than territory. Making Arcaea fight for every inch of the Dark Isle was a terrible way to lose a war, and that reputation haunts the losers to this day. So whatever faults your father may have had, he did one thing that many fail to do these days," the King continued, "he taught you what the word 'noble' means, and that definition did not refer to estate revenue or one's capacity to behave as a brute on the battlefield. In truth, Ser Knight, when it is at last my time, I shall be partly relieved, for as I love my Kingdom I do not love the world in which it lives; my heirs are cynical for having seen less of true chivalry than I was fortunate to."

The King tapped the band that newly adorned his finger. "I pray, Ser Knight, that you do not forget that code when you are one day elevated. Arcaea is a great Kingdom, but its knighthood is one of the ... more coarse, shall we say, even if King Jenred and now Emperor Velax were able to tame it somewhat. It is a fine machine -- cogs and gears and all strength -- but I would not wish some of their rank and file at my table, even if the likes of the Emperor and Lord Maurus are both fine lords. Victory can turn a man ugly as sure defeat."

Galiard glanced over his shoulder at the court. "I should not criticize," he added, "my own knights compare equally but not favorably to the Emperor's. You may not know that, when Cathay was founded, only a handful of nobles believed that crowning me was sincerely a good idea; a similar number thought the reverse and most were ambivalent. Lands and titles will win over most anyone, of course. But if ever you find your countrymen too coarse around the edges, I daresay that opportunity in this Kingdom is at least as great as Arcaea, if not moreso."
Galiard Scarlett (King of Cathay)

Roleplay from Munsel Keen
Message sent to everyone in the region Anacan
"I will not forget what it means to be a knight, your majesty, no matter how many times I see the seasons turn." Nor will I forget what my father once was, no matter how he changes.

"I have had little opportunity to get to know the knighthood of Arcaea; when I do, I hope that they will seem less vulgar than you describe. But should a time come when I must look beyond the borders of my homeland for companionship and succour, I will not forget Cathay. Nor will I forget your most excellent hospitality."

The knight's belly rumbled audibly. "I would apologise, your majesty, except that it has been a long morning and you only moments ago instructed me not to apologise for honesty. I must therefore admit that my stomach has never been known to lie." Emboldened by the King's forthrightness, Brashen grinned.
Munsel Keen (Knight)

Roleplay from Galiard Scarlett
Message sent to everyone in the region Anacan
Galiard grunted. "Ser Dodd will show you to the kitchens. And perhaps I am mistaken about Arcaean knights; to their credit, most of my last experiences with them have involved them fighting under our banner." The King drew his cloak around him. "Please convey Our gratittude to His Imperial Majesty, and know that you are welcome in Cathay. The Emperor is fortunate to enjoy your service."
Galiard Scarlett (King of Cathay)