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Roleplay from Evangeline

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Evangeline lazily sat on a rock ledge upon a hill in Montauban, slowly rotating the blade of her sword in her hands. The sun glinted off the blade sharply into her eyes, temporarily blinding her and her ears began to buzz with static noise. Dropping the sword, she blinked fervently but a shimmering haze continued to veil her eyes.

A voice, indeterminable in sex or age, began to speak,

"The peasants of Perdan need guidance"

"Who's there?" Evangeline questioned, turning her head hoping to find the direction of the voice.

"I have many names and many forms. This isn't important. The importance lies within each individual. Promote personal freedom and achievement."

Evangeline started to grow in concern. She didn't understand the voice and the glare still hadn't left her eyes. She started feeling the ground for her dropped sword.

She could hear the softness in the voice,

"You are in a position of power, but you lack spiritual guidance. Keep mindful of my words and watch for the sign of a new leader for a new church."

The glare dispersed instantly, and the entrancing buzz that had accompanied the voice was gone. Things had returned to normal. Feeling uneasy, Evangeline picked up her sword quickly and left the hilltop. But the words she had heard were imprinted on her mind.

Roleplay from Evangeline

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Evangeline wandered quietly down the streets of Perdan, her hood pulled down low so as not to draw attention to herself. As dusk began to settle over the city her mind wandered back to the events that happened on top of the hill in Montauban. She had heard a voice and felt the presence of someone or something of great power. With a curious expression on her face she wondered to herself how she would meet a new priest as foretold.

As she was lost in this train of thought, she failed to see the tall Knight walking in front of her and knocked heavily into him. He turned around and she recognised Sir Shallow of the Kirby's family. She remembered his brother Pete, whom she had enjoyed writing to and the day that he had decided to commit to the life of a hero. Sadly, she remembered also his ultimate sacrifice upon the walls of Bescanon.

Despite her heavy cloak and the impending darkness of night, Shallow recognised Evangeline as well. He bowed deeply,

"Excuse me my Queen"

"Ahhh, it was my fault, Sir Shallow", she dismissed. "I was distracted"

"My Queen, I too have been distracted lately. May I approach you with my concerns"

Evangeline nodded and listened to the Knight whom she'd always known as kind, loyal and unassuming, much as his elder brother had also been.

"In this time of peace I have had a lot of time to think. Of my brother, of the past and of the future. I feel there is more to life for me than fighting. I need to led the peasants and the nobles of Perdan with basic values that we all care for, pursuit of happiness, Truth, Love, celebration, Life and giving."

Evangeline felt enraptured by the Knights enthusiasm,

"I need your support and I need the councils support but im doing this as to unify Perdan, that and to serve a higher purpose My Lady. Please allow me to do this."

Evangeline nodded and spoke slowly,

"I do believe our meeting tonight was planned by a superior force. Travel with me back to the palace and we can discuss your dream further."

As Evangeline and shallow headed back to the royal palace of Perdan, Evangeline began to tell him about her experience on the hill in Monatuaban.

Roleplay from Nightmare

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Nightmare goes to his wife Stefany...

"My dear wife I must inform you that in the coming days we ll meet the Queen and Sir Shallow at the castle. The Queen told me that Sir Shallow wants to talk to me about something that is very serious, and of course I accepted. She told me that the issue Sir Shallow wants to discuss about has to do with our existence as a realm and our faith. She sounded very serious about it. From what i can understand, it might has to do with a religion of some sort; My informants told me that Sir Shallow has discovered ancient manuscripts of a religion that long time ago existed in Perdan lands...

Sir Shallow is a wise man. I want to listen to him. I am sure that his intentions are good, I am curious though to what he will ask from me..."

Sir Nightmare Duke of Perdan

Roleplay from Nightmare

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Nightmare stood at the window facing Bescanon lands and wondered...

"How many men died at those lands, and how many families lost their sons and daughters here...Why?" The current peace was not enough to ease his pain about it. He was 43 years old and he knew that history repeats itself, and in the future more men would die at the same lands...

His mind travelled to the past when he was a young Noble fighting in the same lands. "History repeats itself he thought again...

"...maybe Sir Shallow has an answer to the solution or at least the explanation of that vicious cycle...maybe he has the explanation to what Lord Nightmare could not explain through warfare and politics..."

Nightmare went to bed quite depressed, but looking forward to hearing Sir Shallow. ..

Sir Nightmare Duke of Perdan

Roleplay by Shallow

In the great halls of Evangeline's palace there sat the beautiful and lovely Lady Evangeline. As shallow and her had made their way back to the palace that same day, they had shared their thoughts. Shallow, having much on his chest, let his thoughts flow, thinking nothing of her station or her beauty, thinking of her as just another person.

As Evangeline sat there listening to him she began to become excited as they talked more an more.

(So my lady you heard this voice atop this hill am I correct?)

(yes indeed I did, it was, as I have told you a great and powerful voice and its words were clear)

(So who is to be this new leader , I myself have many a night thought of joining such a church one with the morals you have spoken of tonight)

(well indeed I thought it might be you)

Roleplay from shallow

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In the palace in perdan four people sat talking and discussing ideals and philosphy's There sat the queen great in her majestic beauty and Stefany, lord nightmares wife a noble among nobles, along wiht a soldier and noble by the name of shallow, and last but not least sat Nightmare Duke of perdan a reat man of great intelligence and great strength. This ceriouse group of nobles sat there talking about a very important issue.

(I will tell you stefany it was no easy thing to do but I got the bolder out of the way)

(Indeed shallow but I care not how you got to montubian just why and how you came across these religiouse scripture's)

( well I will tell you I was off galavanting searching out stories I have heard old wives tales or so many believed, I was a troubled man for I wanted to seek out this religion that was told by my mother in the darkening skys by candle light, beofre bed. I have always had this certain hole in me that needed badly to be filled and in a way I thought that this might be my I was meant for it or something...I am not shure my lady but I did indeed seek this place out. I hunted for three years, searching and paying and asking any who might have heard of this religon. It wasnt till not to long ago when I found the tomb and it was by luck only that the dying old lady told me where I had to go)

(you go east my boy , you go east and in a tunnel deep and dark I have hidden the relics the scriptures of old, It was hidden because if known to early otehr religions might kill to keep it a secret, But the time has come my passing is soon and it needs to be passed on, take these relics and scriptures it is you who will keep this religion safe till a time when it can thrive...and if strong enough bring hope to every soul on this continent.)

(As you see stefany I have done what she bid me to do...I will save this religion by not letting it die I will reinstate its values its grand and brilliant morals that every human on this earth should have...I bring it to you to decide not only this religions destiny but the destiny of perdan as well. There are many religons springing to life on this island but none have the strenght the morals and the need of this is a religion where the rich the poor the smart the unintelligent can bind togetehr under morality and thrive, where we are all equal under god gaze.

Roleplay from Nightmare

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Nightmare had a deep respect to all religions, philosophies, and human values and always respected other people faith and morals. It is true that the last war with Ibladesh, as well as the religion of LoF which opportunisticaly was established in Akesh Temple have tested his respect and leniency. He concluded though that there are not bad religions or philosophies, but bad prophets, or Churches that take the chance blinded by the temptation of power.

Nightmare spend that day studying the scrolls Sir Shallow found about the Church of Humanity, and discussing with Sir Shallow and the Queen the validity of those scrolls that revealed a possible hidden part of Perdan's past.

He knew that this philosophical scrolls had wisdom in them, as well as that by aknowleging the validity of those documents would mean that he would have to give up his position and either re-create the religion or just step back to see the prophet of the Church of Humanity re-enstablish the church and religion. Not accepting that that was the right move would be stubborn and not in accordance to the way he demands to respect him and Perdan.

If that religion had been a part of Perdan and the way that realm's ideals were formed, it was his obligation to let it rise again.

He thought that he may be reappointed in the future, but his main concern that day was to let the philosophy that derived from the ancient Perdan years flourish.

Nightmare met the Queen in the main hall of his castle and withouit saying a lot, he gave her the signed documents of his step down. He then walked away hoping that Shallow, the young man who would lead the religion would not get blinded by power like so many other have done in the continent.

Local lord stepped down

Nightmare has stepped down from his command position in Perdan. He has given the following reason: It is my obligation to respect the past of Perdan and the wise ancestors of us and let the religion of Humanity rise again.

Roleplay from Evangeline

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Evangeline watched in shock as Nightmare gave the signed documents that meant his resignation of the office of Duke of Perdan. Her heart lept in her chest as the regal man looked calming into her eyes, and reassured her that the Gods would take care of things.

Taking the chain and signet that represented the Duke office, she went to the royal courtyard and in an impromptu ceremony with little more than 20 witnesses, she turned to the much younger man, Shallow. His head was tilted down in reverence and she knew that he would respect the honour of the Dukeship.

Lowering the heavy chain over his head, her voice trembled slightly as she spoke:

"Sir Shallow, I appoint you Duke of Perdan"

Roleplay from shallow

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AS shallow looked up into the eyes of Queen Evangeline he sat there both transfixed by the enormity of the events and by the implications it brought forth.

(How shall I a mere noble live up to what I have promised and how can I not disappoint all those that have already put their faith into this religion into this new found hope.)

Now was the time he had to act as shallow accepted the position he knew that he must fulfill his duty to this religion to the old women and to all those he had given hope to.

(I will after I have the power that this position offers build a temple and start this religion. I just hope that it will thrive and stand for all that is good in this world.)

After mere houses of having fulfilled his hope of becoming duke he signed the documents allowing the first temple of the Church of Humanity to be built after giving the tax collectors the money he sighed.

(All my hope and dreams have come true I now must give back the title of duke to whom it truly belongs to,I now serve god and a higher purpose than station and money and power.)

And as the temple was being built shallow turned to the mason who was carving and shaping the bricks that were going to be placed at the archway of the temple, a place where all would see.

(sir you want me to get up there and carve these names into the stone)

(yes indeed my good friend this is where, all who worship our god can see those who have helped contribute to this religon)

(mark these names Duke Nightmare the old and wise, Queen Evangeline the brave and beautiful, and Shallow the humble.)

As shallow handed back the chain that gave shallow all the power and money he could ever want he thought that (How can such a mere trinket represent the enormity of the station, the duty the honor and the respect that come with it.)

(Nightmare you have given me this station and power in order for me to revive this lost religion so that we can bring perdan into a new era of peace and prosperity and not fear the warmongerings of others through religions,I hand back your title in order to spread this religion, I hand back this office so that you can fill it with all the vast knowledge and expertise that you have.)