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Raziel2 fought hard against Eston, and suffered greatly at their hands in prison and at the hands of the militia, who tortured Raziel2 into madness. Raziel2 took awhile to recover, and then found the love of his life... Sukira, who was married to his best friend, Dante Raiva, Duke of York. He also pushed himself harder than ever to become the best swordsman on the island. After a time, he challenged several of the best swordsmen on Atamara to duels to the death. Raziel2 met them in Barad Lacrinth, and defeated Dead Angel WG, but spared his life. However, Raziel2 was defeated at the hands of Renquest. This is the tale...
Raziel2 fought hard against Eston, and suffered greatly at their hands in prison and at the hands of the militia, who tortured Raziel2 into madness. Raziel2 took awhile to recover, and then found the love of his life... Sukira, who was married to his best friend, Dante Raiva, Duke of York. He also pushed himself harder than ever to become the best swordsman on the island. After a time, he challenged several of the best swordsmen on Atamara to duels to the death. Raziel2 met them in Barad Lacrinth, and defeated Dead Angel WG, but spared his life. However, Raziel2 was defeated at the hands of Renquest. This is the tale...

http://th03.deviantart.net/fs50/300W/f/2009/327/a/9/Assassin__s_Creed_2__the_night_by_Jael_Kolken.jpg <br>
A portrait of Raziel2 stalking the streets of Barad Gardor.


Latest revision as of 17:33, 31 March 2010


Raziel2: The Man Behind the Legend


Raziel2 started his career shortly after the heroic death of his father Raziel, he found he had big shoes to fill, and his fathers peers gave him a hard time. Raziel turned to alcohol to solve his problems and quickly became a hardcore alcoholic, and after a number of mishaps, decided to give up alcohol in favor of his new invention... Pancakes. Pancakes quickly became a problem, their hallucinogenic and addictive properties causing many, many incidents, and quickly they were made illegal in Minas Ithil. Raziel2 did not care, and continued to expand his empire in secret, recruiting many followers, most notably SuperChris, a midget. SuperChris tended to Raziel2's bookstore in Shanandoah which not so secretly sold pancakes in secret. One day, a woman driven mad with love for Raziel2 (or so he would say), named Seraphina snuck into his shop and cut off one of SuperChris's arms. The poor midget now only had one arm, would later go on to lose another, but still remained a one armed midget... This mystery has never been solved.

Raziel2 was always driven to become an amazing swordsman, and his skill surpassed all of those except a few sword masters scattered about. Raziel2 took to the path of the assassin, joining the Black Mambas and expanding their influence. He soon became Count of Dunstoke and prospered. Soon after, Raziel2 became Duke of Leohampton. He founded the Red Pancake Cartel as an official guild, and soon after the Pancake Enforcement Agency (PEA) was formed to counter the Red Pancake Cartel. The PEA was known for its brutality and its elitism, and Raziel2 fought long and hard, and was eventually succesful in defeating them.

Raziel2 fought hard against Eston, and suffered greatly at their hands in prison and at the hands of the militia, who tortured Raziel2 into madness. Raziel2 took awhile to recover, and then found the love of his life... Sukira, who was married to his best friend, Dante Raiva, Duke of York. He also pushed himself harder than ever to become the best swordsman on the island. After a time, he challenged several of the best swordsmen on Atamara to duels to the death. Raziel2 met them in Barad Lacrinth, and defeated Dead Angel WG, but spared his life. However, Raziel2 was defeated at the hands of Renquest. This is the tale...

A portrait of Raziel2 stalking the streets of Barad Gardor.


Raziel2 had failed, and now he lie in a pool of his own blood at the feet of Renquest. Raziel2 stubbornly held on, and lifted an arm up towards the sky, he would not perish without one last look at the woman he secretly loved.

"Su... kira!" he called out weakly, and then coughed, flecks of blood coming up. "Sukira! I always have... and always will love you!" Raziel2 called out, coughing again.

Dante watched the fight from above again and saw his friend fall... This time he was on the battle grounds within moments at his friends side at the end... Upon hearing his last words Dante looks up Sukira, his wife, who had joined him out on the field.

Raziel2's vision was beginning to gray, and he knew he was fading, but he still reached out towards Sukira, hardly noticing Dante at his side.

Watching from the shadows, Eric is horrified to see the upstart Estonite getting the better of the most imfamous Ithilian! Several strokes later, Raziel2 seems to be weakening and then falls. Seeing very little movement, Eric grows more concerned... and seeing Dante dashing across the field only grows the unease in his mind.

Finally, seeing the lovely figure of Sukira running to the downed body of Raziel2, the truth dawned upon all present.

"Nooo..." Eric whispers before running out to his realmmate, lying defeated on Estonite soil.

Getting there, Eric sees Raziel's bloody hand grasping out for Sukira. Kneeling nearby, Eric's eyes flash darkly.

"Barad Lacirith shall burn..." Eric says, secretly hoping that Raziel heard him... and would take some comfort in his words.

Azrael had been leaning over the young Raiva's shoulder when a messenger burst through the door. Azrael jumped, slightly embarrassed at how close they were, and more embarrassed that someone else might have noticed.

He stood and faced the messenger. "Yes, what is it?"

"M'lord, the duels." His face was pale.

The count steeled himself. "Yes, go on."

"The King's brother was seriously wounded. And then... Raziel2 fell to the blade of Renquest."

Azrael slumped, grabbing onto the first thing he could reach to stabilize himself. This, unfortunately, happened to be Tenebrae. Just as quickly, he let go and fell to his knees. With a wave, he dismissed the messenger, and was left alone with the young woman.

His face was ashen. Even though he knew this would be the fate of the self proclaimed "Pancake Baron", he still felt a great remorse at the loss of his archrival. Was there now anything left for him in this world, or was it beginning to pass him by?

Raziel2 heard a voice, talking about burning Barad Lacrinth. He looked at the speaker and whispered "Burn all of this foul land. Mein herz brennt." The motto of the Shannadoah Praetorians would be among the last things the Pancake Baron would utter, but he wasn't quite dead yet. He looked back at Sukira "Watch after my son."

"Burn all of this foul land..."

Bowing his head, Eric's mind raced. The time for daggers had arrived... all the training, all the assassinations on Beluaterra... finally, 'Leohampton's Revenge' would have his time.

"Farewell, Duke of Leohampton..." Eric murmured as he arose... his eyes meeting Lady Sukira's.

"It is the time for daggers now, mi'Lady... I could use some help." Eric said, glancing once more at Raziel2's body before striding out of the arena.

Sukira watches as Raziel the second lays mangled and dying before her, Dante--and the other witnesses. She watches as the dying man pronounces his love to her and struggles to expend his last breath in an effort to apparently be close to her. Though her sorrow was painfully obvious, she could not bring herself to do much but look at him with a deep, regretting expression, whilst two tears work their way down both cheeks.

A deafening silence consumes her, for she is now torn between comforting the swordsman in his dying moment, and proving to Dante that nothing happened between her and Raziel.

No words escape her lips, as her gaze falls trails from sorrow and on Raziel, to semi-murderous, and onto Renquest...

Dante notices her hesitation and then her gaze at Renquest. He reaches up and grabs her arm and pulls her to down to their fallen friend. Wrapping his arm around her waist, Dante kisses her on her temple. "Say good bye..." is all that he could voice.

Sukira gasps some as she feels her body forced to the ground by Dante. She turns to look into the eyes of her husband. She looks rather embarrassed that he has to see her at the brink of tears.

After receiving the kiss, her eyes slam shut, causing some of the moisture to be released from beneath her eye lids. With but a moment after the kiss passing by, she slowly turns to painfully look at Raziel's dying form.

"...goodbye, my dear--friend..."

Those would be the last words Raziel2 would hear, and a smile came on his face as he gave his dying breath. His hand fell to the ground, and Raziel the Second, son of the great hero Raziel the First, passed from the mortal world.


Literary Works

The Rise of the Third Chantu Empire - a work in vicious parody to the Third Tuchon empire rising in Southasland