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Monsters are like beasts which are stronger, malevolent and unnatural. There are many different types who have differing Influences. Certain among them might be possessed by Imps.
Monsters are like beasts which are stronger, malevolent and unnatural. There are many different types who have differing Influences. Certain among them might be possessed by Imps.

Latest revision as of 18:22, 13 January 2009

This is the story of Creation as commonly known in Arcachon folklore. The Adgharhin Way generally acknowledges this myth, but de-emphasizes the importance, relevance, power or "godliness" of the First or Second Dynasty deities, and usually classifies the latter five Third Dynasty Gods as more like powerful demons. There are some areas where all gods except Adaghar, Senith and Omorthion are considered allegorical, and there is a growing trend toward Adgharhin Monotheism.

The Beginning Before Time

The Beginning Before Time consisted of Nothingness.

Birth of the Impulses

Nothingness was destroyed in the act of giving birth to the two eternal influences, called Impulses. The first was Creation, the Female Impulse, who would create a universe. The second was Annihilation, the Male Impulse, who destroyed it. This went on for countless infinities, with Annihilation always unmaking that which Creation made; alternating phases of Creation and Destruction.

Some say these phases continue even now, with the next Annihilative event forthcoming.

The Rape of Creation

Annihilation became clever. Instead of simply Annihilating, it raped Creation, forcing Creation to make beings of its own seed (the Old Gods). Because Creation could not destroy, these beings lived, and were very powerful and destructive. Creation then made beings which would combat them, so that the current universe would not be destroyed.

Era of the Old Gods

The Old Gods, also called the Greater Gods, also known as the Second Dynasty or just The Influences, were all born of Creation, but some are born also of Annihilation. These Greater Gods formed the universe into what it currently is through their struggles and creations. They created all mortal things, Gods and Minor Gods. The era ended when they fought an immense battle, and every one of the Old Gods perished.


Their Influence is still felt to this day in all things, though now we have forgotten their original names. There are no temples or orders dedicated to the Second Dynasty deities.

Creative Influences

The Creative Influences are generally held to be "good," to those who see things in terms of good and evil.








Annihilative Influences

The Annihilative Influences are held to be "evil" by some. Others hold that they are merely necessary opposites to the Creatives. Still others see certain of these (i.e, Corruption, Chaos) to be evil while others being good, to varying shades between the two extremes.








The Third Dynasty


The Third Dynasty of Gods were born of the Old Gods, and are again less powerful. However, unlike the Old Gods, they survived, and are more directly influential over daily existence for us mortals. The Third Dynasty began with the death of the Old Gods and continues today.

Although the Adgharhin Way ignores all but three of these Gods, local paganism is more pantheistic, acknowledging the reality of all the Gods but paying tribute to a select few depending on the situation.


Adaghar is the mightiest of Gods, born of Strength and Order.


Omorthion was born of Earth and Sky. He is very important to farmers, fishers, and anyone who depends upon seasonal, weather or climate changes, as well as a patron god to miners and laborers.


Senith was born of Pleasure and Pain; she is sweet and bitter, happy yet sad.


Erheas, the Trickster, is born of Corruption and Chaos; he is the exact opposite of Adaghar, though he rarely confronts him.


Tark, God of War, born of Chaos and Death. Some say he is Sartan, while others see Sartan as either a fiction or one of the minor beings.


Veen, God of Depravity, born of Pain and Corruption.


Zilurahk, Goddess of Poison; she is born of Pain and Death.


Sarvlon, God of Plague, is born of Corruption and Death.

Of Minor Gods

Minor Gods are those born of the Gods of the Third Dynasty, for example, Lyonnith and Lyonnhar, both born of Adaghar and Senith. They also include lesser or foreign gods.

Of (Greater) Mortals


Dragons were created by the Influences Sky and Death, and are very long-lived and powerful. It is said they will appear once again at the ending of our world, when the next cycle of Annihilation and Creation begins, to unmake everything.

According to the knowledge accumulated by the church, there are no dragons around these days, and anyone who claims to have seen one is most likely confused.


Revenants are Spirits of Corruption, and while rare are almost as powerful as Dragons. They can possess the bodies of the Undead or, sometimes, Men. In the latter case they may be known as undead "champions," not the more commonly-seen undead. In possessing a Man, the Revenant will kill the Man's Spirit, and claim the body whether alive or dead.


Imps were created by Tark and Erheas and serve their creators goals. They can possess other mortal beings as Revenants do, but tend to prefer inhabiting the bodies of the very largest, meanest and most powerful of Monsters.


Spirits are the long-lived, but still mortal souls of Men, Beasts, Plants, even Monsters and Undead. They are less powerful than Imps or Revenants, and so generally defeated by them when a contest over a mortal body occurs. This is how men risk more than their life if they encounter Imps or Revenants.


Avatars are the Chosen Ones, created by Adaghar to serve his needs. They are powerful spirits who are called upon to defeat Imps or Revenants, and who possess the bodies of selected Men. Adventurers who happen to be fighting Imps or Revenants, and who follow the Way, may sometimes become possessed by Avatars during moments of righteous battle. Avatars are not considered to permanently possess a Man for his life.

Of (Lesser) Mortals


Plants are born of Life and Light. Their spirits are slow and aloof, and not very strong at all.


Beasts are those animals which are natural or bred, but not intelligent. They are born of Earth and Life. Their spirits are stronger than Plants, most of the time.


Mankind is born of Earth and Order; his mind is given powers of reason and will by Lyonnith and Lyonnhar.


Ordinary undead need not be embodied Revenants, but instead some lesser magic or perversion. They are generally born of Death and Corruption, however, and are connected with the god Sarvlor.


Monsters are like beasts which are stronger, malevolent and unnatural. There are many different types who have differing Influences. Certain among them might be possessed by Imps.