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== Munsel Keen, Knight of Astrum ==
== Munsel Keen, Knight of Astrum ==
Quickminded, curious and studious, Munsel is naturally attracted to religion. Sanguis Astroism offers him both a theologically developed faith and an opportunity to discuss scholarship with others. His interest extends beyond merely studying the stars; he is also keen to use his knowledge practically for the betterment of his fellows.
Quickminded, curious and studious, Munsel is naturally attracted to religion. Sanguis Astroism offers him both a theologically developed faith and an opportunity to discuss scholarship with others. His interest extends beyond merely studying the stars; he is also keen to use his knowledge practically for the betterment of his fellows.

Latest revision as of 00:28, 8 December 2012


Munsel Keen, Knight of Astrum

Quickminded, curious and studious, Munsel is naturally attracted to religion. Sanguis Astroism offers him both a theologically developed faith and an opportunity to discuss scholarship with others. His interest extends beyond merely studying the stars; he is also keen to use his knowledge practically for the betterment of his fellows.

Saved by the Stars: Munsel's Arrival on Dwilight

Roleplay from Munsel Keen
Message sent to Nobles of Astrum
"...and such is the way of the three stars of Sanguis Astroism." Finished the middle aged priest with an air of sagacity. "But by your expression, sir, the doctrine is familiar to you. Would you care to explain how a foreigner such as yourself came across it?"

Munsel had indeed been nodding along with the priest's every word. He passed his hand across his face; it almost shook with excitement. After a brief pause to gather his thoughts he began to speak.

"On the way here, my ship was caught in a summer storm. For three days and three nights of roiling and pitiless nightmare we were toyed with by the sea. I spent my time largely beneath the deck, for I am no sailor. But on the third night I heard a cry above me; man overboard. The ship lurched with unusual violence. I staggered my way onto the deck to see that the helmsman had been carried away by the storm.

"Just then, when all hope seemed lost, I felt a sudden joyous clarity. I rushed to seize the tiller, despite my lack of navigational knowledge, and turned it towards the only thing that I could see. A bright light, filling my vision. A star, the most vivid star that I have ever seen. And not minutes passed before we were out of the storm, with the shore of Zereth before us. That star saved my life, and those of all my companions too."

Munsel felt a shiver run down his back, not knowing how to go on. The priest put a finger to his lips in silent contemplation, before asking, "What else can you remember of your experience, good sir? Which star do you think it was that resonated within you that night?"

The knight simply shook his head. He did not know. But he would find out.
Munsel Keen (Knight)

After consultation with the elders of Sanguis Astroism, in particular thanks to the wisdom of Duke Brance Indirik, Munsel decided to emphasise his study of the Austere Bloodstar.

Oath of Fealty to Vasilif Sergio Mozzoni, Duke of Eidulb

Roleplay from Munsel Keen
Message sent to Nobles of Astrum
Let it be known that as laid out in the following document, Sir Munsel Keen has sworn fealty to Vasilif Sergio Mozzoni, Duke of Eidulb, and in return has been granted the docks and harbours of Eidulb as his fief.

I, Sir Munsel Keen, do truly and sincerely acknowledge, profess, testify, and declare in my conscience before the Blood Stars and the world that I am Sergio Mozzoni's sworn man, bound to owe him fealty and homage. I do swear from my heart that I will bear faith and true allegiance to Vasilif Sergio and will defend him to the uttermost of my power against all conspiracies and attempts whatsoever that are made against his person, crown or dignity.

Therefore, let all acknowledge that Vasilif Sergio Mozzoni, Duke of Eidulb, has granted to me holdings as follows: the dock and harbour areas of Eidulb, excepting those parts on which the Ducal Palace and the Great Temple of Sanguis Astroism do stand and overlook; the manor-house of Blackston; the counting house and treasury at Chandlers Place; and the harbormaster's house (so that I might appoint to it a suitable man to inspect trading ships entering and leaving Eidulb). Included in this grant are rights of tax, inspection and standardisation that I might ensure the proper flow of commerce.

I furthermore accept responsibility for assisting the importation of appropriate foodstuffs in order to keep the people of the City well fed and contented. Let it be known that I swear to bring honour to my liege and never to act in such a way as to affront the burghers of Eidulb or the nobility of Astrum.

All these things I do plainly and sincerely acknowledge and swear, according to these express words by me spoken, and according to the plain and common sense and understanding of the same words, without any equivocation, or mental evasion, or secret reservation whatsoever: And I do make this recognition and acknowledgement heartily, willingly, and truly, upon the true faith of a follower of Sanguis Astroism.
Munsel Keen (Knight of Eidulb)