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Latest revision as of 09:36, 11 November 2011


The Isle is under siege and its enemies roam the coast, beating any resistance they find. Their power stands in their numbers; even soldiers with mediocre training and equipment can stand a great threat when they outnumber the opposite more over six to one. The first defense was overrun, and the second just merely was mounted in time when they fell back up the hills of the Dark Isle, watching the seas and seeing the war ships...

Nobility of Enlod stare on, seeing a new hope, and a exhausted flame. They prepare for them, in the exact way The invaders want. They look ready to surrender before their government. A single figure stands opposed to this threat, unaware are many to her struggle that will almost untimely cause chaos if she fails. It's ultimately in her hands, the fate of the city's allegiance, and the strongest source of the current governments armies and power...

Breonna draws from her wine glass and relaxes back in a swollen seat, she crosses one of her legs and smirks at the wealthy young nobleman sitting adjacent to her seat. The Young man gives a nervous sigh and begins speaking. "We shouldn't, you and I both know the means is not worth the end. Why-"

Breonna scoffs at the young man "Why struggle? It's a thing called Honour and commitment. From what I have seen of this new propaganda, I'm surprised most of it has been overlooked when it is clearly treason!" Breonna puts both of her feet on the floor and point her small fingers at the man and accuses "You are one of the loudest speakers, you should be hung over the cliffs right now. But your lucky I'm not feral or such a savage-"

The man slyly includes "No, your rather to beautiful for such things. I guess you chose to stab someone whilst they are not paying attention to your hands... or your words."

Breonna continues on like she was uninterrupted "The loudest speaker could also turn the tide the other way, and regain lost support as well as carrying those with continued support."

The man coughs into his hand and leans closer to Breonna's seat, resting his chin on his hand, his arm on his knee. "Why would I turn? You already said before that I'm committed. Unless if your really such a good speaker as they say you are..." the man's eyes wander.

Breonna lifts her chin and scowls "You found something you have in common with them then? you prefer them because they are brother pigs?"

The mans face turns red and sits straight and faces Breonna's words "I am not swine madam! Now I would like to inform you are no longer welcome in this household. Leave or face arms!" Breonna stands and slaps the young man with her still palm, and spits the words "Traitor!" before making her way out of the room and into the hands of armored guards with winged spears. "this way to the door My lady"

Breonna glances once at the young man still siting in the room and then turns to the guard and says "lead the way, please."