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Latest revision as of 20:59, 17 August 2011

The Southern Wars


Caligus - Meuse (226), Mulhouse (373), Partora (1382) – 1981 gold


Yssaria - Abadan (221), Mashhad (297) and Hamadan (957), Scio (215), Winkamus (206), Domus (982), Supra (244), Aureus (271) – 3393 gold Income advantage 71.2% to Yssaria

The War of Revenge – Caligus vs Yssaria

The resurgence of the war between Caligus and Yssaria was obvious. Yssaria exiled Caligus from their capital. After a long period of peace however it wasn’t obvious which nations were still war ready.

Caligus also faced a recent debacle losing one of their military commanders on November 2 2007. However, Caligus prepared since mid-October Caligus was told to train troops for war. Caligus was a small three region realm but amassed an army of 17K CS to march on Yssaria. Caligus suffered least from the peace time their core of nobles intact and angry.

Yssaria obviously knew the war was coming they chose to march half their army to aid Tuchanon, Ibladesh and Ubent when Caligus declared war. A long difficult war was expected. Caligus knew very well they would die if they lost.

The slaughter of Yssaria

November 18, 2007 – Caligus march into Winkamus joined by volunteers from Perdan making up 3.5K CS. The joint mobile army was 21K entered Winkamus.

Caligus however didn’t just sit idly in Winkamus

November 19, 2007 – Caligus hit Abadan picking off forces from Yssaria returning home to defend their homeland. 3K CS is lost. Caligus proceed and start a takeover in Winkamus

November 22, 2007 - Caligus has taken control of Winkamus from Yssaria.

Caligus remain a short time in Winkamus repairing the region then go to refit. Caligus mobile this time reaches 19K CS Having not lost anything. Perdan volunteer force is slightly behind.

November 26, 2007 – Yssaria retreats to Domus with their army which had rallied up to 13K at the time. 3500CS is picked off.

Battle in Winkamus! The armies of Caligus and Perdan have attacked the Yssarian army. The attackers were victorious. (20,000 vs 3500)

November 28, 2007 - Caligus now does a risky maneuver sending half of its army to Abadan keeping the other half in Winkamus. Caligus starts a takeover of Abadan with the king’s unit.

Key Moment

November 29, 2007 – With late scout reports Caligus King Dobromir moves to Supra which he arrives at sunset. Yssarian troops are seen moving to Domus reinforcing the region.

Yssaria now totaled 12K in the capital. Caligus forces in Winkamus were only 6K and Abadan had 10K. The rest were on a refit. Sunset comes and Dobromir comes up with a plan to bait Yssaria. He begins a takeover of Supra ordering the 6K forces in Winkamus to immediately misdirect to it. He also orders Abadan to abandon the takeover and reinforce Winakmus.

November 30, 2007 – Huge battle fought in Winkamus! The Yssarian army has attacked the armies of Caligus and Perdan. The attackers were defeated. (11000 vs 15,000)

Yssaria’s take the bait and mobile army was annihiliated Caligus and Perdanese forces taking minimal damage.

Caligus and Perdan volunteers (4K) gather for a turn then march again. Yssaria scramble back to Domus.

December 1 2007 - Huge battle fought in Domus! The armies Caligus and Perdan have attacked the army of Yssaria. The attackers were victorious. (19,000 vs 7000)

In just thirteen days Caligus had already entered its Capital and immediately began to reclaim the region. Caligus immediately begin to cycle the troop leaders with the least troops back to recruit more.

December 5 2007 – Domus resists the takeover by Caligus forces.

Yssaria massive push to break the siege.

December 6 2007 - Huge battle fought in Domus! The Yssarian army has attacked the armies of Caligus and Perdan. The attackers were defeated. (9000 vs 15,000)

Yssaria is forced to try and break the siege early with troops from Caligus about to return from Partora.

The Duke of Domus at the time attempts to boost Yssaria forces by recruiting troops to defend the city

December 7 2007 - Huge battle fought in Domus! The Yssarian army has attacked the armies of Caligus and Perdan again. The attackers were once again defeated. (8000 vs 11,000)

Yssaria again are sent scrambling however Caligus is forced to send weakened units to refit in Partora quickly and again the takeover is halted. Caligus however keeps enough men to hold the city while more men also return from Partora.

December 11 - Huge battle fought in Domus! Yssaria has attacked Caligus and Perdan. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 14,000) Yssaria again fail to push Caligus forces out of Domus.

December 17 2007 – Domus is taken over by Caligus.

Just one month after the beginning of the war and a really long frustrating takeover Domus has been reclaimed by Caligus. Technically Domus has been breached but Caligus never lost a battle in it nor has a capital city of Caligus at any time ever been breached.

The next week had Caligus repairing its old capital of Domus and also they decided to make Domus their capital once again

On the 26th Caligus moves again on the offensive to Aestus

December 28 2007 - Caligus has taken control of Aestus from Yssaria.

Fontan put pressure on Caligus diplomatically (covered in the northern war)

January 2 2008 – Caligus has taken control of Supra

January 5 2008 - Huge Battle Fought in Supra! The army of Caligus has attacked the army of Yssaria. The attackers were victorious. (8,000 vs 7,000)

Last significant battle of the war is over.

January 10 2008 – Aureus revolts from Yssaria and declares independence.

January 18 – Caligus has taken control of Abadan

January 26 – Caligus has taken control of Mashhad

February 1 - Caligus has taken control of Aureus

The end of Yssaria

Yssaria now are pinned in their city until they get destroyed. Historical note. Yssaria didn’t even win a minor battle up to this point. The war as a disappointment and a complete slaughter. Yssaria’s one battle one occurred shortly after when Caligus general insisted on a suicide attack on Hamadan.

Caligus simply keep some troops and militia in Mashhad and hold Yssaria pinned down in Hamadan.

Caligus during Feburary return Partora, Mulhouse and Meuse to Perdan. Afterwards they receive Nascot back as it is historically Caligus territory. Yssaria is destroyed on April 7, 2008.


The key moment was considered the turning point of the war since Caligus and Perdan would never have been able to enter Domus unless Yssaria mobile army was defeated so badly and with such little losses.

It is very likely had Yssaria not taken the bait they would have maybe lost Abadan but could easily have outwaited and taken regions back. One defeat would have made Caligus unable to muster such a massive army. A defeat that never came and which Caligus well trained troops took few losses all war. If I recall correctly Caligus only lost 2K CS in the big battle of Winkamus. Once Domus was taken there was little Yssaria could do. One bad decision turned the tables in this war.

Perdan/Itorunt versus Ibladesh/Tuchanon V and Ubent



Perdan - Bescanon (873), Perdan city (2447), Brive (237), Perdan Mines (545), Dimwood (150), Montauban (372), Beziers (278). Aix (1553), Lorient (178), Bisciye (607) and Woolton (294), Nascot (287) - Total 7821 gold

Itorunt - Semall (1030), Jariedma (259), Ejarr Puutl (375), Itorunt (1900), Priotness (212), Noritor (200), Aeng (197), and Xavax (1145), Nimraw (300), Zamor (88) and Dayr (145) – 5851 gold


Ibladesh city (3050) Zawr (251), Ar Mosul (783), Clermont (256), Al Aquabah (226), Betholm (221), Oc Lu Pesh (195), Az Zarqua (208), Al Arab (1324), Ar Raqqah (217), Moyale (284) and Mines of Isadril (793) – Total 7808 gold

Tuchanon V – Isadril (1604), Tota (679), Igno (596), Liebo (325), Enubec (249) and Itor Boss (291) – 3744 gold

Ubent – Castle Ubent (301), Bursa (185), Eldoret (387) – 873

Perdan and Itorunt – 13672

Ubent, Ibladesh and Tuchanon V – 12425

Perdan and Itorunt 10% wealth advantage

The other southern war was a lot closer then the Caligus Yssaria war. Regions kept going back and forth for quite some time.

November 20 2007 - Huge battle fought in Enubec! The army of Itorunt has attacked the forces of Ibladesh and Tuchanon V. The attackers were victorious. (11,000 vs 10,000)

Perdan has taken control of Clermont from Ibladesh.

November 21 2007 - Huge battle fought in Zawr! The armies of Perdan and Itorunt have attacked the TO forces of Ibladesh. The attackers defeated the defending forces and stopped the takeover. (20,000 vs 16,000)

November 22 2007 - Perdan has lowered relations with Ubent to neutral.

November 24 2007 - Huge battle fought in Enubec! The armies of Tuchanon V and Ubent have attacked the army of Itorunt. The attackers were defeated. (7000 vs 10,000)

November 25 2007 - Huge battle fought in Enubec! The army of Itorunt has attacked the armies of Tuchanon V and Ubent. The attackers were defeated. (7000 vs 5000)

December 1 2007 - Huge battle fought in Al Aquabah! The armies of Perdan and Itorunt have attacked the Ibladeshian army. The attackers were victorious. (23,000 vs 22,600)

December 2 2007 - Tuchanon V has taken control of Betholm from Itorunt. December 3 2007 – Yssaria declares war on Perdan December 8 2007 - Huge battle fought in Aeng! The armies of Tuchanon V and Ubent have attacked the army of Itorunt. The attackers were defeated. (12,000 vs 9000)

December 9 2007 - Battle in Woolton! The army of Perdan has attacked the forces of Ibladesh. The attackers were victorious. (6000 vs 2000)

December 12 2007 - Ibladesh has taken control of Zawr from Itorunt.

December 16 2007 - Huge battle fought in Bisciye! The Ibladeshian army has attacked the army of Perdan. The attaackers were defeated. (9000 vs 7000)

December 17 2007 - The people of Zawr have revolted and abandoned Ibladesh, joining Itorunt instead.

December 26 2007 - Itorunt has taken control of Itor Boss from Tuchanon V.

December 28 2007 - Battle in Al Aquabah! The Perdanese army has attacked the forces of Ibladesh. The attackers were victorious. (13,000 vs 2000)

December 31 2007 - Ibladesh has taken control of Zawr from Itorunt.

January 4 2008 - Perdan has taken control of Al Aquabah from Ibladesh.

Huge Battle Fought in Itor Boss! The armies of Tuchanon V and Ubent attacked the army of Itorunt. The attackers were defeated. (10,000 vs 13,000) It is here where Perdan and Itorunt start to gain an advantage.

January 8 2008 - Ibladesh has taken control of Al Aquabah from Perdan.

Huge Battle Fought in Enubec! The army of Tuchanon V has attacked the forces of Itorunt. The attackers were defeated. The hero Alois Hynes of Itorunt was killed during the battle. (4,000 vs 11,000)

January 9 2008 - Itorunt has taken control of Enubec from Tuchanon V.

(Sadly no more battle details are available)

Perdan would soon received Partora back from Caligus by the end of February. With the new regions Perdan is forced to keep some forces back to repair them and with the sending off of Nascot they are not really able to push an offensive.

During April and May however Perdan with the return of its city is able to crush Ibladesh handily and soon after Ibladesh surrenders to Perdan and Itorunt.

As part of the surrender terms Perdan give Ibladesh its last warning that it would be the last time they are so lenient if they have to war them. Itorunt and Tuchanon V stay at war with Itorunt having an obvious advantage. However, Itorunts military prowess after January dimished suddenly and became a shadow and what they were. They are unable to make Tuchanon V give up or surrender.

The End Of Ubent

Ubent Judge Lothar decided to make a grave mistake and execute brother of King Nightmare Olorin Aroo. Perdan takes Castle Ubent on March 22 2008. Ubent has no hope with no capital and their last region Bursa aligns with Caligus on 19 April 20008. Ubent is no more.

Perdan and Caligus now nullified their enemies and they see Fontan growing too big. Caligus still angry at Tal’s threats. Perdan had just elected King Sangue and he simply wanted to war.