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Latest revision as of 05:04, 14 February 2011

Letter from Adaria Lightstar (25 days, 2 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (22 recipients) Yay! Cookies all around! I just commissioned a new bakery in Idapur, so get them while they're hot! Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (22 days, 18 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (23 recipients) Adaria was minding her own business, walking back to her tent after having eaten a delicious dinner of rabbit stew, when suddenly there was a whoosh! sound, and everything turned black.

"Waaah!! Miss Arya?? Is that you again? Always jumping me..."

"Be quick, lads, get 'er purse afore th'others return."

"Wait what?! HEY! What do you think you're doing?!"

The girl struggled inside the potato sack for a moment before she tripped and fell. She felt a rope wrap around her waist and tighten up, trapping her arms against her side. There was some crashing and rummaging sounds coming from the direction of her tent.

"Captain!! HELP!! It's a muuttinyyy!!"

"Shush, lady! Yer cap'n ain't around to help you. We're sick and tired o' all this civil work bulls**t in Anrimap. So goodbye!"

"WAHHH!! You baaaaassstardss!!"

A few more loud noises later, there was a flurry of hurried footsteps, pounding off into the night. Adaria wiggled valiantly to free herself, but the rope was tied rather well. She seemed to make little headway, and so he resorted to rolling towards her tent, where she could hopefully cut a hole in the sack on something sharp.

Before she made it however, the sound of people approaching made her gasp and lie still on the ground.

"M'lady? M'lady?? Is that you?" came a familiar voice, laced with concern.

"C-captain? Oh thank the Aenil you're here! Wait, where were you?? The bastards tied me up and robbed meee!!" was Adaria's muffled response.

"Curse the day they were born! One of our scouts reported a disturbance back at the town, something about fire and bandits, so I took most of the men to investigate. Damn! I should have known something was up, because that scout did not come with us! A thousand apologies, M'lady."

Captain Oswald hurriedly cut the binding rope and tugged the sack off, revealing a frightened and disheveled duchess. She peered up at him with a frown and teary eyes, then took his offered hand back up to her feet.

"Grr... Well, they can't have gone far..." Adaria murmured, then hugged herself for comfort while pretending she was in Arya's embrace. "Try to hunt them down for me please... I'm... I'm going to ride back to the city."

"Understood, M'lady. Let me get together an escort for y--"

"No," she cut him off. "No escort... I'll... I'll be fine. Just need some time alone."

Oswald grunted with a nod, then turned to organize the remaining men loyal to the duchess.

Adaria rode all through the night, and partly into the morning, until she arrived back at the city. She wanted nothing more than to sleep in her best friend's arms. Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Arya Calanar (4 days, 19 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Arya didn't waste any time when she heard Adaria was back. Using all of the stealth she'd trained over the course of years in the wilderness, she stalked her prey. She moved through streets, and down alleys. Across a bridge, and through the garden. Into the palace. Each step she could tell she was closing in.

Up the stairs. East wing. Quietly... Oh, so quietly. Up another flight of stairs. She grinned as her target came into view. Like an animal waiting to pounce, she stalked closer. Then the war cry. "Aaaadaaariiiiaaa!" Tackle. Thud. Arya Calanar Duchess of Nahad

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (4 days, 18 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) "Ooof!!" Adaria wiggled around and grinned up at her dearest friend. "Hiya Miss Arya!! I've missed youuu!"

Still all smiles, the girl wrapped Arya up in a big hug, pressing their cheeks together. She was no longer as pouty or vocal as in the past about being greeted in such a manner; truth be told, Adaria was actually starting to grow fond of the unannounced tackles. She did not know whether that was a good or bad thing, but nonetheless she was very happy to see Arya.

"You know," she giggled, "One of these days I'm gonna hear you sneaking up on me, and then you'll be sorryy!"

A lingering kiss ensued.

"Soo... what have you been up to lately? I've been training my butt off!" Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Arya Calanar (4 days, 18 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Arya laughed and reached down, giving Adaria's butt a squeeze. "What do you mean? It's still there, and scrawny as ever," she said jokingly. It was fun to tease Adaria a little.

"I've been trying to train, but the academy seems to close when they see me coming... I've had to sneak in... I keep beating the expert instructor, and so they tell me to go somewhere else, but there is nowhere else..."

She sighed. "What am I to do? It's been so boring around here lately... I haven't even been able to practice sneaking up on my favorite target," she teased again. "The day you hear me coming is the day you get to tackle me, and then I'll make it worth your while, love, so keep up the training." Arya Calanar Duchess of Nahad

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (4 days, 18 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Adaria blushed. Badly.


She squeezed her eyes shut, gave her biggest pout, and scrunched her eyes together for good measure.

"Aww... poor teachers... They must feel sad that you can beat them so easily now, when they're supposed to be the ones who know it all..."

Adaria blinked, her cheeks returning to their normal color, then tilted her head slightly.

"Hmm... why don't I just tackle you right now?" she laughed and tried to push Arya onto her back, but they just ended up rolling down the hallway. An unsuspecting maid turned the corner to investigate the disturbance, but the girls rolled right into her legs. The servant tripped forwards, throwing her hands up and sending her tray of tablecloths flying.

"Eeek! W-what in the name of...!"

"...oopsies! Ruuunn!" Adaria squeaked and rolled, scrambling up into a mad dash around the corner that the maid had exited. She glanced back over her shoulder to see if Arya was gaining on her and nearly ran into a wall. Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Arya Calanar (4 days, 18 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Fortunately Arya was gaining on her, because she pulled Adaria back just before she hit the wall, and stumbled back until she tripped on the long hall carpet and fell with Adaria landing on top of her.

She looked around, seeing the coast was clear, and then at Adaria on top of her. Arya laughed. "Dammit... Already? Does this count as a tackle?" she asked, recalling her very recent promise. Arya Calanar Duchess of Nahad

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (4 days, 18 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) "Tehe, yup! You fell for my masterful almost-running-into-the-wall-so-that-you-would-save-me-but-trip-on-the-carpet-and-let-me-tackle-you plan!"

Adaria stuck her tongue out playfully and then squeezed Arya's bottom.

"Ha! Now we're even!"

She pursed her lips in thought.

"And now I'm hungry too. To the kitchens!" Adaria exclaimed as she hopped up and skipped off. Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Arya Calanar (4 days, 18 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) "Youuuu," Arya said, clearly pretending to be angry as she chased after her.

The palace was huge, and so she found herself walking alongside Adaria, alone, soon enough. She put an arm around her shoulders. "So then... If you tackled me, I have to make it worth your while. Guess I'm staying here tonight, love." Arya Calanar Duchess of Nahad

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (4 days, 17 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Adaria beamed.

"Food! Erm, I mean good! Ooo I know, we can make some more houses of cards!! It's been ages since I've tried. And, and... blindfolded pillooww fight!!"

Her mind suddenly jumped to a new topic.

"Speaking of which, I hope someone hosts a tournament soon. I could really go for some turkey legs and corn-on-the-cobs..." Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Arya Calanar (4 days, 17 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Arya grinned. "Well, I have some gold we could put towards one here. We do need to improve relations with the rest of the Far East. Then we can still use that comfy bed of yours to stay in. Inns just aren't as comfortable."

"You and your pillow fights," she said with a giggle. "I swear... You could build a fortress out of all of your pillows that would rival Nahad... Should I ask the king if he's willing to host one? Or you could. You're family... I'm just the loud-mouthed squatter as far as he knows." Arya Calanar Duchess of Nahad

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (4 days, 17 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) The girl giggled back at the pillow comments. She really did have quite the collection.

"Hmm..." Adaria blinked thoughtfully at the idea of hosting a tournament in Aenilia, then her eyes lit up. "Hey, that's right! Silly me, I'm a Duchess, so of course I can announce tourneys if I want! I guess you could ask him if you'd like... but isn't he still way up north on a so-called 'diplomatic mission'? It'd probably be over a week at the earliest before he got back. We could probably just have a small swordfighting tourney in Idapur if you want?"

She clapped her hands excitedly.

"If we do, you better win! Or... Or... I won't let you tackle me any mooore!" Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Arya Calanar (4 days, 17 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Arya laughed. "Love. Nothing can stop me from tackling you, but if we do this, you have to pick the judges carefully. No matter how skilled, a lucky shot or a poor judge will call it the other way..."

She thought for a moment. "We could ask around for more gold, it can be expensive, or just have it be hosted by the lovely duchesses of Aenilia alone. Arya Calanar Duchess of Nahad

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (4 days, 17 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Adaria smiled and nodded.

"Well, I've heard rumors that our Lord High Chancellor has a really massive treasury hidden away somewhere in Ipsosez. But maybe we could just fund it ourselves? I've never hosted a tourney before, so I'm not sure how much it all costs... Do you think many will come, though? People are still busy fighting everywhere, it seems."

She pursed her lips and tapped them in thought.

"Maybe we could just announce a prize of a few hundred gold?" Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Arya Calanar (4 days, 17 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Arya thought for a moment. "I've stolen a look at tournament ledgers before... Maybe 200 gold for the prize, 50 for second, and I have another 300 we can put towards expenses. I'd say food and drink for fifty or more. I think most of our fellow realm mates would join, around twenty of them. Then we can expect people from Cathay and Kindara since they aren't fighting anyone. We could see a lot more people too... Maybe prepare for a lot of people and if we go over, no harm. Under, and we'll be charged extra."

She paused and gave Adaria an innocent look. "I had free time? Um... It's a habit? Um..." She kissed Adaria on the cheek hoping it'd distract her from her devious work. Arya Calanar Duchess of Nahad

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (4 days, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) "Tehe, sounds good! But... free time? Habit? What are you going on about, silly?"

Adaria was blissfully oblivious to any such devious work that Arya may or may not have conducted. Indeed, she was too busy contemplating all the numbers to have even paid attention to the initial hint that her friend might have arrived with all the estimates through thievery of some sort.

"Oh! We forgot the entrance fee! Let's see... if we're getting at least fifty people... and our prize pot is two-fifty... Hmm, but then there'll be other expenses too, so we should charge..." Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Arya Calanar (4 days, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Arya thought for a moment. "Well... If we have 300 for prizes, 200 to cover the expenses. Maybe a 10 gold fee? It probably won't make a profit, but we're trying to get on good terms with other realms and provide relaxation, not line our pockets...this time... I can do that at the tourney if I want."

She tried to run the costs in her head. "Yeah, if I add 500 gold to whatever you have, we should be fine. I'd guess maybe between fifty and seventy nobles will attend..." Arya Calanar Duchess of Nahad

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (4 days, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) "Alrighty then, it's settled!"

Adaria darted into the kitchen and loaded a tray with a few veggie-wraps, a small loaf of bread, and half a dozen little pastries. Then she grabbed a jug of wine and moved back out rather precariously with her load. They made their way slowly back to her room.

"Oh, won't we have to make some special public announcement about it? I hope you've got some ideas, Miss Arya! I'd be so embarrassed if we, erm, embarrassed ourselves?" Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (4 days ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Later that evening, Adaria forgot all about her pillow fortress and house of cards, as she and Arya bounced ideas back and forth regarding the upcoming tournament. They had decided to announce it in the morning and were busy planning all the events and foods to go along with the competition. Since it was her first time being a hostess, Adaria wanted to present a fun and enjoyable setting for everyone. Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Arya Calanar (4 days ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Arya sighed. "If you really think it's necessary, fine. Add a pillow fighting tournament, but please make it for the kids." She was losing this battle and fast, particularly with Adaria's looming mountain of pillows just within her reach. She decided to bring some hope of sanity into the mix.

"Adaria, why don't we send out a call to the local merchants to set up shops, stands, and games as well. The competitions are all well and good, but without everyone pitching in and decorating the city, we won't have a lot else to do. We want people to remember the good time they had here." Arya Calanar Duchess of Nahad

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (4 days ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) "Yaaay!!" Though Adaria had originally forgotten about their previous plans for the night, while the two of them had begun discussing the details of the tournament in earnest, it had not taken long for her to realize that pillow fighting would be the best thing ever since roasted turkey legs. "Do I count as a kid?? Do I, do I? Please please say yes!"

Arya acted as if she had not heard Adaria, and proceeded to discuss holding an actual festival as well to coincide with the main event.

"Oh! You mean like a festival too? Hey, that's a great idea! I don't think I've ever been to a festive tournament! Or a... tournamental festival?"

The jubilant girl clapped her hands and giggled. Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Arya Calanar (4 days ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Arya just shook her head and smiled. "Adaria..." She leaned forward and tacklde the other duchess onto the bed. With a sweet smile, she leaned close and kissed her. "Now, love. Since we both know you're going to ignore me and put in two groups of pillow fighting tournaments, kids and adults, let's at least focus a little."

Arya rolled off of Adaria and sighed. "Are we going to have any other games and events set up from the start, or are the city-folk going to run the stuff they want?" Arya Calanar Duchess of Nahad

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (3 days, 23 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Adaria grinned and peered up at Arya.

"I think... I think we should have a petting farm for the kids! We could get some cats and dogs and squirrels and chipmunks and horses and chickens and cows and, well maybe not cows, because they pass wind a lot. Umm, and... what?" she blinked cutely at her friend, who seemed to be trying really hard to hold in her laughter.

"Oh, I know! We should have a stale cookie throwing contest!! Maybe also... yes! A cooking contest too, to feed our guests! And umm... we could have a jousting contest for the kids? Let them ride on the backs of volunteers with a mini-lance!" Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Arya Calanar (3 days, 23 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Arya bolted upright. "Are you crazy! Do you know how many people will lose eyes, or even just break something from that jousting competition!? No no no noooo. Let's leave jousting out of this. Maybe wooden swords, some padding and a pen for an arena, but jousting is a bad idea. I'm sure we can commission some animals too."

The duchess sighed and dropped back down on to the bed. "Alright love. I think we can call that a winner. Let's leave the rest to the locals we hire. We've done our parts with this." Arya Calanar Duchess of Nahad

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (3 days, 23 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Adaria frowned, her brow creased with worry.

"Oh... I didn't think about that, but you're right hun, it could get ugly with the fake jousting."

The girl nodded at Arya's admission of finality, taking it as a sign to wrap up their discussion. Rolling over a bit, she sidled up to her love and wrapped an arm and a leg around Arya. With a silent yawn, Adaria closed her eyes and snuggled tight. She had not realized how tired she was, quickly drifting off to dreamland. Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Arya Calanar (3 days, 23 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Arya made to protest, but couldn't. Adaria was always so sweet and innocent. She sighed contentedly and moved a bit closer as she wrapped her arms around Adaria. "Good night, love," she whispered affectionately, as she closed her eyes to go to sleep too. Arya Calanar Duchess of Nahad

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (3 days, 19 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Arya/Adaria: The lovely Duchesses of Greater Aenilia would like to welcome everyone to the Summer Phoenix Festival. The longest days are upon us with the turning of summer, and the Phoenix burns bright in this heat.

Adaria: Along with the festival is the Farewell Spring/Awesome Blossom/Blazing Phoenix/Summer Phoenix/Flowery Cookie Tournament!

Arya: I thought we agreed to one name...

Adaria: Come one, come all to the festivities and competitions!

Arya: Yep! There's going to be people from all reaches of the Far East ready to duke it out for best swordsman, or should I say swordswoman, because I intend to keep my title!

Adaria: You'd better win!

Arya: I must be lucky. I've even got the lovely hostess among my fans!

Adaria: Aw... You're the pretty one, Miss Arya.

Arya: Stop it. You're prettier than I am, and we both know it.

Serge: Both of you stop it. Tournaments are a serious matter.

Arya: Uncle? How long have you been here?

Serge: Long enough. Let's go.

Adaria: Ooh! I bet I can try all sorts of crazy and cool new recipes for the Creative Cooking Challenge!

Arya: Why, Uncle? We're in the middle of making the tournament announcement!

Serge: We need to get you into better shape for this tournament. Stop fooling around and let's go. I can still beat you with one hand behind my back.

Arya: B-but they won't let me into the academy... And I have to-- Gah!

Serge: That's why you're training with me from now on.

Arya: Adaria! Help!

Adaria: Oh! I've always wanted to try this one... Chocolate-Filled Croissant Dipped in Honey and...

Arya: Adariaaaa....

Adaria: And, wait what? There's a drinking contest too? Better stay clear of that. Ooh! Someone's going to paint phoenixes on children's faces. ...Want to go, Miss Arya? ...Arya? ...This is going to be so much fun! My first time as hostess of a tourney! I bet she's already preparing to go! I wish she'd have told me first...

Meanwhile, in a dark and mysterious land far, far away to the north, a King sulked and complained to nobody within earshot after hearing the news...

Xarnelf: For the love of all Aenil, what in the blazing pit of Adaria's burnt muffins do those two silly girls think they are doing?? Planning a tournament while I am away from home and busy trying to figure out how to get myself out of this mess? I suppose this is entirely my fault for not realizing sooner what is bound to happen when I leave the two of them alone... Adaria Lightstar

Roleplay from Arya Calanar (3 days, 19 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Arya nodded. "Looks like everything's in working order, Adaria. I should sign up too." She smirked and kissed Adaria affectionately. "Do I get a discount?" she asked teasingly. With a giggle, she stepped back. "You'd better cheer for me." Arya Calanar Duchess of Nahad

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (3 days, 18 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) "Discount? You pretty much paid for it all, dear! I'll give you back the gold we make afterwards, and hopefully there'll be a little extra on top."

Adaria laughed and cheered for Arya, waving her hands wildly in the air as she hopped up and down. One of her tournament officials paused in his scribbling and blinked up at the exuberant display. He shook his head and looked back down, for that was the least of his worries. With the long list of events planned to supplement the main competition, he would be busy the whole week--and then probably also the following week on cleaning duty. Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Arya Calanar (3 days, 18 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients) Arya shook her head with a blush. "I'm just kidding love. Don't worry too much. We'll see if we can put the gold to good use or not before you give any back to me."

She drew a long dagger and twirled it gracefully around and around. She added the second to the mix and then gave Adaria a wide grin. "I'm off. Don't forget to visit me, and I'll come cheer you on in the baking competition!" Arya Calanar Duchess of Nahad

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (2 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to: Agnos, Alphonse, Bernilius, Borna, Celina, Guy du, Lambert, Lanya, Madock, Mhorbaine, Namenir, Orphaea, Prattle, Proctor, Rekhyt, Salerim, Shingen, Xarnelf

Arya was getting better, that much was certain. She had to if she wanted to beat her uncle one day. Her blades danced in the light as she finished her training. Now she needed to test her skill among the few gathered. If she was any good, she wanted it to be a surprise to the late-comers.

The first big events would start tomorrow. Adaria's pillow fighting competition had a children's and an adult's bracket. She didn't know why it was necessary, but she'd given in to the duchess' fun. The cooking competition was the day after, on top of everything else the festival in Idapur had to offer.

With a deep breath, the duchess of Nahad entered the arena to showcase some of her talents...

Adaria was happy. Barely a day had passed since her public announcement with Arya about their festive tournament, and already over a dozen nobles had signed up. She sent out flowery-smelling, personalized welcome notes to all of the first arrivals, and decided that she would continue to do so to each and every newcomer. From what she could recall, none of the hosts at all the previous tournaments she had attended had bothered to greet people when they arrived, instead choosing to just periodically welcome everyone as a group or on the day before the scheduled event. Granted, it would take a good deal of time to find out who everyone was, but at least that was the job of the officials. All she had to do was dictate, sign, and stamp each note, while her scribes and attendants did most of the work.

One note in particular, however, she took care of by herself. It was much too intimate to be penned by some random scribe, and so the duchess began scribbling her very first welcome note, sent to her partner-in-conspiracy, Arya:

My Dearest Honey Wolf... Adaria Lightstar

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (1 day, 19 hours ago) Message sent to: Agnos, Alphonse, Bernilius, Borna, Celina, Guy du, Lambert, Lanya, Madock, Mhorbaine, Namenir, Orphaea, Prattle, Proctor, Rekhyt, Salerim, Shingen, Xarnelf The herald began to announce the day's main event in one of the open squares.

"Hear ye, hear ye, the um..."

He squinted his eyes to make sure he had read correctly before continuing.

"The first Pillow Fight Extravaganza will begin shortly after the noon meal. Prospective contestants are encouraged to begin signing up now, though you may join by simply showing up at the allotted time. The winners of each bracket will be given free spots on the judging panel for tomorrow's um... Creative Cooking Contest. The admission fee for the Pillow Fight Extravaganza is simply um... a what?? Um, ahem. The admission fee is simply having an inner child and a willingness to laugh as you bash people on the head with soft, fluffy pillows!"

The man shook his head in disbelief and then moved on to the next location for a repeat announcement. Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials

Roleplay from Adaria Lightstar (18 hours, 8 minutes ago) Message sent to: Agnos, Alphonse, Bernilius, Borna, Celina, Guy du, Lambert, Lanya, Madock, Mhorbaine, Orphaea, Prattle, Proctor, Rekhyt, Salerim, Shingen, Xarnelf Adaria finished perusing her scribes' work with the latest batch of welcome notes to the new arrivals. Everything looked to be in order, so she smiled and stamped each lavender-scented paper, then waved the messengers over to collect them. A tournament official poked his head into the room and cleared his throat to catch her attention.

"M'lady, they're waiting for you at the..." He inwardly groaned at the chosen name of the field. "...Fluffy Arena. The PFE is about ready to begin."

"Ooh, gotcha, I'll be right there, thanks!"

Adaria rushed over to her closet and began tossing garments over her shoulder in search of the previously selected outfit. Most of the clothing tried bravely to soar towards the safety of the nearby bed, but sadly half of them fell short of the mark. They crumpled dejectedly upon the floor.

"A-ha! There you are!"

The duchess grinned as she yanked a pair of dark green trousers out with one hand, while her other hand raised the complimenting light green blouse triumphantly into the air. A twirl of blue later, she was behind her screen and quickly changing. The baby blue dress she had worn to the pasta luncheon took a nap upon the top edge of the screen, as Adaria popped out in all her green finery.

After a quick check and primp in the mirror, the girl rushed out of the palace towards the carriage waiting to take her outside the city to the tournament grounds.

"Greetings and welcome to today's Pillow Fight Extravaganza," began the official in his most authoritative tone. The man did a splendid job of keeping a straight face as he proceeded to explain the rules. Many people in the audience snickered and elbowed each other with twinkling eyes. Something like this was unheard of!

"As has been announced yesterday, there will be two groups of contestants: those of the young adult bracket with ages under sixteen, and those of the main bracket with ages over sixteen. The rul--"

"Hey!" interrupted a young lady from the crowd, drawing a frown from the official. "What about those of us who are sixteen??"

He blinked, momentarily surprised, but then quickly consulted his notes.

"The main bracket will consist of people ages sixteen and over. Now, as--"


"--I was saying, the rules are simple and straight-forward. This contest will adhere to one of the standard structures of a swordfighting tournament, with an open melee between all participants at the same time. There will be two rounds in each bracket, to determine two semi-finalists each. The third and final round will consist of the four semi-finalists.

"If you lose contact with your pillow, you are disqualified. If your pillow breaks, you are disqualified. If you are knocked down, you are disqualified. To advance, you must be one of the last two standing. In the final round, the four semi-finalists will be granted two pillows each before being disqualified. The other rules still apply, so try to stay on your feet!

"First up are the young adults. All contestants please enter the Fluffy Arena at this time with your chosen pillows. All last-minute participants, please make your way now to the surplus pillow depot, where you will be armed."

A horde of kids squealed in delight and rushed into the grassy, sectioned-off square of field. Proud parents cheered them on and waved colorful flags, while Adaria clapped her hands from her spot next to Arya. A second, smaller group of children yelled as they charged the indicated booth, with the extra pillows for those who did not come prepared. Even before the first kid got his 'weapon' from the surplus depot, the group already inside in the arena had begun whacking each other.

"Hey!" cried out the PFE official in obvious consternation. "I did not say you could begin yet! Stop! Stop swinging, young adults!!"

His calls fell on deaf ears, as the laughing children ignored him, and feathery chaos ensued.

Adaria Lightstar Duchess of Idapur, Marshal of the Barely Understandable Regional Officials