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Doombringer ex-general now king of Caligus.  He is fair and kind king but is very aggressive and cruel to those that oppose him and threaten him directly.  Not too much is known about his private life as it has been hidden from the realm all these years
Temporary Document for the realm to read
Letter from Sangue Raiva  (2 days, 3 hours ago)
Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera, doombringer Menethil
I am hearing that there was an agreement made regarding whom Isadril will go to. In all honesty I don't remember if I was made aware of it at the time.
Sir Sangue Raiva
King of Perdan
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (2 days, 1 hour ago)
Message sent to: doombringer Menethil, Sangue Raiva
I don't remember either if such thing was discussed, all I remember was discussing about Tota with King doombringer under the therms that they'd take it as a prize for sacrificing the regions taken from Ibladesh in behalf of the treaty.
I decided that they shouldn't sacrifice their winnings, so we kept the war and the right to fight for those regions without any particular conflic of interests.
Hold on. Now I remember at the beginning, when Caligus entered the war we mentioned something about how the regions of our enemies would be shared, you received a letter or two of this kind, King Sangue.
However, we specified how regions would be distributed when Ibladesh were totaly defeated, thing that wasn't fulfilled and even in the treaty offered by King doombringer, Itorunt happened to lose one or two regions in exchange for winning an city of our enemies.
In the end, shortly after you received one of the letters with the region discusion, King Sangue, the theme was dropped.
Maybe we can restart the talkings. After all, both wars are still going on, the only difference is that Caligus is done with fighting.
What do you think?
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Letter from doombringer Menethil  (1 day, 23 hours ago)
Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera, Sangue Raiva
Queen Alexandra,
  Do not play dumb with me.  As much as I am a fair ruler the treaty of peace brought up at your discretion was in your favor completely.  Now i see you rejected the treaty purely so you can turn behind my back and try and claim Isadril with the help of Perdan.
  I am glad this is in the open.  King SangueHere is a treaty that Queen Alexandra initially agreed to but decided not to sign.  When Caligus entered that war at the beginning it was agreed upon.  That Itorunt would get Al Arab and Caligus would get Isadril.  Caligus fullfilled our end of the deal.  Its Itorunts fault for not accepting a more then fair peace deal where they got six regions including a city.  Here is a copy of the treaty at your discretion.
  I would also like to say this is a treaty that Queen Alexandra herself amended and later declined for reasons i didnt know at the time.  Now ican see it was purely to try claiming Isadril for their own.  I will be reviewing my alliance with Itorunt because of this.
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (1 day, 19 hours ago)
Message sent to: doombringer Menethil, Sangue Raiva
King doombringer,
I'm not very pleased by your reaction or words and this makes me think that your efforts of peace were not as noble and pure as I tought. I never accepted such treaty and as proof I have the one I sent to you, same that you later edited once again and at that point I decided that the sacrifice of Moyale was apparently too much for you since you mentioned it several times.
I'll send the full letter I wrote to you in my next letter.
I also want to remind you that it was you who left the war when Ibladesh was far away from being truly defeated and Itorunt at a long distance from recovering its regions, which was the supposed reason why you joined the war.
Or it was for Isadril? Do you really think it was my intention to take it when I even offered Tuchanon peace long before you entered the war? King Sangue and you must remember this, since I let you know about this as well as my thoughts about their probable negative as a reply, thing that in fact happened.
And I'm sure you remember too that we stoped the region discussion as I mentioned. I didn't made that up. King Sangue even mentioned his inconformity about the mention of regions currently under his control and there we talked no more. You conveniently forgot?
You want an excuse to join Ibladesh and attack your former allies because suddenly things are not going as you planned? Just take a handful of regions and then the very capital of the realm you said you had nothing against?
What an interesting and depressing new view of things, King doombringer. I hope I'm wrong about it, and if so, that we can talk it out.
If you want Isadril and King Sangue decides to support your strange claim, go on. But you know that things are not as you say, and I believe this requires to be discused instead of start throwing tantrums.
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Report from Alexandra D'Jera  (1 day, 19 hours ago)
Message sent to: doombringer Menethil, Sangue Raiva
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (18 days, 13 hours ago)
Message sent to: doombringer Menethil
King doombringer,
This is a revised and extended treaty with points I wanted to add after getting a lot of input from my Council.
Note the adition of Tota, that is the biggest difference in relation to the last treaty. Is not my intention to impose a claim on said region, but what happens with it must be specified on this treaty so it causes no conflict in the future.
As for your sacrifice of Igno and Moyale, I don't think you should be so generous to Ibladesh in behalf of Itorunt. We can still negotiate something else without you having to give up your well gained regions.
Please, let me know what you think of this reworded treaty, so we can sign it or edit it before sharing it with Ibladesh. And let's leave clear what happens with Tota before something else is treated.
If you want so, I can even order a cease fire as a show of good will and in exchange of the required time to revise the treaty and the situation with Tota.
1) Ibladesh will retain Ibladesh city, Al Aquabah, Ar Raqqah, Oc Lu Pesh, Betholm and Moyale. Ibladesh gets a claim on Igno, Itorunt will drop it, so Ibladesh can freely take it over. In the interests of maintaining future peace, Itorunt will trade the region of Betholm and its attendant claim to Ibladesh.
2) Caligus will also reduce its price to sell food to 20 gold/100 bushels to Ibladesh and Ibladesh will become a priority to feed once prior arrangements have expired. This deal will last inevitably until Ibladesh no longer needs food or till there is a conflict in relations in the future.
3) Itorunt will gain the region of Al Arab in exchange of the territories of Igno and Betholm. Itorunt will also be recognized as holding the sole legitimate claim to the lands of Dayr, Zawr, Az Zarqua, Enubec, Aeng and Tota. As of the signing, these lands will be treated as official Itoruntian territory in the eyes of Ibladesh, Itorunt and Caligus. Any of these territories in the control of another signatory will be peaceably ceded to Itorunt within six week's time. If any of those regions should be in a rogue state in the meantime, Itorunt will take them over personally.
4) Ibladesh will be required to drop claims on all regions it has lost or ceded.
5) The peace agreement will last for 4 months between the realms of Itorunt, Ibladesh and Caligus. Any aggression will be met with the other parties acting in defense of the realm being attacked.
6) Failure to meet the previous terms within a reasonable time will be grounds for renewed hostilities against the offending party by the other two signatories regardless of the above requirement. In the event of any disagreements, however, a good faith effort is expected to be made between the aggrieved parties to work matters out diplomatically before any other course is resorted to.
7) Infiltrator actions will not be prosecuted against the other realms. Infiltrators found violating this will be banished by their home realm unless they are capable of making reparations to the satisfaction of the injured party. The sole exception will be actions taken on one's own lands against trespassers who have not been offered guest rights and fail to leave within a reasonable time, or return regularly against the region's wishes.
8) Priests hoping to act on Itorunt territories agree to abide by Itorunt's religious edicts before perfoming any preaching. This neither assures nor denies the opportunity to preach, they will have to respect any ruling made by the proper authorities in Itorunt.
9) All bans upon nobles of Caligus, Itorunt and Ibladesh, will be droped by the three signing realms on the ground of the new funded peace.
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Letter from doombringer Menethil  (1 day, 18 hours ago)
Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera, Sangue Raiva
Queen Alexandra,
I'm not very pleased by your reaction or words and this makes me think that your efforts of peace were not as noble and pure as I tought. I never accepted such treaty and as proof I have the one I sent to you, same that you later edited once again and at that point I decided that the sacrifice of Moyale was apparently too much for you since you mentioned it several times.
What the hell are you talking about?  I gave Ibladesh Moyale so a peace bargain can be agreed upon.  I gave this up willingly so you can get your city.
I also want to remind you that it was you who left the war when Ibladesh was far away from being truly defeated and Itorunt at a long distance from recovering its regions, which was the supposed reason why you joined the war.
They offered to surrender Al Arab?  What more does Itorunt want?  Caligus entered the war to get you the city.  When you declined that proposal you also declined our help.  If you accept by now Al Arab would be under Itorunts banner.  DO NOT blame this on me or Caligus this is your own greedy fault.
Itorunt agreed Isadril would go to Caligus you agreed many many times.  Sangue was informed of this and you forgot.  You cannot change the fact that Caligus aided you until you had the city.  You simply declined it when it was in your hands.  This doesnt give you any reason nor motive to go against a done agreement made when Caligus entered this war.  I am not throwing a tantrum.  I am expressing anger for an allies betrayal and lies.
Anyone with a brain can easily tell Caligus did more then its part in that war.  Only Itorunt complain.  The realm Caligus decided to save when you were in tatters.  I will speak no more.  What is done is done.  I pray King Sangue will be able to see the truth on the matter.
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (1 day, 18 hours ago)
Message sent to: doombringer Menethil, Sangue Raiva
King doombringer,
I didn't decline your help when I declined the treaty. You repeated me several times that you were leaving the war with or without my signature and I even let you know that I was feeling as if you were giving us an ultimatum.
And I don't think King Sangue has as bad memory as you, so he won't need to see beyond a lie, just right through it.
I won't add anymore until King Sangue has the chance to reply.
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Letter from doombringer Menethil  (1 day, 18 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
Greetings rulers,
  Today is one of those days i regret.  I am officially dissolving my alliance with Itorunt for a number of reasons.
    * Lack of trust in Caligus as an ally.  A proposed and favorable treaty to Itorunt was declined by them simply because they didnt trust anyone to enforce it.  This treaty would have gained Itorunt the regions of Zawr, Dayr, Az Zarqua, Al Arab, Enubec and possibly Tota.
    * The blame Caligus for not keeping this word.  I can give a copy of the treaty drafted between the realms of Ibladesh, Itorunt and Caligus and show everyone the only realm that was gaining things by it was Itorunt
    * Itorunts disagreement was simply because they had dropped their claim on Isadril and left it up to Caligus what was done with the region.  SO they simply declined this treaty and are now trying to persuade that Caligus didnt fullfill its end of the bargain.
    * Itorunt has decieved both Caligus and Perdan and even caused some uneasiness at times between us by their lies and misleading of both realms.
    * Alexandra is still trying to keep to her lies and hopefully succeed in at least misleading Perdan to turn against Caligus.  Obviously i hope King Sangue will see through this.
I will officially drop to at least peace.  I am not sure to what extent Caligus anger will be for a lying and deceitful realm.  I will inform you when i decide more.  But for now i am officially disolving this one sided alliance which only Itorunt gained out of.  The only thing Itorunt ever did for Caligus is push them off the map into Partora.  I thank Itorunt for this.
Im sorry if this rant bothers any of you but when i trusted ally betrays your trust things like this happen.
doombringer Menethil
King of Caligus
Letter from doombringer Menethil  (1 day, 18 hours ago)
Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera, Sangue Raiva
Queen Alexandra,
  I think the feeling is mutual.  Yes i did say i was leaving the war with or without your signature.  Sinted accepted a harsh deal against him.  Just because Itorunt was greedy which i ignored and thus rejected the proposal doesnt mean i didnt take note of the actions.  You gained 6 regions but yet wanted 2 more.
  The funny part is i left Tota out as a test to your realm which you failed.  My council had agreed we did not need it.  I found it funny you didnt accept the treaty because of the one region which in the end you would have gotten.  It is too far from our capital to keep.  You should have known that on your own.
  No Queen Alexandra the drafted up treaty simply shows the truth.  There is no way you can change that.  I will wait for King Sangue as well.
doombringer Menethil
King of Caligus
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (1 day, 14 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
It pains me to see how greed can affect a man I believed to be honorable.
Point by point, since I didn't want to reply nothing more until we had time to discuss things between our three realms, Caligus, Perdan and Itorunt, I'll have to clarify. I don't know if it shall have a point, since Caligus has already plans of war that are trying to bring forward as soon as possible, for what it seems.
+ The treaty offered by Caligus was declined because:
1) Caligus treated Itorunt with ultimatums, in fact you aid that you were out of the war with or without my signature and that it was better for us to accept. Nice choice of words for an ally.
2) Itorunt wasn't gaining regions, but regaining them. Caligus rejected my ply to clarify this stance, since it made obvious that their help had made us win nothing, but instead exchange two regions for a city and regain the rest.
3) You denied to talk about Tota in the treaty, allegating that you hadn't decided if you wanted to take it over or not.
+ The treaty which you offer a copy of, was swiftly signed by you and Ibladesh. How come an ally not wait for the realm they're supposedly helping to sign in concordance?
Even more, I offered to sign a revised version, but you denied me the right to edit, add or change anything. I also have the copy of that version as you know.
+ Caligus entered the war to help Itorunt get its regions back, but when they demanded the treaty signature Itorunt hasn't recovered nothing. How this seems like keeping ones word? Revise the map and decide if Itorunt won anything at all as King doombringer says.
+ Isadril is part of a realm that is yet alive, the same that you repeated several times you were not at war with. And when we tried to talk about this city's future with Perdan, the discussion was droped. Still is interesting your claim upon a city of a dying realm you're not at war with and until just recently you were in peace, but suddenly changed to a neutral stance because "that reflects your true politica regard".
How can Itorunt think on taking Isadril, if you didn't even were clare about what was to happen wih Tota?
+ Itorunt has never being unfaitful or tracherous, and all the continent knows it. I have tried to uphold this, and you can even ask our enemies, Ibladesh and Tuchanon if I have lied since I started as a queen.
If the rulers of this world decide to doubt of my integrity, do it and please say it, because if that's the case I'm ready to leave the throne taking the stain of that supposed lie for Itorunt not to share it with me.
+ I hope not only for King Sangue, but for everybody else in this list, to see beyod all the words that are now being spilled here for nothing more than the schemes of one who announces to be a friend just looking how to fulfill his agenda, and when he doesn't succeed, bites everybody around him.
I repeat, what has Itorunt gained?
And for anger, I hold none, because for a time now I suspected something but didn't want to believe it, so I'll take the blame for that. And if King doombringer wants to show off some more the kind of person he really is even by declaring war on us because that's the "extent Caligus anger will be for a lying and deceitful realm", so it be.
Rulers, I hope you don't get offended by all this, because for sure I know it's at the very least distasteful to pollute this list like this and I regret it.
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Letter from doombringer Menethil  (1 day, 12 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
I will comment on points which is concerning Caligus directly.  Regarding your integrity i do hope other rulers speak up so everyone knows the truth.
The treaty offered by Caligus was declined because:
1) Caligus treated Itorunt with ultimatums, in fact you aid that you were out of the war with or without my signature and that it was better for us to accept. Nice choice of words for an ally.
2) Itorunt wasn't gaining regions, but regaining them. Caligus rejected my ply to clarify this stance, since it made obvious that their help had made us win nothing, but instead exchange two regions for a city and regain the rest.
3) You denied to talk about Tota in the treaty, allegating that you hadn't decided if you wanted to take it over or not.
Point 1 : I didnt give you ultimatums i stated my side of the treaty and i was being fair to both realms involved.  I let both Itorunt and Ibladesh amend some things.  I also decline both realms ammending this to maintain the same fairness and neutrality in peace treaties.
Point 2 : This is quite laughable.  You were gaining six regions from my stance you would have died without Caligus's aid.  Now you can try reclaiming what is yours if you wish and if you can.  Dont tell me the treaty gave you nothing.  This is the attitude that oh glorious Itournt gained nothing whatsoever.  I will be willing to share the "Itorunt gains nothing treaty" with everyone here to show how bad this arguement actually is
Point 3 : Yes I left the opinion of Tota open.  I wanted to see your reaction about it.
+ Caligus entered the war to help Itorunt get its regions back, but when they demanded the treaty signature Itorunt hasn't recovered nothing. How this seems like keeping ones word? Revise the map and decide if Itorunt won anything at all as King doombringer says.
Itorunt gained nothing because of their own foolishness in not accepting the treaty.
+ Isadril is part of a realm that is yet alive, the same that you repeated several times you were not at war with. And when we tried to talk about this city's future with Perdan, the discussion was droped. Still is interesting your claim upon a city of a dying realm you're not at war with and until just recently you were in peace, but suddenly changed to a neutral stance because "that reflects your true politica regard".
Regarding this i am being honest with King Percival he knows my stance I know his.  I will not say more on the matter.
doombringer Menethil
King of Caligus
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (1 day, 12 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
King doombringer,
I'll just reply to point 3, as the other points explain by themselves:
Not discussing Tota because you were "testing" me spokes loudly about several things. You say I distrusted you, and yet you accept you were "probing" me. You say you are sincere and clear, and such an important point was left blank to fit your convenience. You accept you didn't clarify since you were ploting a test upon an ally.
This is getting more and more interesting on your effort to make things sound convenient for you.
This is a very sad day.
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (1 day, 12 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
King doombringer,
Please decide yourself. "Open for discussion" or a way to "test" your ally?
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Letter from doombringer Menethil  (1 day, 12 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
Queen Alexandra,
  I left the region open for discussion.  I never had a problem with leaving open for discussion with other rulers before.  I didnt see a problem with leaving it open for discussion either.
doombringer Menethil
King of Caligus
Letter from Sinted Dacara  (1 day, 12 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
Dear rulers,
As Ibladesh is (or better was) the third party in this war, I wish to clarify some things that have been said by Queen Alexandra. As the others did, I will explain myself point by point.
2) Itorunt wasn't gaining regions, but regaining them. Caligus rejected my ply to clarify this stance, since it made obvious that their help had made us win nothing, but instead exchange two regions for a city and regain the rest.
Ibladesh and Caligus had came to an agreement. A very painful agreement which I had to agree upon for the sake of Ibladesh. I convinced my advisory council to give away Al Arab (city) to Itorunt. For Ibladesh it would have been the biggest sacrifice ever, but it seems Itorunt finds it 'nothing'. I'm not sure whether we have a copy of that deal, but one of the other realms surely has. Itorunt would have gained much, and Caligus already claimed the Mines and Moyale - which I also agreed with -. We would indeed sacrifice all those regions, but that did not mean we though Itorunt deserved it.
+ The treaty which you offer a copy of, was swiftly signed by you and Ibladesh. How come an ally not wait for the realm they're supposedly helping to sign in concordance?
I was kind of suprised when Itorunt did not sign the deal. Ibladesh was not 'quick' with signing in the following way: we had the discussion about Al Arab over and over again a time before that treaty was drafted. So the last  treaty proposed by Caligus sounded acceptable, that's why we signed immediately.
I repeat, what has Itorunt gained?
Itorunt would have gained a lot of regions plus a city. Ibladesh would be very much reduced. If I were in your position, I would sign it immediately. Yet you asked for clearly unacceptable things like the immediate surrender of the city & regions, or were you pushing for more land?
I had input from a very loyal member of Ibladesh, who has served for many years. Here he states the truth very clear, and the rulers here will remember. For the sake of his safety and dignity, I keep his name confidential.
[...Queen Alexandra, I believe you are just deceiving yourself when you state the realm you represent, Itorunt has been honorable and that you are just RE-claiming those realms you mentioned.
You fail to remember, but many rulers here were witnesses, that Itorunt was once an ally of Ibladesh and broke that alliance. And turned war onto Ibladesh and with help gained up on Ibladesh and took those regions you stated have been yours. Just so you understand how long Dayr and Zawr had been under the Ibladesh rule, we had it when it was Dayr-Zawr and was one region.
From the acts or Itorunt’s betrayal, we had agree to give up Clermont, Woolton, Ar Mosul in order to have peace with Perdan, which has successfully been maintained. There were regions that we were going to give up to Itorunt also to have peace after Itorunts gang-bang on Ibladesh but that deal fell apart due to political differences between our realms. Admittedly, you were not Queen at that time but you are now and inherit the problems that come with our war.
You have not given up anything that was truly Itrounts. Just wanted you to understand, Itorunt is not as innocent as you make it sound.
I could go on, but this situation I am pretty sure, is well known to the rulers and many nobles of this great island. So, I have nothing further to add....]
Sinted Dacara
Pontifex Maximus of Ibladesh, Duke of Ibladesh
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (1 day, 5 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
It's not beside the point, King doombringer, and are not word games.
That's what you said and everything is there to be seen and judged.
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (1 day, 5 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
Pontifex Sinted,
I pushed for Betholm, King doombringer (our ally) said that I shouldn't ask for it and that he was already tired of such discussion. I hope you remember that. Then he added that he was giving me 24 hours to sign... I suppose he would call this a "word game" and not fact.
Even under that kind of pression I stole time for two things: Ask about the point of preaching in surrended lands to my Council and start a talking about whan the sacrifice of Al Arab would mean to you and how that could affect our future relationship if at all.
The result of all this was my negative to sign the treaty offered by Caligus and a new offer to you a very short time later given all the hard work I had to do to offer you such things.
I'll fill up now a report with the treaty I offered you and your reply, and let the other rulers judge who really wanted peace and who is pushing for more land. And let's see if that trustworthy member of your realm has spoken any truth at all as you say.
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Report from Alexandra D'Jera  (1 day, 5 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
And since I'm on it, this is the treaty I asked King dombringer to consider, but as I said, he refused the right of his ally to change even a word and asked me to sign or stay in war. I hope he posts the one he had in mind as he has been saying he shall so that a comparation may be possible, other wise I have a copy of that one too.
1) Ibladesh will retain Ibladesh city, Al Aquabah, Ar Raqqah, Oc Lu Pesh, Betholm and Moyale. Ibladesh gets a claim on Igno, Itorunt will drop it, so Ibladesh can freely take it over. In the interests of maintaining future peace, Itorunt will trade the region of Betholm and its attendant claim to Ibladesh.
2) Caligus will also reduce its price to sell food to 20 gold/100 bushels to Ibladesh and Ibladesh will become a priority to feed once prior arrangements have expired. This deal will last inevitably until Ibladesh no longer needs food or till there is a conflict in relations in the future.
3) Itorunt will gain the region of Al Arab in exchange of the territories of Igno and Betholm. Itorunt will also be recognized as holding the sole legitimate claim to the lands of Dayr, Zawr, Az Zarqua, Enubec, Aeng and Tota. As of the signing, these lands will be treated as official Itoruntian territory in the eyes of Ibladesh, Itorunt and Caligus. Any of these territories in the control of another signatory will be peaceably ceded to Itorunt within six week's time. If any of those regions should be in a rogue state in the meantime, Itorunt will take them over personally.
4) Ibladesh will be required to drop claims on all regions it has lost or ceded.
5) The peace agreement will last for 4 months between the realms of Itorunt, Ibladesh and Caligus. Any aggression will be met with the other parties acting in defense of the realm being attacked.
6) Failure to meet the previous terms within a reasonable time will be grounds for renewed hostilities against the offending party by the other two signatories regardless of the above requirement. In the event of any disagreements, however, a good faith effort is expected to be made between the aggrieved parties to work matters out diplomatically before any other course is resorted to.
7) Infiltrator actions will not be prosecuted against the other realms. Infiltrators found violating this will be banished by their home realm unless they are capable of making reparations to the satisfaction of the injured party. The sole exception will be actions taken on one's own lands against trespassers who have not been offered guest rights and fail to leave within a reasonable time, or return regularly against the region's wishes.
8) Priests hoping to act on Itorunt territories agree to abide by Itorunt's religious edicts before perfoming any preaching. This neither assures nor denies the opportunity to preach, they will have to respect any ruling made by the proper authorities in Itorunt.
9) All bans upon nobles of Caligus, Itorunt and Ibladesh, will be droped by the three signing realms on the ground of the new funded peace.
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Letter from doombringer Menethil  (1 day ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
Queen Alexandra,
  Why do you continue with such lies?  You were allowed to change the wording.  You just were not allowed to command every single detail of the treaty because its a treaty between three realms not a treaty for the sole glorious benefit of your realms.  But it still was really only beneficial to Itorunt.  Heres a copy of the actually treaty drawn up signed by myself and Sinted.  You will see it is very much the same thing which Alexandra basically wanted.  I also fail to see what the new discussions with Sinted have to do with anything.  He can very easily decline anything you ask for now.
  I do not understand why you keep lyign about the situation.  Everyone here can now very easily compare your version to mine and see there are only slight changes to yours.  I will ask you to not continue the deceitful trend you have picked up. I remind everyone this is a signed proposal by myself and Pontifex Sinted.  It was simply declined because Itorunt wanted Tota and Betholm guaranteed.  I hope you can see the obvious of the situation.
1) Ibladesh will retain Ibladesh city, Al Aquabah, Ar Raqqah, Oc Lu Pesh, Betholm and Moyale. Ibladesh will be freely allowed to claim Igno as theirs however will not be allowed any claim on Tota whatsoever. In the interests of maintaining future peace, Itorunt will give up its future claim on Betholm.
2) Caligus will also reduce its price to sell food to 20 gold/100 bushels to Ibladesh and Ibladesh will become a priority to feed once prior arrangements have expired after Caligus needs are satisfied. This deal will last until Ibladesh no longer needs food or till there is a conflict in relations in the future.
3) Itorunt will gain the region of Al Arab.  Itorunt will also be recognized as holding the sole legitimate claim to the lands of Dayr, Zawr, Az Zarqua, Enubec and Aeng. As of the signing, these lands will be treated as official Itoruntian territory in the eyes of Ibladesh, Itorunt and Caligus. Any of these territories in the control of another signatory will be peaceably ceded to Itorunt within six weeks time. If any of those regions should be in a rogue state in the meantime, Itorunt will take them over personally.
4) Ibladesh will be required to drop claims on all regions it has lost or ceded.
5) The peace agreement will last for 4 months between the realms of Itorunt, Ibladesh and Caligus. Any aggression will be met with the other parties acting in defense of the realm being attacked.
6) Failure to meet the previous terms within a reasonable time will be grounds for renewed hostilities against the offending party by the other two signatories regardless of the above requirement. In the event of any disagreements, however, a good faith effort is expected to be made between the aggrieved parties to work matters out diplomatically before any other course is resorted to.
7) Infiltrator actions will not be prosecuted against the other realms. Infiltrators found violating this will be banished by their home realm unless they are capable of making reparations to the satisfaction of the injured party. The sole exception will be actions taken on one's own lands against trespassers who have not been offered guest rights and fail to leave within a reasonable time, or return regularly against the region's wishes.
8) Priests hoping to act on Itorunt territories agree to abide by Itorunt's religious edicts before perfoming any preaching. This neither assures nor denies the opportunity to preach, they will have to respect any ruling made by the proper authorities in Itorunt.
9) All bans upon nobles of Caligus, Itorunt and Ibladesh, will be droped by the three signing realms on the ground of the new funded peace.
doombringer Menethil
King of Caligus
Letter from Sinted Dacara  (1 day ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
Dear rulers,
the current negotiations between Itorunt and Ibladesh have indeed nothing to do with it. But for the record, I expected that deal to be refused. But it was me who wished to go from there and discuss step by step what had to be changed. But when I received the sole words 'We can not accept that deal' in a letter from Queen Alexandra, I did not find it necessary to do that.
So please keep the current deals out of this, as they have nothing to do with the relations between Itorunt and Caligus. The mere point was that you were gaining much (including a city that was very important for us. We would give it up but yet you ask for more).
Thank you very much.
Sinted Dacara
Pontifex Maximus of Ibladesh, Duke of Ibladesh
Letter from Percival Prestongreen  (22 hours, 14 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
My fellow Rulers,
I have stayed silent on the situation involving Caligus, Itorunt, and Ibladesh as I was not part of the negotiations.
As you can image it saddens me to hear that the former regions of Tuchanon to be discussed as though they are table scraps being passed without consideration of Tuchanon. Perdan has reduced us to bystanders.
I have had direct dealings with all three Rulers in question. Here are my thoughts for what they are worth.
Pontifex Sinted- Ibladesh is my former ally and has stood by Tuchanon in the past. With Sinted's rise, relations have not been as warm. I understand he has to care for his people and I respect that. I believe him to be honest in these matters. Ibladesh would sacrifice much, but was willing to.
King Doombringer- Has always been honest and honorable in his dealings with me. He had tried to mediate a peace at one time between Itorunt, but was unable to do so. He has remained Nuetral and not interfered in my Realms business. He made a promise long ago to Rackir, founder of Tuchanon. He has stood by his word when he could have easily broken his promise and benefited.
Queen Alexandra- Has waffled in her position. Before Perdan entered this conflict. When first elected, I held out hope that we could negotiate a reduction in hostilities. This failed, Perdan entered the war, Tuchanon is reduced. On several occasions I asked to reopen the discussion, publicly, before each of you. She suggested we not bother you with the details. I agreed only to be ignored. I see her efforts in this current matter as self-serving and finger pointing. I cannot support her, or her assertations in this matter.
I put this before you that you might have yet another view with some knowledge as to this situation and the parties involved.
Percival Prestongreen
King Protector of Tuchanon V
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (18 hours, 8 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
King doombringer,
Even if you had accepted my changes (which you didn't, so I don't know where you took from that supposed document) to the point of the treaty you're presenting, you know that I'd have declined it too not because Tota or Betholm weren't guaranteed for Itorunt, but because Tota wasn't even mentioned (I said I tried to push for Betholm, but I dropped the trying after you called me names for going against your "good wil" and then mentioned the 24 hours deadline). That's very different.
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Letter from doombringer Menethil  (12 hours, 43 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
Queen Alexandra,
  The treaty that i posted was signed by myself and Sinted.  Sinted can also confirm this.  Either you have memory lapses or you have just again lied.  These are your words and even you just said without the guarantee of Tota it wasnt enough.  So i thank you for showing you needed more then 6 regions so it becomes "fair". 
Even if you had accepted my changes (which you didn't, so I don't know where you took from that supposed document) to the point of the treaty you're presenting, you know that I'd have declined it too not because Tota or Betholm weren't guaranteed for Itorunt, but because Tota wasn't even mentioned (I said I tried to push for Betholm, but I dropped the trying after you called me names for going against your "good wil" and then mentioned the 24 hours deadline). That's very different.
I will basically here say the long process of how the peace proposal went through.
    * Ibladesh and Caligus sign after a few different proposals.  Queen Alexandra doesnt and asks for a new one
    * New treaty is made.  This time Sinted has a few problems as well as Alexandra.  So i personally mediated this is split everything in the middle.  Ibladesh wanted two months before handing over Al Arab, Itorunt wanted it handed over instantly.  I made that one month at the time.
    * A third treaty was proposed.  This time Sinted and I signed.  Alexandra got quiet.  After a few days i said i would withdraw my signature within 24 hours and possibly have new terms.
    * After about 20 hours (basically last minute) Alexandra requests to do her own treaty with her wording.  Even though i said i would decide by 24 hours i let this by and let Alexandra draw up her treaty.
    * New treaty was basically signable by no one because many terms where changed. It is the one you all read (the one she posted here)
    * I countered with mine (one i posted last) which was basically the same thing.  Sinted and i signed again and Alexandra declined.
    * Peace negtiations were over and Caligus exited the war on the note that Itorunt wanted to continue even alone.
Sinted can very easily confirm the above as the truth.  In my opinion Itorunt didnt seem to want peace in the end.  Now if you want to say that two rulers are lying and you are telling the truth Alexandra be my guest.  I can did up all the letters if you wish to prove the above process went on.  But i do not wish to bore the other rulers with it.
I apologise to everyone here who doesnt wish to hear this hopefully all that will happen is Sinted confirms and you will all know the truth.
doombringer Menethil
King of Caligus
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (11 hours, 58 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
Only one letter is necessary, King doombringer. The one with the treaty in the format you presented with the date you sent it to me. I really don't remember such document ever arrived to my hands.
Please, show it to me just to make everybody note that my memory failed and that even then Tota wasn't mentioned but still I had to sign because you ordered so. Or if there wasn't such a treaty and the memory failure is yours, to show how two soon to be allied rulers can be mistaken.
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (11 hours, 26 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
Fine, King doombringer. Now there's the treaty you offered at first, signed by you and the Pontifex; the treaty I reworded has been presented too; and the treaty you just presented, full with my replies, that as you said was signed by you two... except that in this last try there are no signatures and the voids in the treaty are kept.
Any other proof on who's liying? Or were the signatures of the other treaty supposed to be considered as official for any other revision, edition or addition?
Please, stop this already. Up to this moment it has been probed that you mistrusted your ally, tried to force my signature, put "tests" by leaving intentional loopholes in the treaty, didn't accept my edition because it was not "factual" from your point of view, and there never was a treaty signed by Ibladesh and Caligus waiting for me but the first you did and not a revised one.
What's next? Accuse me because I said I didn't want you to sacrifice your regions? Or shall you say that I tried to force you instead when I added the ban dropping clausule that you later used in your official treaty with Ibladesh?
This is making no sense, King doombringer. You know it.
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Report from doombringer Menethil  (11 hours, 47 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
Report from doombringer Menethil  (19 days, 3 hours ago)
Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera
Queen Alexandra,
I have gone over your treaty and there are a few things that concern me regarding all the things which Itorunt are claiming are theirs.  Both Igno and Tota are basically no ones.  Not Caligus's, Not Itorunt's and not Ibladesh's.  This means none of us have a rightful claim on any of these regions.  So i immediately will be dropping out the clause that Itorunt is dropping the claim on Igno because from a diplomatic point of view Itorunt never secured the region.
Regarding Betholm.  I removed the part of trading the region to simply giving up the claim so it is factual.
I will also remove Tota from Itorunts claim as my council does have a problem by simply losing from even making some sort of deal.  I still feel Itorunt receives alot with just Al Arab.  Peace will also give you a chance to solidfy six additional regions including a city I feel Tota should go to Caligus as i want it to go to my current lord of Moyale who without knowing we may receive it is willing to step down to honor the agreement.
I have re-edited it for your discretion.  I will make sure that Ibladesh do not get Tota under any circumstance so do not worry about that.  I hope to hear your approval of this soon but some things i had to edit because they were non-factual and Itorunts opinion.
1) Ibladesh will retain Ibladesh city, Al Aquabah, Ar Raqqah, Oc Lu Pesh, Betholm and Moyale. Ibladesh will be freely allowed to claim Igno as theirs however will not be allowed any claim on Tota whatsoever. In the interests of maintaining future peace, Itorunt will give up its future claim on Betholm.
2) Caligus will also reduce its price to sell food to 20 gold/100 bushels to Ibladesh and Ibladesh will become a priority to feed once prior arrangements have expired after Caligus needs are satisfied. This deal will last until Ibladesh no longer needs food or till there is a conflict in relations in the future.
3) Itorunt will gain the region of Al Arab.  Itorunt will also be recognized as holding the sole legitimate claim to the lands of Dayr, Zawr, Az Zarqua, Enubec and Aeng. As of the signing, these lands will be treated as official Itoruntian territory in the eyes of Ibladesh, Itorunt and Caligus. Any of these territories in the control of another signatory will be peaceably ceded to Itorunt within six weeks time. If any of those regions should be in a rogue state in the meantime, Itorunt will take them over personally.
4) Ibladesh will be required to drop claims on all regions it has lost or ceded.
5) The peace agreement will last for 4 months between the realms of Itorunt, Ibladesh and Caligus. Any aggression will be met with the other parties acting in defense of the realm being attacked.
6) Failure to meet the previous terms within a reasonable time will be grounds for renewed hostilities against the offending party by the other two signatories regardless of the above requirement. In the event of any disagreements, however, a good faith effort is expected to be made between the aggrieved parties to work matters out diplomatically before any other course is resorted to.
7) Infiltrator actions will not be prosecuted against the other realms. Infiltrators found violating this will be banished by their home realm unless they are capable of making reparations to the satisfaction of the injured party. The sole exception will be actions taken on one's own lands against trespassers who have not been offered guest rights and fail to leave within a reasonable time, or return regularly against the region's wishes.
8) Priests hoping to act on Itorunt territories agree to abide by Itorunt's religious edicts before perfoming any preaching. This neither assures nor denies the opportunity to preach, they will have to respect any ruling made by the proper authorities in Itorunt.
9) All bans upon nobles of Caligus, Itorunt and Ibladesh, will be droped by the three signing realms on the ground of the new funded peace.
doombringer Menethil
King of Caligus
Letter from doombringer Menethil  (11 hours, 46 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
And you even replied to the letter
Letter from doombringer Menethil  (18 days, 11 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in message group "Council of Caligus" (10 recipients)
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (5 hours, 16 minutes ago)
King doombringer,
The mentioned regions were took over and we indeed had them reinforced by a long time. But I won't discuss this anymore.
I belive that your Moyale Lord would make a great sacrifice by steping down, that's why I mentioned that you shouldn't do that with a region that you gained well. However, seeing that Tota might have the potential to cause the inconformity of our Councils if Itorunt accepts Al Arab, I'll have to not adhere to this treaty and continue the war with Ibladesh one-on-one.
I thank you and your people for your valuable help in this war, and I wish this won't cause any hard feelings on you or your people. But don't think either that your work trying to make a fair treaty, even by making sacrifices for it, shall be lost. I've seen the goodwill of Pontifex Sint by giving up a city that is part of their history as a nation, so I'll try to honor that as son as I appease my Council and reason with them.
Maybe I shouldn't mention this, but even though Sint reacted aggresively at first, I think he's making big efforts and resisting a lot of stress, so I'm a bit empathic to him now, I just hope to project this to my Council when the time is right... assuming I'm still the queen for then.
I hope you understand my position and true meanings.
In friendship,
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (18 days, 6 hours ago)
Message sent to: doombringer Menethil, Sinted Dacara
Pontifex Sinted,
I refused the traty offered by King doombringer, so this shall cause two things: Caligus shall leave the war and we'll continue one-on-one.
However, I want you and King doombringer to know, that the peace still can be attained and in hopes for this, I want to offer you a cease fire while I prepare a new treaty that I hope shall leave both our realms satisfied.
I want to thank once again King doombringer for his help and work, and ask you the chance to arrange this, as I mentioned, one-on-one. That might be in the battlefield, or if you accept this cease fire ad gve me a couple of days, in our tables using parchment and ink.
What do you say?
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (11 hours, 18 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
And you are forgetting this part of our negotiations too, King doombringer. Your response when I tried to push or Betholm and mentioned the loophole in Tota. Excuse me if I remembered you had given 24 hours, they were 30. I also have the register of the other times you said to me that you would leave the war with or without my signature and that you adviced me to sign.
Letter from doombringer Menethil (20 days, 10 hours ago)
Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera, Sinted Dacara
Welcome to the pettyness. This is what i said will annoy me. My signature will be on the treaty for another 30 hours from now. Once that time is over i will re-think my decision as i am getting bored of this.
doombringer Menethil
King of Caligus
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Letter from doombringer Menethil  (11 hours, 16 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
I was simply showing you new that treaty which you claimed to know nothing about.  Its obvious you did.  I had no problem giving up Moyale or Igno which we were supposed to get.  I also dont see why you again twist things from you not knowing to something else.
It more seems you wanted to continue the war and try and also keep Caligus in it.  I think in the end we agree.  We are not allies not anymore.
doombringer Menethil
King of Caligus
Letter from doombringer Menethil  (11 hours, 12 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
Yes i did clearly state i did that.  You both were going into uneccessary things and aruged over time scales and so on.  This was after the fourth proposed treaty.  From my part i wanted the slingshotting between Ibaldesh and Itorutn to stop.  I gave you the time and more.  That was 20 days ago.  Mine is 18.  Over 2 days later.  It just proves my timescale is correct that is all.
doombringer Menethil
King of Caligus
Letter from Sangue Raiva  (7 hours, 30 minutes ago)
Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera, doombringer Menethil
After all is said and done I feel I must point out a hole in everything. In all those treaties one word I cannot seem to find... Isadril. I see no mention of the city. And if Itorunt never signed it there was no agreement anyway.
Let me also be frank.. for future reference I do tend to get annoyed when there are discussions regarding lands that Perdanites died fighting to liberate without Perdan being involved in the conversation. Also, giving someone the "ok" to take over said regions without even mentioning it to me... goes to help infuriate me rather fully.
Sir Sangue Raiva
King of Perdan
Letter from Alexandra D'Jera  (7 hours, 21 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
Interesting the way you are rewording things, King doombringer.
I said that I didn't remember the SIGNED treaty you mentioned. Or can you show the signatures you claimed such a treaty had on it?
And no, I didn't want to stay forever in war, just to end it the right way. I think the treaty I offered Ibladesh is proof of this.
Sadly, King doombringer, you already have plans and an excuse. All this, supported by the silence of our peers, is just the announcement of the conflict to come.
Alexandra D'Jera
Queen of Itorunt
Letter from doombringer Menethil  (2 hours ago)
Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera, Sangue Raiva
I will say I am not surprised by King Sangues decision.  Sadly Alexandra plays by the fact you ignored many messages and also the word for word agreement on Isadril.  It was mentioned between allies how it would turn out and as u sed to trust my allies that is what will happen.
King Sangue you may persuit your destruction of Isadril however i will not allow Itorunt going close to the city.  Also Queen Alexandra for your lies and deceit and going everything against what i have stood for since i became ruler of Caligus.  Yes, I am personally going to push for war against your realm.  So prepare for it.  It will not be for regions whether we burn down the last stone of your realm will depend on if you come clean or not.  If you decide not to that is your fault.
So either you will see a new ruler in Caligus within a few days are expect another army at your walls.  As a past ally feel informed of this you have a luxury few get.
Signed and Sealed,
doombringer Menethil
King of Caligus
Letter from doombringer Menethil  (2 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)
  For the continued deception of Queen Alexandra up to this morning i personally lowered our relations down to neutral.  She goes against everything i stood for between open relationships and is basically telling me that agreements between realms mean nothing if a treaty isnt formed. 
  I personally do not believe this and am willing to wage a war in the name and honesty.  If my council personally do not agree with me you will be seeing a new ruler in my place.  I thank you for your time
doombringer Menethil
King of Caligus

Revision as of 10:02, 7 April 2009

Temporary Document for the realm to read

Letter from Sangue Raiva (2 days, 3 hours ago) Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera, doombringer Menethil Greetings,

I am hearing that there was an agreement made regarding whom Isadril will go to. In all honesty I don't remember if I was made aware of it at the time.

Sir Sangue Raiva King of Perdan


Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (2 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to: doombringer Menethil, Sangue Raiva I don't remember either if such thing was discussed, all I remember was discussing about Tota with King doombringer under the therms that they'd take it as a prize for sacrificing the regions taken from Ibladesh in behalf of the treaty.

I decided that they shouldn't sacrifice their winnings, so we kept the war and the right to fight for those regions without any particular conflic of interests.

Hold on. Now I remember at the beginning, when Caligus entered the war we mentioned something about how the regions of our enemies would be shared, you received a letter or two of this kind, King Sangue. However, we specified how regions would be distributed when Ibladesh were totaly defeated, thing that wasn't fulfilled and even in the treaty offered by King doombringer, Itorunt happened to lose one or two regions in exchange for winning an city of our enemies.

In the end, shortly after you received one of the letters with the region discusion, King Sangue, the theme was dropped. Maybe we can restart the talkings. After all, both wars are still going on, the only difference is that Caligus is done with fighting.

What do you think?

Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Letter from doombringer Menethil (1 day, 23 hours ago) Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera, Sangue Raiva

Queen Alexandra,

 Do not play dumb with me.  As much as I am a fair ruler the treaty of peace brought up at your discretion was in your favor completely.  Now i see you rejected the treaty purely so you can turn behind my back and try and claim Isadril with the help of Perdan.
 I am glad this is in the open.  King Sangue.  Here is a treaty that Queen Alexandra initially agreed to but decided not to sign.  When Caligus entered that war at the beginning it was agreed upon.  That Itorunt would get Al Arab and Caligus would get Isadril.  Caligus fullfilled our end of the deal.  Its Itorunts fault for not accepting a more then fair peace deal where they got six regions including a city.  Here is a copy of the treaty at your discretion.
 I would also like to say this is a treaty that Queen Alexandra herself amended and later declined for reasons i didnt know at the time.  Now ican see it was purely to try claiming Isadril for their own.  I will be reviewing my alliance with Itorunt because of this. 

Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (1 day, 19 hours ago) Message sent to: doombringer Menethil, Sangue Raiva King doombringer,

I'm not very pleased by your reaction or words and this makes me think that your efforts of peace were not as noble and pure as I tought. I never accepted such treaty and as proof I have the one I sent to you, same that you later edited once again and at that point I decided that the sacrifice of Moyale was apparently too much for you since you mentioned it several times.

I'll send the full letter I wrote to you in my next letter.

I also want to remind you that it was you who left the war when Ibladesh was far away from being truly defeated and Itorunt at a long distance from recovering its regions, which was the supposed reason why you joined the war.

Or it was for Isadril? Do you really think it was my intention to take it when I even offered Tuchanon peace long before you entered the war? King Sangue and you must remember this, since I let you know about this as well as my thoughts about their probable negative as a reply, thing that in fact happened.

And I'm sure you remember too that we stoped the region discussion as I mentioned. I didn't made that up. King Sangue even mentioned his inconformity about the mention of regions currently under his control and there we talked no more. You conveniently forgot?

You want an excuse to join Ibladesh and attack your former allies because suddenly things are not going as you planned? Just take a handful of regions and then the very capital of the realm you said you had nothing against?

What an interesting and depressing new view of things, King doombringer. I hope I'm wrong about it, and if so, that we can talk it out.

If you want Isadril and King Sangue decides to support your strange claim, go on. But you know that things are not as you say, and I believe this requires to be discused instead of start throwing tantrums.


Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Report from Alexandra D'Jera (1 day, 19 hours ago) Message sent to: doombringer Menethil, Sangue Raiva Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (18 days, 13 hours ago) Message sent to: doombringer Menethil King doombringer,

This is a revised and extended treaty with points I wanted to add after getting a lot of input from my Council.

Note the adition of Tota, that is the biggest difference in relation to the last treaty. Is not my intention to impose a claim on said region, but what happens with it must be specified on this treaty so it causes no conflict in the future.

As for your sacrifice of Igno and Moyale, I don't think you should be so generous to Ibladesh in behalf of Itorunt. We can still negotiate something else without you having to give up your well gained regions.

Please, let me know what you think of this reworded treaty, so we can sign it or edit it before sharing it with Ibladesh. And let's leave clear what happens with Tota before something else is treated.

If you want so, I can even order a cease fire as a show of good will and in exchange of the required time to revise the treaty and the situation with Tota.



1) Ibladesh will retain Ibladesh city, Al Aquabah, Ar Raqqah, Oc Lu Pesh, Betholm and Moyale. Ibladesh gets a claim on Igno, Itorunt will drop it, so Ibladesh can freely take it over. In the interests of maintaining future peace, Itorunt will trade the region of Betholm and its attendant claim to Ibladesh.

2) Caligus will also reduce its price to sell food to 20 gold/100 bushels to Ibladesh and Ibladesh will become a priority to feed once prior arrangements have expired. This deal will last inevitably until Ibladesh no longer needs food or till there is a conflict in relations in the future.

3) Itorunt will gain the region of Al Arab in exchange of the territories of Igno and Betholm. Itorunt will also be recognized as holding the sole legitimate claim to the lands of Dayr, Zawr, Az Zarqua, Enubec, Aeng and Tota. As of the signing, these lands will be treated as official Itoruntian territory in the eyes of Ibladesh, Itorunt and Caligus. Any of these territories in the control of another signatory will be peaceably ceded to Itorunt within six week's time. If any of those regions should be in a rogue state in the meantime, Itorunt will take them over personally.

4) Ibladesh will be required to drop claims on all regions it has lost or ceded.

5) The peace agreement will last for 4 months between the realms of Itorunt, Ibladesh and Caligus. Any aggression will be met with the other parties acting in defense of the realm being attacked.

6) Failure to meet the previous terms within a reasonable time will be grounds for renewed hostilities against the offending party by the other two signatories regardless of the above requirement. In the event of any disagreements, however, a good faith effort is expected to be made between the aggrieved parties to work matters out diplomatically before any other course is resorted to.

7) Infiltrator actions will not be prosecuted against the other realms. Infiltrators found violating this will be banished by their home realm unless they are capable of making reparations to the satisfaction of the injured party. The sole exception will be actions taken on one's own lands against trespassers who have not been offered guest rights and fail to leave within a reasonable time, or return regularly against the region's wishes.

8) Priests hoping to act on Itorunt territories agree to abide by Itorunt's religious edicts before perfoming any preaching. This neither assures nor denies the opportunity to preach, they will have to respect any ruling made by the proper authorities in Itorunt.

9) All bans upon nobles of Caligus, Itorunt and Ibladesh, will be droped by the three signing realms on the ground of the new funded peace.


Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt

Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Letter from doombringer Menethil (1 day, 18 hours ago) Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera, Sangue Raiva

Queen Alexandra,

I'm not very pleased by your reaction or words and this makes me think that your efforts of peace were not as noble and pure as I tought. I never accepted such treaty and as proof I have the one I sent to you, same that you later edited once again and at that point I decided that the sacrifice of Moyale was apparently too much for you since you mentioned it several times.

What the hell are you talking about? I gave Ibladesh Moyale so a peace bargain can be agreed upon. I gave this up willingly so you can get your city.

I also want to remind you that it was you who left the war when Ibladesh was far away from being truly defeated and Itorunt at a long distance from recovering its regions, which was the supposed reason why you joined the war.

They offered to surrender Al Arab? What more does Itorunt want? Caligus entered the war to get you the city. When you declined that proposal you also declined our help. If you accept by now Al Arab would be under Itorunts banner. DO NOT blame this on me or Caligus this is your own greedy fault.

Itorunt agreed Isadril would go to Caligus you agreed many many times. Sangue was informed of this and you forgot. You cannot change the fact that Caligus aided you until you had the city. You simply declined it when it was in your hands. This doesnt give you any reason nor motive to go against a done agreement made when Caligus entered this war. I am not throwing a tantrum. I am expressing anger for an allies betrayal and lies.

Anyone with a brain can easily tell Caligus did more then its part in that war. Only Itorunt complain. The realm Caligus decided to save when you were in tatters. I will speak no more. What is done is done. I pray King Sangue will be able to see the truth on the matter.



Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (1 day, 18 hours ago) Message sent to: doombringer Menethil, Sangue Raiva King doombringer,

I didn't decline your help when I declined the treaty. You repeated me several times that you were leaving the war with or without my signature and I even let you know that I was feeling as if you were giving us an ultimatum.

And I don't think King Sangue has as bad memory as you, so he won't need to see beyond a lie, just right through it.

I won't add anymore until King Sangue has the chance to reply.


Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Letter from doombringer Menethil (1 day, 18 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) Greetings rulers,

 Today is one of those days i regret.  I am officially dissolving my alliance with Itorunt for a number of reasons.
   * Lack of trust in Caligus as an ally.  A proposed and favorable treaty to Itorunt was declined by them simply because they didnt trust anyone to enforce it.  This treaty would have gained Itorunt the regions of Zawr, Dayr, Az Zarqua, Al Arab, Enubec and possibly Tota.
   * The blame Caligus for not keeping this word.  I can give a copy of the treaty drafted between the realms of Ibladesh, Itorunt and Caligus and show everyone the only realm that was gaining things by it was Itorunt
   * Itorunts disagreement was simply because they had dropped their claim on Isadril and left it up to Caligus what was done with the region.  SO they simply declined this treaty and are now trying to persuade that Caligus didnt fullfill its end of the bargain.
   * Itorunt has decieved both Caligus and Perdan and even caused some uneasiness at times between us by their lies and misleading of both realms.
   * Alexandra is still trying to keep to her lies and hopefully succeed in at least misleading Perdan to turn against Caligus.  Obviously i hope King Sangue will see through this. 

I will officially drop to at least peace. I am not sure to what extent Caligus anger will be for a lying and deceitful realm. I will inform you when i decide more. But for now i am officially disolving this one sided alliance which only Itorunt gained out of. The only thing Itorunt ever did for Caligus is push them off the map into Partora. I thank Itorunt for this.

Im sorry if this rant bothers any of you but when i trusted ally betrays your trust things like this happen.


doombringer Menethil King of Caligus


Letter from doombringer Menethil (1 day, 18 hours ago) Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera, Sangue Raiva

Queen Alexandra,

 I think the feeling is mutual.  Yes i did say i was leaving the war with or without your signature.  Sinted accepted a harsh deal against him.  Just because Itorunt was greedy which i ignored and thus rejected the proposal doesnt mean i didnt take note of the actions.  You gained 6 regions but yet wanted 2 more.
 The funny part is i left Tota out as a test to your realm which you failed.  My council had agreed we did not need it.  I found it funny you didnt accept the treaty because of the one region which in the end you would have gotten.  It is too far from our capital to keep.  You should have known that on your own.
 No Queen Alexandra the drafted up treaty simply shows the truth.  There is no way you can change that.  I will wait for King Sangue as well.


doombringer Menethil King of Caligus


Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (1 day, 14 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) It pains me to see how greed can affect a man I believed to be honorable.

Point by point, since I didn't want to reply nothing more until we had time to discuss things between our three realms, Caligus, Perdan and Itorunt, I'll have to clarify. I don't know if it shall have a point, since Caligus has already plans of war that are trying to bring forward as soon as possible, for what it seems.

+ The treaty offered by Caligus was declined because: 1) Caligus treated Itorunt with ultimatums, in fact you aid that you were out of the war with or without my signature and that it was better for us to accept. Nice choice of words for an ally. 2) Itorunt wasn't gaining regions, but regaining them. Caligus rejected my ply to clarify this stance, since it made obvious that their help had made us win nothing, but instead exchange two regions for a city and regain the rest. 3) You denied to talk about Tota in the treaty, allegating that you hadn't decided if you wanted to take it over or not.

+ The treaty which you offer a copy of, was swiftly signed by you and Ibladesh. How come an ally not wait for the realm they're supposedly helping to sign in concordance? Even more, I offered to sign a revised version, but you denied me the right to edit, add or change anything. I also have the copy of that version as you know.

+ Caligus entered the war to help Itorunt get its regions back, but when they demanded the treaty signature Itorunt hasn't recovered nothing. How this seems like keeping ones word? Revise the map and decide if Itorunt won anything at all as King doombringer says.

+ Isadril is part of a realm that is yet alive, the same that you repeated several times you were not at war with. And when we tried to talk about this city's future with Perdan, the discussion was droped. Still is interesting your claim upon a city of a dying realm you're not at war with and until just recently you were in peace, but suddenly changed to a neutral stance because "that reflects your true politica regard". How can Itorunt think on taking Isadril, if you didn't even were clare about what was to happen wih Tota?

+ Itorunt has never being unfaitful or tracherous, and all the continent knows it. I have tried to uphold this, and you can even ask our enemies, Ibladesh and Tuchanon if I have lied since I started as a queen. If the rulers of this world decide to doubt of my integrity, do it and please say it, because if that's the case I'm ready to leave the throne taking the stain of that supposed lie for Itorunt not to share it with me.

+ I hope not only for King Sangue, but for everybody else in this list, to see beyod all the words that are now being spilled here for nothing more than the schemes of one who announces to be a friend just looking how to fulfill his agenda, and when he doesn't succeed, bites everybody around him.

I repeat, what has Itorunt gained?

And for anger, I hold none, because for a time now I suspected something but didn't want to believe it, so I'll take the blame for that. And if King doombringer wants to show off some more the kind of person he really is even by declaring war on us because that's the "extent Caligus anger will be for a lying and deceitful realm", so it be.

Rulers, I hope you don't get offended by all this, because for sure I know it's at the very least distasteful to pollute this list like this and I regret it.


Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Letter from doombringer Menethil (1 day, 12 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)


I will comment on points which is concerning Caligus directly. Regarding your integrity i do hope other rulers speak up so everyone knows the truth.

The treaty offered by Caligus was declined because: 1) Caligus treated Itorunt with ultimatums, in fact you aid that you were out of the war with or without my signature and that it was better for us to accept. Nice choice of words for an ally. 2) Itorunt wasn't gaining regions, but regaining them. Caligus rejected my ply to clarify this stance, since it made obvious that their help had made us win nothing, but instead exchange two regions for a city and regain the rest. 3) You denied to talk about Tota in the treaty, allegating that you hadn't decided if you wanted to take it over or not.

Point 1 : I didnt give you ultimatums i stated my side of the treaty and i was being fair to both realms involved. I let both Itorunt and Ibladesh amend some things. I also decline both realms ammending this to maintain the same fairness and neutrality in peace treaties.

Point 2 : This is quite laughable. You were gaining six regions from my stance you would have died without Caligus's aid. Now you can try reclaiming what is yours if you wish and if you can. Dont tell me the treaty gave you nothing. This is the attitude that oh glorious Itournt gained nothing whatsoever. I will be willing to share the "Itorunt gains nothing treaty" with everyone here to show how bad this arguement actually is

Point 3 : Yes I left the opinion of Tota open. I wanted to see your reaction about it.

+ Caligus entered the war to help Itorunt get its regions back, but when they demanded the treaty signature Itorunt hasn't recovered nothing. How this seems like keeping ones word? Revise the map and decide if Itorunt won anything at all as King doombringer says.

Itorunt gained nothing because of their own foolishness in not accepting the treaty.

+ Isadril is part of a realm that is yet alive, the same that you repeated several times you were not at war with. And when we tried to talk about this city's future with Perdan, the discussion was droped. Still is interesting your claim upon a city of a dying realm you're not at war with and until just recently you were in peace, but suddenly changed to a neutral stance because "that reflects your true politica regard".

Regarding this i am being honest with King Percival he knows my stance I know his. I will not say more on the matter.

doombringer Menethil King of Caligus


Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (1 day, 12 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) King doombringer,

I'll just reply to point 3, as the other points explain by themselves:

Not discussing Tota because you were "testing" me spokes loudly about several things. You say I distrusted you, and yet you accept you were "probing" me. You say you are sincere and clear, and such an important point was left blank to fit your convenience. You accept you didn't clarify since you were ploting a test upon an ally.

This is getting more and more interesting on your effort to make things sound convenient for you.

This is a very sad day.

Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (1 day, 12 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) King doombringer,

Please decide yourself. "Open for discussion" or a way to "test" your ally?

Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Letter from doombringer Menethil (1 day, 12 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)

Queen Alexandra,

 I left the region open for discussion.  I never had a problem with leaving open for discussion with other rulers before.  I didnt see a problem with leaving it open for discussion either.

doombringer Menethil King of Caligus


Letter from Sinted Dacara (1 day, 12 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)

Dear rulers,

As Ibladesh is (or better was) the third party in this war, I wish to clarify some things that have been said by Queen Alexandra. As the others did, I will explain myself point by point.

2) Itorunt wasn't gaining regions, but regaining them. Caligus rejected my ply to clarify this stance, since it made obvious that their help had made us win nothing, but instead exchange two regions for a city and regain the rest.

Ibladesh and Caligus had came to an agreement. A very painful agreement which I had to agree upon for the sake of Ibladesh. I convinced my advisory council to give away Al Arab (city) to Itorunt. For Ibladesh it would have been the biggest sacrifice ever, but it seems Itorunt finds it 'nothing'. I'm not sure whether we have a copy of that deal, but one of the other realms surely has. Itorunt would have gained much, and Caligus already claimed the Mines and Moyale - which I also agreed with -. We would indeed sacrifice all those regions, but that did not mean we though Itorunt deserved it.

+ The treaty which you offer a copy of, was swiftly signed by you and Ibladesh. How come an ally not wait for the realm they're supposedly helping to sign in concordance?

I was kind of suprised when Itorunt did not sign the deal. Ibladesh was not 'quick' with signing in the following way: we had the discussion about Al Arab over and over again a time before that treaty was drafted. So the last treaty proposed by Caligus sounded acceptable, that's why we signed immediately.

I repeat, what has Itorunt gained?

Itorunt would have gained a lot of regions plus a city. Ibladesh would be very much reduced. If I were in your position, I would sign it immediately. Yet you asked for clearly unacceptable things like the immediate surrender of the city & regions, or were you pushing for more land?

I had input from a very loyal member of Ibladesh, who has served for many years. Here he states the truth very clear, and the rulers here will remember. For the sake of his safety and dignity, I keep his name confidential.

[...Queen Alexandra, I believe you are just deceiving yourself when you state the realm you represent, Itorunt has been honorable and that you are just RE-claiming those realms you mentioned.

You fail to remember, but many rulers here were witnesses, that Itorunt was once an ally of Ibladesh and broke that alliance. And turned war onto Ibladesh and with help gained up on Ibladesh and took those regions you stated have been yours. Just so you understand how long Dayr and Zawr had been under the Ibladesh rule, we had it when it was Dayr-Zawr and was one region.

From the acts or Itorunt’s betrayal, we had agree to give up Clermont, Woolton, Ar Mosul in order to have peace with Perdan, which has successfully been maintained. There were regions that we were going to give up to Itorunt also to have peace after Itorunts gang-bang on Ibladesh but that deal fell apart due to political differences between our realms. Admittedly, you were not Queen at that time but you are now and inherit the problems that come with our war.

You have not given up anything that was truly Itrounts. Just wanted you to understand, Itorunt is not as innocent as you make it sound.

I could go on, but this situation I am pretty sure, is well known to the rulers and many nobles of this great island. So, I have nothing further to add....]


Sinted Dacara Pontifex Maximus of Ibladesh, Duke of Ibladesh


Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (1 day, 5 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) It's not beside the point, King doombringer, and are not word games. That's what you said and everything is there to be seen and judged.

Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (1 day, 5 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) Pontifex Sinted,

I pushed for Betholm, King doombringer (our ally) said that I shouldn't ask for it and that he was already tired of such discussion. I hope you remember that. Then he added that he was giving me 24 hours to sign... I suppose he would call this a "word game" and not fact.

Even under that kind of pression I stole time for two things: Ask about the point of preaching in surrended lands to my Council and start a talking about whan the sacrifice of Al Arab would mean to you and how that could affect our future relationship if at all.

The result of all this was my negative to sign the treaty offered by Caligus and a new offer to you a very short time later given all the hard work I had to do to offer you such things.

I'll fill up now a report with the treaty I offered you and your reply, and let the other rulers judge who really wanted peace and who is pushing for more land. And let's see if that trustworthy member of your realm has spoken any truth at all as you say.

Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Report from Alexandra D'Jera (1 day, 5 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) And since I'm on it, this is the treaty I asked King dombringer to consider, but as I said, he refused the right of his ally to change even a word and asked me to sign or stay in war. I hope he posts the one he had in mind as he has been saying he shall so that a comparation may be possible, other wise I have a copy of that one too.



1) Ibladesh will retain Ibladesh city, Al Aquabah, Ar Raqqah, Oc Lu Pesh, Betholm and Moyale. Ibladesh gets a claim on Igno, Itorunt will drop it, so Ibladesh can freely take it over. In the interests of maintaining future peace, Itorunt will trade the region of Betholm and its attendant claim to Ibladesh.

2) Caligus will also reduce its price to sell food to 20 gold/100 bushels to Ibladesh and Ibladesh will become a priority to feed once prior arrangements have expired. This deal will last inevitably until Ibladesh no longer needs food or till there is a conflict in relations in the future.

3) Itorunt will gain the region of Al Arab in exchange of the territories of Igno and Betholm. Itorunt will also be recognized as holding the sole legitimate claim to the lands of Dayr, Zawr, Az Zarqua, Enubec, Aeng and Tota. As of the signing, these lands will be treated as official Itoruntian territory in the eyes of Ibladesh, Itorunt and Caligus. Any of these territories in the control of another signatory will be peaceably ceded to Itorunt within six week's time. If any of those regions should be in a rogue state in the meantime, Itorunt will take them over personally.

4) Ibladesh will be required to drop claims on all regions it has lost or ceded.

5) The peace agreement will last for 4 months between the realms of Itorunt, Ibladesh and Caligus. Any aggression will be met with the other parties acting in defense of the realm being attacked.

6) Failure to meet the previous terms within a reasonable time will be grounds for renewed hostilities against the offending party by the other two signatories regardless of the above requirement. In the event of any disagreements, however, a good faith effort is expected to be made between the aggrieved parties to work matters out diplomatically before any other course is resorted to.

7) Infiltrator actions will not be prosecuted against the other realms. Infiltrators found violating this will be banished by their home realm unless they are capable of making reparations to the satisfaction of the injured party. The sole exception will be actions taken on one's own lands against trespassers who have not been offered guest rights and fail to leave within a reasonable time, or return regularly against the region's wishes.

8) Priests hoping to act on Itorunt territories agree to abide by Itorunt's religious edicts before perfoming any preaching. This neither assures nor denies the opportunity to preach, they will have to respect any ruling made by the proper authorities in Itorunt.

9) All bans upon nobles of Caligus, Itorunt and Ibladesh, will be droped by the three signing realms on the ground of the new funded peace.


Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Letter from doombringer Menethil (1 day ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)

Queen Alexandra,

 Why do you continue with such lies?  You were allowed to change the wording.  You just were not allowed to command every single detail of the treaty because its a treaty between three realms not a treaty for the sole glorious benefit of your realms.  But it still was really only beneficial to Itorunt.  Heres a copy of the actually treaty drawn up signed by myself and Sinted.  You will see it is very much the same thing which Alexandra basically wanted.  I also fail to see what the new discussions with Sinted have to do with anything.  He can very easily decline anything you ask for now.
 I do not understand why you keep lyign about the situation.  Everyone here can now very easily compare your version to mine and see there are only slight changes to yours.  I will ask you to not continue the deceitful trend you have picked up. I remind everyone this is a signed proposal by myself and Pontifex Sinted.  It was simply declined because Itorunt wanted Tota and Betholm guaranteed.  I hope you can see the obvious of the situation.


1) Ibladesh will retain Ibladesh city, Al Aquabah, Ar Raqqah, Oc Lu Pesh, Betholm and Moyale. Ibladesh will be freely allowed to claim Igno as theirs however will not be allowed any claim on Tota whatsoever. In the interests of maintaining future peace, Itorunt will give up its future claim on Betholm.

2) Caligus will also reduce its price to sell food to 20 gold/100 bushels to Ibladesh and Ibladesh will become a priority to feed once prior arrangements have expired after Caligus needs are satisfied. This deal will last until Ibladesh no longer needs food or till there is a conflict in relations in the future.

3) Itorunt will gain the region of Al Arab. Itorunt will also be recognized as holding the sole legitimate claim to the lands of Dayr, Zawr, Az Zarqua, Enubec and Aeng. As of the signing, these lands will be treated as official Itoruntian territory in the eyes of Ibladesh, Itorunt and Caligus. Any of these territories in the control of another signatory will be peaceably ceded to Itorunt within six weeks time. If any of those regions should be in a rogue state in the meantime, Itorunt will take them over personally.

4) Ibladesh will be required to drop claims on all regions it has lost or ceded.

5) The peace agreement will last for 4 months between the realms of Itorunt, Ibladesh and Caligus. Any aggression will be met with the other parties acting in defense of the realm being attacked.

6) Failure to meet the previous terms within a reasonable time will be grounds for renewed hostilities against the offending party by the other two signatories regardless of the above requirement. In the event of any disagreements, however, a good faith effort is expected to be made between the aggrieved parties to work matters out diplomatically before any other course is resorted to.

7) Infiltrator actions will not be prosecuted against the other realms. Infiltrators found violating this will be banished by their home realm unless they are capable of making reparations to the satisfaction of the injured party. The sole exception will be actions taken on one's own lands against trespassers who have not been offered guest rights and fail to leave within a reasonable time, or return regularly against the region's wishes.

8) Priests hoping to act on Itorunt territories agree to abide by Itorunt's religious edicts before perfoming any preaching. This neither assures nor denies the opportunity to preach, they will have to respect any ruling made by the proper authorities in Itorunt.

9) All bans upon nobles of Caligus, Itorunt and Ibladesh, will be droped by the three signing realms on the ground of the new funded peace.

doombringer Menethil King of Caligus


Letter from Sinted Dacara (1 day ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)

Dear rulers,

the current negotiations between Itorunt and Ibladesh have indeed nothing to do with it. But for the record, I expected that deal to be refused. But it was me who wished to go from there and discuss step by step what had to be changed. But when I received the sole words 'We can not accept that deal' in a letter from Queen Alexandra, I did not find it necessary to do that.

So please keep the current deals out of this, as they have nothing to do with the relations between Itorunt and Caligus. The mere point was that you were gaining much (including a city that was very important for us. We would give it up but yet you ask for more).

Thank you very much.

Sinted Dacara Pontifex Maximus of Ibladesh, Duke of Ibladesh


Letter from Percival Prestongreen (22 hours, 14 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) My fellow Rulers,

I have stayed silent on the situation involving Caligus, Itorunt, and Ibladesh as I was not part of the negotiations.

As you can image it saddens me to hear that the former regions of Tuchanon to be discussed as though they are table scraps being passed without consideration of Tuchanon. Perdan has reduced us to bystanders.

I have had direct dealings with all three Rulers in question. Here are my thoughts for what they are worth.

Pontifex Sinted- Ibladesh is my former ally and has stood by Tuchanon in the past. With Sinted's rise, relations have not been as warm. I understand he has to care for his people and I respect that. I believe him to be honest in these matters. Ibladesh would sacrifice much, but was willing to.

King Doombringer- Has always been honest and honorable in his dealings with me. He had tried to mediate a peace at one time between Itorunt, but was unable to do so. He has remained Nuetral and not interfered in my Realms business. He made a promise long ago to Rackir, founder of Tuchanon. He has stood by his word when he could have easily broken his promise and benefited.

Queen Alexandra- Has waffled in her position. Before Perdan entered this conflict. When first elected, I held out hope that we could negotiate a reduction in hostilities. This failed, Perdan entered the war, Tuchanon is reduced. On several occasions I asked to reopen the discussion, publicly, before each of you. She suggested we not bother you with the details. I agreed only to be ignored. I see her efforts in this current matter as self-serving and finger pointing. I cannot support her, or her assertations in this matter.

I put this before you that you might have yet another view with some knowledge as to this situation and the parties involved.


Percival Prestongreen King Protector of Tuchanon V


Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (18 hours, 8 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) King doombringer,

Even if you had accepted my changes (which you didn't, so I don't know where you took from that supposed document) to the point of the treaty you're presenting, you know that I'd have declined it too not because Tota or Betholm weren't guaranteed for Itorunt, but because Tota wasn't even mentioned (I said I tried to push for Betholm, but I dropped the trying after you called me names for going against your "good wil" and then mentioned the 24 hours deadline). That's very different.

Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Letter from doombringer Menethil (12 hours, 43 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)

Queen Alexandra,

 The treaty that i posted was signed by myself and Sinted.  Sinted can also confirm this.  Either you have memory lapses or you have just again lied.  These are your words and even you just said without the guarantee of Tota it wasnt enough.  So i thank you for showing you needed more then 6 regions so it becomes "fair".  

Even if you had accepted my changes (which you didn't, so I don't know where you took from that supposed document) to the point of the treaty you're presenting, you know that I'd have declined it too not because Tota or Betholm weren't guaranteed for Itorunt, but because Tota wasn't even mentioned (I said I tried to push for Betholm, but I dropped the trying after you called me names for going against your "good wil" and then mentioned the 24 hours deadline). That's very different.

I will basically here say the long process of how the peace proposal went through.

   * Ibladesh and Caligus sign after a few different proposals.  Queen Alexandra doesnt and asks for a new one
   * New treaty is made.  This time Sinted has a few problems as well as Alexandra.  So i personally mediated this is split everything in the middle.  Ibladesh wanted two months before handing over Al Arab, Itorunt wanted it handed over instantly.  I made that one month at the time.
   * A third treaty was proposed.  This time Sinted and I signed.  Alexandra got quiet.  After a few days i said i would withdraw my signature within 24 hours and possibly have new terms.
   * After about 20 hours (basically last minute) Alexandra requests to do her own treaty with her wording.  Even though i said i would decide by 24 hours i let this by and let Alexandra draw up her treaty.
   * New treaty was basically signable by no one because many terms where changed. It is the one you all read (the one she posted here)
   * I countered with mine (one i posted last) which was basically the same thing.  Sinted and i signed again and Alexandra declined.
   * Peace negtiations were over and Caligus exited the war on the note that Itorunt wanted to continue even alone.

Sinted can very easily confirm the above as the truth. In my opinion Itorunt didnt seem to want peace in the end. Now if you want to say that two rulers are lying and you are telling the truth Alexandra be my guest. I can did up all the letters if you wish to prove the above process went on. But i do not wish to bore the other rulers with it.

I apologise to everyone here who doesnt wish to hear this hopefully all that will happen is Sinted confirms and you will all know the truth.


doombringer Menethil King of Caligus


Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (11 hours, 58 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) Only one letter is necessary, King doombringer. The one with the treaty in the format you presented with the date you sent it to me. I really don't remember such document ever arrived to my hands.

Please, show it to me just to make everybody note that my memory failed and that even then Tota wasn't mentioned but still I had to sign because you ordered so. Or if there wasn't such a treaty and the memory failure is yours, to show how two soon to be allied rulers can be mistaken.

Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (11 hours, 26 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) Fine, King doombringer. Now there's the treaty you offered at first, signed by you and the Pontifex; the treaty I reworded has been presented too; and the treaty you just presented, full with my replies, that as you said was signed by you two... except that in this last try there are no signatures and the voids in the treaty are kept.

Any other proof on who's liying? Or were the signatures of the other treaty supposed to be considered as official for any other revision, edition or addition?

Please, stop this already. Up to this moment it has been probed that you mistrusted your ally, tried to force my signature, put "tests" by leaving intentional loopholes in the treaty, didn't accept my edition because it was not "factual" from your point of view, and there never was a treaty signed by Ibladesh and Caligus waiting for me but the first you did and not a revised one.

What's next? Accuse me because I said I didn't want you to sacrifice your regions? Or shall you say that I tried to force you instead when I added the ban dropping clausule that you later used in your official treaty with Ibladesh?

This is making no sense, King doombringer. You know it.

Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Report from doombringer Menethil (11 hours, 47 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) Report from doombringer Menethil (19 days, 3 hours ago) Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera Queen Alexandra,

I have gone over your treaty and there are a few things that concern me regarding all the things which Itorunt are claiming are theirs. Both Igno and Tota are basically no ones. Not Caligus's, Not Itorunt's and not Ibladesh's. This means none of us have a rightful claim on any of these regions. So i immediately will be dropping out the clause that Itorunt is dropping the claim on Igno because from a diplomatic point of view Itorunt never secured the region.

Regarding Betholm. I removed the part of trading the region to simply giving up the claim so it is factual.

I will also remove Tota from Itorunts claim as my council does have a problem by simply losing from even making some sort of deal. I still feel Itorunt receives alot with just Al Arab. Peace will also give you a chance to solidfy six additional regions including a city I feel Tota should go to Caligus as i want it to go to my current lord of Moyale who without knowing we may receive it is willing to step down to honor the agreement.

I have re-edited it for your discretion. I will make sure that Ibladesh do not get Tota under any circumstance so do not worry about that. I hope to hear your approval of this soon but some things i had to edit because they were non-factual and Itorunts opinion.



1) Ibladesh will retain Ibladesh city, Al Aquabah, Ar Raqqah, Oc Lu Pesh, Betholm and Moyale. Ibladesh will be freely allowed to claim Igno as theirs however will not be allowed any claim on Tota whatsoever. In the interests of maintaining future peace, Itorunt will give up its future claim on Betholm.

2) Caligus will also reduce its price to sell food to 20 gold/100 bushels to Ibladesh and Ibladesh will become a priority to feed once prior arrangements have expired after Caligus needs are satisfied. This deal will last until Ibladesh no longer needs food or till there is a conflict in relations in the future.

3) Itorunt will gain the region of Al Arab. Itorunt will also be recognized as holding the sole legitimate claim to the lands of Dayr, Zawr, Az Zarqua, Enubec and Aeng. As of the signing, these lands will be treated as official Itoruntian territory in the eyes of Ibladesh, Itorunt and Caligus. Any of these territories in the control of another signatory will be peaceably ceded to Itorunt within six weeks time. If any of those regions should be in a rogue state in the meantime, Itorunt will take them over personally.

4) Ibladesh will be required to drop claims on all regions it has lost or ceded.

5) The peace agreement will last for 4 months between the realms of Itorunt, Ibladesh and Caligus. Any aggression will be met with the other parties acting in defense of the realm being attacked.

6) Failure to meet the previous terms within a reasonable time will be grounds for renewed hostilities against the offending party by the other two signatories regardless of the above requirement. In the event of any disagreements, however, a good faith effort is expected to be made between the aggrieved parties to work matters out diplomatically before any other course is resorted to.

7) Infiltrator actions will not be prosecuted against the other realms. Infiltrators found violating this will be banished by their home realm unless they are capable of making reparations to the satisfaction of the injured party. The sole exception will be actions taken on one's own lands against trespassers who have not been offered guest rights and fail to leave within a reasonable time, or return regularly against the region's wishes.

8) Priests hoping to act on Itorunt territories agree to abide by Itorunt's religious edicts before perfoming any preaching. This neither assures nor denies the opportunity to preach, they will have to respect any ruling made by the proper authorities in Itorunt.

9) All bans upon nobles of Caligus, Itorunt and Ibladesh, will be droped by the three signing realms on the ground of the new funded peace.

doombringer Menethil King of Caligus


Letter from doombringer Menethil (11 hours, 46 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)

And you even replied to the letter

Letter from doombringer Menethil (18 days, 11 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "Council of Caligus" (10 recipients)

Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (5 hours, 16 minutes ago) King doombringer,

The mentioned regions were took over and we indeed had them reinforced by a long time. But I won't discuss this anymore.

I belive that your Moyale Lord would make a great sacrifice by steping down, that's why I mentioned that you shouldn't do that with a region that you gained well. However, seeing that Tota might have the potential to cause the inconformity of our Councils if Itorunt accepts Al Arab, I'll have to not adhere to this treaty and continue the war with Ibladesh one-on-one.

I thank you and your people for your valuable help in this war, and I wish this won't cause any hard feelings on you or your people. But don't think either that your work trying to make a fair treaty, even by making sacrifices for it, shall be lost. I've seen the goodwill of Pontifex Sint by giving up a city that is part of their history as a nation, so I'll try to honor that as son as I appease my Council and reason with them.

Maybe I shouldn't mention this, but even though Sint reacted aggresively at first, I think he's making big efforts and resisting a lot of stress, so I'm a bit empathic to him now, I just hope to project this to my Council when the time is right... assuming I'm still the queen for then.

I hope you understand my position and true meanings.

In friendship,

Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (18 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to: doombringer Menethil, Sinted Dacara Pontifex Sinted,

I refused the traty offered by King doombringer, so this shall cause two things: Caligus shall leave the war and we'll continue one-on-one.

However, I want you and King doombringer to know, that the peace still can be attained and in hopes for this, I want to offer you a cease fire while I prepare a new treaty that I hope shall leave both our realms satisfied.

I want to thank once again King doombringer for his help and work, and ask you the chance to arrange this, as I mentioned, one-on-one. That might be in the battlefield, or if you accept this cease fire ad gve me a couple of days, in our tables using parchment and ink.

What do you say? Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (11 hours, 18 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) And you are forgetting this part of our negotiations too, King doombringer. Your response when I tried to push or Betholm and mentioned the loophole in Tota. Excuse me if I remembered you had given 24 hours, they were 30. I also have the register of the other times you said to me that you would leave the war with or without my signature and that you adviced me to sign.


Letter from doombringer Menethil (20 days, 10 hours ago) Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera, Sinted Dacara


Welcome to the pettyness. This is what i said will annoy me. My signature will be on the treaty for another 30 hours from now. Once that time is over i will re-think my decision as i am getting bored of this.

doombringer Menethil King of Caligus

Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Letter from doombringer Menethil (11 hours, 16 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)

I was simply showing you new that treaty which you claimed to know nothing about. Its obvious you did. I had no problem giving up Moyale or Igno which we were supposed to get. I also dont see why you again twist things from you not knowing to something else.

It more seems you wanted to continue the war and try and also keep Caligus in it.  I think in the end we agree.  We are not allies not anymore.

doombringer Menethil King of Caligus


Letter from doombringer Menethil (11 hours, 12 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) Yes i did clearly state i did that. You both were going into uneccessary things and aruged over time scales and so on. This was after the fourth proposed treaty. From my part i wanted the slingshotting between Ibaldesh and Itorutn to stop. I gave you the time and more. That was 20 days ago. Mine is 18. Over 2 days later. It just proves my timescale is correct that is all.

doombringer Menethil King of Caligus


Letter from Sangue Raiva (7 hours, 30 minutes ago) Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera, doombringer Menethil Greetings,

After all is said and done I feel I must point out a hole in everything. In all those treaties one word I cannot seem to find... Isadril. I see no mention of the city. And if Itorunt never signed it there was no agreement anyway.

Let me also be frank.. for future reference I do tend to get annoyed when there are discussions regarding lands that Perdanites died fighting to liberate without Perdan being involved in the conversation. Also, giving someone the "ok" to take over said regions without even mentioning it to me... goes to help infuriate me rather fully.

Sir Sangue Raiva King of Perdan


Letter from Alexandra D'Jera (7 hours, 21 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients) Interesting the way you are rewording things, King doombringer.

I said that I didn't remember the SIGNED treaty you mentioned. Or can you show the signatures you claimed such a treaty had on it?

And no, I didn't want to stay forever in war, just to end it the right way. I think the treaty I offered Ibladesh is proof of this.

Sadly, King doombringer, you already have plans and an excuse. All this, supported by the silence of our peers, is just the announcement of the conflict to come.

Alexandra D'Jera Queen of Itorunt


Letter from doombringer Menethil (2 hours ago) Message sent to: Alexandra D'Jera, Sangue Raiva

I will say I am not surprised by King Sangues decision. Sadly Alexandra plays by the fact you ignored many messages and also the word for word agreement on Isadril. It was mentioned between allies how it would turn out and as u sed to trust my allies that is what will happen.

King Sangue you may persuit your destruction of Isadril however i will not allow Itorunt going close to the city. Also Queen Alexandra for your lies and deceit and going everything against what i have stood for since i became ruler of Caligus. Yes, I am personally going to push for war against your realm. So prepare for it. It will not be for regions whether we burn down the last stone of your realm will depend on if you come clean or not. If you decide not to that is your fault.

So either you will see a new ruler in Caligus within a few days are expect another army at your walls. As a past ally feel informed of this you have a luxury few get.

Signed and Sealed,

doombringer Menethil King of Caligus


Letter from doombringer Menethil (2 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)


 For the continued deception of Queen Alexandra up to this morning i personally lowered our relations down to neutral.  She goes against everything i stood for between open relationships and is basically telling me that agreements between realms mean nothing if a treaty isnt formed.  
 I personally do not believe this and am willing to wage a war in the name and honesty.  If my council personally do not agree with me you will be seeing a new ruler in my place.  I thank you for your time

doombringer Menethil King of Caligus
