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(New page: '''Protect Thy Nuts!''' "Lady! We...must... there...are..." the soldier panted, trying to catch his wind. Adaria frowned and gave the man time to recover. "Monsters! Half a dozen garg...)
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Revision as of 12:18, 16 December 2009

Protect Thy Nuts!

"Lady! We...must... there...are..." the soldier panted, trying to catch his wind.

Adaria frowned and gave the man time to recover.

"Monsters! Half a dozen gargantuan squirrel mutants! And they're hungry... for NUTS!"

The girl peered quizzically at the soldier in reply for some time before asking, "Really now? Giant squirrels? Are you sure, man?"

The fellow nodded enthusiastically until he grew slightly dizzy from the effort.

"Well then... it sounds like we're going to need help." She paused a moment, considering who she should call. But of course! she realized with a faint blush... "Captain Oldred! Send word to Erahol immediately asking for assistance! Tell Sir Kenshue that I need him!"

(Roleplay from Angus MacCrae)

"Sir, initial reports state that Lady Adaria and her retinue are holding off 10 huge monsters in Zolon."
"It is well we are already en route. Captain, we've campaigned in far too many wars for me to not know when you're holding back. Out with it man."
"It's nothing Lord Angus."
"Very well sir, it appears the monsters are giant mutant squirrels."
"Zounds man! Let us hope the Lady's entire retuinue are women, or that they've recently been to the royal codpiece artificer!"

(Roleplay from Kenshue Kazukin)

Kenshue had been heading his way to Zolon from Erahol after word of the loyalty of the peasants there was quickly falling. He was going to do everything in his power to be the knight he was suppose to be and get morale to rise. He was about five hours away when he could see a scout running in his direction.

"Sir Kenshue, Sir Kenshue, am I ever glad to see you so close to Zolon" The scout said, running full speed in his direction, as he stopped in front of him, he knelt down in front of Kenshue.

Letting the scout catch his breath, Kenshue asked, "Who sent you, and what is your report?"

After a few minutes of Kenshue and his men watching this man pant to catch his breath he finally began his report, "I've been sent by Captain Oldred to tell you that a rampaging horde of mutant squirrels is raiding in Zolon."

Kenshue's men began to talk amongst each other at the thought of mutant squirrel, who better than the unit known as Blood Thirsty Squirrel to take them down. But Kenshue wanted more info.

"Whose captain is Captain Oldred anyways?" Kenshue asked curious as to who would send a scout looking for help.

"Captain Oldred, is the captain of the Jade Police, lead by Lady Adaria" The scout said, and before the scout could report anymore.

"We Move At Once!" Kenshue shouted, just the name of Adaria made Kenshue not require any more information, and he knew he wanted to be there.

(Roleplay from Fujita Davion)

Fujita had just heard word of the giant rabid squirrel outbreak, and had set off at once, sending a scout to keep an eye on Sir Kenshue.

The scout came running up the road, yelling that Sir Kenshue had set off for Zolon before tripping and falling face first into the ditch at the edge of the road.

"Good work, Jenner. You can head back for a hot meal."

The scout scrambled up and ran back to the camp.

"This is excellent. Now I can beat Sir Kenshue there and rescue his fair maiden while he watches. Muahahahaha!!!" Sir Fujita said, twirling his mustache evilly.

Adaria smiled happily as the boys struggled to show her who was faster and stronger, charging at the rabid creatures with wild abandon. She instructed her captain to just keep her men back from the fray, since there was neither need nor room for her small unit to advance anyway. After the fight had come to its conclusion, the girl caught Kenshue's gaze and, with a playful wink, blew him a kiss from a field away.

Then, giggling for a bit, she ran off towards her tent. Halfway there, she turned her head back to see if he was still watching.