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Latest revision as of 08:41, 17 January 2011

The Island Chronicle

More victories January 15, 1011
The armies of the Isle have triumphed yet again. While Arcaea futilely threw itself on the walls of Soniel, invading Ohnarian forces were routed, and Arcachonian forces occupy Nbasah. Ohnar official stand on the war is- "Our involvement as their allies helps to assure that the Holy City of Enlod, and the temples of the way, remain standing regardless of which army claims ultimate victory." Thus Ohnar has joined the war to protect the Adgharin Way, yet does so by attacking the theocracy made in its name. Arcachon does not wish to spill Ohnarian blood, yet will defend itself. Perhaps Arcaea feels its armies, triple the size of Arcachon's, aren't enough to defeat us, and now seeks to spread its propoganda to influence even more honest realms.
Comment on this story. by Melehan Lefanis, Duke of Enlod 
Arcaea stoops to falsehoods January 18, 1011
MiLord Kings and High Lords of the Far East,

As you know there have been accusations of torture made by Arcaea against the nation of Arcachon. As you are also surely aware, they have been losing the war aginst us and so it may be unsuprising that they desperately wish to blacken our name. The nobles so shamed by their capture have likely concocted this, to compensate for the fact that the mighty Arcaean army has now lost 7 battles to a much smaller force.

I do not merely make this claim in logic, but also make evidence, which any who follow the realm-wide imprisonment records shall know. Indeed, I have ecvidence which may be recollect and verified, while Arcaea speaks of rumours from prisoners, some of whom have fled the continent entirely.

Indeed, why would we torture them when they are set to flee this land? I would remind my lords of a very important fact, a tortured noble cannot escape his bonds, as he is rendered too weak. With greatest shame I offer both letters and reports of our failure to contain prisoners.

Prisoner escaped (9 hours, 52 minutes ago) Brendan has vanished from his cell in Enlod! The guards are being questioned and witnesses searched, but it is likely that he has already left the city.

Prisoner escaped (7 days, 9 hours ago) Silan has vanished from his cell in Enlod! The guards are being questioned and witnesses searched, but it is likely that he has already left the city.

Prisoner escaped (6 days, 9 hours ago) Bertrand has vanished from his cell in Enlod! The guards are being questioned and witnesses searched, but it is likely that he has already left the city.

Prisoner escaped (1 day, 9 hours ago) Espeth has vanished from her cell in Enlod! The guards are being questioned and witnesses searched, but it is likely that she has already left the city.

Prisoner escaped (2 days, 9 hours ago) Selenay has vanished from her cell in Enlod! The guards are being questioned and witnesses searched, but it is likely that she has already left the city.

As you can plainly see, if we were toturing we would not have such a rash of escapes, and we also have banished nobles, and the fact that some at the exact time claimed by Arcaea could try to escape shows they were not being tortured.

I hope this clears up such awful accusations from embittered and dark-hearted men.
Comment on this story. by Ciann Fraoch, Marchioness of Tuhpos, Marshal of the Morrigu 
Arcaean armies pushed back! January 15, 1011
The first major engagement of the war took place in Tuhpos, where the Arcaeans brought their full force to challenge our mainland possessions. In a great battle, the Arcaean aggressors were vanquished, their great host decimated. Later, after they returned from a refit, another large Arcaean assault force was driven back from Unotosa, against all odds. The war machine of Arcaea still hasn't fully recovered from the blow it faced in Tuhpos. Arcachon has proven it is not to be trifled with, the invaders wont be able to steal our lands without a fight.
Comment on this story. by Melehan Lefanis, Duke of Enlod 
War! January 2, 1011
After a prolonged period of aggression and sabotage against the island folk, the Arcaeans have finally made their intentions clear, declaring war on the Islanders. Not a week ago, they sent their "traders", lead by the thief, Selenay, to the Isle, who misappropriated food meant for a festival in honor of Omorthion. Sir Ryuutarou Bakos, one of their saboteurs, then began the mass slaughter of militia stationed on the Isle. In retaliation, Sir Herunumen attempted to keep Selenay from disposing her ill-gotten food, yet failed. Then, their assassin, Faust Cryfdwr Kabrinski was caught red handed trying to murder Sir Gwailor of Arcachon. Their game exposed, Arcaea demanded the expulsion of Sir Herunumen who had defended Arcachonian integrity, threatening war against the Isle. Yet Arcachon did not bow to their will, and on the second of January, the Imperialists of Arcaea declared war on our people.
Comment on this story. by Melehan Lefanis, Duke of Enlod 
Momentous Events November 19, 1010
The Chronicle apologizes for its absence from the news circuit for two months. After the Arcaean- Arcachon war ended, an uneasy truce was signed, and Arcachon consolidated its holding of Apasur, Tuhpos, and Unotosa.

Meanwhile, a conference was held in the stronghold of Ipsosez. Though it seemed to champion good virtues to inspire the cavaliers of the land, one cant help but wonder whether the King of Arcaea is not merely using this organization as a tool to gain more power, with Jenred actively lobbying to gain the chairmanship of the organisation, and impose his standards of war unto others. In related news, the Sartanists declared war upon the Principality of Zonasa, along with C'thonia. Arcaea aided them claiming to want to avenge an insult to Jenred's wife. Together, this triumvirate defeated Zonasa in a few engagements. It then became obvious the war was but a land grab, and a way for the Sartanists to expand their influence, when their ruler told the Zonasans to join Sartanism quietly, or be converted by the sword. Their complicity in actions absolutely contrary to the spirit of the Ipsosez agreement that they tried to push through, the red faced Arcaeans were forced to return to Remton.

Now that the rebuilding of Arcachon is almost over, it is a matter of pride for the folk of the Dark Isle that their military is the second largest on the Far East, though they only have one duchy to call their own.
Comment on this story. by Melehan Lefanis, Duke of Enlod 
Rebellion Watch August 7, 1010
  • Ciann Fraoch
  • Dormondt Lankmere (leader)
  • Melehan Lefanis
  • Ryeena Burson
  • Wilson Hendrix
  • Farnese Vanimedle
  • Ceneric Godwin


  • Cerber DeRouen
  • Erkki Rawne
  • Octavio Lawson (leader)
  • Neverous Rein

Forces in Enlod- 2416 (rebels) vs. 3340 (loyalists)

Rebel Victory!

Guardian Dormondt reformed the government, bringing the rule of theocracy back to Arcachon. Lady Ciann was chosen as the new Judge, and Lady Farnese was chosen as the general. Lord Terril was elected Banker, with the Duchy of Enlod going to Sir Melehan. The loyalists soon departed the Isle, and peace once more came to the Isle.
Comment on this story. by Melehan Lefanis 
Rebellion Speech II August 7, 1010

It rends my heart to see brother fight brother.

On one side we have Lord Dormondt, leader of our faith, our spiritual leader and guide.

On the other, we have Pontifex Octavio, leader of our realm in matters diplomatic.

There are men on either side for whom i hold great respect. Duke Cerber, my lord, the man I've served all my days as a noble. And there is General Ciann, the warrior who lead us to so many great victories, pushing Arcaea back time and time again, my friend, guide and mentor.

This rebellion as forced me to contemplate a great deal about my loyalties- In this theocracy, should I support my Ruler, or the leader of my faith?

In a theocracy like Arcachon, i would like to believe that loyalty to the realm, ultimately is loyalty to Adghar and his faith.

I have seen many insults thrown by both sides, accusation hurled, names slandered.

I remember the time when Viracocha was allowed to our realm. We alienated our ally, Ohnar West, and were condemned by many foreign realms. I remember the time Pontifex lowered relations with Arcaea, dissolving our alliance with Ohnar West. I am sorry to say that i do not feel Pontifex Octavio has done the best he could these past few months. I was disturbed when our past general said that Octavio was drawing the other realms down upon Arcachon on purpose, but I was willing to disregard him, trust our Pontifex blindly. But time and again, voices have been raised. This time, it is General Ciann, and Lord Dormondt, prominent figures of the realm.

My Duke Cerber, forgive me. But i must join the rebellion.

It is time to take a stand, grit my teeth and join my General, and my spiritual guides. It is time to restore Arcachon to it glory days. Nobles of Arcachon, I wont tell you who to side with, I am sure it will be just as hard for you as it was for me, but it is a decision you must make based on the facts at hand. I urge you all to take a side, it is time to decide the future of our realm.

For Arcachon and Adghar!

Strength and Honor,
Comment on this story. by Melehan Lefanis 
Rebellion Speech August 28, 1010
The time has come to reclaim our rightful place.

Over the last years we have become a laughing stock for the rest of the island and are thought of as mere fools, who cannot maintain order, and who will not get involved in the outside world. When we do, it is to come to the aid of a known murderer who is being hunted in EVERY realm but ours, because they are all paying attention. They are all talking to each other. Us? No, not us!

We are the birthplace, and mother realm of one of the strongest faiths on the continent, and yet our secular arm barely reaches outside of our shores! Who out there actually knows why we fight now? Can anyone put forth a plausable rationalle? Have we been given a clear reason? Is it because Arcaea is a warmongering people, or perhaps they are greedy?

No, the reason that we are at war is that our Pontifex has grown complacent. He deemed not to ACT during the terms or the agreement held with Arcaea, which offered to ASSIST US in the taking of Niel, if it were attempted within a given time. Then when that time had run out, THAT is when we went to attempt to take the city.

Let me explain soomething. We have been trying to establish a city on the mainland for OVER TWELVE YEARS!. When I was forced to leave the isle, to continue the search for the Relics of the Adagharhin, we were just putting an end to Sartania, and the time was ripe to establish a trade station on the mainland, but still it sat. Waiting.

There has been much waiting going on, waiting to hear what is going on in the outside world, waiting to see what the mainlanders are going to do next. It got to the point where the priests and a few couragious souls were the only ones talking to the outside world, and trying to remain relavent. during this war, there have been many who have been working behind the scenes, trying to broker a peace. A peace, I might add, that did not involve the abdication of our Pontifex and the beheading of the Duke of Enlod.

I am weary. I am so weary of making excuses. Making excuses for a ruler who does not talk to his people, for a duke who sits in his manor collecting wealth and power. Weary of trying to justify to Rulers of other lands why we will not hand over our Pontifex and Duke to end the war. I am so weary, that while I will not allow the Mainlanders to dictate our rulership, I cannot stand by and see this continue.

The people of the Isle are the only ones with the right to determine our rulers! The time has come to do so! Now it is time to reclaim the honor of the Isle!

It is time to establish rulers who have the interest of the Clans at heart! Rulers who will be aware of the happenings outside of the shores, and share this information with the Clans. Who will empower the Clan Chiefs and Nobles with the information, responsibility, awareness and gold needed to maintain healthy and strong Young Ones, Mighty and capable War Bands, and respected leaders of our people.

I was asked by a younger Clan Chief not long ago, why they had to try to explain to one of their warriors where our Pontifex, The Hand of the Blade, went to pray! You see, he has no temple in his own region! This is an excellent question, and it is one that I cannot answer. My concern is that he has withdrawn so far, not only from the politial life and the lives of the Clans, but also that of his gods!

I risk all in this endearour, with the possibility of being banned from my homeland, and from the seat of the faith that I so strongly hold and have been sworn to defend. I defend it now, and ask that, together, we work together to restore the Dark Isle of Arcachon to its former glory!

It has been stated by some that it appears that our Pontifex is above the law. Rest assured that, when the title of Pontifex changes hands, they will know full well that their title will not hold them above the law, but to the contrary, they will be held to a higher standard. There are many eyes on that person, and they are responsible for the welfare of the Clans. I will not allow myself or another to abandon the Clans for the draw of power of wealth. If the gods seek to entitle me with the responsibility of guarding the Clans once again, you can be assured that I will make sure that they will be well looked after, and have a strong, capable council to guide them, with the General, Banker and Judge being held in check by each other, and the three of them, in turn, monitoring and advising the Pontifex.
Comment on this story. by Dormondt Lankmere 
The Empire Strikes Back August 7, 1010
After a long refit, Arcaean troops returned to the front lines, attacking the newly taken over region of Unotosa. Arcachonian warriors fought bravely, but outnumbered 2 to 1, could not prevail against the horde. Our warriors have set sail for Soniel, to prepare for the next amphibious assault of the Arcaean imperialists.
Comment on this story. by Melehan Lefanis 
Arcaean Armies Crushed July 31, 1010
The Arcaeans seem to be pioneering a new method of attack. Their flotillas landed on the shores of Soniel in waves of 4, allowing Arcachonian defenders to crush their forces. The second wave saw their Queen, Edara attack our shores with an aptly named unit, "Brutes", with only one other noble supporter at her side. Edara was wounded, and her lackey taken into custody. Their largest wave saw two thirds of the imperialists fight the defenders of Soniel. Three nobles were taken to our prisons, and another two were wounded. The "Tribute Collecting Army" of Arcaea has been routed, and sent back home.

Have Arcaean armies grown lethargic, content merely to boast of past success? In any case, I would like to thank Lord Protector Drake Devonshire. With enemies like him, who needs friends?

The battle report has been archived here, for your amusement- Siege of Soniel
Comment on this story. by Melehan Lefanis 
Arcaean Flotilla Spotted July 29, 1010
Arcaean armies have been spotted moving towards Soniel. As many as 30 ships were spotted leaving Unotosa by scouts. Six hundred fifty five Arcachonian warriors are preparing to defend their homeland from the rapidly approaching imperialists, who have nearly double the number of troops. They shall soon feel the bite of our blades.
Comment on this story. by Melehan Lefanis 
Viracocha Slain July 27, 1010
Lord Hactor of Arcacahon slew the snake Viracoha in a duel to the death yesterday. He performed a great service for the entire Far East, succeeding where many before him failed. To echo the words of General Ciann,

All Hail Hactor!

Slayer of the Butcher!

May his recovery be swift!
Comment on this story. by Melehan Lefanis 
Cleaning up the Isle July 25, 1010
Arcachonian armies descended upon three hordes of rogues, who had taken advantage of the refit to attack Rrerat, Mnalor, and Ecsetuah. Facing Adghars wrath, the monster forces were soon defeated, and forced to return to their fell pits.

Let it be a warning to all those who would spread slander and lies about Arcachon, and attack us. We will not be idle while our lands are attacked and stolen, we will defend them, whether we fight the monsters and undead, or the imperialists creeping up from Remton, who seek to own the world.

Arcachon will stand strong.
Comment on this story. by Melehan Lefanis 
Viracocha asked to leave July 23, 1010
The noble Viracocha Zurralius was publicly asked to leave the Dark Isle today. Duke and Judge Cerber spoke these words when he announced his decision.

I politely asked you to leave once, you said you will but you are still here. Im using this option to give you a last chance : leave.Next, you know what will happen.

The decision followed after many nobles raised concerns that Viracocha had chosen to join Arcachon simply to act as the bait that drew away the realms of the Far-East from Soliferum, and to Arcachon.

Viracocha mentioned- "My fellow mates in Soliferum did not throw me to the dogs. I was asked to stay by the long standing members of that wonderful realm." However, in another letter, he noted- "I was simply seeking refuge in the only realm that allowed it."

He repeatedly insulted the realm, calling Aracachonians "a curious bunch", issuing duel challenges, and slandering various nobles of the realm. Goodbye Viracocha- You wont be missed.
Comment on this story. by Melehan Lefanis 
Paper created July 18, 1010
The Island Chronicle, a publishing house, has been created, based in Enlod. It is owned and managed by Melehan Lefanis.
Comment on this story. by Melehan Lefanis 
January 15, 1011
Huge Battle Fought in Unotosa

Arcaea vs. Arcachon

Estimated strengths: 517 men vs. 428 men

Total combat strengths: 6988 vs. 6046

Aldras McGlynn, Baron of Irneas, Marshal of the Tribute Collecting Army takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation.

Sir Lucius Scarlett (Knight of Topenah, Arcaea) takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation.

Ingall Altenahr, Marshal of the Axe of Adaghar takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.

Defender Victory!

January 7, 1011
Huge Battle Fought in Tuhpos

Arcaea vs. Arcachon

Estimated strengths: 1305 men vs. 1243 men

Total combat strengths: 20378 vs. 16063

Sir Nicol Hibiki, Marshal of the Field of Honour takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation.

Ingall Altenahr, Marshal of the Axe of Adaghar takes command of his army. They deploy in Fortification Defense formation.

Lumina Hallisun (Dame of Itomazh, Arcachon) takes command of her army. They deploy in Fortification Defense formation.

Ceneric Godwin, Count of Rrerat takes command of his army. They deploy in Fortification Defense formation.

Defender Victory!

January 2, 1011

Arcaea has declared war on Arcachon!

October 31, 1010
Huge Battle Fought

Arcaea vs. Principality of Zonasa

Estimated strengths: 920 men vs. 360 men

The Field of Honour (Arcaea), sponsored by Dentara deLacy, Duchess of Lasop, were led into battle by Marshal Nicol Hibiki.

Rauffe de Grenefeld (Knight of Topenah) is spotted wearing the Elemental Ring of Glory.

Rauffe de Grenefeld (Knight of Topenah) is spotted wearing the Enchanted Plate Mail from the North.

Amelyne Evadne (Dame of Talex) is spotted wearing the Forgotten Feather of Ice.

Hoshi Na Leodaich, Duchess of Palnasos was seriously wounded.

Pricilia Maggot (Lord of Principality of Zonasa) was seriously wounded.

Attacker Victory!

November 2, 1010
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Razrpot:

Arcaea, NeoSartania vs. Principality of Zonasa

Estimated strengths: 800 men vs. 260 men

The Tribute Collecting Army (Arcaea), sponsored by Tammo Hlessi, Baron of Saex, were led into battle by Marshal Josh Sedgwick.

The First Army of NeoSartania (NeoSartania), sponsored by Sparticus Bathgate, Bishop Judiciary of NeoSartania, Duke of Masahakon, were led into battle by Marshal Daedalus Von Ravenheart.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr, King of Arcaea is spotted wearing the Glowing Girdle of Leadership.

Lady Edara Kindon, Duchess of Talex is spotted wearing the Golden Necklace of Beauty.

Lady Edara Kindon, Duchess of Talex is spotted wearing the Astonishing Ring of Life.

Tammo Hlessi, Baron of Saex was seriously wounded.

Attacker Victory!

September 3 - Diplomatic News
Arcachon and Arcaea have ended their hostilities and agreed to a cease fire.
August 28 - Public Execution
Messengers bring news of a public execution in Enlod earlier today.

Arthur, a noble of Arcaea, had been banned from Arcachon as a traitor on 2010-06-22. When he was later imprisoned, the judge of Arcachon decided to make him pay for his treason.

August 28 - Rebellion!
Dormondt Lankmere is calling for an uprising against the current government!
August 7 - Battle in Unotosa
Arcaea, Cathay vs. Arcachon

Estimated strengths: 670 men vs. 300 men

Attacker Victory!

August 7 - Takeover succeeded
After 3 days, Unotosa has been successfully converted to your realm and the people are now hailing to a new government.
July 31, 1010
Huge Battle Fought

Arcaea vs. Arcachon

Estimated strengths: 757 men vs. 758 men

Defender Victory!

July 30, 1010
Lord Abarok resigned from his position as banker after a strange fever took hold of him.
July 29, 1010
Arcachon and C'thonia have ended their hostilities and agreed to a cease fire.
July 27, 1010

Viracocha Zurralius (Noble) meets his challenger Hactor Hallisun (Knight of Mnalor) for the agreed duel till death. Both participants are using the 'neutral' strategy, so that neither has an advantage. The duel goes as planned, then badly for Viracocha. He suffers several slight wounds, then a final, fatal blow. The healers hurry, but they are too late. Hactor, although the winner, also received a serious wound.

July 18, 1010
Pontifex to abdicate?
July 15, 1010
Arcachon has declared war on Arcaea