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In the latest judge election, Sir Actrial has been reelected as Minister of Justice for another term. Actrial received 39.6% of 101 valid vote.
In the latest judge election, Sir Actrial has been reelected as Minister of Justice for another term. Actrial received 39.6% of 101 valid vote.



Revision as of 01:36, 5 October 2009

Oritolon Coat-of-Arms
The Times of Oritolon October Edition
October 1009
Price: 1 Silver Piece
"Truth Always" Archives / Main Page
Battle Reports
The unofficial Chronicler of Republic of Oritolon

Main Articles
Other News
Ruler election (1009-10-01)

Sir Antonine Octavius has been elected as our new prime minister of Oritolon republic. He has received 53.4% of 176 valid vote. Antonine has been acknowledged as the successor to our much loved PM Sir Spearhead months before his retirement. With populous support and no real opposition Sir Antonine easily secured the required vote. The editor of Oritolon Time congratulation Sir Antonine on his election and extend our congratulation to Sir Actrial on his reelection as the Minister of Justice.

(OOC: It is worth mentioning how ironic that Antonine Octavius obviously names after Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus (born Octavius nephew of Julius Caesar) and maybe Antony. Who toke over from Jukues Caesar at the end of Roman repulbic and beginning of Roman Empire. Augustus and Julius Caesar bought the end of Roman republic by implementing drastic change to Roman Senate using their army. We base part of Oritolon on the Roman republic. In fact as the first republic, almost every republic since has been based at least part on the Romans.)

Editor: Mero
Progress and reform (1009-10-05)

As part of his election campaign, Sir Antonine has promised to bring change and reform to the old government. Hours after his election Antonine already started implementing his reform with the aid of his three minister and advice from Inner circle.

Updating official titles of core government position. Judge as Minister of Justice, banker as Minister of Finance, and general as Minister of Defense.

Setting up three new message group to replace the long osculate "Headquarter" message group. The Finance Ministry headed by our Minister of Finance in charge of tax and food supply. Foreign Office headed by PM as a diplomatic corp. Justice Ministry replacing HSF(Homeland Security Force) as the courtier group headed by Minister of Justice.

Two new ambassador are appointed by PM Antonine to represent Oritolon. Sir Spearhead as our main ambassador based the merit of his skill, knowledge and good friendship with other ruler. Doctor is appointed as the economic ambassador as the Minister of Finance need to deal with other realm's banker at a regular basis on the behalf of Oritolon.

Editor: Mero

Judge Election(1009-09-26)

In the latest judge election, Sir Actrial has been reelected as Minister of Justice for another term. Actrial received 39.6% of 101 valid vote.

Watch this place for report of upcoming battle

Disclaimer: This is only a test run designed to test the new layout. Information appearing in it may be fictional.