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It all begins with some wine, some kidnapping and a squirrel- Chapter 3

Roleplay from Davendrall
"That man over their? The skinny, unhealthy looking one with too much stubble? The one who looks like a peasant who hasn't washed in a year but is never the less a noble? The one holding a burnt pancake? How have you never heard of him?! That man! That man is the splashery man! The splasher of the north! Mick the Splasher Mugurk!

Anyway, why would I not offer you wine after attacking you? Poison is such a impersonal way of killing anyway. But wine, wine is a drink for any occasion, including pre-failed killing attempt with a spoon celebration"

Davendrall took the bottle and began gulping from it. Her pupils dilated and she almost fell over with drunkenness.

"Oh...purty colours! Ahaha look! Aww arn't you a cute little bunny wabbit!"

Davendrall began tickling this "Anne" person under he chin

"Although...why are you wearing a tutu?"

Roleplay from Anneliese
Even after she had seen her take a drink, Ann still felt hesitant. She stared down at her cup, It's free, at least. She wrinkled her nose, and took a sip.

"Actually... It's not that bad." Then another, and then she finished half the cup. "What'd you put in this?" The slight slurring of words was the only hint that she was even slightly drunk. Ann was too prideful to show any loss of control, at least not until she was so drunk that she could not stand.

Still, the stuff was stronger than she expected, and she could feel the ground shift beneath her feet. She determined that her best course of action was to remain still, and not move too much.

The feeling of something tickling her chin distracted her from her thoughts. "What the-?" Her back stiffened and her face reddened, "Quit that right this instant or I'll-"

She stepped backward, and placed her free hand on the hilt of her sword.

"I'm not wearing a..." A stampede of giant bovines appeared behind the Norlander. Cavalier soldiers rode them into battle, against a troop of infantry. They had long, sharp horns perfect for goring soldiers. After spending so much time away from battle, the resulting violence was almost soothing.

"Y'know, that's not such a bad idea. 'S shame they're so slow, though."

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Well my furry friend, this drink is a true classic. I invented it myself"

Davendrall looked proud, but stopped after almost falling over. Putting an arm around the "Anne" person to keep her steady

"The exact...recipe i canne tell. But the main ingredients are hallucinogenic berries and bananas."

Davendrall turned her face clumsily to face this "Anne" person, both of them smelt strongly of alcohol up close.

"Your cute for such a big bunny rabbit ya know. You shall be my new pet! And I'm gonna hug you! And love you! And call you bubbles!

But first things first, lets get this tutu off you"

Davendrall preceded to lower what she thought was a tutu, but was in fact, this "Anne" persons trousers. But before she could resist, she found herself being pushed into a large cage that had an over-sized squirrel in with a mangle buried in cat litter.

"Now you two play nice! I'm goin' drinking! You coming Mick?"

Davendrall walked off in the direction of the nearest tavern, gulping from a wine bottle with one hand, and holding this "Anne" persons trousers in the other

Roleplay from Anneliese
"I KNEW this was a trap. Why did I drink that wine?!" She cried out in frustration.

On the bright side, at least her scribe would be wondering where she is by now, and would probably find her eventually. She did not particularly look forward to explaining why she was both pant-less and in a cage, though.


"Dame Anneliese?"

Her scribe asked, looking down at her between the cage bars.

"Yes. Get me out. Quick."

The cage door was opened and she stepped out.

Her scribe immediately noticed that a certain article of clothing was missing. "I know it is not normally within my rights to question the superior logic of a noble, but you seem to be lacking pants." She was clearly trying to keep herself from laughing.

Ann stared at her in disapproval, still able to detect sarcasm despite her intoxication. "Quit gloating. I'll tell you what happened later. We need to get out of here, first, before that Norlander comes back."

She sniffed her breath, "Have you been drinking again?" Her scribe looked somewhat smug, as if she was expecting this sort of thing to happen eventually.

Ann felt that question didn't need answering.

"Well... here, take my cloak." She tied the cloak around her waist, and formed it into a make-shift skirt. It was still possible to see part of her underwear, but it was far less embarrassing than having nothing at all. She hooked her arm with Ann's to support her, and led her off.

"Oh, and be careful to avoid the steer calvary."

"..." Her scribe looked concerned, "What exactly have you been drinking?"