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"The Story of Lady Ash" by Lady Abbigal Pike

Roleplay from Abbigal Pike
Message sent to everyone in your realm (29 recipients)

A new tale is spread amongst the people of Muspel.

The story of Lady Ash

The tale started many years ago when Morke was still a young realm and when battles with monsters and undead where many. It was during one of these battles that a great tragedy occurred. While the warriors of Morek fought the evils that plagued them those that were too young to fight or otherwise could not fight prayed in the Sanguis Astroism Chuch. When the battle was over to the horror of those fighting temple of the church was engulfed in flames. The warriors tried to put out the flames but they could not the flames burned to hot and to high. They could hear the screams of those trapped inside. Many even tried to rush inside only to collapse under the heat. Others dragged the uncncious men away so that they did not lose their lives.

The next day everyone went out to see how much damage the monsters had done and to count the dead. It was hard telling which made more people cry the dead from the battle or the sight of the temple in ashes. It was then that miracle happened. While a priest was shifting though the ashes to see if anything could be recovered he heard the cry of a baby. The priest followed the cry and found a baby girl hidden under the alter. Though the baby was completely covered in ash it was ok. From looks of the quality of blanket and the necklace around the child’s neck one could tell that she was of noble birth. Unfortunately if either the blanked or necklace had a crest on them they where to damaged to tell what they where. Not knowing what to call the child the priest simply named her Ash after what she was found in and raised the child the best he could.

Ash grew up in the Sanguis Astroism church. She showed grate promise as both a warrior. She also proved to be of able mind and aptitude to understand the rhetoric of the church. Unknown to most though was her hatred of monsters, undead, and all things evil. Ash was truly a woman possessed by the madding star. The priest that raised Ash was sadden when Ash came of age and decided to follow the path of the warrior. It was not unexpected but Ash had so much potential.

Ash quickly proved herself to be warrior unmatched by her peers. Even hardend veterans had a hard time keeping up with her on the battlefield. Ash always seemend driven by something that nobody could understand. Ash was always the first on the battle field. She would shoot volley after volley at the enemy until they got to close. Then she would draw her sword and cut down any that still remained before her. Not all of Ash’s battles ended in victory though. It was after one of her defeats and was wounded she had a horrible dream.

In the dream ash watched as the followers of Sanguis Astroism fought battle after battle with hordes of undead and other evils. Ash saw banners of every realm fighting these evils under the bloodstars and they where winning. Then came a vision of a battle where there was monsters more then she could count. Undead in unheard of numbers where standing against those gathers. There was creathers that Ash had heard of in stories called Daemons. But that was not all there was other creatues gathers that she had not heard of and they where the scariest of all. Rallied against them was all of humanity. There where all those who followed Sanguis Astroism in one area. Yet there where many other groups gathered as well. Each group seemed to be fighting their own battles oblivious to others. Ash also felt that there was something else that she could not quite see. She could feel that there where still others fighting this battle that she saw but could just not see them. It was in this greatest of battles where the stakes where the highest that it looked like it was a battle they where loosening. Ash awoke from the nightmare sweating like she had fought the hardest battle in her life even though it was a cold night.

Ash told the priest who had raised her about the dream. The priest was very happy to hear about it. The priest believed that it told of the future when all the world would follow the bloodstars. The priest did not seem to hear about the finial battle though. The priest only seemed interested in hearing about the glory of the bloodstars and it seemed when Ash talked about the finial battle that the priest started to talk about something else. Ash Contiuned to fight even harder after this dream. After many years had passed Ash became a hero without a match. A time came where she fought for every day and night though the winter without rest. It was on the finial battle though that a cruel twist of fate happened. It was towards the end of the battle and it looked like the bloodstars where going to win again that Ash heard a scream that could not possible be of this world. When she turned to see what had made the sound she saw one of the horrors from her nightmare descend upon her. She fought as hard as she could but in the end she could not win. Ash could feel that her death was near.