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NOTE: This is an OOC draft and does not exist in character

The Ossmat Creed was prepared on the instructions of Askarn Iltaran, Iron Feather of the Order of the Golden Feather. Intended as a primer for initiates to the Order, it seeks to lay out the basic principles of the faith.

On the Golden Dragon

All of creation, be it the land, the sea, the sky, the plants, the beasts or Humanity itself, is the work of the Golden Dragon and He is the sole divine being within the universe. Amongst the creations of the Golden Dragon, Humanity is marked out for special favour. Upon birth every child is imbued with a Shard of the Golden Dragon’s own essence, thus carrying within them the very spark of divinity. When an individual dies, their Shard will return to the Golden Dragon. However, although Humanity is favoured with this gift, the Golden Dragon does not desire for us to live in idle luxury. Only in the face of adversity can we truly unlock the divine Shard within ourselves.

Indeed, whilst we give praise to the Golden Dragon for His gift to us, we do not call upon him for aid. Having undertaken creation and given humanity the Shard necessary for greatness, He does not interfere in the affairs of the world. The Golden Dragon judges us on our actions and determines our worth; to fight our battles for us would prevent Humanity from proving itself before Him.

The true form of the Golden Dragon is beyond the comprehension of even the greatest of men. He is not a literal dragon, rather this is merely the form which He has been depicted in within prophecies and visions. Most artistic representations follow this convention.

On the Shard

Humanity is set apart from other life by the Shard of the Dragon imbued within them. Gifted by the Golden Dragon, it provides each of us a constant link to the divine. In times of struggle and hardship we are able to draw on this connection. From the Shard humanity gains its higher qualities; courage, loyalty, honour, zeal and their kin. These traits differentiate men from other, inferior, creatures. While animals cannot see beyond their own survival and propagation, humans can comprehend that how you live, not merely the fact that you do, is important.

Each Shard will be shaped by the actions of the one it has been granted to and in turn may shape them. The Shard of a coward will wither away to insignificance, dooming the soul in question to oblivion. By contrast, those who make use of the gifts granted by the Golden Dragon will strengthen their bond with His Shard. As a mortal becomes closer to the Dragon they are instilled with a degree of the majesty of the Dragon.

At death, the Shard will seek to return to the Dragon for judgement; completing the cycle.

On the Golden Feather and the Heroes

Upon being reunited with the Golden Dragon, the greatest men and women are rewarded with entrance into the ranks of the Heroes, where they serve as exemplars for the rest of humanity. Uniquely, the Heroes are granted a measure of His power in order to continue their mission. They are able to influence the mortal realm in subtle ways. Each Hero embodies that talent that first caused them to be honoured by the Dragon and their impact upon us is guided by that. Thus we call upon the Poet to inspire us and aid us to inspire others.

Foremost amongst the Heroes is Lady Melian, the Golden Feather. Though the Heroes have always been with humanity, it was only after She achieved apotheosis and joined them that the mysteries were unravelled. The Golden Feather appeared in visions to Dominicus Tyr-Sog at the Holy Stronghold of Vatrona and therein revealed how to interpret the signs of the Dragon and His Army. Thanks to Her efforts, all of humanity may now see clearly the path set for us by the Golden Dragon, rather than wander in the darkness.

On occasion, the Heroes may be referred to as the Ascendant or as Aspects, in order to emphasis certain features of their nature. The first alternative title refers to their elevation to a state above that of mere mortals, while the second reflects that each Hero comes to personify a particular aspect of the Golden Dragon. The formal term to refer to the process of ascension to the ranks of the Army of the Dragon is apotheosis.

On the Precepts

The Order does not recognise a single path to greatness and indeed, judgement is the task of the Golden Dragon, not of mere mortals. Nevertheless, the Order recognises its foremost task as guiding mankind towards achieving unity with the Dragon. Towards that end, there are various teachings, derived from the wisdom granted by the Ascendant. These precepts are intended to direct humanity towards the favour of the Dragon and ultimately towards apotheosis.

Courage - there is no glory in accomplishment unless it is achieved in the face of adversity

Duty - doing what is right, not what is easy, also being loyal. Zeal - seeking to challenge oneself, embracing the gift of life granted by the Golden Dragon.

On the Order

Path of the Owl - priests, devoted to spreading the word of the Golden Feather and teaching the precepts.

Path of the Hawk - crusaders, seek out evil and destroy it. Embody Courage.

Path of the Eagle - guardians, defend the righteous and protect the lands of the dragon. Embody Duty.

Path of the Crow - watchers, protect against threats from within the Order and care for the dead. Embody Zeal

On the Misinterpretations and Heresies

Although the revelations granted to Silver Feather Dominicus by Lady Melian and the formal establishment of the Order are comparatively recent events, many, if not all, other faiths have at least stumbled across some of the truth. Often Heroes are misinterpreted as being gods in their own right or conflated with the Golden Dragon. Most such mistakes, whilst requiring correction, are of little danger; indeed, commoners may often be more easily brought into the true faith when reassured that the ‘gods’ they have been worshipping are indeed men worthy of veneration.

More concerning heresies are those that base their divinities around other creations of the Golden Dragon. While not present on Beluaterra, cults devoted to the worship of the stars are reported to exist. Closer to the heartland of the Order of the Golden Feather...