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Talks With Tarajist

In light of the Mediations with Mesh, High Marshall Thrydwulf Grancourt of Heen thought that the recent letters between himself and the General of Mesh (ex-Heenite Tarajist) would be a good read. They illustrate some of the differences between the realms, and the feelings between many of the nobles in the two realms.

Offer of Help

Offer of Help

05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Report from Thrydwulf (7 days, 10 hours ago)

Message sent to: Tarajist
Scribe Note Scout Report (Suuk) fresh

Need a hand?

Thrydwulf Grancourt, High Marshal of Heen

Report from Thrydwulf (6 days, 23 hours ago)
Message sent to: Tarajist
Scribe Note Scout Report (Suuk) fresh

Sure you wouldn't want us to just nip into Suuk and clear them for you?

Thrydwulf Grancourt, High Marshal of Heen

Why Help Mesh?

Why Help Mesh?

05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Letter from Tarajist

Honestly Thrydwulf, why would you offer? Heen plans on warring Mesh, would it not be in your best interest to see us suffer so that you may laugh at us as you have been told we have apparently laughed at Heen's misery? What is your purpose with that?

Tarajist Balewind, Minister of Defense of Mesh

Heen Isn't Mesh

Heen Isn't Mesh

05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Roleplay from Thrydwulf (5 days, 20 hours ago)

Message sent to: Tarajist
We offer because we are not like Mesh. We don’t laugh, insult and stand back. Why do you think we would be warring Mesh after the invasion? Not because we’re a realm of low human beings like Mesh. It’s because of what you did to us during the invasion. We feel better humans than you are, that’s why we will be warring you, and since we offered you help and do not laugh, even in our weakened state, we clearly are better, Tarajist.

Time to stop thinking everybody on this planet is selfish Tarajist. Some just want to help. If you're too stubborn to accept it then it be on your shoulders. Why WOULDN'T we offer to rid the continent of everything not-human.

Some of us didn't find it funny when the undead were destroying thousands of the population. Some of us didn't laugh. There is no apparently about Mesh. We still have the letters pinned all over our streets.

Honestly Tarajist, why would you not accept? Mesh were the ones who lowered our peaceful relations to Neutral. Heen has made no moves of aggression towards Mesh in any way.

You were once my friend, and yet you seem to have taken delight in everything Heen has suffered. Your letters to me of late have been somewhat goading and mocking to say the least.

Didn't your mother tell you that honesty is the best policy?

Thrydwulf Grancourt, High Marshal of Heen

Your Ruler is a Dog

Your Ruler is a Dog

05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Letter from Tarajist

You offer what? An' occupying force in our lands? No thanks, I think you can understand when I refuse such an offer.

Now... please enlighten me as to exactally how Mesh is a realm of "low human beings"?

Let's me make one thing fully clear to you, boy: Heen has a Daimon in her ranks. All the continent knows this. You have allied with the dark side an' not even the monsters can stand to be around you! Oh-yes... we know the truth. And most importantly, I know the truth of Martana's Mechinations. Don't you remember that I was once on the Inner Council of Heen? Did you not recal that even before Martana sleazed her way onto the throne that Scion the 'Skilled' was looking towards Mesh for conqueoring? Oh-wait... no you don't! You weren't even there at the time! But hey, don't take my word for it, take his!:
"Letter from Scion the Skilled (3 days, 16 hours ago) Oh yes, and Tarajist, as for prisoners, we are at HATRED with our enemies. They will show no mercy. Vice has already tried to execute Eric. And we have executed an infil from VN. And deported one from Vice.

Keep that in mind when you are walking the shadows.

Plus, we still have a score to settle with Luz De Bia for raiding our capital. And Mesh has never really liked us.

So there will be plenty of targets.

Scion the Skilled, King of Heen"

The truth is this whole nonsense that Martana is brainwashing you and the rest of Heen with was pre planned before you were even a member of Heen! You work for a devil an' a dog, Thrydwulf. Your realm is lead by villians. This I know an' when I challenged one of those said villians for her words she found a way to sleaze out of it an' had me banished by her lap dog Medium. But not before I gathered together all sorts of information about her plans and methods. Brainwashin' her own realm with 'Royal Pamphlets' an' entierly fictitious stories about the neighboring realms is one method. It is you who is either being fooled by her or is a willfull player in her little game, I have yet to figure out which it is with you?

Tarajist Balewind, Minister of Defense of Mesh

No Daimons Here

No Daimons Here

05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Roleplay from Thrydwulf (5 days, 15 hours ago)

(Personal message to Tarajist)
I do not have time to reply to your full message now as it is way past my bedtime according to the way you address me "old man".

Heen DOES NOT - i'll repeat that just incase you don't read it the first time: "DOES NOT" - have a Daimon in its ranks. So get your facts straight before you reply to me; and you can address me proper for i have approached you in that way.

Thrydwulf Grancourt, High Marshal of Heen

Pearly-White Jerkin

Your Ruler is a Dog

05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Letter from Tarajist

You call me and all my comrades "low human beings" and you are getting mad at me as to how I address you? You had better check your attitude on deck because it boots nothing here. The fact is yer Dog on the throne has been eggin' on a war with Mesh since before she took the throne. It's all just a part of her 'unifying the desert' propaganda bull. I know it and you know it. An here you come to me doin' her biddin (knowingly or not) tryin' to start conflict with me while lookin' all high an' mighty. Don't bother with the posturin' to me, I know your stake in this. You fancy havin' another go at Joppo. Ya were in a little uprisin' there before ya joined Mesh an now ya are lookin' for a second go at it. Yer jerkin ain't pearly white and ya serve one with even more blood on hers. If Heen wants them regions as part of their conquest then they is gonna have to be the real bandits an' come an' get 'em. Then it's you facin' me on the battlefield an no ammount of 'Sirs', or 'Right Honourables' is gonna effect the outcome.

Tarajist Balewind, Minister of Defense of Mesh

Lessons For Tarajist

No Daimons Here

05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Roleplay from Thrydwulf (5 days, 4 hours ago)

Message sent to: Tarajist
Marshal Tarajist,

Firstly, sometimes pleasantries are all that is left to show we are still humans and have feelings in this world of pain and suffering. I would like it if we could still keep them between us. I defended you if you remember, i bet you didn't save that message?

In response to your first letter: Heen did not offer an "occupying force" within your realm. I offered to take out the monsters that were in one of your border regions. We would have returned to our own lands immediately. I offered because i had just received reports that both your cities had been hit. I can understand why Mesh would refuse my offer, but you cannot see why Heen would offer in the first place...

Your predecessor was a decent General and did not judge a whole realm on her own past. Purple is also a decent bloke, so perhaps there are a few of you who are alright, and i was wrong to suggest the whole realm were. Perhaps you didn't save the messages where your "owner" wished the destruction of Heen, where he revelled in the number of peasants dying, and declared the rogue regions were for the taking.

I bet you don't even believe i was telling the truth when i said we do not have a Daimon in our ranks, do you? We have not allied with the "dark side" my friend, and I never will. The monsters were the ONLY ones who wanted to defend us (besides our most loyal allies) when everyone else was laughing at our destruction. So maybe i'm saying the monsters are more human than Mesh, one of the closest and strongest realms? Who knows hey Tarajist...you have been yet to prove me wrong.

You also do not think i know about Scions wishes? Of course i know he wants to take out Mesh. Why do you think i moved to Heen over everywhere else? Mesh offered us places amongst their ranks. This was before you joined them yourself - a Mortal Enemy of Heen - so you don't know that do you?! Infact, many Meshians will remember my sister-in-law in good light. I do not need letters to know what my King and Queens wish. They tell me themselves.

I do not work for a devil, or a dog "Right Honourable" Tarajist. I belong to a realm I love. I would not be here if i didn't think it was right to be so. I can make up my own mind. It frustrated the hell out of Hannibal i can tell you. The day you understand me, will be the day you learn remorse and forgiveness. But perhaps that will not be until the day you die - only you can determine that.

In response to your second letter: I am not getting "mad" at you for not following the niceties, merely hoping you will not lower yourself even more in the eyes of Heen. We are not on a ship, but firm soil. I do not need to check any part of my attitude Marshal Tarajist.

Yet again, you have your facts wrong. So PLEASE read up before you write to me with your thoughts. I was not involved in the uprising. I journeyed to Joppo from Perdan after it was formed. I did not know it was a rebellion from Mesh until we arrived there. Some friends of my brothers asked us to come and aid them, so we did. I was part of no rebellion.

Also, you are wrong about me trying to start a conflict. I was the one who offered a hand of help. You were the one who has goaded me into conversing about wars. "So Thrydwulf, it seems Heen will be warring Mesh soon?" You'll remember that i did not reply to that one? However, I responded this time because i wish to rebuild some of what has been lost between two nobles.

I don't wear a jerkin, and if I did, it wouldn't be pearly white. It would be my families colours, or those of the High marshall position of Heen. You should also watch your attitude. Hannibal thought we were no match for him too...

Now Tarajist. What you can learn from this message:

  • Niceties are worth the effort.
  • We offered help because we thought you might need it. Not for a personal gain.
  • Heen has no Daimon in its ranks (4th time i'm saying now).
  • I know more than you think i know about the history/past of the realms we're involved in.
  • Heen is a realm full of good-hearted people, yet i see nothing but hatred from most of the vocal people from Mesh.
  • I have offered you my hand on several occasions, and you refuse to take it. Perhaps this is the most important part of what is going on here.
  • My wardrobe does not include a Jerkin.

Please. I took time over your letter, i didn't rush into a reply hot-headed or without thinking. I hope you will do the same. I am no spark in anything, nor a tool of a beautiful Queen. You would do well to remember that.

Thrydwulf Grancourt, High Marshal of Heen



05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Letter from Tarajist (22 minutes ago)

Ahh... denial denial denial. Still in the denial stage then, are ya Thrydwulf
You can make yer ruler(s) look as rosy as ya want in yer mind but it don't negate the truth. You are workin' for them what wishes to start conflict with Mesh an' has made up all sorts of stories to brainwash it's members (you very much included after readin' all yer confusion) into thinkin' Mesh is it's enemy. The members of Heen may be as good as vicars (an' I know some are as I do still have friends among your numbers) but it still don't change the fact that you are lead by warmongering opportinists with designs on Mesh lands.

Allright, so you took time to read my letters but ya have failed to understand 'em and have instead turned to the time honoured tradition of the propagandaist and filled up pages on nonsense in the vain hope that with enough words it would be true. When you hae realised the truth about those that lead Heen then I'll bother to converse with you. Till then, good day.

Tarajist Balewind, Minister of Defense of Mesh