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== '''This quest began with a stormy night and a young man of Tara''' ==
Tadhg galloped into the forest.It was dusk,the moon rose quickly.It basked the twilight in a grey light.Tadhg's grandfather had always told him that Dusk and dawn were the times that the world was closest to the spirit world.A time when the barrier between night and day broke down.
Tadhg galloped into the forest.It was dusk,the moon rose quickly.It basked the twilight in a grey light.Tadhg's grandfather had always told him that Dusk and dawn were the times that the world was closest to the spirit world.A time when the barrier between night and day broke down.

Latest revision as of 15:00, 25 January 2006

This quest began with a stormy night and a young man of Tara


Tadhg galloped into the forest.It was dusk,the moon rose quickly.It basked the twilight in a grey light.Tadhg's grandfather had always told him that Dusk and dawn were the times that the world was closest to the spirit world.A time when the barrier between night and day broke down.

A crack of lightning ripped through the sky.Tadhg was shocked as there had been no warning that a thunderstorm was brewing.He decided to get indoors as fast as possible.A bolt of lightning tore through the clouds and hit a tall oak beside him.

The tree burst into flames.Tadhg's horse threw him to the ground and bolted into the darkness.Tadhg landed heavily in a puddle of water.He was about to go running after his horse when he heard a noise.It was as if the wind was whispering to him.There was roll of thunder behind him.Tadhg spun around and let out a gasp at what he saw.

A figure stood in front of him.It was the deepest dark.It was not the darkness of night.It was as if the light fled from the figure.Tadhg ripped his sword from its sheath.

"What creature are you?" he screamed over the wind

A noise like the crying of a thousand souls left the figure


The noise seemed to have appeared in his head as if the figure could read his mind.

Tadhg screamed "What is this all about?Why have you come to me?"


As he said this a scream ripped from the forest.Tadhg turned in shock.Nothing was there.Tadhg turned back towards the figure.There was nothing there.The figure had gone.

"No,come back.Tell me more.Who are the monks of ages?Who the hell is Marvalt?" he screamed at the forest.

There was no answer.........

Tadgh looked at the gathered warriors of Tara.The noble troop leaders each dedicated to Tara.He called for attention.The room went silent.

"I have come here today on an important mission." His voice echoed across the silent hall

"I have recieved a prophecy,One which I cannot ignore.An ancient evil threatens the great nation of Tara.I will seek the monks of ages and they will tell me where to go"

The monks of ages were Tadhg had read an ancient order dedicated to the preservation of Knowledge.The only problem was finding them.But for that Tadhg had a plan.

"The only thing I know is that there is a name to this evil,It is called Marvalt"

Suddenly the door blew open as if it had a mind of its own.A foul wind blew in.

"SHUT THE DOOR" bellowed Tadhg.

When the door was closed he continued.

"This quest will involve great danger to whoever undertakes it.But it must be done.I call for a few brave men to follow me in this.We will find the heart of this threat and pierce it.We must save Tara" he paused

"Who will join me in this quest?" He stared at the crowd and waited for an answer.

Aethelmaer was one of the many TL's listening to Tadhg's mission. As he ended, and asked for volunteers to help no one stood up. At first Aethelmaer thought it was suicide, but then thought maybe he could finally become the hero he always wanted to become. So Aethelmaer stands...

"I will help you on this perilous mission to find these Monks of Ages, or even if we have to fight this Marvalt, whoever he may be."

Aethelmaer walks to the front of the room and shakes Tadhg's hand.

"I will sacrifice my life for the glory of Tara, and to see that this evil is banished from whence it came."

Aethelmaer turns to the audience

"Will anyone else be joining us, on this quest to save Tara?"

More blank stares and whispers come from the audience as we wait.

xiahou hears the rumours of some noble Taran troop leaders heading on a quest for the glory of tara.

xiahou sits in the corner of the hall listening to Tadhg make his request and waiting for the warriors of tara to respond. no one notices his presence, and thats how he likes it. Usually only those bound for the grave get to look into his eyes, but xiahou stands and calls out to those in the room. Everyone turns with a slight look of suprise on their face, as if it was the first time they had seen him.

after a moment of silence the figure removes his hood and begins to speak. "Warriors of tara, i have never been one to fear the unknown, and the more impossible the odds usually just provides a challenge for me."

He looks around the room at all the faces frozen, waiting for his next words

"I will join those who feel worthy of this quest, and lend my blade to anything that will protect the great realm of tara. No matter who the enemy, anything threatening my realm and my brothers will be cut down without mercy!"

the room fell silent once again as the warriors waited for a response and anymore volunteers.

Blaine had been sitting in the back of the chambers, up on top of a particularly large upright keg of ale and idly sharpening a black-hilted dagger on a whetstone. His blue eyes shone dimly in the gleam of the flickering torches as he listened quietly, seemingly completely inattentive. However, when the call arose and three men were already standing ready to join Tadhg on his quest, Blaine pushed himself to his feet, standing on top of the keg and folding his arms, blowing a stray strand of midnight black hair from his eyes.

"I, too, will go. You have my dagger and my bow. I'll have my second command my marksmen while we're away."

Hopping down from the keg, he made his way to the front, the soles of his boots scarcely making a sound on the stone floor.

As Aeryck marched quickly towards Foda with nothing more of an escort than a couple of scouts ahead and healers by his side, he noticed a rider quickly approaching. It was his scribe.

"What news do you bring from Foda?", he asked.

"Sir Aeryck, there has been a vision of terror for Tara. They are calling for volunteers to partake on a mission of strange mystique and danger to save our great land. Thus far only a few have stood to the challenge. Carelia quickly approaches with all her allies...Sir, bad things are happening..."

"Hold your breath son. If there is a way to save this great land then I shall be there to help do so. Ride back to the hall where they sit at this very moment and stand for me. I shall ride into every dark shadow of this world if it is asked of me, and if it shall help Tara remain the great land she has become.

"Take my horse. She's fresh. Ride fast, Son. RIDE!!!!! AND TELL THEM I AM COMING TO AIDE THEM ON THIS QWEST!!!!"

Blackknight sits in the middle of the crowd, though his presence is quite unnoticed. To most he is simply a new noble, but of course they are unaware of the Orden family. He stands, pulling back the hooded cloak to reveal long black hair and cold blue eyes. The lines under eyes tell of a man who as seen much war, surprising most of the company. If they only knew he was among the old nobles that formed Tara many years ago....but his fellows of that time have long since passed from this world.

He thinks to himself, "So, this young lad has seen a vision of death has he? He seems smart and pure enough...but many other dangers are turning their eyes to Tara. sigh Well, someone has to look after them, they will have my sword and, should they ask, my experience."

SilentKnight makes his way to the front and stands beside Tadhg, no words are needed.

Tadhg stepped forward in the hall.He looked at the brave warriors beside him.then he looked out at the nnobles of Tara,The heart and soul of his land.

"We now have our company.You have all shown courage in stepping forward.We ride at sundown to find the monks of ages.You need to get your affairs in order.Say goodbye to your loved ones.I wont pretend this quest doesnt have danger.But if anyone can achieve it.It is the people of Tara.We meet at the northern gate at sundown"

He then turned to the gathered nobles

"If any of you wish to join us meet us at the northern gate at sundown.glory to Tara"

he raised his sword in salute.Then he turned to the company:

"I need to speak with you outside"

He walked out and was soon joined by the company

"Inform your second in command to lead your unit while you are gone.This will be a perilous quest for us all.Death may come to some of us.I warn you of this because I will not force it on anyone.If any of you do not wish to go I will think no less of you"

Tadhg thrust his sword into the air

"FOR THE GLORY OF TARA" he shouted in salute

he waited for the others to do the same.


Aethelmaer joined in Tadhg's salute.

"I shall be at the northern gate by sundown, you have my word. For now, farewell."

He runs off into the crowds as fast as lightning strikes the night sky. When he approaches camp, he sneaks towards Jolack's tent, so that no one may get involved in the matter. Now inside...

"Jolack, I must tell you of urgent news. I am going off on a quest with Tadhg and a few others to banish an evil that we must not speak of."

Jolack's white eyes turned black, an ill omen, and Aethelmaer knew it.

"I must place you in command of the unit for now, until I get back. If I ever come back."

"Master, please don't go. I know of it, I have seen it in my dreams, sir. I have seen your death. I don't know how it will come, I have warned you."

Jolack's face starts to wrinkle from the tension in his face.

"If no other choice can be taken, then I will cover the men for you."

Aethelmaer then walks to his tent to sharpen his sword, string a bow and make some deadly arrows. When he walks out a few hours later. A group of his men are ready to go with him. Among them is Nerzael, a short eccentric guy willing to do anything.

"What are you doing Nerzael?"

"I am here to protect you on your journey. I was recruited by you and I have a duty to be your bodyguard no matter where you may go. I also gathered a few others that want to come."

"As much as I would like to see you come, you cannot. I have to go on this quest alone. I will not endanger the lives of my men because they feel they have to protect me. I can handle myself, and I'm sure the others will look after me too. Right now your job is to get ready for the upcoming battles with the southern realms."

Then Aethelmaer runs off into the woods, hoping to get to the northern gate before the group leaves. It seems nightfall has come.

Xiahou steps forward and raises his sword with the others

"For the Glory of TARA!"

he then looks to the others once they all put their swords away and begins to speak to them with a determined look etched on his face.

"i have no second in command, it has been a while since i have charged the battlefield, but do not take this as a bad thing. I have begun to master the art of the shadows.

and so i will meet you at the gates soon. you may not see me all of the time... but remember i will always be there, participating in this great quest and facing any danger with you that may arise along the way."


Aeryck affirmed his arrival to the company just in time. "I have arrived and will shortly be ready for departure. I shall meet you at the gate at the appointed time."

Aeryck then left the hall with all of the other troop leaders. Many were confused and taken aback at what had just happened, overwhelmed by such a strange occurence.

"May Tom bless them on their journey." He couldn't tell who had said it, but he was certainly glad to hear it.

"Yes, may Tom bless us", he whispered to himself. He wasn't apprehesive about the qwest. The apprehesion came from the fact that he had never partaken on such a journey before. His stomach was full of butterflies, but he knew that came from his dedication to Tara. He may actually make a difference in the history of the realm he grew up in - his home.

After a quick trip to the bank to ensure that his finances were in order he made his way to the designated meeting site. "It's about time I returned to a soldier's life anyway. I enjoyed helping in the administration of the regions, and I may return to that if/when this qwest comes to an end and I return home. Afterall, I received the worst injury of my life while sitting at a desk, not on the battlefield. Tara will be saved!! And I will be there to help see it happen!!"

Thoroughly pumped up and ready to embark on the greatest qwest that Tara has ever seen, Aeryck arrived at the gate to meet his comrades, nay, his new best friends. "These are the ones who I may die with, or whom may die with me. These are loyal Tarans."


"For the glory of Tara."

Without a sword on him, Blaine instead raised the dagger that he had been carrying; then, as the cry died down, slipped it away into a sheath hidden in his boot. Without a further word to the group he stole away into the night, and arrived a few hours later in his command tent.


A man clad in black leather armour and wearing an eye patch emerged silently from a dark corner of his tent.

"Sir Blaine?"

"I am going on a journey with Sir Tadhg and some others on behalf of the realm. There has been a prophecy of a great evil waiting ahead. I will leave you in charge of the men. Proceed to Foda to make repairs; I've sent word to my banker to give you access to the bonds I've waiting from the taxes so that you can pay the blacksmiths and our archers. Once that's done, listen to the General's orders, and ask in particular what is to be done about the monsters I spotted on my way here."

Ikaris nodded quietly, slipping out of the tent. Blaine turned and began to pack some rations into a travelling sack, then went over to the corner and took a compound shortbow and a few sturdy strings from the wall. His quiver was already full of arrows, so he took it and left the camp to return to the appointed meeting place.

"For the Glory of Tara!"

With haste SilentKnight returned to his men, their camp set up outside the walls with the rest of the army. He called Heraku, his second in command, into the tent.

"Heraku, I must leave you in charge of the men, for how long I am not sure. I a sure you know by now what my intentions are, so we need not discuss it. Take care of the men, dismissed."

Walking to the back of the tent, Silentknight pulled away a large sheet to reveal his armor. Forged by the royal smithies in Perdan under his father, this armor had served him through many battles. He dressed himself in a methodical fashion. He paused for a moment before pulling on the armored chest. Dark black with silver trim, and the family seal, a golden wolf rising on its rear legs crying for battle, made for an impressive sight.Lastly he took up his sword and set out on horse for the northern gate.

Tadhg walked to where his unit Na Fianna were camped.Loyal men willing to die for Tara to the last.Each Tadhg knew by name.He walked to his command tent.He pulled the flap aside and walked inside

"Oh so your back" said a voice from behind him

It was Erik his second in command and one of his best friends.They embraced and Tadhg informed him of the situation

"I will be gone for a long time.In truth I may not return.You will lead the men in my stead.The men trust you and you must help protect Tara" said Tahdg

"I will do as you command my lord" replied Erik

"Without another word Tadhg left and donned his armor.When he was dressed he left for the city of Foda.

He looked at the city.It brought him back to the days he had first come here from Tandsu.Now it seemed completely different.It was no longer a strange foreign place.It was his home.

He rode into the workshop quarter.Smiths and netmakers were busy plying their trade here.The early evening bustle had seemed an annoying thing for Tadhg but he knew now he would miss it.He rode till he came to thorstens smithy.He dismounted and hurried inside.

"Is it finished?" he shouted over the noise of hammers

"I just put the finishing touches on it.It has been an honour working on this my lord.This is my masterpiece.Here try it on."he replied

Thorsten was an old smithy with gigantic forearms hardened by years in the smithy.He was also a master in his craft.He walked over to a cloth covered object on a shelf.

He produced a helm of the most stunning beauty.The light seemed to be drawn into it and reflected out with the most brilliant glow.

Tadhg was awestruck.

"It is beautiful"he said as he admired every facet of it.

It was made from Steel but fashioned in a way that made it shine like a diamond.It hadvisor for the face with eyslits for vision.There was a mark of the Taran emblem on the front.And on the side there was an image of a creature.It was clearly a dog but it was bigger than a wolf.

"It is a wolfhound,found only in the Taran heartland."said the smith when he saw him admiring it.

Tadhg put it over his head and it fit as if it had been sculpted over his own head.

"I can not thank you enough Thorsten.You have done me a great service.Ask Erik for the money I have set aside a large portion of gold for this" said Tadhg

"No I dont need money.It was payment enough to work on this.Wear it with pride."replied thorsten

"Thank you a million times my friend"he shook hands with him and was off out the door.

He mounted up and rode for the northern gate ready for his journey.

Tadhg arrived at the northern gate.It was dark.There was no moon.He looked around him.He did not see anyone.If they were here they were showing remarkable stealth.He looked at the sky.There was orion the hunter burbing in the northern sky.

"Appropriate to say the least" he said to himself

He dismounted and waited for the company to arrive.

Silentknight emerges from the shadows near the gate, leading his horse Galek. On approach he quickly looks over the noble to whom he has pledged his sword. Noting the fine armor and the proud stance, Silentknight is satisfied.

A slight nod is silent greeting, and he stands quitely beside Tadhg awaiting the to others.

A little while later Blaine emerged from the shadows near the gates, riding on a lithe-looking black horse. The creature snorted quietly, announcing the arrival of rider and mount. As Blaine dismounted and led his horse to the group, a small black raven fluttered out of the darkness, perching on his shoulder. Blaine gave a slight nod to SilentKnight and Tadhg.


as the men begin to gather at the gates xiahou decides that he should wait with them, this was after all the begining of what might be their last great deed. these men of tara, soon to become his brothers, to face adversary and stare death in the face as one, and all for the glory of this great realm that he had come to love in such a short time.

he steps from the shadows of the gatehouse, and silently walks up to those already present. suddenly a raven shoots up in to the air from amoungst the men, and they spin around to face the dark hooded figure, hands at their sides ready to unsheath their weapons.

the cloaked figure begins to laugh a short raspy laugh without moving his head, seeming to be remanissing at this suprise, his face still in constant shadow. the men of tara not moving either, still trying to understand who this figure was and his intentions.

"ah Oden's Ravens watch over us all once again, this is indeed a good sign. although he only watches over those who need many things may be soon to come..."

the shadowy figure lifts his head and removes his hood, still smiling at what he had just witnessed, his mind travelling back to his old realm of Ubent and the brothers he fought side by side with there against impossible odds on several occasions. Their overwhelming courage and dedication to the realm making them never faulter, those were men fighting for their home, and for their brothers...there was no army that could defeat that.

xiahou looks at each face in front of him carefully, now all at ease once again. he saw the same thing in these mens eyes that he had seen back then. he knew, these men were willing to die for their cause and their realm...and soon would do the same for anyone of the faces standing there at that very moment.

this lifted xiahou's spirits and made him feel what he had not in a long time, he had a definitive purpose once again, and he would let no harm come to these brave men no matter what the cost. expieriance had taught him many harsh lessons but he could not help but feel good about the upcoming quest, and he knew, whatever the threat, it was no match for these warriors of tara.

he silently nods to the men infront of him and awaits the arrival of the others.

Tadhg looked around him at the men around him.3 Men with completely different histories united under one cause.Tara.Oh that name burned in him like the love of life itself.

"We are but 4 gentlemen.We wait for 3 more.I thank you all for coming.It is a great honour to ride with you all."

He turned no more words were needed

Thinking it's later than it is and wondering if the group has left without him, Aethelmaer speeds up to as fast as his legs will let him travel. Looking up he sees that the moon and stars have disappeared, and wonders if the Gods are going to be looking down on them during this quest. He starts thinking if he will make it through this quest and remembers his friend's dark words. He then approaches the edge of the woods. There are four men standing at the gate waiting.

"Fine night to begin such a perilous quest, isn't it?"

The men turn to acknowledge a shadow emerging from the woods, finding that it is Aethelmaer. With that Aethelmaer nods to the others, and stands awaiting for something to happen with a cold stare coming from his dark crystal blue eyes.

After arriving at the gate earlier than planned, Aeryck had decided to wait outside the gate. Thoughts of his home, of what lie ahead of him to help save that home, and the men whom he would travel with, dominated his mind.

After a few hours of studying the forest directly outside of the north gate he decided to check on his comrades. Approaching the gate he could see a few figures standing closely. "This must be them."

Coming through the gatehouse he saw a shadow appear out of the darkness. It was as if the shadows themselves took human form, for even after this figure left the shadows it had been consealed within he could swear that he still gazed upon a shadow itself. The small company all started at the shadow's arrival, as did Aeryck himself. He found his hand upon his sword's hilt, his heart beating out of his chest...

He had to laugh at that, really. It was, of course, another of the loyal men who volunteered for this same qwest. Before he could even bat an eye, however, another man approached quickly, sprinting down the street. "Everyone is anxious. Well, I guess it's nearly time to begin."

Chuckling lowly to himself, Aeryck approached from behind the men already gathered near the north gate.

"Good evening Brothers. Is it that time yet?"

Tadhg called for attention.He looked at the five warriors of Tara.He knew these men would ensure the success or failure of this venture.And so the fate of Tara.He spoke

"My friends,from the moment we walk out this gate we are not safe.We move quickly and quietly.The spies of this evil may be everywhere.Do not trust anyone but the other five of us.Only courage and friendship will carry thi quest through.Would any of you swap your position with anyone else?I think not.The fate of Tara rests on your shoulders.Death will ride beside you all.But so will your comrades.Now is our time.Now is the ride.Now we decide our fates."

With that he spurred his horse and rode out the gate.The five other warriors rode out.He hoped they would become his brothers.Firt to follow him was Xiahou then Aeryk,Aethelmaer,Blaine and lastly Silentknight.The moon sat in the north eastern sky lighting the way towards their destination.

A pair of golden eyes shined in the woods.If any of them had noticed them they would have thought they stared at the company.After a while it slinked off into the darkness.

The glow of the eyes caught Blaine's attention briefly. He peered to take a closer look, but already they were gone. A shiver ran down the black-clad rider's spine, but he steeled his nerves and turned to face the path ahead. Tricks of the mind, he thought to himself. The raven that had been perched on his shoulder flapped its wings and flew off ahead of the group. Meanwhile, Blaine quietly asked the rest of the party,

"I have heard little of these Monks of Ages. What exactly are they? Are they a group of prophets?"

Tadhg did not falter in his ride as he began to speak.

"My grandfather Sean used to tell my twin Brian and older brother Tiernan tales on the long winter nights.Tiernan served under you in Ubent Xiahou.You may not remember him.One night,a lot like this one in fact old Sean told us a story.He told us of a story that he had heard from hi own grandfather years ago."

He paused as if lost in remembrance of those great times.He only remembered this story as he rode into Foda.At the time it just felt like a tale to get children to go to sleep.But he knew fate was weaving for himself and the company. After a while he continued.

"The monks of ages were a small group of powerful people who had fought a great evil in ages pat.They had banished it to another plane.They then swore an oath to keep this evil from the world forever.He told me they were rumoured to reside on the tallest peak in the north-eastern mountains.There they worked dilligently to stop this evil."

someone asked from the company

"Where do we ride?"

Tadhg whispered the next words

"To Norland,To Norland my friends."