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(New page: ==Selena's First Birthday!== The Royal Family announced a national day of celebration for their daughter's first birthday. Though it was not a well attended affair, for those who were pre...)
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Latest revision as of 07:21, 27 June 2009

Selena's First Birthday!

The Royal Family announced a national day of celebration for their daughter's first birthday. Though it was not a well attended affair, for those who were present, it was certainly worth all the time given. Selena's father was unable to attend in person because of his journey to Springdale city, but he sent a letter and a surprising gift through messenger.

Selena's presents included a princess tiara, a pony, and a puppy, as well as the rest she was given afterwards.

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

Message sent to everyone in your realm (23 recipients)

All across D'Hara heralds ran forth to make the following announcement...

Hear ye! Hear ye!

In recognition of the Princess Selena's first birthday, your Dragon King has declared this Saturday a national holiday! Festivities will abound in Port Raviel and all are welcome to attend!

Games for young and old! The finest of ales and wines from across the continents! All this and more will be made available for this most joyous day!

Come one and all to celebrate this great day for the Dragon King's family!

Cenarious Stormrage

Dragon King of D'Hara, Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (21 recipients)

Kisharianda sat in front of her mother as she carefully dipped the diamonds and pearls into a hot mixture to place on a small crown. It was Selena's first birthday and she wanted her to have a crown of her own, of course it wasn't as big as the one she wore but it resembled every detail as the Queen's.

"There I think this will do it" she lifted the crown and showed her mother

"What a beautiful piece, she is truly blessed" Isolde smiled and returned her glance at the window.

"What's the matter mother" Kish placed the crown on her lap

"Ahh.. your sisters" she looked down at her cup of tea "They have returned to Woodglen but I don't think that's what they are meant to do" she sighed and sipped her tea

"Aewyn has gone cold and silent, and Fiona" she paused "Well Fiona is Fiona" she shrugged

"I so wished more for them, I wished they could come here and start new in D'Hara they would have so much to offer this place but they refuse to travel so far" she closed her eyes at the disappointment

"Aewyn said she would come visit your father maybe she'll convince Fiona to join, who knows" she gave a small smile

"Mother all things happen for a reason as a friend always says, in time they will find their way rest assured" she sipped her tea

"Besides Aewyn needed the rest, Fiona needed to get away from the battles, they'll come visit I'm sure" she smiled again

"Besides you should be happy, in a couple days your grand daughter will be wearing her first crown" she grinned happily

"True, and your father is excited, he has been with Selena all day in the garden and of course MoMo is keeping an eye on him" she chuckled and rolled her eyes

"I swear sometimes that monkey is more of a guard then a monkey" the smile returned "he is very over protective of her"

"Well Cen did tell him to watch over her and MoMo is a very smart monkey" she winked and they both laughed at the comment.

They continued to talk about the things that troubled Isolde and Kisharianda confided in her mother the troubles she had from the recent religious conflict. Her mother being wise gave her some advice that Kisharianda would have to put great consideration into. She was a wise woman but only because her mother had taught her to be that way, she always obeyed her mother and father they were not only her parents but her best of friends.

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

Message sent to everyone in your realm (21 recipients)

As the festivities commenced it became clear that everyone's eyes were drawn to the cartwheeling gymnasts and the fire jugglers. Everyone's but the King's it seemed, he had eyes only for the joyous expression on his daughter's face as his lovely wife held her tiny hands back as they reached out as if she was trying to pluck the fire from the air. Helping her to clap for her entertainers Kisharianda bounced their little girl on her knee as she spoke softly in her ear and listened to Selena's little giggles and cooing at the performers antics. Though the King wasn't really watching them they were performing to the best of their abilities in ab attempt to impress him and his family in the hopes of getting a chance to stay and perform at court, clearly a better and more comfortable job then working D'Haran taverns all winter.

The little princess's birthday was shaping up to be a grand day for all it seemed.

Cenarious Stormrage

Dragon King of D'Hara, Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

Message sent to everyone in your realm (21 recipients)

Peeling his eyes away from his beautiful daughter Cenarious finally glanced around the room. While the center of the room was filled with entertainers, and the walls were lined with the usual guards and servants, the rest of the chamber was devoid of nobles. All the food, the remarkable wines and ales from across three continents, it all remained untouched. Not a single Duke, Lord, Steward, or knight had come to celebrate his daughter's first birthday.

Struggling to keep his anger in check at this outrage Cenarious gestured to his nearest Stormguard to step closer.

"Close the gates and post extra guards," Cenarious growled. "Turn anyone who comes away. My family will celebrate in private."

Looking back to his cheering daughter Cenarious was at least happy that she was too young to realize how she had been slighted. Forcing a smile Cenarious looked towards the servant who stood waiting at the side passage. With a gesture Cenarious sent the man scurrying to bring in his daughters first present. Distracted from her entertainers by the commotion, Selena caught a glimpse of her present and started to squeal excitedly.

"A beautiful baby pony for my beautiful baby girl!" Cenarious said with obvious pleasure as he cracked a smile for his wife and daughter. "When she is old enough to ride her she'll be old enough to carry her my sweet."

Cenarious Stormrage

Dragon King of D'Hara, Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (21 recipients)

Kisharianda looked at the disappointment in Cenarious's eyes but she knew him well enough not to push the issue and she just smiled as her daughter's eyes lit up as they brought in the pony.

"Look at that Selena a baby pony just for you" she stood up and walked over to the pony and placed Selena on the pony's bare back.

"What should we call her" she whispered only for Selena's ears to hear. Selena's little hands tried to grab the mane, she was distracted by the new presence and jumped excitedly while Kish held her in place laughing at her behavior.

Cenarious looked at her and smile to himself happy to see such a smile adorn his daughter. Moments after he got up and grabbed a glass of wine and winked at his wife cheering her at a distance. The guards started to move around the room heading to the main gate, she knew all to well what the King had told them. This evening would be celebrated in the mansion and the food that was set out for the lords and knights would be distributed to the household servants to take home to their families.

Kisharianda pulled the small crown out and placed it on Selena and looked at Cenarious as he approached them.

"A crown for you Princess Selena" her lips tightened as she forced a smile to her husband.

"At least she is not old enough to remember this day" she leaned into Cenarious as he put his arms around her in comfort.

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (21 recipients)

As the circus performs, a maid carrying a wrapped box approaches the Princess with permission of the guards. The King is signaled that the woman was sent by Prince Bowie. Everyone's attention is now on her.

She first hands the Duchess a card to be read to Selena. It reads:

Little Princess,

Though I am consumed by the torment of a demon, and my heart has jailed all my emotion, and my mouth has forgotten how to use all words of benevolence, my hand shall betray the demon and write of my affection for you. Even though I have forgotten countless birthdays of your older brother, and have yet to meet your younger brother in Sallowtown, I will say that this day is very special to me. You are my favourite child of all and because of that I have given you the life you have now. If you exploit your opportunity and absorb even a fraction of the beauty, grace and character of the Duchess you will outshine all females on this entire continent. Then the Ironsides name can be linked to beauty and pain at the same time!

Enjoy your birthday and accept my gift as your newest and best companion in the world. It should provide you with years of loyalty, friendship and an amusing competition with the High Lord's damned monkey. Take that Shmenarious! (I have not forgotten the bite it gave me when I first met it. Let it rot!)

Signed with care,

Your Father,

The woman then unwraps the box and reveals a puppy inside. She hands it to Selena who holds it warmly.

The puppy barks loudly then growls at Momo. Seemingly, the Prince arranged for the puppy to be trained to hate monkeys. The woman then remembers the look on Momo's face so she can send it back to the Prince in Springdale through a letter.

The Prince in Exile,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)