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Johann was the first man into the hovel, saber drawn, Conn right behind him. He burst in, cursing, screaming, grabbing a young girl by cornflour blonde hair and tossing her out onto the street. Her mother stumbled out after, and he pushed his lithe frame between her and the wall, sliding deeper into the house, pushing past four more young children, screaming the entire way. "Out, Out, Out!"

In the bedroom, a man hurriedly stuffed a handful of coins, silver with a sprinkling of gold, into a bag. A slender section of the wall was laying on the floor next to him.

Johann growled, stepped forward. The man stood, and Johann smashed him across the face with the flat of his Sabre. The man spun, spitting blood and meat, crimson gushing for his nose. Grabbing him by the collar, he made a light tsk tsk, and tossed him bodily towards Connaver, with a strength Conn never would have guessed the slender, tall frame held.

"Get him out!" Johann bellowed, bending to snatch up the sack of coins.

Conn obeyed, dragging him outside, the farmer half-dazed by the sword blow, blood seeping from a split cheek.

He drug the man into the town square, where the other four hundred villages were being herded together at swordpoint by small groups of Conn's Cavalrymen. They made a small stash of the loot, right in front of the peasants.

Johann stepped out of the hovel, wheezing, coughing into a rag. Wiping his mouth, he slid it back into his pocket, and looked out at the mass of peasants.

"Pig fornicating traitors!" he screamed, hoisting up his own small haul of the loot. "You think this is your Gold? No! You think this is Ibladesh's gold? No! This is my gold! This is Itorunt's gold! Where is the rest!?"

He was in a rage, and the crowd was cowering before his words, held in check by the heavily armored Cavalrymen holding them in a tight little knot. A man stepped forward, signaling meekly. Johann stepped forward, Conn signaling two Troopers to follow him. An hour later they returned, carrying a small, dirt-covered wooden chest.

Walking up, he leaned in close, whispered in Conn's ear, "We've got to go."

Conn nodded, signaled his Captain, who bellowed the order to mount and ride.

Later, far away from the village, well within the Itorunt camp, Johann sat beside Conn, the younger man counting out the coin while his Uncle swigged at a bottle of wine.

"Twenty gold," he said, finally.

Johann smiled, content, pulling at the wine. "And that, Nephew, is how you loot a village. Properly."