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(New page: ==Notes== ''This is a work in progress.'' Magnus the Mighty's death caused more RP than Caergoth has seen for a very long time. The purpose of this page is to collect all of the actual r...)
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Latest revision as of 16:38, 15 July 2009


This is a work in progress.

Magnus the Mighty's death caused more RP than Caergoth has seen for a very long time. The purpose of this page is to collect all of the actual roleplay, not to record the power struggle that came with it.

Yes, there was some confusion over whether Magnus was cremated or buried. Just roll with it.


Roleplay from Aaliz de Lutece

Aaliz looked over at Captain Lamprecht. "Our king is dead, but the work we started on his behalf is not yet done. The men may have an have an hour to grieve, but we leave for Veshin and hunting monsters thereafter. Once the monsters have been defeated, we will rejoin the army and do as instructed."

"Aye, m'lady." She watched as the captain walked away to share the instructions with the Cannon Fodder. She allowed herself a small smile at that. After months losing unit after unit in battle, the Fodder had lasted some time.

It would seem we have interesting times in store. I hope that we do not lose all we have gained thus far.

Roleplay from Aetha Praxidike

As Aetha Praxidike makes her way towards Veshin, she sees a rider bearing the King's standards speeding towards Yacon. She flags the messenger down and has this conversation.

"Ahoy! I am Dame Aetha Praxidike, Knight of Rustton! Do you bear a message for me?"

"No, Dame Aetha, I carry it for the commander of the Army of Strength and the Axe."

"Is it news from the capitol?"

"I can only guess, but I dare say it is. Magnus the Mighty has died, and I believe I carry the announcement in my sealed scroll case."

"Lord Odin! What happened?"

"The contents I cannot divulge, but I will tell you the story being spread by the servants, and they most often know the truth of matters.

See, King Magnus has had a dark cloud about him lately, and none of his usual pleasures have been able to inspire a jaunty mood. This morning, one of his housekeepers brought Bingus, King Magnus's hunting dog, into the Great Hall to give the King some company.

King Magnus, in his bitter anger, gazed upon the dog with such fury that the poor thing immediately voided itself in futile act of supplication. Enraged, the King kicked the dog with such force that it was launched directly into the flames of the fireplace. The burning dog tried to jump to its safety, but in its haste charged King Magnus.

The delicate fabric of the King's cloak instantly went ablaze. In a panic, the King overreacted and accidentally entangled himself in one of the embroidered curtains hanging from the walls. The curtain burst alight and fell on top of the King. The king suffocated and burned to death before he could be rescued.

King Magnus's anger, burning so long from the inside, seems to have truly brought him to ashes.

For what it's worth, the dog's life was able to be spared."

"What an incredible story? Is it true?"

"I believe it is, but this scroll may tell of his demise differently," said the messenger, before continuing his journey north.

Roleplay from Ain Kindon

Ain looked up in disgust as yet another load of the strange grey paper scrolls arrived at her encampment. She examined them carefully, but like the others there was no message on them...they were just blank.

“Another load for the fire, Jacob,” she tossed the stack to her man, “I can’t think what’s possessed everyone to send around so many blank scrolls...waste of paper. Though, I guess they are hotting up our tea for us, so it isn’t a complete waste.”

Just then another messenger arrived...

“This really has to be some sort of joke!”

But, this time, it was a proper message...King Magnus was dead. There was no explanation of how or why...just that he was dead.

“Well, then,” Ain considered her few, unpleasant exchanges with the deceased King and shrugged, tossing the missive into the fire with the others, “That puts a different spin on things.”

Roleplay from Ishtar D'Anglos

Magnus was died? At less that was what she thought she heard.

She could run for his position, her family has a lot of expereinces ruling great empires. But she was the black sheep of the family.

Sitting on the throne would be boring to her, but getting revenages on ASI would be fun.

Again she didn't desire to be a Queen, but her evil ways would be free to run amonk since Magnus wasn't here to stop her. She would be able to hunt Doc, and Archibald down, torture them and listern to them to cry for mercy.

But how far would she go since she was now unleashed. How far in deed. But its wasn't up to her, but the people of this fair realm who they want as a leader, and who they are willing to follower.

If she was elected the new ruler, she would be dangerous, but that was what made life so enjoyable.

Roleplay from Vader Augustus

Since the death of Magnus the Mighty there had been much confusion, a new king was elected quite suddenly and so the realm now had to get down to business. Lord Vader had been assigned to prepare the ceremonies for Magnus' Funeral. He arrived at the location which was by the sea. He was met by a captain who was in charge of overseeing the construction.

Captain: Lord Vader this is a unexpected pleasure.

Vader: Spare me the pleasantries captain, I'm here to put you back on schedule.

Captain: I assure you the funeral ceremonies will be ready in time.

Vader: His Majesty does not share your optimism.

Captain: His majesty asks the impossible, I need more men.

Vader: Then perhaps you can tell him that when he arrives.

Captain: His Majesty is coming here.

Vader: Yes and he is most displeased with you apparent lack of progress.

Captain: Then we shall double our efforts.

Vader: I hope so Captain for your sake, His Majesty is not as forgiving as I am.

Roleplay from Castamir of Umbar

It's early evening on a warm summer day in the south of Atamara, on the road between Veshin and Yacon, somewhere by the lake eastwards of Ash'rily. Preparations are made hasty for the funeral of former King Magnus the Mighty. Busy and stressed, many workers under the command of some local stationed troops prepare the place for the ceremony. A big viking boat can be seen constructed and almost finished in a small bay nearby.

Suddenly, everyone stops his business and listens up like a deer that has taken notice of a hunter nearby. Hundreds of golden trumpets, large black and red banners and a big army appear on the road coming down from the hills behind. It's the new King! King Castamir's personal Harad Guard can be seen and behind a large war elephant, a so-called Mûmak, can be seen coming nearer. On the giant animal, the King himself, in a big black and red armor, carrying the legendary Lion-Helmet of Umbar, a gift from his dead brother Fuinur, who wore it when being over a long period King on another continent, in his hand the great two-handed sword Angcirlhach, which means in an ancient language the "Lancing Iron Flame".

The entourage arrives at the furture cereminial place. King Castamir gets off his war elephant and is immediately welcomed by the local chief who is in charge of the preparations.

"My King," the chief humbly speaks up, "we have not expected you so soon. Our preparations are in a good progress, but before tomorrow we will not be able to give our great former King the ceremony he deserves." "Good man," King Castamir replies, "you shall have then one more day for your preparations as I see also that not many other nobles have arrived yet. I also still miss a priest to give him the blessing for his last voyage to Odin's table. I hope till tomorrow Magnus' former nobility will show up and pay their tribute to him. I shall let my camp build up here nearby. And now you are dismissed in order to finish your job".

The chief bows and hastily leaves in order to follow his King's order. King Castamir turns and instructs his closest guards for the building of the camp and he and his entourage move on.

Roleplay from Brakus Stien

Brakus was making h is way to the Funeral Site when as he had expected there was two great vessels in the lake one of course was laden with many treasures of war and gifts of admirers of his life though the other was as well laden with gifts and treasures it was somewhat smaller and not as full as that of his brother Mangnus.

Brakus was very happy to see that both men from the great Crownguard family were being recognized for their deeds of Valor and strength and Courage to their realm and fellow Nobles.

Odin would be pleased this day as he is welcoming not only one great man but two of unquestionable integrity.

The Halls of Valhalla were singing many songs this day as they were welcoming into their fold two great heroes of the Viking core and the Hammers fellowship.

As brakus ode into teh area of the two Ships he dismounted and began walking through the many Nobles gather there to witness this great day celebration of not one but two great warriors to the halls. he could heard saying softly to him self as he passedc by many of his fellow kinsman.

"Low there do I see my father.

Low there do I see my Mother, my Sisters, and my Brothers.

Low there that do I see the line of my people back to the beginning.

Low they do call to me

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Vahalla!

Where the brave, They live Forever!"

Over and over he spoke these lines until he stood at the shore line of the two great vessels bowing to his king and trusted friend of many many years he pulled out from his neck a chain upon this chain was a great medallion of gold it had upon it the house marking of the Crownguard family and upon the back was an inscription reading silently he clutched it in his fist and then laid it upon the chest of his friend and placed the chain around his neck once more.

Then walking slowly to the other vessel he looked upon his friend and placing a a cask upon his vessel he said in a loud voice.

May you catch up to your brother and drink with him this cask from the Stien breweries in celebration upon your arrival to the halls of Valhalla!

Roleplay from Earl Gothicus

Sir Earl steps in front of the grave and kneel with respect.

"May he watch us from Valhalla".

Roleplay from Regulus Blackmore

Regulus stands in front of the Royal Grave, and bows his head

I know that you are happy now, surrounded by heroes, by brave warriors, by friends and brothers, but I am sad, King Magnus, because we need you here in Caergoth.

My friend, there are more heroes in the Valhalla than in Atamara... Ragnarok is close, really close, but we will be ready, you have my word of honour.

Hreysti! Drengskapr! Orka! Hail Magnus the King!

Roleplay from Vader Augustus

Lord Vader watched the processions from a distance, He was not one to socialize or for sentimental ceremonies like these. He was there for two reasons because he was assigned to ensure the ceremonies were on time and the respect he had for Magnus. Vader had never had such respect for anyone, He was willing to follow him to the gates of Hel if need be, but now Magnus was gone and Vader had to live out Magnus' last wishes either on his own or through the new king, Castamir. Though Vader was showing support for the new king, sometimes he wondered how will Castamir handle the Snake Crisis? After watching the procession Vader went back to his estate in Yacon to review documents and to plan for the coming crusade, if it would happen at all.

Roleplay from Macrinus Sciurus

Grand Marshal Macrinus found it hard to look at the faces of the two men laid out in their ships. In death Magnus the Mighty and Bergelmir the Fearless had an unnatural calm about them, as if only sleeping. The nature of their deaths was still debated by the smallfolk with rumors flying thick as arrows, but standing here Macrinus could only see that two great warriors had died without spilling their blood.

It is not right, thought Macrinus. They should have died in battle. It is not right!

And after that, quietly, My friend is gone.

The chant of the ancient prayer rose up around him but Macrinus felt the words choke in his throat. My words fly up, my thoughts remain below: Words without thoughts never to heaven go, he thought, bitterly. Clenching his teeth in anger, he shook his head violently to clear the unworthy thoughts from his mind.

At last the words of another prayer, long forgotten, came back to him:

Long since, in sore distress, I heard one pray,

"Lord, who prevailest with resistless might,

Ever from war and strife keep me away,

My battles fight!"

I know not if I play the hypocrite,

And if my brother after all be right;

But mine shall be the warrior's plea to thee--

Strength for the fight.

I do not ask that thou shalt front the fray,

And drive the warring foeman from my sight;

I only ask, O Lord, by night, by day,

Strength for the fight!

When foes upon me press, let me not quail

Nor think to turn me into coward flight.

I only ask, to make mine arms prevail,

Strength for the fight!

Still let mine eyes look ever on the foe,

Still let mine armor case me strong and bright;

And grant me, as I deal each righteous blow,

Strength for the fight!

And when, at eventide, the fray is done,

My soul to Death's great mead hall do thou light,

And give me, be the field or lost or won,

Rest from the fight!

Macrinus stood and watched the spot where the burning ships disappeared over the horizon. He stood, unmoving, and watched for a very long time.

Roleplay from Humberto Bubastis

"Why are these noble warriors leave so fast?, why is the people capable of change the world taken from us?" These were my feelings when I passed to present my respect to our departed King.

Fond memories crossed my mind, sharing a drink with Magnus when he was a region lord, seeing him put the final stone of the fortifications.... I didn`t see much of him since he took the throne, but I always hoped that we would share a drink again...

I promise to keep our relam in order, serve my Lord Regulus with all my migth; and I hope this allow me to share a drink with you in Valhalla

Roleplay from Feivel Luna Eras

So deep was the night that the stars only faintly peered through the sky, the moon in its fullness, cast a gentle silver light through the ocean mist. The waves crashed on the shore, as the tide rolled in, then out again. Two grand ships could be seen, floating out on the horizon, each carrying a piece of Caergoth with it. As they sailed on, in the distance, brave flames grew larger and larger, acting almost as a beacon of hope.

On land, the procession continued in honour of King Magnus the Mighty and his cousin Bergelmir the Fearless. Nobles from all corners of Atamara came to remember the two great warriors of Caergoth, their lives and their deeds. The funeral, though customarily a passage of sorrow and grief, was also a proud memorial of their time in the kingdom.

Alone by the waterside, Feivel gazed at the ships as they departed for Asgard. She felt the divinity and power of the astral bodies and the magnificence of Valhalla. Odin was watching over them, as per usual, but soon, the Crownguard family would also behold them in their eyes, from above, in the Hall of the Heroes.

Calmly, you led us through the storm. Now, you embark on a new journey, to another realm of magnanimity. After everything, you have delivered us from countless ordeals and the evil of the snakes. You have left us with three pillars of support:

Hreysti! Drengskapr! Orka! (Valor! Courage! Strength!)

We will always remember you and continue to carry the torch that you have so graciously passed on to us.

“For King Magnus the Mighty and Bergelmir the Fearless! For Caergoth!”

Roleplay from Aerack Anu Ra

As Aerack approached the gravesite, he waved off his bodyguards, attendants, and well-wishers.

He moved before the grave and stared at the names carved into it, and then the body next to it.

"Magnus, there are no words to explain how much you will be missed... how grateful I and others are for all you have done. In four years I have come to know you as one of the most honorable men to walk this earth, a fantastic leader, and the only man who could beat me in a drinking match to this day.

As I said, there are no words... So I bid you farewell Magnus the Mighty, Duke of Wor'ight, Duke of Wayburg, Elder of The Way of the Hammer, Creator and Grandmaster of The Knighthood of Caergoth, Creator... and forever KING of Caergoth.

You will live on through the memory of this realm, and all those who had the pleasure of knowing you. I give my deepest word of honor that I will continue on as you would have. You always wanted what was best for Caergoth.. as long as I hold breath, I will strive for the same."

Roleplay from Alexander Lavonne

Alexander swings a jug of Wayburg’s finest ale as he stumbles out of the tavern. It’s the funeral of King Magnus the Mighty and Bergelmir the Fearless. What does he go and do? He drinks. In their honour of course. Everyone knows King Magnus enjoyed drinking.

Stepping outside for some fresh air, Alexander loosens his collar and breathes in. He feels alive and well. King Magnus was a kind friend to him. Since he first stepped foot in Caergoth, he always felt like someone was looking out for him, guiding him down the right path. Now King Magnus is gone, but Alexander can still picture all the memories, vivid images. He feels as if nothing has changed. Although it could be just the ale... So this is what Wayburg’s finest tastes like.

The young noble chokes on the liquor as a stray branch catches his cape and sends him flying. His throat, it burns. It’s hot. He needs water. Quick, quick. His hazel eyes fall on the sea, just down the path out front. The blurring effect is starting to get to him, but he can still make out two large ships. They seem to be on fire. He thinks he’s lost it. Noticing someone standing out on the shore, Alexander hurries to get his eyes checked.

“’Scuse me,” he starts, his voice slightly slurred.

The person turns. Appears to be a lady, dressed in breeches and a tunic. A sword and shield lie in the dust, the blue, white and black colours of the Knights of Caergoth partially visible on the hilt and front respectively. A friend to talk to.

“Can you tell me what is happening out there?” he asks, pointing towards the horizon, with a very unsteady arm.

The noblewoman sniffles a bit before answering. “Those are the ships carrying our beloved King and his valiant cousin. Destination, Valhalla.”

“They wouldn’ happ’n t’be in flames would they?” he ventures, fully aware that his speech patterns are becoming distorted.

This seems to trigger something in the noble. She cries. Smashing. Alexander does what he thinks he does best when he’s drunk. He comforts her.

“Shouldn’ you be drinkin’ in honour of the late King?”

Silence. He’s made a mistake. He waits to see if he’s right about being wrong, or wrong about being wrong. In any case, it’s all coming out of his pay, he can see it already. To his surprise, she wipes her eyes and laughs. A bittersweet smile tugs at the corners of her mouth.

“He was the greatest drinker in all of Atamara. No one could best him in a drinking contest. Even with the strongest ale, he proved to be stronger,”

“Sounds legendary,”

“He was our King. On the battlefield, in foreign lands, even at home,”

Tears fall, like the sadness of the heavens. It’s too much for him. He’s never been good with these things.

“May I?”

He tries to follow where her finger is pointing and stops at the bottle in his hand.

“Be my guest,” he offers her what’s left of his Wayburg’s finest.

She downs it in an instant, without so much of a twitch. She drops the bottle in the sand. In a moment of uncertainty, she reaches for her bag and empties the contents: a plume, six matches and some candles. Taking the plume in her right hand, she traces letters in the sand. Three words. Hreysti! Drengskapr! Orka!

“Valor, Courage, Strength,” he reads.

“Here, light a candle,”


“Please, light it,”

Open hands, offering a candle and some matches. They light the cylinders of wax and release them, watching as the tide carries them away. Candles on the water, flames floating on the sea. Sadness is the predominant tone of any funeral, especially when two brave noble warriors have left the kingdom. Alexander knows that well. Still, he wishes that they can get through these difficult times. But how can they?

It doesn’t feel real. He can’t have died. It’s just not possible. The King that led them through battle. The King that walked them through rebuilding. The King that laughed and drank with them. How could he be gone? The world around him begins to spin. Alexander is drunk and utterly confused.

The sniffling stops. Alexander sits in quiet serenity with his fellow realm-mate, as they watch the ships, the fire and the candles on the water. He drapes his cloak over her and places an arm around her shoulder. He doesn’t bother to ask her name. It doesn’t matter because they’re both in the same position. Lost and drifting, wondering who stole their King away...

Roleplay from Castamir of Umbar

King Castamir looked at the vessel while they boatsmen at the beach send it over to the open sea. Slowly a light wind took it away from the coast. Then an archer send a fast burning arrow onto it and after the arrow had lit the dry starw up the boat was slowly consumed by the flames while vanishing on the horizon. He thought of Magnus and Bergelmir, their family and his knew eachother for long. Castamir's only son Calmacil had fought along Derack the Daring for long on one of the war islands and his brother Fuinur had also helped as King a young Bergelmir to found a realm on another continnent long ago. Castamir's search for a new quest had let him cross paths with Magnus when he wanted to establish a new realm with great ideals in the south of Atamara and hedecided to stay and help him. Over 2 years had now passed since then. And now, he had to see his friends pass away to Valahalla, where they shall be welcomed at Odin's table where a great feast shall expect them and many other legendary warriors and heroes. "Greet my fallen brethren, Bergelmir, when you will meet them again over there", he thought. However, Castamir stood now here and lokked back hiis long life and remembered many good times and he was not in a mood of being sad. He turned to the nobles besides him in the bay

"Great warriors of Caergoth, nobles and dames, let us not mourn on this day Magnus' and Bergelmir's death! Let us celebrate the great lives they had instead! We shall hold a great feast tonight and we shall exchange stories and anecdotes that we have lived with these two fine men. Do not polute this night with political or military discussions, let us forget the snaker worshippers for this hours and concentrate on what is good on this world. And speaking of good things, we shall drink Duke Brakus' finest ale in masses - and as a result of the little food we currently we have here in Yacon - we shall drink even more ale till we do not feel our brains anymore! This shall be my first order to you as King of Caergoth! Let the feast begin!"