Igelfeld Family/ Moritz and Messanger of the Zuma: Difference between revisions

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m (Fixed the name to the right one "Custos". Also, I'm pretty sure Custos was female, but whatever, it's not as if humans can normally tell.)
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"'it is creation and restoration.' I replied and boldly asked, 'who are you?'  
"'it is creation and restoration.' I replied and boldly asked, 'who are you?'  

"'I am Costos and I am a Messanger.' He said whilst gliding closer to where I stood, 'You claim to restore, but words are cheap. Others have shown what they are. How will you demonstrate this?'  
"'I am Custos and I am a Messanger.' He said whilst gliding closer to where I stood, 'You claim to restore, but words are cheap. Others have shown what they are. How will you demonstrate this?'  

"I pointed to Tofino, this land ravished be beasts, 'look at these gathered, that man' I pointed to Westley," he mimicked the act, "'when we arrived he was the lone person in this hole province who lived, the monsters killed the rest. Now he stands with all these gathered, for we do restore and create.'"  
"I pointed to Tofino, this land ravished be beasts, 'look at these gathered, that man' I pointed to Westley," he mimicked the act, "'when we arrived he was the lone person in this hole province who lived, the monsters killed the rest. Now he stands with all these gathered, for we do restore and create.'"  
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Moritz pauses. Then stands up strait as a board and takes a step back from the group. "The ink black messanger approached me, and out of his black robe came one fleshless finger dripping with darkness. Soon we were but feet apart and I stared into his empty hood. 'you have spoken well young prince, and if you can lead these people as you have said I doubt not that this will be our last meeting.'"  
Moritz pauses. Then stands up strait as a board and takes a step back from the group. "The ink black messanger approached me, and out of his black robe came one fleshless finger dripping with darkness. Soon we were but feet apart and I stared into his empty hood. 'you have spoken well young prince, and if you can lead these people as you have said I doubt not that this will be our last meeting.'"  

Now Moritz stood facing Gunvald with a finder outstretched, he steps closer and placed the finger on Gunvalds temple, slowly drawing it across as he said, "Costos took that finger, and slid it across my temple cutting deeply but healing quickly. He said, 'Moritz, you have impressed me, and deserve the blessing I can bestow. The Zuma mark shall now and forever be yours, the mark of our priestly class. The eye of insight shall grant you understanding and wisdom. Forever it shall remain as a sign of our favor upon you.' and with that, he turned and I bowed as he left Tofino, gliding over the lake."  
Now Moritz stood facing Gunvald with a finder outstretched, he steps closer and placed the finger on Gunvalds temple, slowly drawing it across as he said, "Custos took that finger, and slid it across my temple cutting deeply but healing quickly. He said, 'Moritz, you have impressed me, and deserve the blessing I can bestow. The Zuma mark shall now and forever be yours, the mark of our priestly class. The eye of insight shall grant you understanding and wisdom. Forever it shall remain as a sign of our favor upon you.' and with that, he turned and I bowed as he left Tofino, gliding over the lake."  

Westley interupts, knowing it is essential and Moritz loves for him to do so, "But your majesty, I see no mark? what did the Zuma do?"  
Westley interupts, knowing it is essential and Moritz loves for him to do so, "But your majesty, I see no mark? what did the Zuma do?"  
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|Sender=Costos I
|Sender=Custos I
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in the region Tofino (1 recipients)
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in the region Tofino (1 recipients)
|Content=Glancing at the soldiers absently the cowel shifts to look Moritz up and down, the red coals taking him in. Finally the figure speaks once more, "'''Madinans explore, D'Harans revolt, Terrans fight, what do Asylons do? Who do Asylons serve?'''"
|Content=Glancing at the soldiers absently the cowel shifts to look Moritz up and down, the red coals taking him in. Finally the figure speaks once more, "'''Madinans explore, D'Harans revolt, Terrans fight, what do Asylons do? Who do Asylons serve?'''"
Line 93: Line 93:
|Sender=Costos I
|Sender=Custos I
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in the region Tofino (2 recipients)
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in the region Tofino (2 recipients)
|Content=considering Moritz the shrouded figure gave the impression of thoughtfulness even as it glances toward the rising dust in the distance that signals another arrival. Waiting as Gladia rides up before answering the figure addresses both while spreading the violet sleeves wide.  
|Content=considering Moritz the shrouded figure gave the impression of thoughtfulness even as it glances toward the rising dust in the distance that signals another arrival. Waiting as Gladia rides up before answering the figure addresses both while spreading the violet sleeves wide.  
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|Sender=Costos I
|Sender=Custos I
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in the region Tofino (3 recipients)
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in the region Tofino (3 recipients)
|Content=Drifting closer to Moritz as he speaks Custos seems drawn to him. Raising a single digit she makes a quick motion along Moritz's brow, the shrap edge of the shadowy claw barely brushing the skin, but it was enough to draw a bead of blood to run along his nose. The marking was gone in an instant, including the wound, but any glance in a watery reflection would show the faint outline of an eye on his brow, mark of the priestly caste who speak with daimons.  
|Content=Drifting closer to Moritz as he speaks Custos seems drawn to him. Raising a single digit she makes a quick motion along Moritz's brow, the shrap edge of the shadowy claw barely brushing the skin, but it was enough to draw a bead of blood to run along his nose. The marking was gone in an instant, including the wound, but any glance in a watery reflection would show the faint outline of an eye on his brow, mark of the priestly caste who speak with daimons.  

Latest revision as of 19:26, 1 April 2011

A young nobleman of Kosht looks towards the King and states confidently, "Your majesty, I think the start is quite a logical place to begin."

"You are quite right young man. What is your name?" Moritz walks to the bar and pours himself a glass of wine.

"Frederick Leshtire, your majesty." he says with a bow.

"Frederick, can you write?"

"Indeed I can."

"Then copy down what I say here, I shall have need of it."

Moritz downs his glass, and tightens his gaze as he begins the story, "Back when Asylon was freshly born, when life had just begun to blossom on these desolate lands and no region in our kingdom had more then 500 people to its name. I was a young knight of Echiur, loyally serving under Emperor Cleon Culom," Moritz looks towards the lord of Kosht, "may the gods rest his soul."

Moritz pauses momentarily. then resting his elbows on a chair and leaning closer to those gathered, "One day, while I walked among the people of Tofino, a Zuma came gliding across the ground tall as the hills and as black as squid ink. Although many a story has been spun about these messengers, nothing can prepare you for the awesome fear that comes with their presence. I trembled and quaked, but he said to me, 'be not afraid, The Zuma wish to speak with the outlanders of Asylon.'

"I looked about, but none seemed prepared to face the call. I stepped forward although fear tried to stay my hand. 'I am Sir Moritz Von Igelfeld, future king of these lands, and I shall speak for Asylon' that is what I said as I stepped forward.

"'what is Asylon?' the messanger asked me.

"'it is creation and restoration.' I replied and boldly asked, 'who are you?'

"'I am Custos and I am a Messanger.' He said whilst gliding closer to where I stood, 'You claim to restore, but words are cheap. Others have shown what they are. How will you demonstrate this?'

"I pointed to Tofino, this land ravished be beasts, 'look at these gathered, that man' I pointed to Westley," he mimicked the act, "'when we arrived he was the lone person in this hole province who lived, the monsters killed the rest. Now he stands with all these gathered, for we do restore and create.'"

Moritz pauses. Then stands up strait as a board and takes a step back from the group. "The ink black messanger approached me, and out of his black robe came one fleshless finger dripping with darkness. Soon we were but feet apart and I stared into his empty hood. 'you have spoken well young prince, and if you can lead these people as you have said I doubt not that this will be our last meeting.'"

Now Moritz stood facing Gunvald with a finder outstretched, he steps closer and placed the finger on Gunvalds temple, slowly drawing it across as he said, "Custos took that finger, and slid it across my temple cutting deeply but healing quickly. He said, 'Moritz, you have impressed me, and deserve the blessing I can bestow. The Zuma mark shall now and forever be yours, the mark of our priestly class. The eye of insight shall grant you understanding and wisdom. Forever it shall remain as a sign of our favor upon you.' and with that, he turned and I bowed as he left Tofino, gliding over the lake."

Westley interupts, knowing it is essential and Moritz loves for him to do so, "But your majesty, I see no mark? what did the Zuma do?"

Moritz quickly moves to the bar and fills a washing bowl with wine. bringing it to the table, he beckons Gunvald to come over then speaks to the crowd. "Gather noblemen, and see for yourself." Moritz stares into the bowl and as each nobleman comes in turn, the outline of an eye is clearly seen on his forehead.

"It is not visible to the weak eyes of mortal man, but by the magic of reflection you can witness the truth of what I speak!"

The Record

On the 13 day of summer of the 10 year of dwilight a mysterious creature entered a little town in the rural region of Tofino. At the time Tofino was under the control of Asylon a recently established realm built on the ashes of the Ancient Echiur Dynasty. Ambassador Moritz Von Igelfeld was the only noble present in that small town and this is a recording of what transpired.

Event from Custos I
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Tofino (6 recipients)
A shrouded figure in deep violet robes glides across the ground to halt before the village of the Tofino. Bowing slowly, a faint wisp of something dark and oily drifting out the edge of the hood, "The Zuma would speak with the outlanders of Asylon."
Custos I

Roleplay from Moritz Von Igelfeld
Message sent to Custos I
Mortiz steps back as this shadowy creature approaches and his men hold their weapons at the ready. startled and not knowing what to expect, the bow of the creature told him that this was likely not to be a hostile encounter. Mortiz returned the bow while maintaining a fixed gaze upon the creature and signaling for his men to lower their weapons. As the voice issues from within the mass it frightened the people of Tofino and Moritz himself as it was unlike any voice he had ever heard.

"The Zuma would speak with the outlanders of Asylon."

Moritz heard many tales of the high monsters of the Netherworld, they were often told to children in Golden Farrow to keep them from straying to far from the city. These tales terrified him when he was a young boy and now in the dark of night a fixture of his boyish nightmares stands before him. As the only noble in Tofino his duty is to address this creature, so Moritz steadies himself not fully sure he was awake, and steps forward with as much confidence as he had ever gathered.

"I am Mortiz Von Igelfeld Knight of Echiur and I shall speak on behalf of Asylon."

He wanted to say more, ask who this Zuma was and why he referred to Asylon as outlanders, but fear stayed his tongue as he decided to match the address given him.
Moritz Von Igelfeld (Knight of Echiur)

Roleplay from Custos I
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the region Tofino (1 recipients)
Glancing at the soldiers absently the cowel shifts to look Moritz up and down, the red coals taking him in. Finally the figure speaks once more, "Madinans explore, D'Harans revolt, Terrans fight, what do Asylons do? Who do Asylons serve?"
Custos I

Roleplay from Moritz Von Igelfeld
Message sent to Custos I
With his fear quickly subsiding, Moritz considers the question and cannot shake the idea that this is a test or perhaps a riddle. He decides that a brief reply is not what is sought here and begins:

"Asylons do many things exploring and fighting among them, but if you seek our identity it is not found in either of those. For we fight when we must and explore what we can, but we are not fighters nor explorers. Asylon creates and Asylon cultivates. We have come here to a land void of life and created what is a new society full of life that has brought immigrants to these once desolate shores. From the different lands we left we have carried with us our culture and joined what we believe good together with what was brought by others to encourage the richness of diversity. This is Asylon as it stands today, we are creators."

Thinking on his reply, Moritz believes it a fitting response to such a question. Probably not what the being desired or what most of Asylon would have said, but well phrased and not devoid of meaning. However, he is not done, there is the second part of the question left unanswered, and he has no idea how to answer.

"Asylon has no established state religion and therefore, to say we serve god or the gods is meaningless. We are many different people with many different histories and many different masters. To unite us all under one idea we all serve would be an oversimplification at best and a lie at worst. The best simplification I have to offer is this; We serve the land, the people, and the hierarchy."

Moritz pauses.

"I have answered two of your questions and shall ask you two in return. What is your name? What is your purpose?"
Moritz Von Igelfeld (Knight of Echiur)

Roleplay from Custos I
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the region Tofino (2 recipients)
considering Moritz the shrouded figure gave the impression of thoughtfulness even as it glances toward the rising dust in the distance that signals another arrival. Waiting as Gladia rides up before answering the figure addresses both while spreading the violet sleeves wide.

"You of Asylon have given a good answer. You have spoken with wisdom all too ofter uncommon of your kind. Madinans showed us they explore, D'Haras showed us they revolt, Terrans showed us they fight... and you alone have told us that you are one with the land, each other and creation. A sense of community is important to the Zuma, as is the effort to take what is broken and make whole."

Raising one sleeve the figure lets the fabric drop down to reveal more inky blackness that seemed like smoke at midnight, a long talon-like finger rising into the air. "You are however mistaken on one point, these lands were not void of life, not until you outlanders arived. You brought with you the cursed ones, the dead who walk and the creatures. The tribes of Tofino, Echiur and Vakreno were once numerous in these lands, now there is only you and some wanderers have come to our care."

Dropping the hand the figure drifts between the pair soundlessly toward the other side, studying soldiers and the land alike. "You may call me Custos, and I am here as a messenger. The Dragon Queen came to the Zuma and asked premission of the Vates to found Asylon in this place, this was given. Now that we are awakened once more I have been sent to see what has come of that."
Custos I

Roleplay from Moritz Von Igelfeld
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the region Tofino (3 recipients)
Moritz looks back at the nobles now standing with him. He is glad of the company but aware he is still the speaker for Asylon. Moritz turns toward Custos once again.

"As the Madinans showed they explore, and the D'Haras showed they revolt, and the Terrans showed they fight, Asylon shall also show we are one with this land, ourselves, and creation honourable Custos. Words mean little without action and action shall demonstrate the truth of our words. These cursed ones of which you speak, these that have ravished this land and scattered its people, are the ones we shall defend our people from. The people of Tofino, Echiur, Vekreno, and more will flourish as we protect them and work with them to bring resurrection to these people and to this land."

Moritz pauses for a moment to consider this encounter. When he was a child these beings were depicted as thoughtless wild spirits who ruled over the monsters of these lands and set them towards the destruction of humanity. In truth they held righteous anger against those that brought destruction to this beautiful place. Humanity must now set right what was broken, and with this realization Moritz continued.

"Although we have not been in Tofino long, I hope the evidence you see before you speaks to the truth of my words."

Moritz looks toward the cottage that Westley stood before, and with an open hand directs the crowds gaze toward him.

"When we arrived this man was the only one who stood before the monsters and lived in this town alone. Now there are 142 people to keep him company. I hope that what you have seen here will assure the Zuma that the permission given long ago was well deserved and is well deserving still."
Moritz Von Igelfeld (Knight of Echiur)

Roleplay from Custos I
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the region Tofino (3 recipients)
Drifting closer to Moritz as he speaks Custos seems drawn to him. Raising a single digit she makes a quick motion along Moritz's brow, the shrap edge of the shadowy claw barely brushing the skin, but it was enough to draw a bead of blood to run along his nose. The marking was gone in an instant, including the wound, but any glance in a watery reflection would show the faint outline of an eye on his brow, mark of the priestly caste who speak with daimons.

Curling in her three digits and relaxing she adds, "You have impressed me 'Mortiz' was it not? I grant upon you a Zuma mark. Should you spend a great deal of time among my kind this should help to hold off the worst of the, madness, that can bring to humans. There are other benifits as well, but those will become apparent in time. Consider your people welcome by your words alone, and may the actions of your people build on the good will you have earned."
Custos I

Roleplay from Moritz Von Igelfeld
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Tofino (3 recipients)
Moritz shuts his eyes and lowers his head as the pain of this sudden slash hits him. instinctively his hand leaps to the mark to assess the damage, but as his fingers cross his unwounded skin the pain quickly departs and he reopens his eyes. Something had changed, Moritz sees Custos differently now and the fear he first felt was now completely gone, replaced with respect and understanding. Straitening his posture to reassure those around Moritz smiles as he listens to this once feared being bestow upon him this blessing.

After Custos finished, Moritz bows and softly replies:

"Thank you Custos for this honour you have seen fit to bestow upon me."

Living up to her position as ambassador, Gladia speaks and is visibly shaken. remembering the fear he first felt upon speaking to Custos, Moritz places a comforting hand on her shoulder and gives a reassuring smile.
Moritz Von Igelfeld (Knight of Echiur)

Roleplay from Gladia Olivaw
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Tofino (3 recipients)
Gladia was a little shocked at the words of the one called Custos. They seemed to have a ringing effect to them. She was fairly young and has been somewhat pampered until now. It showed when circumstances such as this one came up. After Custos moved and seemed to swipe at Moritz, she was a little afraid and did not want to say anything, but she remembered that she was entrusted with the appointment of Ambassador from Emperor Cleon, and so she must say something.

"Um...Thank you for your kind words, I welcome you to our lands that we are trying our best to cultivate. We have similar purposes and objectives, and I think the same wishes as well for the land to become prosperous and its produces plentiful. Is there anything that you desire other than to see this land flourish? We will do our best to continue that work."

Gladia took a deep breath, she said all that in one breath. She was nervous, and hoped it didn't show.
Gladia Olivaw (High Magistrate of Asylon, Ambassador of Asylon)

Roleplay from Moritz Von Igelfeld
Message sent to everyone in your realm (12 recipients)
Without replying to Ambassador Gladia, Custos bows to the nobles present and leaves the town just as he had entered: silently in the night. Moritz smiled with closed lips as he watched Custos go, he had grown to like him and hopes they will meet again. Moritz looks to Gladia, "I don't think he heard you my lady, he seemed to be headed off before you began to speak." His hand still upon her shoulder he lightly squeezes and asks, "Are you alright?"
Moritz Von Igelfeld (Knight of Echiur)

Roleplay from Gladia Olivaw
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Tofino (3 recipients)
Gladia was mesmerized by the Zuma and was stunned for a while before she realized that Sir Moritz's hand was on her shoulder. She shirked back in surprise and almost fell out of her chair, leaving Sir Moritz's hand outstretched.

I'm sorry, Sir Moritz Von, what just happened? I recall the Zuma was there... She pointed in front of her and fainted soon after she spoke, falling from her chair. She was very tired from conversing with the Zuma, it seemed to take a surprising amount of strength to do so.

Gladia Olivaw (High Magistrate of Asylon, Ambassador of Asylon)

Roleplay from Moritz Von Igelfeld
Message sent to everyone in your realm (12 recipients)
Moritz takes Gladia by the arm and helps her to the nearest house,

"I am glad you are alright, I wish I could stay with you but urgent business calls me back to our capital." Moritz turns to his Captain, " Fredrick, stay here with High Magistrate Gladia and protect her, I shall be back as soon as I can manage."

Moritz Von Igelfeld (Knight of Echiur)