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The Secret of My Heart

Letter from Waylander, brother of High Marshal Eagles Reach, Hero of Caligus, dated with the day of Eagles Reach's death:

Queen Gwynyth,
I recieved this a short time ago:

Dear Brother,
My time grows close, the old woman was right I will meet my end in Aestus, how did she ever know. I wish I had never asked her about the future but you know me could never stay quiet for long.

I will miss you, I will miss seeing an end to a war I fought to win, I was not always right but I stand behind my decisions, my only regret never telling her, I have kept it a secret for so long, just a glimps used to fill my heart, set the pulse racing.
Paragon must be kept the next High Marshal of Caligus must use it. You know that the sword is much more than a sword.
I will go now the time approaches I can the banners, we will try to protect the walls. Any way send my love to the family until we meet again in the hall.

Everything is so clear,
Eagles Reach,
High Marshall of Caligus.

My lady the "her" in the letter is you, I do not know if you knew.
He had started to babble a little in the letter I doubt it was with fear, it seems more like excitment. I hope he out up a good fight and that many suffered at his hand.

As the Con Doin faith dictates I have mourned him and now I must move on I sent a message to our half brother "Revelation" (truth be told he was found as a babe from one of the battles and written into the Con Doin family) when he comes it will be to Caligus after all it was and is out ancestral home.

I bid you good night, may he that was rest in peace.
WAYLANDER (Knight of Brive)

Queen Gwynyth's reply, the same evening

it is the most sad day in my life, I cannot stop tears running. The news of his death rip my heart in shreds in pain. I must stand tall in front of my people when I wish to cry out my despair. I always claimed that the realm is more important than my private feelings. Now I hate the crown on my head because it stopped me from revealing the deepest secrets of my heart. It is too late now, the sweet words remain unspoken.

Waylander, thank you for your words of consolation, thank you for revealing me HIS words. I hope you join us in the celebrations of tomorrow, it will be a very difficult day for me, the burden of rulership is killing me...

Lady Gwynyth
Queen of Caligus