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Latest revision as of 02:00, 26 November 2010

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall wrapped her arms around Anneliese. "The cookie man...in answer to both questions. I'll return the cloak at some point"

Roleplay from Elonias

Elonias shrugged at the guard and nodded, but decided to keep the cookies to himself as he packed them into his...

"Son of a..!" he bellowed, his cloak was gone and he did not have anywhere to put the cookie bag, he started to feel all over his clothes which only made him look as if he was doing a dance.

"c'mon! I gotta have somewhere to put this damn bag..." he muttered as he yet again felt up his legs

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Steady on sir. We don't want to cause a little scene here do we?" The guard drew his sword

"If you are indeed the cookie man, here to deliver cookies, why are you trying to take the cookies back with you and why do you look remarkably like one of the Marshals? Lady Davendrall said to trust no one, especially not Marshals. State your real purpose here"

Roleplay from Elonias

Elonias snapped at the man who was trying to take the cookies from him, he made them, he delivers them, unless they are left to the rodents and Norlanders.

"Good sir, my real purpose here is to retrieve my coat which was lent to Lady Anneliese. But doing that would render her totally naked, and that would be even ruder than letting her keep it."

He glared at the guard before he added:

"And to personally deliver the cookies, would serve no purpose to let some uneducated whelp deliver my fine grade cookies."

Roleplay from Anneliese

She smiled slightly as Davendrall wrapped her arms around her. "Who's the cookie man? Does he have a name, or is he a giant walking cookie?"

Roleplay from Davendrall

"He's that marshal that keeps giving me cookies...which reminds me"

Davendrall peered out the tent, seeing Elonias having an argument with the guard.

"Guard! Do you have no respect! This is the cookie man! And he wants to deliver cookies. How dare you treat him like this"

"Yes ma'am. Sorry ma'am. You said to be particularly suspicious of Marshals Ma'am"

"Only the female ones! Like Ain...and Athena. Now shut up and go do some training or something you useless guard!"

"Yes ma'am!" The guard wondered off, looking a little taken back.

"Now. You said you have cookies!" Davendrall grabbed Elonias and dragged him into the tent, putting herself between him and the exit

"Would you like some cookies Anneliese?"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Oh! It's that fellow. The one from the tournament." She said, looking him up and down. She smirked slightly at his feminine appearance, but said nothing of it.

To Davendrall, she said, "Sure... and some... uh." She paused. It didn't seem like a good idea to drink wine at this moment, "and could you send someone out to get some tea?"

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Tea?" Davendrall rose an eyebrow again. "Damn you Tarans and your weird drinks. Though admitting I wouldn't give you alcohol at the moment."

Davendrall stuck her head out the tent and shouted "Someone get Anneliese some tea! And be quick about it!"

Then she turned back to Elonias and looked at him expectantly

Roleplay from Elonias

"...and could you send someone out to get some tea?"

Elonias looked at her as he raised his hand an pointed toward her as he said: "actually, Lady Anneliese, if you were to check inside the upper middle left chest pocket in that cloak, you would find some fine tea leaves my sister, blessed be her name, has sent me, they should go fine with the cookies I dare believe."

He coughed again and walked in a bit and looked around "So, if we only were to find someplace to boil water, we could easily make our own tea for the cookies, which, by the way I made myself." He added a bit more silently, as he picked them up and left them on a conveniently placed desk.

"Now then..." he looked around at the two, slightly younger women, and sighed, before he asked: "Would, anybody tell me why you were naked to start with?"

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall poked her head out the tent again

"Nevermind! Just get some boiling water!" She shouted, then turned back in

"Well Cookie Man, I thought that was obvious. I took her clothes off."

Roleplay from Anneliese

"That's a very good question." She turned toward the two, adjusting the cloak slightly, "All I know is I woke up in a room full of barrels without any clothes on." In addition to the rope burn, she now had several red lines on her skin from hiding in the brambles.

"Well Cookie Man, I thought that was obvious. I took her clothes off."

Anneliese grinned slightly."Not long before that I had... well, have you heard of the Muninn Newsrag?" She tried not to smile, "I wrote an article about Smeagenwulf's art - which is related to that duel between Xaphan and Davendrall. She just so happened to... er, duel naked. And Smeagenwulf has pictures..." She paused, and looked around for a recent issue of the newsrag. "Well, maybe it's best if you just read this." She found one on the floor, and tossed it to him.

Roleplay from Elonias

"I'm afraid to say, Lady Anneliese, that I already read the Muninn Newsrag occasionally, seeing how the price is, truly, cheap for somebody like me." Elonias stated as he reached his head outside the window and received the water, before he looked back at her and said:

"Also, if you were to look inside the lower right pocket, you would find some of my hand made fold able cups." he said as he smiled a bit towards her.

Roleplay from Anneliese

"You mean you actually bake your own cookies?" She raised an eyebrow, "Why not have a servant do that for you?" As far as she was concerned, baking, cooking and things like that were peasant's work.

She pulled out the cups and the tea leaves, "Also, shouldn't these steeped in the boiling water first? Otherwise it's just some leaves in hot water."

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall sighed with annoyance. "I was only trying to get my revenge. And you saw me naked, it was only fair. But he was suppose to get drawings of you, not put you in barrels full of slugs. Which is another point."

Davendrall took out a sketch pad and some charcoal

"Fancy taking the cloak off?" Davendrall grinned

Roleplay from Elonias

"Indeed, tea leaves are best used in boiling water, and not recently boiled turned very warm. But you take what you get I'd say." Elonias stated with a shrug before he nodded a bit "And yes, I bake my own cookies. It's my favorite past time actually, while yours may be cutting people with that sword of yours." he said as he pointed at the sword leaning against a cabinet in the telt, besides a stack of clothing.

Then, he turned towards Davendrall and embarrassedly asked "Also, do you really find that a question to ask, with someone like me in the same room?"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"No. I don't particularly want my naked body seen around the whole realm. Although one man-" She looked at Elonias, "-has already seen it, so I suppose I've already lost my modesty." She shrugged, and looked at Davendrall, "That was very clever of you to do that, though rather predictable. I suppose it would've worked too, if it wasn't for those slugs... or whatever it was that went through Smeagenwulf's head when he saw me and decided to put me in there with them."

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Oh yeah. Sorry forgot. Of course I would ask you to leave first...though you've already seen...her. And one man Anneliese? Your forgetting about Smeganwulf...and his minions. By the way...that is a very interesting birthmark you have"

Roleplay from Elonias

Elonias blushed a bit before he stated "I swear to you, Lady Anneliese, I did not get a good look on your body, and if I did, I would not want to see it again with your permission."

For the next part to the thrilling Adventures of One Drunk and her Rabbit read Chapter 2