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(New page: This is a series of RPs between Neel and various Daimons whose help he sought. This is on Dwilight -- Neel: Greetings Agri, I have come from a far off land to speak to you or anyone els...)
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Your voice echos past the sun bronzed men that stood around the pavilion of gold and jade. With seven spear marks across their brow, they held the line between their charge and the outlander. Eventually a shrill response calls out and the line parts so that a woman may step forward, her fine clothing and the five eye marks telling a different story, "Yet another Terranian dog would dare return? Have you not caused me enough suffering with your failings? Oh.... who are you?" Frowning the woman rests her hands on her hips, "You do not look like the Terranians, your manner of dress is different." Looking to the guards she nods slowly as they repeat your words, "I see.... You have a request for the Great Master."
Your voice echos past the sun bronzed men that stood around the pavilion of gold and jade. With seven spear marks across their brow, they held the line between their charge and the outlander. Eventually a shrill response calls out and the line parts so that a woman may step forward, her fine clothing and the five eye marks telling a different story, "Yet another Terranian dog would dare return? Have you not caused me enough suffering with your failings? Oh.... who are you?" Frowning the woman rests her hands on her hips, "You do not look like the Terranians, your manner of dress is different." Looking to the guards she nods slowly as they repeat your words, "I see.... You have a request for the Great Master."

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Neel was intrigued by the soldiers and even more by the Priestess, Banti. He wondered what the name meant. It all seemed to alien to Neel, having lived in his secluded life for most of his youth.
Neel was intrigued by the soldiers and even more by the Priestess, Banti. He wondered what the name meant. It all seemed to alien to Neel, having lived in his secluded life for most of his youth.

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Neel waited patiently for Agri to at least say something.
Neel waited patiently for Agri to at least say something.

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A Strange Event:
A Strange Event (RP Event):

Life was moving along across the land, this day much as any other. Yet as the sun was climbing in the sky with promises of a stifling summer day animals across the land suddenly became skittish.
Life was moving along across the land, this day much as any other. Yet as the sun was climbing in the sky with promises of a stifling summer day animals across the land suddenly became skittish.
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Ira (RP event)
(RP Event)

Unlike the all to human guards that had watched over Agri, the broken rocks of the volcanic slope held only glittering eyes that observe the interloper from every ravine and rock. Shrouded in the darkness of shadow the indistinct shapes clatter along the rocks, snapping jaws splashing the signs of their hunger into the dry earth.
Unlike the all to human guards that had watched over Agri, the broken rocks of the volcanic slope held only glittering eyes that observe the interloper from every ravine and rock. Shrouded in the darkness of shadow the indistinct shapes clatter along the rocks, snapping jaws splashing the signs of their hunger into the dry earth.
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(RP Event)
(RP Event)

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The Duel:
The Duel:

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Revision as of 16:33, 14 April 2009

This is a series of RPs between Neel and various Daimons whose help he sought. This is on Dwilight



Greetings Agri,

I have come from a far off land to speak to you or anyone else who will represent yourself. Please let me know what would be an appropriate time to speak to you?

I come asking for help for a matter that has pained me a lot and I believe your race is the only one which can provide me with that.

Please accept this request of mine and help me. At the least hear me out.



Your voice echos past the sun bronzed men that stood around the pavilion of gold and jade. With seven spear marks across their brow, they held the line between their charge and the outlander. Eventually a shrill response calls out and the line parts so that a woman may step forward, her fine clothing and the five eye marks telling a different story, "Yet another Terranian dog would dare return? Have you not caused me enough suffering with your failings? Oh.... who are you?" Frowning the woman rests her hands on her hips, "You do not look like the Terranians, your manner of dress is different." Looking to the guards she nods slowly as they repeat your words, "I see.... You have a request for the Great Master."

Straightening the woman pulls her dress about her, "I am Banti the High Priestess outlander, and with a preposition such as that I would direct you......" but her words were cut short by the light rapping of a knuckle against the pavilion. Bowing her head, Banti gestures Neel forward, through the line of soldiers and towards the object of their protection.

Standing to the side of the elegant silk curtains that still separated Neel from the reclining figure, Banti keeps her head bowed low from the curtain a whispering raspy grates at your ears, "Another outlander comes to disturb us? Your kind are thick as vermin it seems... What is this matter you would present to this one?"



Neel was intrigued by the soldiers and even more by the Priestess, Banti. He wondered what the name meant. It all seemed to alien to Neel, having lived in his secluded life for most of his youth.

He had heard of the invasion that his uncle had fought but words were not enough to describe them.

As she gestured for him to travel within the ranks of the soldiers, Neel became a little wary, having second thoughts about his proposal, no, request for them. But putting a confident face, he still strode forward to a silk curtain from where he the Master, presumably Agri spoke.

He wondered why Terran was constantly mentioned, and why both Banti and Agri cursed them. However, putting those thoughts aside for the moment, Neel spoke, loudly to make himself heard, ignoring the insult

Agri, greetings from Neel Arya, formerly of the sunken South Island in the far west and also formerly of the now dead Empire Springdale from these very lands. I was once the Emperor of Springdale working and living only for my realm.

But due to greed of realm mates and treachery by friends, my realm is now dead. I come to you to ask for help for I know it is in your powers to help me. And before you think that I come to ask you to help me regain the power that came with my position as Emperor, I say this out, NO, I do not wish for power. I request for your help to avenge my dead realm, avenge the execution of close friends of mine and avenge the betrayal of the realm and the loyal nobles.

Going quite for a moment to control his emotion, Neel continued, almost sounding desperate I am willing to do almost anything you say for your help. But I beseech you, please help me.



Neel waited for Agri's response but received none. But he waited, patiently. Moments turned to minutes. Yet Agri spoke not.

Neel wondered what the silence meant, whether it meant Agri was considering his request or if his request was for naught.

Neel waited patiently for Agri to at least say something.


Agri/Banti: You wait for ages, but finally the raspy whisper rings out, "Is this outlander dog still here? Banti! Must you fail this one yet again?"

Paling the woman jerks to her feet, "I did not know you wished him gone Great Master, my appologies..."

There is no further words from the curtain as Banti leads you away. Eventually the woman speaks, her words reluctant, "Vengence, many of your kind have come here seeking one kind of vengence or another. Our lives are complex enough, yet always your kind seek to use us. Why should such things be done at your request against people we know nothing of, and who are far removed? Why should we make your enemies ours?"

Shaking her head the woman leads you out past the warriors, "There is one who hates all humans enough to consider your request, Great Master Ira. If you wish your vengance so much that you would unleash fury and death indiscriminatly against yourself, those you love, and those you hate, seek her at the volcano."

With that she leaves you to the warriors grim faces.



Neel was irate. Just dismissed like that without a word! But he kept his cool and displayed a calm exterior. Neel needed the help and he could not aggravate the Daimons at this point and anger would serve no purpose either.

As Banti led him away, before Neel could say a word, she gave him the advice about Ira and turned to leave. Neel called out to her, "Thank you for the advice. But before you leave, can you answer a few questions? Why does Agri hate the humans so much? And how should I approach Master Ira in his volcanic stronghold?"



Shaking her head sadly Banti responds with her back to you, "Thank me not outlander, what you seek speaks ill for us all." Laughing bitterly the woman's white robe flaps in the dry wind, "Great Master Agri does not hate humans, oh no. You will see hatred soon enough should you continue. There is no good way to approach Great Master Ira, even death is no protection. Now away outlander, away to your dark plans for destruction."



The huge army of Daimons was visible to Neel from a distance. Having the strategic advantage of camping on higher ground, along the walls of the volcano.

The army looked imposing and menacing and Neel was silently thankful for not being at war with them.

As he reached the first column of Daimonic soldiers, we shouted out from a distance at the guards

Daimons, I am Neel, currently of Caerwyn, formerly Emperor of Springdale, the dead realm in the far north east of this world. I come seeking Great Master Ira to seek help, to ask for aid in matters which I cannot accomplish on my own.

I request you to send word of my arrival, requesting for an audience on my behalf.



It seemed this was an even more disobliging unit for even the guards refused Neel's missives.

Dejected, Neel decided to head back. It seemed there was to be no help from the Daimons.


A Strange Event (RP Event):

Life was moving along across the land, this day much as any other. Yet as the sun was climbing in the sky with promises of a stifling summer day animals across the land suddenly became skittish. With much cursing and laughing over the entire issue, the humans of the land were soon to discover what had caused such troubles. A faint tremor through the ground cut the puzzlement short. The shaking knocking down thatch and dust, the occasional ladder. Halting their work to look around bewildered there was suddenly a great belch of dust and soot to the west. The billowing cloud of white ash grew quickly along the horizon, rising into the heavens until it blotted out the sun. Mingling with the clouds the blanket covered the sky even as the ground continued to quake and grumble. Yet as quickly as it had began, the plume of ash fell to the earth as a still hot rain, sizzling against the flesh of those outdoors, and causing plants to smolder. By mid afternoon there was nearly no sign of the strange event, save the damage to crops, men, and wilds.


(RP Event)

Unlike the all to human guards that had watched over Agri, the broken rocks of the volcanic slope held only glittering eyes that observe the interloper from every ravine and rock. Shrouded in the darkness of shadow the indistinct shapes clatter along the rocks, snapping jaws splashing the signs of their hunger into the dry earth.

The hidden figures seemed ready to surge from behind their cover but something halted them. As the earth began to shake and the volcano spew ash into the air, the chittering horde hide itself deeper into the rocks. Yet one ascended the slope higher still to enter a cave. Within brooded a monolith of bone and death, a creature that shook faintly in rage causing the dried blood to flake off. Gazing on the smaller minion the behemoth made no indication of acknowledgement, but seemed finally to notice the activity about it as though awakening from a sleep.

For the human in the area there was a subtle change, a slight 'tickle' in the back of his head, a mere annoyance for now, but there was the sense that it could get much worse.

Clattering out of the cave the the great behemoth stood poised at the lip sweeping gaze looking around through the haze. A black tower of interlocking bone plates, the multi-limbed horror skittered along on six talon-like legs while the four scythe-like arms high up on their extra long torso glided menacingly through the air. The compound eyes caught sight of the lone figure and suddenly the tickling whisper in the back of your head blossomed into a shriek, the unending cry seemed to lance through his heart and grip at the soul. It was agony that threatened to drive you to your knees even as the ground shook. Rushing headlong towards you, thresher like maw writhing in anticipation, you knew that this thing wished your death as certain as the sun rose. If you had men you could order them to the defence, but there was only you, and with the sound that echoed through your soul threatening to tear it out, combined with the shaking earth, you had to wonder what you could do against such a creature.


(RP Event)

Deep in the ruins of Walfurgisnacht leaning against a wall while the monstrous Agri busied herself with the preparations, Vates calmly flicks away a rotting beam as it attempts to crush him. "Will this take much longer Agri? The outlander is doubtlessly being ridiculed as we speak."

The one baleful eye glares at Vates, harsh rasping voice echoing in the ruins, "Have you any idea how difficult this task you have set is?"

"I cherish my ignorance on the subject."

Letting out a hiss Agri turns back to her work, "This one does not appreciate your human humour Vates..."

"Nor do I the delays, we require but some smoke and shaking, yet you insist on applying such arcane measures..." baring a few of his teeth a moment, "You are Agri, magic of the earth and bone are yours, and a task such as this should be simple."

"It would be if you had no worry about your precious Nightmarch"

Growling, "Do your work Agri"

Chanting slowly the harsh whispers grating on the wind, Agri's hands drift through the air lazily tracing out glowing runes. With each breath, the humm in the ruin grew till, should either of them have had hair, it would have stood on end. As the power retched its crescendo the ground began to tremble, dislodging more rocks and dust. There was suddenly a great belch of dust and soot to the west. The billowing cloud of white ash grew quickly along the horizon, rising into the heavens until it blotted out the sun. Mingling with the clouds the blanket covered the sky even as the ground continued to quake and grumble. Yet as quickly as it had began, the plume of ash fell to the earth as a still hot rain, sizzling against the flesh of those outdoors, and causing plants to smolder. By mid afternoon there was nearly no sign of the strange event, save the damage to crops, men, and wilds.

Frowning Vates glares at Agri, "I expected more..."

Voice unusually sweet, "You have gained what you asked given the restraints you placed."

Why do I question the words you have said? What else did you do?"

"Some things were protected, that requires force, that force had to go somewhere."

"You awakened Ira didn't you?"


"Then you have preformed, acceptably, that is all. I remain unamused by your earlier efforts. We will speak more later, but right now I must calm our sister."



Luck was all that saved him. He had waited long for Ira's answer and had decided to leave. Having packed his meager traveling gear and saddled his horse, Neel decided to rest in in the shade of a rock overhanging the slope before departing. One of the first to feel the tremors, he from under the rock in a flash, afraid that it might topple and crush him.

Comically, he ran back under it when the ash and the soot rose up in the sky with a loud roar. Like a great big tornado.

Hugging the rock, he tried to determine the cause of the eruption but the ash blocked his view. As he felt the first few hot flakes burned his skin, he crawled further under the rock to protect himself.

When all was done and settled, he crawled out, looking at his dying horse in dismay when a sixth sense, an intuition caused him to turn around and face the volcano again.

Something inside made him wish he had not for what he saw horrified him beyond anything he had ever seen or felt.

A huge creature, for it was no human, crawling on six legs and four arms was walking or running, he could not tell, towards him. He wanted to run, but his his legs would not move.

Perspiring under the strain, Neel willed himself to dive towards his sword and his shield. The creature was too close to outrun and Neel knew he would have to fight the creature.


The Duel:

Duel Sir Neel Arya (Noble) meets his challenger Ira for the agreed duel till death. Both participants are using the 'aggressive' strategy, so that neither has an advantage. The duel rages back and forth, then a series of blows leaves both participants seriously wounded, both unconscious or near it, and unable to finish the duel.



Neel groaned in pain, his lips and throat parched in the hot climate of the volcano. He was still near the boulder under which he had taken shelter.

Although a day had passed, for him, it was as if just a few minutes after his duel with the beast. Even thinking hurt at that moment. Slowly as the recollection came back, so came the astonishment that he was still alive.

He winced as tried to lift himself up, almost falling back from the pain. Gritting his teeth, he sat up and looked around. There was mottled blood on the stone, dried and crusting already. His shield lay a few feet away, a large hole in in it, it's handle broken.

His sword was still beside him where it had fallen when Neel lost consciousness. The beast was no where to be seen but he saw a trail of drops of dark red, almost black blood going away from him. The beast's minions had probably carried it away.

Although he did not realize it then, in the haze of the pain, it obviously indicated that the beast was also not in a position to walk on it's own if the other daimons had to carry it back.

After resting for a few more hours, Neel finally felt well enough to stand up. As he retrieved his sword from where he had dropped it, he noticed movement on the mountain side; no doubt that the Daimons were still watching him. Looking around, there was not another human in sight. Thinking slowly, he made a decision which might peril his life once more. To approach the Daimons once more, one last time. He would try and convince them to help him once more, hoping that having "won" against the beast, he would receive it this time.

He climbed the mountainside warily. The daimons were not directly visible, their presence noticeable only through their movements at the corner of his eye. As he approached the higher altitude, the air changed, becoming acrid - sulphurous - making his eyes water. He continued doggedly, finally reaching the cave whence the six-legged daimon had emerged. At its mouth, he shouted out, hesitant to enter it.

"Master Ira, is this how you treat someone asking for your help? Send out a champion to attack me when I come in peace? Perhaps it is what your culture dictates. But not of humans. However, I still come, for I need your help desperately. I have survived your champion and I still live. Was it a test that you subjected me to? If so, then I have passed. What say you now?"
