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Latest revision as of 22:32, 12 December 2008

An army of 18 men arrives at Port Raviel. Seen commanded by a tall woman with tanned skin. Her long locks of black hair fall down her back and green eyes look around expectantly. A few weeks before, she had left her home in the East Continent to look for a better future. Tired of being held back by an overprotective father, she decided to leave and start anew as soon as she would come of age. This new land was a premiss of her grip on her own life. Being fearless and stubborn never helped the fact of her father wanting her to be a "Lady". She, like her sister Isabel, was too eager for all that life had to offer to settle for anything less. Finally, a land where she could prove her worth, where she could fight for good ideals. Cascadia orders her Dragonhearts to set camp and awaits. She welcomes the day she'll meet her Queen and pledge her oath. Katayanna had just finished going over the daily reports when Matilda Came in and announced "Your Majesty, Dame Cascadia Moreira seeks an audience. I believe she is here to offer you her oath."

Matilda paused just the barest of moments. "As you Ordered, She has the estate next to Dame Sorsha."

Katayanna grinned. She had a feeling that that would be just the place for her. She was not sure why, but her gut said as much.

"Did you place a bottle of mead on the table in the anti-chamber along with the welcome note as I asked?" Matilda nodded "Good. Well lets not keep our guest waiting."

Katayanna walked out to the garden where she knew Dame Cascadia Moreira would have been allowed to wait. She looked around briefly and spotted her guest over by the Great Willow. Appropriate, thought katayanna. She walked over to her guest. It had been almost a year since she had been in this part of her garden. This would be a fitting occasion to renew her love of this part of her guarden. Even the table and chairs were still where she had left them.

As Katayanna approached Dame Cascadia Moreira turned. At the great willow Dame Cascadia turned to her Queen. “Thank you again for the warm welcome. I am here to thank your Majesty for the lovely estate you have so generously offered. May I offer you this small token of my appreciation?” Cascadia hands her Queen a gift carefully wrapped. The Queen accepts the gift graciously and unwraps it with a smile forming on her face. “Majesty I’m afraid it’s not much, unfortunately I can’t afford anything better at the moment. Those are rare though and I hope fitting of Thee. They’re from a distant land few have heard of.” The Queen is surprised when she finds very aromatic coffee beans. Katayanna opened her gift and seeing that they were coffee beans.

"Matilda will be most pleased, her stock of coffee was running low. Thank you. The drink that these make was only short time ago introduced to me and I enjoy it very much."

Katayanna motioned to the chair on the other side of the small table.

"Please have a seat"

Katayanna placed the gift on the table and sat down herself. (she could not help thinking of the last time she had actually sat in this chair. And Fafnir be praised, no longer pains of loss were associated with thinking of her father.)

"So, tell me of yourself. What do you see your future to be? Of your goals and Dreams."

Katayanna sat back in her chair as Matilda walked over... "Matilda dear, would you be so kind as to fix us some of your wonderful coffee, and here is some more beans as well."

She then turn all her attention to her guest. Cascadia sat at the table happy that her gift was enjoyed. "Majesty, with all due respect, I am not a person to talk a lot. I prefer to reserve my thoughts and opinions to when they really matter." She looked down almost embaressed avoiding the Queen's gaze. "I have learned the hard way one must keep thoughts and dreams to oneself. But my hopes and dreams are simple. I'm a simple woman. Just serving someone with great ideals and helping uphold them with my heart and soul is sufficient ambition. I am a true believer of honesty and loyalty. If I find someone worthy of such, he or she can count on my undying devotion."

"And speaking of such...I don’t wish to take up more of your precious time, your majesty. I understand you may have more pressing matters to attend to and I have abused your kindness for far too long..." she paused. "May I offer you my oath?” Cascadia looked up expectantly. Katayanna smiled. It was good to see a knight with modesty.

"By all means. I am ready to accept your oath" "Very well" Cascadia rose from her chair, dropped to one knee and offered her sword to Queen Katayanna. “On this day I offer my oath to your Majesty, to always honour you as my Queen and to uphold your ideals. Whatever orders or wishes you may express I shall fulfil them to the best of my ability. I offer your Majesty the best of me. My strength, my honour, my courage and my blood. I will serve thee for as long as I can breathe and for as long as my Queen keeps D’Hara’s interests in your heart and soul. I am Cascadia of the Moreira family of Krimml and I pledge this oath before you.” Cascadia rose and presented her sword to the Queen. Queen Katayanna took the offered sword in both hands laying it flat with her palms up.

"Dame Cascadia Moreira, for my part I vow to be a good and just liege, to protect you and honor you. To listen to your council. To Provide you with Estate and taxes according to the size of your estate for as long as your loyalty to myself and to D'Hara remain intact or until you leave my service.

This do I swear,

Lady Dame Katayanna Ogren, Duchess of Port Raviel and Dragon Queen of D'Hara."

Katayanna handed the sword back.

"Now welcome to the Duchy of Port Raviel. Before you leave to rejoin with your army, please ensure that you inform your retainers to assist with the production in the city"

katayanna took the two Glasses that Matilda hadquietly brought to her and offered one to Dame Cascadia Moreira. Let us toast to the continued success of D'Hara" Dame Cascadia gladly accepted the glass offered and raised it to join the Queen in her toast. After the toast Dame Cascadia excused herself and left to attend her own matters with her army. "Thank you your majesty. I will proceed as you wish. Until we meet again may the Gods protect you and keep you safe."