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Just a place for me to keep my roleplays safe until I can organize them and my family page.


Mikara reread the message that her father had sent her with.

To my dearest Mikara,

It is with a heavy heart that I send you to the Far East. I have watched you grow from a tiny bundle no bigger than the hilt of my sword into the strong capable woman you are today. Please, I beg that you do not think ill of me for my decision. Your brothers are to inherit my estate not because I hold them in greater favor. In fact it is quite the opposite. You are far stronger than they ever could be and it is with that knowledge that I know you will fair well in the Far East by yourself. A strong woman of your caliber, descended from noble blood, should have little trouble finding a lord to serve under. There is nothing I could possibly give you that you could not earn under your own merit. I know you will bring glory to the Tahlim name, my child, just as your mother and I have before you. You know all there is I could teach you. Go, little one. I send you with the strongest men I have to offer you. They have always thought higher of you than they have me. Their loyalty will be unwavering and I have already heard rumors that they eagerly await to serve under your command. Treat them well. I will always love you, now and forever.

Your loving father.

Mikara quickly wiped a tear from her eye as she folded the tarnished paper back into her bag. It was unlike her to show so much emotion in front of her men, but somehow she knew at this moment that they would understand. For many of them had also left wives, sons, and daughters of their own behind and were now looking to her for strength. A strength which she quickly reclaimed as she stood before them. No words were needed. Her shear presence was enough to inspire the men into their ranks. Mikara: "We carry with us the will of my father. We are expected to achieve greatness, so great we shall be. Let us make way. We march towards the capital in search of a noble lord who recognizes our potential." The men around her dispersed into action as their supplies were loaded into carts and the horses were harnessed in place. Her first march as a commander was underway.


Mikara trudged along the long winding roads of Cathay. So many men pushed down such narrow roads leaving them even worse for the wear as they marched.

Mikara trucked on ahead standing upon a large rock as she watched each of her men march by in double file, the roads not allowing them to stretch much more than that. This hike was going to cost her a small fortune when it came to refitting her men with fresh boots. Thankfully, the very nature of the hike was to prepare her estate in order to earn that same fortune. There will be boots to spare once they reached Insular and collected the first weeks taxes from the commoners.

Mikara: "Quickly now. You are each soldiers of Cathay now. We are expected to act as such. Those in the back! Do not lag behind. You are there to push not to be carried. Steady that cart! Leave that bush alone! Sheath that sword before you cut someone's arm off!"

Mikara felt oddly at ease as she instructed her men into action. Her father had always said she'd make a good leader, but there was never much of an opportunity for her to practice outside her role as Captain in the junior swordfighting circuit. It was said that she single-handedly carried her team and region to victory four years in a row back in her family's realm back in her youth, but those days are long passed. No longer does she fight with a piece of wood, but with the sword of her father. One of the few things she inherited in his death.

Mikara hopped off her rock as the final few of her men marched by her. She took her place att the far rear, admiring the sounds of the men's feet admist the quiet background of the forests. It was just as her father had said. She would soon be Lady of her own Manor in a land far from her father's influence to give it to her. She had earned this on her own prestige and determination, but she was not content to settle. There was more opportunity here. So much ready to be earned, she meerly had to apply her determination in service of her new realm.


      • A diary entry in the journal of Lady Mikara Tahlim, Dame of Isular***

"Welcome to Isular"

A quick cheer from my men marching at the front of the file quickly alerted me to where we were. Passing the sign myself confirmed my suspicions and a broad grin crossed my face. I'd finally made it. It less than an hour's time I would be residing on the tract of land which would be my estate and I would have a chance to meet the clerks and scribes that I would oversee in the day to day running of the region. Some would consider it boring courtier work and that a noble's proper place was in battle, but I couldn't be happier with the station my Lord promised me.

Isular was already in great condition upon my arrival, but as with all governments efficiencies could be found. With a little added support from my guard Isular was running at peak production in less than a day and not a moment before tax day. It's strange how such a minor victory can fill someone with so much pride. Pride to be apart of a realm. Pride in knowing that your position in life is being earned.

Despite my victories against inefficiency, the local commoners are growing restless. With much of Cathay's military away they feel as if they have been left vulnerable to an attack and for good reason. Already reports have begun to filter in of an undead rising in Topenah. That was less than half a day's travel here and I fear that my unit may be the only one in the area capable of dealing with them. It may be good for me to go. Who knows what the undead are capable of if they are not kept in check? They may wonder towards Isular if they are not dealt with and undo all my work since arrival. I just can't tolerate that. The commoners as of yet have no reason to trust me to police their internal conflicts. They seek someone who has proven themselves somewhere outside the East Continent Junior Swordfighting Circuit. They seek a leader. Someone motivated to protect them in their time of need. My father would want me to be that person.

So with the dawn comes my march. With any luck, I will meet the vial monsters in Topenah before they have the chance to cause any destruction. I am not sure if my men are up for the task. My father said he spared the best men he could muster, but we are few in number and the undead rise up as an army.

I pray to the gods for my safety and the safety of the men who I lead in combat. Less my reign as a noblewoman of Cathay and knight of Isular be short-lived.


      • A diary entry in the journal of Lady Mikara Tahlim, Dame of Isular***

"Respect and Honor"

I fear for myself. The men under my command have much to cheer about recently, and I am afraid that I will grow use to their happiness. I have fought in two campaigns against the undead and I have yet to experience the horrors of seeing any of my men die. None have even come out wounded in our battles. With each battle me men's spirits are reassured and they grow more powerful for when the next wave of aggressors passes into our lands.

Word is beginning to spread about my exploits in Cathay. Some commoners have expressed interest in being led into combat by "The Great Lady Mikara". They speak tales of being invincible when on the battlefield with me. I must put an end to such fantastic untruths. I do not want my men getting careless. I fear for their morale when they watch the first of their brethren die. I am still unsure of how I will explain it to them.

I have arrived back in Isular, happy to see that the efficiencies I had made when I left are still in effect and things are running better than ever. I eagerly await the results of the next tax day. It will be nice to pay my men their wages... and maybe treat them to a little festivities as well while the mood is still good amongst them. There is a new problem that has sprung up however.

With Lord Anatole away, and both of Isular's knights off doing battle, Isular has been without guidance. The petty disagreements that have sprung up while the courts have been closed has slowly pushed the region into chaos. It seems I have shown up just in time and the men who have followed me into conflict with the undead have a new task set before them. If Isular is to remain within influence of Cathay, order will need to be restored as soon as possible. My men have already begun the task of preparing to refit into a police force and I can see it in their eyes that they are eager to bring peace to our region. I hope they can help me settle matters in a civilized and respectful way for all citizens.

It is funny how quick I have considered Isular my home. How much personal investment I have placed into insuring that it remains prosperous. Not just investments of money, but investments of the soul. I feel the residents appreciation every morning when I take my stroll through each hamlet. I have already begun to consider many residing in these parts my family.


"Fighting on the Homefront"

I have lost track of the battles I have sent my men in against. Everywhere I go it seems there is a looming monster or undead threat that demands the attention of the men I control. There is a great deal of satisfaction one gets from helping commoners with their plights. There is a strong feeling of deserving when you do something that actually warrants the seemingly unyielding faith and respect they lay upon the nobles of Cathay. They lead such simple lives. Lives I do not wish disturbed by demons.

Amongst all my fighting I have lost several of the men under my command. It served a striking blow to us all as one in particular perished in my homeland of Isular. Of all the men my father sent me here with, it was he who I was closest to. When I was a little girl it was he who was always on watch over me. Watching me with honor and dignity as I practiced my sword fighting and learned my literacy lessons from my mother. He has no girl of his own, and I knew secretly he always fantasized that I was his own, though he would never admit it to me. According to my father he was the very first to volunteer himself to my guard when I came to Dwilight. I feel vulnerable without his eyes over me now.

On a lighter note, my Lord Anatole has returned to the home front, and the commoners of Isular spirits have raised considerably to see all of their lords in one place fighting together to preserve peace and protect them from outside threats. I know my Lord will not rest until the citizens of Isular are among the happiest and most loyal in all of Cathay, and I will be there at his side to help him make it so. That is if no looming threats spring up in the area. I have received reports of Hilpur under attack yet again. It pains me to hear their stories of woe. I will leave it to the Acacean knights to deal with their lost people for now, as my previous sacrifices in their lands seems to have gone without notice.

I hate thinking in the ways of borders and lands, but the men who still yet live under my banner should be fighting for Cathay and I will continue to use them as such. There are simply too many threats lurking just outside our borders to send them away at this time. While our armies fight against evil in the south, Isular is left gazing to the north, ever vigilant.
