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Raziel III <br>
Raziel III <br>
Weapon: The Mysterious Blade of Unlife and Arkenine. <br>
Weapon: Midnight. <br>
Titles: The Pariah of Atamara<Br>
Titles: Marshal of the First Ithillian Dragoons<Br>
Raziel III was present the day his father died, and at the time could care less. It just meant more power for him, and he had just perfected his best work, a substance to best his father's work in the pancake industry. He traveled back home, becoming a Knight of Shannandoah like his father before him. He received his father's sword, and sent it to be displayed in the Royal Palace, alongside his grandfather's. He frequented tournaments, enjoying the era of peace and working quickly to take the reigns from his father. At one of these tournaments, he met a woman named Kara, whom he fell in love with.
Raziel III was schooled in the finest academies of war, science and finances. His education was paid for by his father, who gained the money through his position as head of a massive criminal organization. Raziel always loathed being in his father's shadow and set off to prove himself. He recruited a band of cavalry and joined the Elite Mounted Knights of Minas Ithil. Raziel fought for years against the Vikings, earning many scars, hardening both his body, and his heart. He was soon rewarded with the title of Baron of Dunstoke, his right by heritage. He had found the lack of tradition and lack of camaraderie in the Mounted Knights stifling, so he formed the First Ithillian Dragoons. He led them on to a string of victories and was eventually made Field Marshal of Minas Ithil, and under his command, ground the Viking offensive to a halt, and was even able to turn the table and go on the offensive. Raziel later retired from this while warring with the Caligan Empire and her cronies. He was captured in battle not long after, and instead of being reappointed, his position was given to someone else. Raziel demanded his Barony back, and was refused. Raziel fumed quietly for some time, and became an infiltrator like his father. Not long after, his King approached him wanting to assassinate a duke of the realm. Raziel not being fond of the Duke, and not fond of his King, said he would, for a price. Raziel's price was the soon to be vacated Duke position. Raziel's King refused. Raziel agreed to do it for the return of his old region. Again, the King refused. Raziel had had enough at this point, his region by right was in the hands of some young upstart who hadn't been in the fight for the realm's survival against the Vikings, and he, a veteran of many, many years, was being treated as a tool. Raziel threatened to expose his King if he didn't give Raziel his region back. The King refused, and Raziel went public, assassinated his Duchess (who had also been involved), and left for Beluterra in the company of his female companion, Kaylan McDowell. Kaylan disappeared before Raziel could realize his plans, and Raziel wandered, looking for battles to lead men into... And found naught but frontier realms skirmishing with monsters and undead. He soon grew restless and returned home, where he is now the Viscount of Rotherthorpe (a larger, more profitable region) and Marshal of the First Ithillian Dragoons.  
Life was good for Raziel, then Norland cowardly struck Minas Ithil, attempting to resurrect the long since abolished Hasland Empire, which Norland itself had been crucial in destroying. Raziel grew angry, and took up arms, fighting off the viking scum when and where he could. He saw many battles, and one day learned of a plot to kill Kara. Sending his men home, Raziel rode deep through Norland, into Eston to rescue Kara, who was less than appreciative when he arrived. She embarrassed him, and sent him on his way with more than just his pride wounded. Raziel swore revenge.
During the course of the war, Raziel received news that an old family enemy had taken over his family mansion. He left the front lines to attend to the matter and quickly dispatched the foul Sirionite, but was wounded in the process. He succumbed to a poison that left him in a coma for months. Months later, he awoke to find the war with Norland going quite well. He took up arms once again, and fought hard. He was eventually given the title of Baron of Dunstoke, which his father had held. During a spat with the military hierarchy, which Raziel was a critic of at the time, he left for a tournament in disgust, refusing to waste his resources under such incompetence, fuming at the ignorance of Minas Ithil's Field Marshal. At that tournament, he ran into Kara, who he had heard was married, and bearing the child of Myrn'tek, an Estonian, and Raziel hated Estonians. In his anger, he killed Kara, right then and there.
Shocked by what he had done, he swore never to let hate cloud his judgment again. He quickly became a rising star in the war with Norland, becoming an exemplar of the fighting noble, a Cavalier. He led his cavalry on daring charges, sometimes with little or no support. He then had a vision of a primarily cavalry based army, supported by infantry and the other types of troops. He founded the First Ithillian Dragoons, and recruited new members. He started the Order of the Spur, and donned his gilded spurs, earned through cunning and bravery in battle. He lead his army to a number of quick and decisive victories, impressing the war council and earning fame throughout the realm as the Marshal of the swiftest, most elite army around. Morale swelled, and more attacks were made. Then Raziel aquired Ucdauh's Ring of Leadership, which he used to lead his army, and the entire realm to many victories. Raziel's success didn't go unnoticed, and he was promoted to Field Marshal until illness struck him down. His ring decayed after the uncouth actions of a man named Valak brutally beat the servant Raziel had given the ring to for repairs. Raziel has however, acquired Ucdauh's Book of the Damned, which started giving +5 prestige and has risen to a bonus of +9. He has it to this day.
Soon the war with the Vikings was over, and Minas Ithil had acquired Mansbridge. The Caligan Empire bloc had finished pacifying its other enemies, and moved in on the weakened Minas Ithil. Raziel was once more made Field Marshal, but his performance was less that stunning, and he soon retired from the position, and left to return to tend to Dunstoke, tired from years and years of constant warfare. But it was not to last. Raziel grew ill, his time spent wounded and in prison catching up with him. He was unconscious for three weeks, and in that time was illegally forced to abdicate from the position of Baron of Dunstoke. During this time the Caligan Empire bloc was running rampant throughout Minas Ithil, looting and killing and burning. Raziel contacted Katherine, the Duchess of York about reappointing him, and she told him to come to Dunstoke to be reappointed, and went quiet. In this time, Dead Angel Vermeer contacted Raziel about assassinating the Duke of Leohampton. Raziel wanted the city of Leohampton and protection from Ithillian law. Dead Angel could promise neither, so Raziel refused. Katherine then appointed another to be Baron of Dunstoke. Furious, Raziel threatened to expose Dead Angel to the public, and plunge Minas Ithil into chaos. Dead Angel wouldn't give in, so Raziel exposed the King, and made his preparations to leave. He contacted a young associate of his, Kaylan, and they made plans to leave together. Before leaving, Raziel attempted to assassinate Katherine, leaving her wounded. Raziel left Minas Ithil with Kaylan McDowell shortly thereafter, ending a chapter in Ithillian history. Before he left, he sent the husband of Katherine Yorke, Sidd Kingsley, and eagle feather he had dipped in Katherine's blood.
Raziel fled to Dwilight, with a pledge to destroy his enemies. He dipped deeply into darkness for a time, working as an assassin for Pian En Luries, before leaving to return to his former life. He went to Quadrivium, which died, and then to Ordenstaat, which fined and banned him for daring to point out the flaws of aiming to live off of subsistence farming with no recruitment centers. He swore revenge, and left. First to Madina, and now to Terran. Ordenstaat now lies destroyed, and Raziel regrets not being the one to do it.

Latest revision as of 23:28, 29 January 2012

Raziel III
Weapon: Midnight.
Titles: Marshal of the First Ithillian Dragoons

Raziel III was schooled in the finest academies of war, science and finances. His education was paid for by his father, who gained the money through his position as head of a massive criminal organization. Raziel always loathed being in his father's shadow and set off to prove himself. He recruited a band of cavalry and joined the Elite Mounted Knights of Minas Ithil. Raziel fought for years against the Vikings, earning many scars, hardening both his body, and his heart. He was soon rewarded with the title of Baron of Dunstoke, his right by heritage. He had found the lack of tradition and lack of camaraderie in the Mounted Knights stifling, so he formed the First Ithillian Dragoons. He led them on to a string of victories and was eventually made Field Marshal of Minas Ithil, and under his command, ground the Viking offensive to a halt, and was even able to turn the table and go on the offensive. Raziel later retired from this while warring with the Caligan Empire and her cronies. He was captured in battle not long after, and instead of being reappointed, his position was given to someone else. Raziel demanded his Barony back, and was refused. Raziel fumed quietly for some time, and became an infiltrator like his father. Not long after, his King approached him wanting to assassinate a duke of the realm. Raziel not being fond of the Duke, and not fond of his King, said he would, for a price. Raziel's price was the soon to be vacated Duke position. Raziel's King refused. Raziel agreed to do it for the return of his old region. Again, the King refused. Raziel had had enough at this point, his region by right was in the hands of some young upstart who hadn't been in the fight for the realm's survival against the Vikings, and he, a veteran of many, many years, was being treated as a tool. Raziel threatened to expose his King if he didn't give Raziel his region back. The King refused, and Raziel went public, assassinated his Duchess (who had also been involved), and left for Beluterra in the company of his female companion, Kaylan McDowell. Kaylan disappeared before Raziel could realize his plans, and Raziel wandered, looking for battles to lead men into... And found naught but frontier realms skirmishing with monsters and undead. He soon grew restless and returned home, where he is now the Viscount of Rotherthorpe (a larger, more profitable region) and Marshal of the First Ithillian Dragoons.


"Intereo tardus, sileo in pacis."