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    * a member of Arcachon
[[Image:Harukaban.png]]  (Will upload later)

    * a noble of Enlod
Haruka was born and raised in the Theocratic realm of Ikalak, on the South-Westernmost War Island, much of her youth was occupied by the futile struggles and wars of the island, and the practices of the evil Church Of Nergal, she was later then disowned and sent into exile by her father, the Duke of Toren Stronghold after it became apparent to him that she would no longer be tolerated in Ikalak, with many of her actions being a cause of controversy and discontent in the theocracy, one particular event involving the burning down of a mansion in the capital Stronghold of Ikalak.

    * a knight of Enlod

Honour : 13

Prestige : 2
Haruka swiftly ascended to power in Arcachon, using her cruelty in battle, and her cold hearted approach to military matters to see herself propelled amongst the military ranks of the Clans, which had suffered heavily against the far stronger, and better lead forces of Sartania. Due to the desperation of Arcachon's position, and her successes in battle, Haruka created the rank of "Holy Legate Of Adaghar" a highly presumptuous title, but one endorsed by the Clans, the Pontifex and the faith; the rank granted her complete and total control over all armed forces of the faithful, and it also granted her a free mandate to give whatever orders she so desired, and to enact whatever campaign policy she chose. The rank was created as an extreme measure in times of dire hardship, for the commander to be unrestrained by law or convention, and able to do what is necessary for the preservation and expansion of the faith, something that Haruka cunningly designed to grant herself unabridged power. Perhaps the most infamous time of Arcachon's history, was under the first Holy Legate, Haruka took it upon herself to wage an unrelenting campaign of total genocide and destruction of the Sartanian enemies, something that met little resistance within the realm when proposed. Sartania, who had previously found themselves perfectly able to manage the armies of Arcachon, were facing a newer and more dangerous threat; with so many defeats weighing on the conscience of the Clansmen, Arcachon had become complacent in its war, but under Haruka the realm quickly became motivated with new energy and purpose, the armies swelling to greater numbers than before, the zeaoltry of its Clansmen far greater than ever. The armies of Adaghar, quickly set about killing, raping and burning every Sartanian region they entered, destroying all military infrastructure, a systematic destruction of everything that surprised Sartania, and granted Arcachon the advantage they needed as Sartania found themselves losing invaluable recruitment centres, large supplies of food and gold, and thousands of peasants necessary for their armies and their economy, no lands where spared such a fate.

Lady Haruka of Arcachon.
During such times of great success, Haruka fell gravely ill, will many rumours of mental illness and "God haunting" due to all the evils she had partaken, and commanded. She was quietly removed from her rank as Holy Legate, and replaced, where for many month she seemingly ceased to exist. When she returned, Sartania was but a shadow of its former self, the Clansmen having continued with their strategy, and received much victory as a result, she re-entered active duty in time to see the lands of Tuhpos and Irneas taken, and finally, the Sartanian capital city of Niel overthrown and conquered for Arcachon.


In the later years of her servitude to the crown of the Pontifex, during a time of mass war against the southern giant and empire of Soliferum Haruka voiced many great and radical ideas for reforms and change in Arcachon, for new wars and endeavours, and in doing so she gained much support from the nobility of Arcachon, sick of the situation the realm found itself in. With funds being squandered liberally on excess and luxury, and with much of it hoarded, the power and wealth of Arcachon found itself being controlled by an oligarchy of a few nobles, who where becoming increasingly unpopular for it, and infinitely more disillusioned with their realm and clans. Haruka began preaching radical ideas with a great tenacity, and voicing open dissension with the government and a demand for change, this ultimately lead to her being stripped of all her titles save for that of Clan Chieftess, which the Oligarchy lacked immediate legal power to do so. All of this on trumped up charges of treason, the incident itself having been Haruka defending herself from the attack of a rogue and depraved infiltrator during a great feast arranged by the Pontifex. Her stripping of titles and rank, was an act to discredit and shame her publicly, though many saw that she had merely defended herself from an assailant, and many agreeing that it was an entirely unnecessary act. After this act, Haruka became entirely separated from her government and fuelled by an anger at their corruption, she began to marshal those that supported her, the support eclipsing to nearly two thirds of the entire nobility of the Clans, Duke Cerber, realising the sheer strength of her support began to expand his own personal forces, those under his direct and personal command, and those designated to the "defence of the capital" as militia. With his own safety secured by such large forces, he declared Haruka a traitor and banished from the realm as she headed north back into the Dark Isle. As a public outcry ensued he began banning those who protested his actions, and those that had supported Haruka's plans and ideas; he also began hiring assassinations of prominent nobles in his attempt to quell any sort of rebellion, Haruka herself was even assassinated after being banned. His measures, where ultimately successful, as one of his spies declared a rebellion, flushing out a third of her support, ending any chance of a successful rebellion.

==Emergence as Tyrant Mistress Of The Storms, [[Image:Osgo.png]]ForÞwíf Heofonþrym[[Image:Osgo.png]], the "witch Queen" of the Saxons==

==''arrival in Arcachon''==
[[Image:Harukaban1.png]]  (Will upload later)

Roleplay from Haruka
Lady Haruka, having lost all her titles and wealth in Arcachon, travelled abroad taking what few Oath-men she had, those loyal to her and bound by oath. Following the guidance of the Daeþgodas she secured many important relics and unique items belonging to her ancestors, she headed out to the lands of the Stormland's, in order to restore the Heptarchy and the highly advanced culture and civilisation of the Saxons of the Saxons in their holy land, a dark place long succumbed to the invasions of Barbarian and heathen forces that snuffed out the light of Dwilight, and plunged it into the Dark Age that modern colonists found it in. The realm of Thulsoma, bereft of its former and unworthy occupants served as her home upon her arrival, the peasants and nobilities of the land soon declared her as their leader of all things, in her first acts she reformed the government to one of an Anglo Saxon Kingdom, she made herself the Duchess of the Sacred Stronghold of Storms Keep and the Knights Of Holy Iron chains where re-founded in Storms Keep, to serve as the Vanguard of the Heofonþrym, the protectors of the faithful and the shield of the most holy and ancient relics.
Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)
Haruka stood on the little trading ship, Watching the scurrying figures on the docks as they came closer. There were dozens of small boats in the waters around the port and the merchant captain had shouted himself hoarse already ordered boats to steer away as they pressed in. There seemed to be no order to it and Haruka couldn't help but smile as the Arcachon merchants held up there catches and ordered price for them.
"The port is tight with ships, madam" The Captain said at her shoulder glancing up at the sun. " I'll take the ship in as far in as possible".
The captain gave away with little grace picking up a coil of heavy rope and heaving it over to a dockworker to tie up. The dock worker was muscled and sported a well toned body from his labours , With white smears of salt on his skin.
Evening had muted any of the heat of the sun, Haruka could see her cavalry unit already waiting for her on the docks, There was a general air of excitement as Haruka approached. The men clearly had been waiting a long time in anticipation for there new troop leader they clearly had not expected a young women to be leading them for there entire service to the army.
The soldiers had been laughing and joking until they saw her approach , The soldiers had dressed in rather modest armour , The armour had yet to boast the insignia of the commander but Haruka would quickly change that when they arrived in Enlod.
Haruka dismounted on the edge of the city , Her horse gently snickering as it cropped at the grass in between the old stones of the road.
Haruka and her new unit had rode far inland to the small city of Enlod.
Heruka already loved the little city of Enlod. The streets were clean and packed full of people. Despite the signs of wealth, It had a fresh feel to it that the stronghold her families home was in based on didn't have.
Lady Haruka (Noble)

Latest revision as of 01:26, 4 May 2011

File:Harukaban.png (Will upload later)

Haruka was born and raised in the Theocratic realm of Ikalak, on the South-Westernmost War Island, much of her youth was occupied by the futile struggles and wars of the island, and the practices of the evil Church Of Nergal, she was later then disowned and sent into exile by her father, the Duke of Toren Stronghold after it became apparent to him that she would no longer be tolerated in Ikalak, with many of her actions being a cause of controversy and discontent in the theocracy, one particular event involving the burning down of a mansion in the capital Stronghold of Ikalak.


Haruka swiftly ascended to power in Arcachon, using her cruelty in battle, and her cold hearted approach to military matters to see herself propelled amongst the military ranks of the Clans, which had suffered heavily against the far stronger, and better lead forces of Sartania. Due to the desperation of Arcachon's position, and her successes in battle, Haruka created the rank of "Holy Legate Of Adaghar" a highly presumptuous title, but one endorsed by the Clans, the Pontifex and the faith; the rank granted her complete and total control over all armed forces of the faithful, and it also granted her a free mandate to give whatever orders she so desired, and to enact whatever campaign policy she chose. The rank was created as an extreme measure in times of dire hardship, for the commander to be unrestrained by law or convention, and able to do what is necessary for the preservation and expansion of the faith, something that Haruka cunningly designed to grant herself unabridged power. Perhaps the most infamous time of Arcachon's history, was under the first Holy Legate, Haruka took it upon herself to wage an unrelenting campaign of total genocide and destruction of the Sartanian enemies, something that met little resistance within the realm when proposed. Sartania, who had previously found themselves perfectly able to manage the armies of Arcachon, were facing a newer and more dangerous threat; with so many defeats weighing on the conscience of the Clansmen, Arcachon had become complacent in its war, but under Haruka the realm quickly became motivated with new energy and purpose, the armies swelling to greater numbers than before, the zeaoltry of its Clansmen far greater than ever. The armies of Adaghar, quickly set about killing, raping and burning every Sartanian region they entered, destroying all military infrastructure, a systematic destruction of everything that surprised Sartania, and granted Arcachon the advantage they needed as Sartania found themselves losing invaluable recruitment centres, large supplies of food and gold, and thousands of peasants necessary for their armies and their economy, no lands where spared such a fate.

During such times of great success, Haruka fell gravely ill, will many rumours of mental illness and "God haunting" due to all the evils she had partaken, and commanded. She was quietly removed from her rank as Holy Legate, and replaced, where for many month she seemingly ceased to exist. When she returned, Sartania was but a shadow of its former self, the Clansmen having continued with their strategy, and received much victory as a result, she re-entered active duty in time to see the lands of Tuhpos and Irneas taken, and finally, the Sartanian capital city of Niel overthrown and conquered for Arcachon.

In the later years of her servitude to the crown of the Pontifex, during a time of mass war against the southern giant and empire of Soliferum Haruka voiced many great and radical ideas for reforms and change in Arcachon, for new wars and endeavours, and in doing so she gained much support from the nobility of Arcachon, sick of the situation the realm found itself in. With funds being squandered liberally on excess and luxury, and with much of it hoarded, the power and wealth of Arcachon found itself being controlled by an oligarchy of a few nobles, who where becoming increasingly unpopular for it, and infinitely more disillusioned with their realm and clans. Haruka began preaching radical ideas with a great tenacity, and voicing open dissension with the government and a demand for change, this ultimately lead to her being stripped of all her titles save for that of Clan Chieftess, which the Oligarchy lacked immediate legal power to do so. All of this on trumped up charges of treason, the incident itself having been Haruka defending herself from the attack of a rogue and depraved infiltrator during a great feast arranged by the Pontifex. Her stripping of titles and rank, was an act to discredit and shame her publicly, though many saw that she had merely defended herself from an assailant, and many agreeing that it was an entirely unnecessary act. After this act, Haruka became entirely separated from her government and fuelled by an anger at their corruption, she began to marshal those that supported her, the support eclipsing to nearly two thirds of the entire nobility of the Clans, Duke Cerber, realising the sheer strength of her support began to expand his own personal forces, those under his direct and personal command, and those designated to the "defence of the capital" as militia. With his own safety secured by such large forces, he declared Haruka a traitor and banished from the realm as she headed north back into the Dark Isle. As a public outcry ensued he began banning those who protested his actions, and those that had supported Haruka's plans and ideas; he also began hiring assassinations of prominent nobles in his attempt to quell any sort of rebellion, Haruka herself was even assassinated after being banned. His measures, where ultimately successful, as one of his spies declared a rebellion, flushing out a third of her support, ending any chance of a successful rebellion.

Emergence as Tyrant Mistress Of The Storms, Osgo.pngForÞwíf HeofonþrymOsgo.png, the "witch Queen" of the Saxons

File:Harukaban1.png (Will upload later)

Lady Haruka, having lost all her titles and wealth in Arcachon, travelled abroad taking what few Oath-men she had, those loyal to her and bound by oath. Following the guidance of the Daeþgodas she secured many important relics and unique items belonging to her ancestors, she headed out to the lands of the Stormland's, in order to restore the Heptarchy and the highly advanced culture and civilisation of the Saxons of the Saxons in their holy land, a dark place long succumbed to the invasions of Barbarian and heathen forces that snuffed out the light of Dwilight, and plunged it into the Dark Age that modern colonists found it in. The realm of Thulsoma, bereft of its former and unworthy occupants served as her home upon her arrival, the peasants and nobilities of the land soon declared her as their leader of all things, in her first acts she reformed the government to one of an Anglo Saxon Kingdom, she made herself the Duchess of the Sacred Stronghold of Storms Keep and the Knights Of Holy Iron chains where re-founded in Storms Keep, to serve as the Vanguard of the Heofonþrym, the protectors of the faithful and the shield of the most holy and ancient relics.