Melhed/History/Age of Blood/Fallan May Campaign: Difference between revisions

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(New page: This occurred somewhere around the May 2005 election in the Age of Blood. Twenty-five nobles were part of Melhed when this began, but one more joined during...)
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Revision as of 10:54, 13 December 2009

This occurred somewhere around the May 2005 election in the Age of Blood. Twenty-five nobles were part of Melhed when this began, but one more joined during this series of letters. While the realm bureaucrats insisted on titling letters from the council as Prime Minister, Minister of Defence, Grand Justiciar, and Minister of Finances, melite nobles preferred Emperor, Grand General, Grand Justicar, and Lord High Bankercrat, respectively. The titles have been recorded as melites wished them to be. Family names were not recorded in this day in history, but family names have been added where known.

Letter from Fallan
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
At this time, I would like to throw in my name, for those running for position of judge.

Let it be known, that I have absolutely NO expereince. I have no ideas on how to do the job. And if, by some complete and utter freak miracle, I were to be elected, I would no doubt do a terrible job.

The question you have to ask yourself is, "Sure Aldo knows what he's doing, sure the other guy would make a fine judge, but imagine the excitement and unpredictability of putting someone, like Fallan, into a position that I have no business in having."

Elections need fringe candidates, and I am that candidate.


So come election day, show the realm that you're tired of things that work.

Give into chaos, and vote Fallan for judge.
Roleplay from Fallan
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Why not run for ruler?

Well you're all free to vote for whomever you wish, but considering that our current ruler tends to get re-elected time and again, due to the fact that no one else wants the job, then there is likely a good reason why no one wants the job.

Besides I'd rather start as judge....bringing my chaos and insanity to one region at a time. Only then, after I've honed my maniacially magnificent ministrations should I then move to the big show, as the lunatic 'lected leader of a realm.

Besides if I was leader, my first act would be to save time, by abolishing elections, declaring myself leader for life, taking all the money and generally doing that which served only my interests. This would unite all the people of the realm with a passion for me...more specifically a passionate need to kill, dismember, and then dethrone me. First the realm would suffer, then you all would suffer, then I would suffer immensly (As payback for the first two sufferings), and finally the system that exists now would be restored, and I'd be dead or worse.

So why not avoid the hassle, and time that would take and cut to the end...except with me saying "I learned my lesson, and no one had to suffer"

Remember, my incompetence is consistent, and once you vote me judge, it will be legendary, so VOTE FALLAN FOR JUDGE

Letter from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I like the way you think Fallan, 'kill, dismember, and then dethrone me.' It's the perfect way to get an undead ruller with no arms or legs. You deffinitly have my vote. In fact, I like your style so muc hthat I will organize your campain for ruler myself. By the time I'm done even Tsu will vote for you.
Morgan Darby (Count of Rengo)
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Someone scout Agyr?
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from Bob Baceolus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Are you guys blind? I scounted Rengo, BIl Havil and Agyr about 15 minutes ago for you :)
Bob Baceolus (Count of Bil Havil)
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Oh...I am bob. Thanks for those...heheh.
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from Bob Baceolus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
So we have now proved that Tsu is blind, perfect one to lead your realm :)
Bob Baceolus (Count of Bil Havil)
Letter from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Exactly why we should all vote for Fallan.

Besides, he is is incompetent, and that means he has less brains. That is the perfect quality for a ruler of Melhed. How else will we be able to negotiate with the undead, but on their own level. And since he lacks the brains the undead so desperatly desire, they will leave him, and by extention us, alone.


A vote for Fallan is a vote to stop the undead raiding parties.
Morgan Darby (Count of Rengo)
Letter from Bob Baceolus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Wasn't that why we were voting for the undead for ruler a couple of elections ago? So that they would have no reason to invade our realm since they are already in charge. We could always try that again and once the invasion is over we could always have a rebellion. :)
Bob Baceolus (Count of Bil Havil)
Letter from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
The only problem with that is the undead are not a part of our realm, and as such, cannot be elected. Fallan, however, is a member of our realm.


Fallan, the best thing since undead.
Morgan Darby (Count of Rengo)
Letter from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Today is election day. In a few short hours the all important ruler election will occur. I would like to take this time to remind you all to check your voting settings. It would be a shame if everyonme was voting for the wrong candidate.

Now we all know what Tsu's rule has been like, spending gold on gigantic useless units of MI and gold houses, undead everywhere, and most importntly, several different people giving orders. But fear not, for I have a solution to our problems. As ruler, Fallan would negotiate with the undead on their own level for a ceasefire and for them to leave our regions imediatly. He promises to keep our gold safe in his vault, not waste it on such frivolous things as units and gold houses that will only get drunk and rust. And if all that wasnt enough to convince you, he will unite all of Melhed under one authority and with one purpose.

If elected, Fallan will bring glory and fulfilment to the nobles of Melhed. If you value these things, and they truly are some of the most valuable things, I urge you to vote for Fallan as ruler.


Fallan, Savior of our Wealth, Emisary to the Undead, Uniter of the People.
Morgan Darby (Count of Rengo)
Out-of-Character from Tanko Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Oops, I meant tarnish not rust. It should read: 'units and gold houses that will only get drunk and tarnish.'
Tanko Darby
Letter from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Well it looks like my campaign for Fallan was a failure. I had hoped I would be able to get a few more than 10 votes for you, even if it did land you in second place. Perhaps I can do better next election, if you are running and would still have me running your campaign, not that that stopped me this time.

Congratulations to Tywin and Tsu on winning their respective races.

I hope everyone enjoyed these elections. I will try to come up with some good entertainment next month. If you would like a coppy of any of the previous month's election entertainment, they are on display at Agyr's local elections office in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying Beware of the Leopard.
Morgan Darby (Count of Rengo)
Letter from Fallan
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
First of, Congratulations on those winners of the elections, our leader, and new judge.

Secondly, my thanks to the tireless efforts of Morgan, and those who voted for me. For the Record I did NOT vote for myself for ruler, so obviously someone else did. To that person/persons, I thank you, and say "Seek Professional Help"

As for the Jubge election....clearly a miscarraige of justice.

I call Shennanigan on that Judge election. Clearly it was fixed or in someway chicanery prevented me from winning. To that end I DEMAND a full investigation into the elction. Now after much thought on this matter (A whole 3 seconds, which Aldo can atest is a deep thought for me) I think the only one qualified, and in an appropriate position to investigate this matter, is the New Judge.

So I call for the Judge to investigate the validity of the Judge election. If he finds that he in some way cheated to get the position then he should either step down, or remove himself. We are a realm of ORDER. Clearly we must follow order, even if it is in the name a lunacy!
