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Flesh and Blood

Walking throw the door of the tavern, leaving the caos behind.

She was walking, trying to find the proper words to put an end to this mistake. Her mistakes. The voice of a hughe combat in "The Swordmaster" spread really fast throw town. All kind of men and women were running like rats to see a little of blood. But not her. She had no time for that.

Walking in the middle of the night, just a few small fires offers her a little of light. The sound of her thougts gets confuse with the mixture of the drunken laughs coming out from the taverns, the lonly cryes of a cat, the shoutings of a fight and a misterious voice singing a quite song, like a wisper coming out from nowhere.

" Before you go to sleep

say a little prayer

every day in every way

is getting better and better

Beautiful beautiful beautiful

beautiful girl..."

She follows the wisper with her eyes, and she founds a girl with a baby girl in her arms. She is singing just for her, she is giving her love in that way.

Marion finally finds Eiliens camp. But it's empty. There's no men around there, just an eighteen years old girl who searchs her for an answer.

Eilien: Mum...what is happening?... what...that crappy man...Lord Serpentis...what...

Marion: Eilien, I've done something stupid... We were at war, a big one...enemys everywhere...the Asenan were strong, not like now...and Fontan...and...It was not a good place to rise a baby...I left Sirion when I find it out. After Ryu's Birthday I saw him once...I loved him deaply, but he didn't loved me back. He didn't know anything until that night in my camp...It wasn't planned or anything...I finally saw his other face, the one that he doesn't show...Erik is your father. I know he looks as the biggest arrogant and stupid elf on earth...he probably is most of the time...but he is good, and you should give him a chance.

Her eyes starts to shine in a diferent way. A silent cry coming from the very bottom of her soul.

Eilien: I...I don't....that can't be possible...I don't look like him. It's....impossible.

Marion: You have his eyes...the same kind of beauty... That is why you are the first girl in tne Mecury family that is allowd to use the sword. Because you are not pure human or pure elf.... you are the best of both.

Eilien keeps looking at her sword, her sword made the exact day that she was born...made for her.

Eilien: So...It's true...the bloody elf is my father...... he has nothing to do with me...why did you lie to me?

Marion: I was trying to protect you from....well, from everything....your are going to find that Sirion is full of brohters and sisters of yours... starting with Durion and ending with Rugina's baby... He is gonna be here soon. I left him in the tavern doing... well, he wants to talk with you...give him the chance. Eilien: Mum...I need time...is not...it can't be... Marion:...but it is...I should go now...I am tired, you know? I been carrying this for to much time now. I know that you hate him, and I know that you will probably hate me for a wile...but ramember that you are our flesh and blood...

Marion aproches her and gives to her daughter a soft kiss, leaving her with her sword. She puts her hood back to cover her hair and when she is leaving the camp her daugther calls her.

Eilien:Mum... I don't....

The girl with drakonian eyes is now ready to face the truth of her flesh and blood.