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(New page: '''Imprisoned''' ''(Adaria's stream of consciousness...)'' '''Prison: Day 1''' ''(19:42)'' Grr! Why did I wait so long to move out of Edairn?! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Should not have...)
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Latest revision as of 21:57, 16 January 2010


(Adaria's stream of consciousness...)

Prison: Day 1

(19:42) Grr! Why did I wait so long to move out of Edairn?! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Should not have stuck around after getting those scout reports in... Bleh, what a waste of a fine cavalry unit. Xarnie won't be pleased. Sigh, I hope he's getting into a good position to pass by the enemy unnoticed...

(02:18) Well, at least they didn't throw me in a dungeon, I guess. Yep, at least it's a clean-looking enough room, small though it may be. Oh Aenil save me! Is that... a cockroach? Wait, did it just move? Oh dear, I think I might scream. But wait, I bet there are guards just outside the door. Better keep quiet and not try anything stupid... yet. I suppose I could smush the damn thing with one of the chair's legs.

(03:36) So, sooo bored. Nothing to do in here! A cot, a chair, and a chamber pot... Blah, they better come rescue me soon. At least there's a tiny window so light will come in. Maybe I should ask for a candle. Hm, I wonder what Sir Kenshue is up to, hmm. Maybe he'll be my knight in shining armour, like that time with the squirrels... BAHAHAHA I can still remember him with all those tufts of fur sticking out of him, oh boy! I wonder if I've been teasing him too much lately. He's obviously got a thing for me, but I dunno about him yet... Seems like a nice boy, but I gotta concentrate on my training. No time for love, and I'm still young...

(03:50) Me: 1 -- Cockroach: 0

(03:55) Aah! A mouse! Nooo! GUARDS!!! GUARDS!!! SAAAVE MEEE!

(04:01) Okay, yeah, that was embarrassing... Me: 0 -- Mouse: 1. I bet they're laughing at me outside now. Might as well try to get some sleep. Kinda hungry, but they haven't sent any food. Le sigh.

(08:27) H-huh? What was that scraping sound? And where the heck am I? So cold... Oh, right. Prison. Le sigh times two. Hm... is that food I smell? It is! Bread, cheese, and... mystery meat. Looks like chicken... Tastes like... chicken. It better be chicken. Wait! Would they dare to poison me? I'll spit it out. Better not eat this. I don't need their stinking food!

(08:49) Oh curses! Where's that little mouse when I need it to be my poison tester? Oh right, the guards took care of it. Sigh! No! I refuse to give in and eat their sorry excuse for food!

(09:03) Sooo. Huuunngryyyy. Can't. Take. It. Any. Morrrrrre. Om nom nom nom nom!

(10:30) Still alive! Still bored! Ooh I know! I'll try to climb the wall and see if I can squeeze through the window!

(11:24) Yeah, okay, you win this round, tiny prison window! But you better keep one blind open when you sleep, 'cause I'll get the better of you before you know it! Yeah, that's right! Better watch out!

(11:46) Bleh, will try to sleep again. Has it been a day yet? I'm going to go crazy if this keeps up!

(16:31) Ugh... stomach feels weird, making it hard to sleep. Mm, 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep...

Prison: Day 2

(20:17) Okay, yeah... something is definitely wrong with me. Sneaky bastards! They must have slipped something into the food! Not going to touch that new plate by the door. It'll just make me feel worse, with the way my tummy is rolling around itself, and it's probably laced with more poison, no doubt about it! Will try some exercise to hopefully work out this nuisance.

(20:35) Yeah, nevermind. Bad idea. Owwwie times two!

(21:02) B. O. R. E. D. and french bread. Oh, how I love thee, pain! ...NOT! Waaaaaa! What is taking them so long to storm Hatdhes?! Don't they care about me? Kenshue, where are youuuuuuu?

(22:16) Pfft, yeah, like I'm going to pay 300 gold ransom to get out, even if I had that much on me... Poisoning me isn't bad enough, now they've got to rob me too! GRR! GRR, I say! G. R. R. Get really rough? Tehe, errr... silly girl, bad Ada! Bleh, it's getting so hot in here... or is it just me? Haha! Yep, I'm so hot I made the room hot. Riiiight. Kenshue seems to think so, I daresay. Gah, why do I keep thinking of that silly boy?

(00:14) Hot... must have a cursed fever... can't think straight... dear Aenil, is that a giant mutant squirrel in the corner? NOOO! SHOO! GO AWAY! I'm not looking! So you don't exist!

(02:03) No... please leave me alone, Mr. Zombie... Yeah take that! Bite him good, Wolfie!

(05:49) I don't know what's real any more... everything is so hazy, and unbearably HOT! Seeing forest creatures everywhere in my room. Aenil save me...

Prison: Days 3, 4, and 5:

The time passes by in a fevered blur for poor Adaria. Guards come and go, announcing each day's new, lowered ransom amount for freedom, but she has no strength to even respond. Maids look after her, forcing the girl to eat and drink periodically, but her condition does not seem to improve.

Then, on the fifth day, a letter from Soliferum's Minister of Law is delivered to her from an anonymous guard. The only words she hears through the perpetual daze and timelessness are 'bravely', 'papers', and 'border'. An eternity later, which in reality was only half an hour, Adaria feels herself lifted and then carried out of the small room.

She feels the caress of the wind upon her cheek before falling into unconsciousness again. On the return trip to Idapur in the transport caravan, the girl slowly recovers from her weakened condition and tries to put the unpleasant memory in a far corner of her mind.

A week later, Adaria arrived at Ipsosez with a score of men to help the local authorities. After her confining experience, she found herself deathly afraid of squirrels and cockroaches. And, even after more or less recovering from the ordeal, the young girl still jumped in fright at odd shadows in the night.