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Latest revision as of 22:54, 12 December 2008

Stepping off the boat from Nebel, Khain sets foot on the docks of Port Raviel for the first time since his distant childhood. He still recalls his first visit here with his father when he was a boy, it was during the time the Realm was still known as Shadovar. The city is much the same but some things have changed, for one the banners flying high above the city are those of D'Hara. The biggest change however is the feeling of happiness and hope. To Khain most of the people seem to shine with a radiant bright light and he can sometimes tell clearly what the different colour nyanses mean. Like the little boy running along side his mother, he is excited that they are going to the baker as he loves the taste of the fresh bread there. The spice-merchant has the same bright light around him but it is darker and somewhat reddish. The reason for this is clear as crystal in Khains mind, the merchant is upset with the Noble who is insisting on such a low price that there would hardly be any profit left for him. Suddenly Khain senses something up the main street to his left and turns in time to see her as she turns a corner and is gone. The glimpse of her long hair flying in the wind as she walked, with a yellow ribbon in it making it resemble a banner of some long lost Kingdom from the past. In his inner mind he knows that he just saw his future wife.

Khain is already about to run after her when one of his men pulls him brutally back into reality, making all the colours disappear; "Sir, the captain informed me that the fastest way to the recruitment center is down to the right along the dock and then turning left by the Free Trade Alliance guild" The opposite way of course. For a moment Khain is greatly disappointed but quickly recovers himself and responds; "Lead on then, we must hurry and get our business done so we can return to the Qubel Lighthouse. The latest report mention strong groups of monsters close to the borders and we must hurry back to assist my Liege Colin in the defense should they move on the lighthouse." Khain follows his man down the docks but is fighting the urge to run in the opposite direction every step of the way to the recruitment center. When finally done at the recruitment center, and the strong urge of pursuing the woman that he glimpsed before faded into a minor tingling sensation in the back of his mind, Khain let his new men do some bonding at one of the city taverns. He joined them for the first round. He needed a drink to clam his nerves as he knew he had one more important task to complete while he was here in Port Raviel. With the sun still up and the need to be quickly done in the Captial and move back home to support his liege and marshall, Duke Colin, he could no longer postpone this final task. Khain emptied his glass and begun walking up the main street toward the palace of the Dragon Queen.

Arriving at the Palace Khain asks for an audience with the Queen. When asked for what purpose by the Lord Chamberlain he is sligthly suprised at first but then gathers himself and responds; "to swear my oath of loyalty before her highness Lady Katayanna Ogren, the Dragon Queen of D'Hara" After all how could the Lord Chamerlain know whats been on his mind since he the day he swore his oath of fealty to Duke Colin. His father was a man of honor and tradtion and although some of the traditions are from a different time they still holds true in any Realm or Kingdom worthy of service from a member of the Stormweaver family. One of the cardinal rules was that if you are to serve a King or Queen you must swear your oath before your new Monarch as only then will you know that the ruler is worthy of a Stormweaver. Not something to be spoken out loud, certainly not in the palace of a Monarch who is of Dragon blood but this kind of principles is what has led to him coming here. For as the second cardinal rule said, to serve the Dragon blood is the highest honor bestowed upon any Knight or common man. Khain had always seen this as a clear encouragment to serve the new Monarhcy of D'Hara when it was founded but the rule was an acient one and he could never escape the feeling that he did not know its full meaning.

"Sir Khain. The Dragon Queen of D'Hara, Katayanna Ogren will recieve you now", the voice of the Lord Chamberlain pulled his wondering mind back to reality and he followed the man to meet the Queen. The huge double doors into the throne room swung open just as they approched and out came several scribes and heralds with a stack of parchments between them, the Queen had obviously been busy with affairs of state prior to his arrival. Hopefully she would welcome his interuption as a welcome break and not curse him for wasting her time. With that final thought and his heart beating slightly faster Khain was allowed entry by the Chamberlain. Upon entering the throne room Khains heart doubled its speed and he could feel the sweat in his palms. As a response he quickened his pace and more or less marched toward the throne where the Queen sat, hoping this made him come across as confident instead of nervous. Kneeling before the Dragon Queen, Khain spoke; "I have come to you, Katayanna Ogren, Dragon Queen of D'Hara, with the intention of swearing my oath of loyalty to you and D'Hara. I have already sworn my oath of fealty to the Marshal of your armies and Duke of Qubel, Lord Colin and thus I already serve you through him. If you will allow me the honor, I wish to swear my oath of loyalty directly to you my Queen" Khain looked up into the Queens eyes and awaited her reply.

While staring into the dazzling gaze of the Dragon Queen he suddenly he felt it, the sense of something being inside his mind, something alien "looking". Without knowing how he instinctivly cut it off and saw a glimpse of shock in the Queens face before her eyes became clouded and he felt the alien force entry into his mind again but with far greater strength this time and he knew it must be the Queen herself using her Dragon ability to know the truth and honesty of the words he spoke. Terror struck him, he had denied her access however brief and surely she must see this as not only an insult but also an attempt to hide some sinister purpose on his part. He wanted to start running for his life and could feel his skin go pale white but the force of the Dragon in his mind begun to hum and suddenly all fear was gone and only peace and happiness was left. He stared into the eyes of his Queen as she spoke; "Your hearth is true Sir Khain and have no fear, I do not doubt your intentions although I do find this meeting to be quite interesting and I shall want to speak with you at a later time of what just happened here. For now however I ask that you present me with your oath if you are still willing, for I am the one who is honored in accepting it"

Swallowing hard Khain unsheaths his sword and cuts his palm on it before offering his sword to the his Queen. "By my blood and honor I solemnly swear that I will from this day forth faithfully serve Her Majesty, the Dragon Queen of D’Hara, Katayanna Ogren. I will enforce Her and D'Hara law and protect Her sovereignty with my life. So say I, Khain Stormweaver, dragon born." Not realising he just called himself dragon born Khain awaits the Queens reply. Katayanna listened to Khain as he gave his Oath. And as with every oath received a bond was being created that few could break. This one seemed different however. she sensed something intangible, Warm, Comforting. All feelings she felt for all of D'Hara, Though very few were this intense.

"By my blood and honor I solemnly swear that I will from this day forth faithfully serve Her Majesty, the Dragon Queen of D’Hara, Katayanna Ogren. I will enforce Her and D'Hara law and protect Her sovereignty with my life. So say I, Khain Stormweaver, dragon born."

When He had finished, his last words told her why she felt the intensity that she had. She intended to allow a short pause before reponding, This always allowed for the words spoken to sink in to the hearts of those present. While she did so, a resonating voice spoke in the back of her mind, A comforting and familiar voice."This one, though not of your blood is Dragon Blood. Though he knows not. His Guardian has directed him here. He has much to learn as do you, Together along with your Dragon Kin, our ways will grow strong once again."

Katayanna stood up and walked to where Khain knelt. Offering her hand, he rose. She took each of his hands into her own. She Stared deep into his eyes.

"Sir Khain Stormweaver, Knight of Qubel Lighthouse, Noble of D'Hara, and Dragon Born. I accept your oath and in return offer you mine own."

Katayanna Grinned at the surprise in Khains eyes.

"By mouth and hand, heart and Deed, and the fiery breath of Fafnir himself, I swear to uphold your loyalty and return it with that of mine own. To accept your council and offer mine own in return when needed. To be a good and faithful Queen, to do so in righteousness. To make your causes mine own be they just. And to uphold the Laws of D'hara. So Say I, Lady Dame Katayanna Ogren, Dragon Queen of D"Hara And Duchess of Port Raviel"

When she had finished, she released his hands and turned him to all present.

"Scribes! Record the words that were spoken here today and let all know of these Oaths and the bond now created. This is Khain Stormweaver! Knight of D'Hara, Knight of Qubel Lighthouse, and Dragon Born. Those that threaten him, Threaten his Queen, and in doing so Threaten all of D'hara. As it is with all of our Nobility."

Katayanna turned Khain once more to face her. "Now go, return to your Lord and Duke with my Blessing. And know that Fafnir himself has given you his approval, He has so told me."

With that, Katayanna returned to the more mundane duties that she herself had with a heart filled with joy.