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(New page: '''Roasted Duck''' ''(Roleplay from Shade Leafwalker)'' Shade slowly moved along the streets of Idapur in search of a new life. He had received word from Atamara that things with his fam...)
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Roasted Duck

(Roleplay from Shade Leafwalker)

Shade slowly moved along the streets of Idapur in search of a new life. He had received word from Atamara that things with his family were geting out of control, but he paid it little heed. Atamara was far to busy for him. Shade sought a different kind of life. With no more than a handful of family gold, and his skill with a sword, he set out across the square and headed for a large building... His new life started now. He found himself wondering what opportunities awaited him and just what his new life would find him doing.

(Roleplay from Shade Leafwalker)

Shade entered the tavern with no little ounce of caution. The dank air was heavy with the dark aroma of mead and ale. He silently negotiated his way through the main room and past the normal patrons to a small table against the back wall without raising any eyebrows or suspicions. As he quietly took his seat he nodded to the bar maid who sauntered his direction. As she approached with a wink and a seductive smile, she seemed to tempt him with her wares as well as those of the tavern. Shade however kept his eyes fixed toward hers as he spoke, leaving little doubt he would not partake of any feast tonight.

"I would like to buy some dinner, and some information." he said softly.

She perked up at the last and pressed her chest outward as if flirting, so as to block the other patrons view of his face.

"What kind of information would you like served to you today My Lord." she said coyly.

"I'll have none of that, I need to stay sober tonight." his words although plain, gave her pause and she thought better of calling him "My Lord" again. It was indeed a simple code.

"Lord or Board?" she asked him in turn. Good or Evil,was he looking for a job to bring life, or one to bring death. The matter was now only up to his response.

"I believe Ill be having the duck." he responded, a clear answer to both his meal and job choice.

One of the barmaid's eyebrows raised slightly at the newcomer's response, and she took a quick moment to more closely study this curious fellow. The girl knew most of the faces of those who frequented this longstanding and well-known tavern of Idapur, the Endless Mug. His was not even remotely familiar to her eyes, and she almost never forgot a face, even if seen only once.

His answer piqued her curiosity and prompted her to then ask of him, "Toasted or Roasted?"

(Roleplay from Shade Leafwalker)

Shade smiled pleasantly and reached down to adjust a loose strap on his vest. A strap he had so carefully left lose as he had entered the tavern. inside sat a small hold out dagger. Behind which he reached and removed a gold piece from a fold within a fold of the vest's fine seam. Placing the piece on the table he politely answered.

"I would prefer to have mine slow roasted if you don't mind,I find it keeps the meat tender and fresh."

He motioned with an exaggerated grace a noble's chef might use, and a small hollow wooden rod fell into his hands. It was a scroll case of the highest caliber, and the lightest weight. Inside was his letter of recommendation for training in the arts of the shadow from his dearly departed mother Sera.

He held it close to his arm up his vest sleeve, waiting to see if this bar maid was what she seemed, and would send the code for him to present his credentials. Or if he would walk out of the tavern after a wonderful meal of duck, left unsatisfied.

Biting back a gasp, the girl's trained eye noticed the tell-tale shape of the wooden scroll case showing through the sleeve, and she had little doubt of its contents. Her heart began beating faster, for she had not experienced such an encounter of this type for quite some time. The barmaid knew not whether she could trust this man enough to follow through with the next loaded question, for Aenilia still found herself immersed in a dangerous time of war.

For all she knew, this stranger could be a Soliferite spy, sent to infiltrate the shadow network of Idapur and send valuable military secrets south. However, there was something about him... whether it was in his nondescript manner of dress, or in his tone of voice during their coded conversation thus far, or even in the showy way he had moved his arm to mask the preparation of an item of interest for easier access... she could not place her finger upon it, but he seemed sincere enough.

With such a dilemma before her, the barmaid decided to offer a simple test before sending the final, determining signal. If he failed to satisfy her expectations, then she could simply feign ignorance and carry on as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. Of course, he would then have to be closely followed and watched, for he already knew too much to not be considered a potential threat. On the other hand, if he was a potential recruit...

Smiling sweetly, she remarked, "Of course, good sir. Would you prefer southern ale, or northern wine to wash down the dark meat?" The girl slightly emphasized the word 'dark' in order to tip off her real question behind the question.

If the fellow correctly inferred that she was asking for his true allegiance, then he should choose neither, for Aenilia rested in the middle ground of the Far East. The time he took to answer, and whether his answer sounded strained, would also be telling, for surely an enemy spy would be wise enough to not choose the ale!

The barmaid's eyes sparkled with anticipation for his response.

(Roleplay from Shade Leafwalker)

Shade shifted backwards and smiled at the question set before him, a trap door ready to spring.

"As I mentioned before, I have need of my wits tonight for business matters. Do you have any local cider? I find it's taste to be both warm and satisfying without being a determent to my mind." he answered cryptically. He smiled as he lazily reached out, placing the case onto the table as if it was a simple list he no longer needed, a sign he had placed his trust into her hands. Shade knew he could probably fight his way out if necessary, but he hoped that he had indeed secured his future as an agent here. "I can only hope the food here is as good as I have come to expect of the service." he said offhandedly. He smiled softly as he waited for her to make the next move.

Satisfied at Shade's smooth and acceptable reply to her test, the barmaid dropped her gaze to focus on the scroll case that he had so casually revealed. It lay next to the gold coin that had been placed down earlier, when the man had ordered his meal and simultaneously sent a coded reply. Before reaching for his credentials, however, the girl smirked playfully and bent forwards over the table, catching and locking the newcomer's eyes.

He did not seem to be distracted by her cleavage at all, which was another positive indicator of his earnestness. Still, she was in a playful mood tonight, and figured to try his reflexes before scanning the contents of the wooden case. Without looking down from him, the barmaid reached out to retrieve the gold coin. As her fingers drew near, though, she pulled her middle finger back to her thumb and gave it a light flick, sending it sliding towards the edge of the table at an angle aimed to fall off to the side.

Her sparkling eyes flashed in challenge, daring him to break the gaze in order to catch the coin before, or even as, it dropped.

(Roleplay from Shade Leafwalker)

Shade exhaled internally a sigh of relief. The bar maid had seemed to accept him. He was just about ready to invite her to share some of his delicious his meal when she suddenly moved in closer. Shade's eyes locked onto hers as she employed a skilled pickpocket move or two reaching down and sliding the coin hard toward the edge of the table. He could hear the slight grind of the gold against the tabletop. With his eyes locked on hers, it would be very difficult to secure the coins safe passage back to the table. Shade figured it would be an equal odds maneuver to reach out with his hand and blindly grasp for the falling coin. Instead he twisted his leg out and silently caught the coin in the large top fold of his boot. Slightly annoyed by the fact it promptly slid under his foot, he kept that to himself and folded both hands under his chin keeping his gaze on the bar maid's lovely eyes.

Noticing her questioning look, he slightly opened his hands outward, yet kept his thumbs together allowing his arms to keep holding his head up. There between his thumbs and forefingers was a gold coin.

A little magic would have to do, not every task was possible.

Laughing softly in delight, the barmaid straightened back up and quietly clapped her hands.

"Well done, Sir!" she remarked as she reached to accept payment for the food and drink. Then, after slipping the coin down her front with a wink, she bent forwards once again and deftly opened the scroll case, appearing to the other patrons as if she were flirting with the fellow. With Shade's wise choice of table location, it was a simple task for the girl to position her body to block any curious eyes from viewing the secret exchange.

Her eyes lit up at the recommendation, flicking back and forth between Shade's steady gaze and the rolled parchment. Yes, he would indeed be a most excellent walker of the shadows in service to Aenilia. Time would reveal his true intentions for coming, but the barmaid felt assured that he could be trusted... for now.

(Roleplay from Shade Leafwalker)

Shade smiled as his meal was placed before him. He knew there would be little time to waste in his training, but he also knew he needed to savor the good things in life.

This lovely meal of roasted duck with warm cider was one of those good things. The duck was as tender as any game bird he had ever tasted, and was smothered in a sauce he could not fathom the deep secrets of.

As he ate, Shade pondered the many trials before him. The first of many being his training. It would be both extensive and expensive. He would need to find a steady source of income, his current stash of gold would only last for so long. The second being his cover. This would be even harder..

First thing was first, to get the gold he needed to be prepare his body for the trials of the shadow and at the same time set up his cover, he would need to find a Lord and set up an estate.

Shade savored the last of his meal and left a sizable sum behind.

Shade smiled and quietly headed for the door. The time would soon come when the "bar maid" would call upon him. There was only one question left to answer now... Where to find a desk and some parchment?

As she waited for the bartender to finish filling the mugs for her latest order, the girl watched the newcomer take his leave with a crooked smile. He would be back, of that she was certain, and by then, the bar maid believed that she would have an offer for him that he would be foolish to refuse.

The bartender cleared his throat to catch her attention, for he had just finished preparing the ale, but she had already moved her arms to lift the tray. As Shade left the Endless Mug, Sarah the barmaid turned away from the counter to serve the drinks. Then, she made her way back into the kitchen, where she waved an idle dishwasher/courier over and instructed him to prepare a message.

It was to be delivered with all haste to a certain hero currently camped in enemy territory, and simply read:

Yes Grandmother,

A red-tailed sparrow has landed on the windowsill. The dove requests permission to open the window five inches.


Two days later, the tired young man returned to the tavern bearing the duke's reply:

Silly Dove,

If the corn grows tall, then drink seven cups of water.


Satisfied with the reply, Sarah visited the old steward Gerard, who was of course expecting her to arrive. He handed over the necessary paperwork, and they played a game of chess before the barmaid took her leave to return to the Endless Mug.

Now it was time to wait for Shade to make himself available once more, and if he did not, then she would simply put the word out on the street to expedite matters.

(Roleplay from Shade Leafwalker)

Shade walked by the training academy and frowned, it was closed today. He shrugged softly, it mattered little, for today he had plenty else to do. He found that his wanderings had led him to a store where he picked up some parchment, and also managed to employ a healer and a token unit of infantry men to lay out a good cover for his real activities. Now it was time for him to work his way back to the tavern and check back in with his contact.

If all went well, and gold fell into the right hands, he would be setting up a spacious command center soon. One where he could feel both safe and secure. Yes today had indeed been good for him.

Shade looked up from his thoughts and smiled. It seemed all roads led him back to the tavern.

With that thought, he cautiously entered.

The dark of night was swiftly approaching, and the common room would soon fill up with the usual patrons, and perhaps a few new faces as well. Sarah had secreted the paperwork behind the bar, in case the newcomer happened to drop by that evening.

Earlier in the day, her contact at the recruitment center had sent word that a fellow matching Shade's description had proffered the necessary sum of gold to hire a small unit of infantrymen. That confirmed Sarah's suspicions that he was of noble birth, for his credentials had hinted very little at his true background other than the continent on which he had gained the recognition. Still, his manner of dress and speech had alerted the barmaid to such a conclusion.

As well, the Endless Mug counted numerous lesser nobles among her customers and even several well-known and popular personages. She was too young to remember Igna the Drake, a hero of old who frequented the tavern, but the bards continued to weave tales of days gone by, of that imposing giant of a man who needed no weapon in battle, who simply fought with his hands enclosed in spiked gauntlets.

Thus, the news that Shade had opted to reveal himself as a troop leader came as little surprise. Indeed, plenty of nobles hired units of soldiers, whether as simple bodyguards, or to actually join the raging war in the south. Sarah had grinned at hearing of his decision, for it surely provided an excellent cover.

As she made her rounds wiping down the empty tables, the barmaid heard the front doors creaking open and casually threw a sidelong glance in that direction. Her hand briefly paused in its work upon recognizing the man, and a barely perceptible smile crept onto her face; he had come earlier than expected.

Sarah turned to catch his gaze from across the large room and quickly darted her eyes over to the empty corner near his last table. He seemed to understand her signal, and the barmaid immediately made her way back to retrieve the necessary documents.

(Roleplay from Shade Leafwalker)

Shade had run from the tavern and posted himself at the fortifications when the warning bell had suddenly rung. His personal business with the bar maid would have to wait. Monsters had been spotted climbing the walls of the city. Shade saw

Shade found his small unit of men holding their ground next two two units of militia, not very comforting. He sighed softly and turned to his new Captain, a man named Linus.

"Mr. Linus, form the men up and make haste, we need to defend the walls. When they come over, I want you to hit the monsters with everything you have and throw them back off the walls." Shade said softly.

Not adding that he had plenty of experience with how to deal with monsters, he took a front position and waited...

(Roleplay from Shade Leafwalker)

Shade trudged back into the tavern. He had a smudge of monster blood on his collar, but otherwise he felt everything had gone just fine. As he sat back down at his table, he smiled. The "bar maid" was watching him closely. It seemed as if this next exchange was going to be interesting.

Noting that Shade had returned to take his seat, the barmaid slipped behind the bar to get the papers that she had hidden away. Then, Sarah poured a mug of cider and placed it on a tray. As she slid the tray off the bar with one hand, her other hand brought the documents up and pressed them against the bottom of the tray. A casual glance from any of the few nearby patrons would reveal nothing out of the ordinary--simply the barmaid appearing to serve a drink to a customer.

Sarah calmly approached the table, sashaying her hips all the while and staring intently into the eyes of the newest "recruit". Once there, she bent forwards and set the tray and drink on the empty table with a smile.

"Care for some warm cider, Sir?" she inquired with a wink as she lifted the mug to set in front of the man. Without waiting for a reply, the barmaid slid the tray to the side and revealed the papers underneath. Written in flowing script was an offer of an oath of fealty to the region of Idapur, promising a small percent of the weekly taxes in addition to a small estate in exchange for dutiful loyalty and service.

Shade had been looking for a roasted duck, and he may have gotten a bit more than that for which he had bargained...

(Roleplay from Shade Leafwalker)

Shade took a moment to scan the documents placed before him. As he sipped on his cider, he read through the oath offer with much interest. It would do him well to earn a sum of gold for keeping a manor in good order, it would help make him look like a model citizen as well as provide him a nice way to launder the money he would need for his training.

Shade jotted down his signature, and with it took a solemn oath of fealty. One his family did not take lightly.

A Leafwalker's word was his or her bond unto death.

Shade nodded as he emptied the mug and placed the papers firmly under it. With that he quickly turned his thoughts to how he should start.

Smiling to the new Knight of Idapur, Sarah the barmaid quickly collected the papers, tray, and empty mug and moved back to the bar. After pouring some more warm cider, she retrieved the last of the documents. This one required no signature, for it simply stated the location of the newly granted estate somewhere to the northwest.

The barmaid returned to Shade's table and presented him with the new drink and information. She leaned forwards and whispered, "You'll be wanting to get acquainted with your workers. A steward will be expecting you and can help you run your manor."

Sarah straightened up and smiled coyly, then remarked as she turned away, "Should you ever feel lonely at night, Sir Shade..." The barmaid tossed a playful wink over her shoulder and sauntered off to wipe down more tables.