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Roleplay from Rackir
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (11 recipients)
Greetings fellow rulers,

This is a copy of a letter King Lucian the mad sent me last week.

Hail Rackir.

You will have heard of the unfortunate events that have happened over the past day. It seems that, despite my hopes, the powers that control us would see Yssaria and Itorunt turn against each other. A disappointing turn of events, but one that Itorunt will see through to the end.

I write to you with an offer. As one of the great cities of the south, Isadril will inevitably be a target of Itorunt in the coming war. I would not see such a fine city razed in battle, its inhabitants enslaved, its nobles executed. Rather, I would invite you to offer it, and the lands sworn to it, peacefully to Itorunt. You and your landed vassals would be entitled to keep your titles and lands, your nobles integrated fully into the new Itorunt.

Do think on it. Since passage of the straight has been restricted, only the bridge in Leibo has connected Isadril to the rest of Yssaria - a tenuous link. A relic of Ubent's occupation of the south rather than Caligus', its people are not the same as the people of the rest of Yssaria. We can offer them better in Itorunt.

Our Itorunt could ensure peace and stability in the south, rather than the occasionally strained relationship great realms have now, where the movement of any army would mean devestation for many regions. With two of the three great southern cities behind us, we could ensure peace for all, extant and new.

Think also of who you stand with now - you prefer to declare war on behalf of a realm and a people who have constantly caused issue against one that would otherwise be your friend? I know going against one's oaths is not an easy thing, but you must also think of yourself. The King and his councillors may follow some path, but you are Duke, you must decide for your Duchy.

My generosity, however, will only go so far; Isadril will one day fly Itorunt's banner. If you stand with your realm, should you take your lands to Ibladesh, should you abruptly declare independence and set yourself up as a king, there will be no integration and continued privelege and prosperity. You and yours would be defeated, rounded up and imprisoned; stripped of your estates and titles, to end your days wandering distant lands never to return. It is my sincere hope this does not happen, but that is what fate will bring.

You could be great in my realm. I have few with the experience as you. You and your lords would stand amongst my close advisors, leading my realm, indeed the south, into a golden age. Wealth and prosperity for even the least of your knights. I know Isadril is dear to you, your family home there for some generations. I urge you to consider what is best.

Lucian Vincent King of Itorunt

As you can see he wants Isadril. I have always felt a need to protect the peasants of Yssaria. Lucian will enslave the inhabitants, and execute its nobles. I will free the people of Yssaria this if I can.

My actions might be drastic, but I have received a sign from our god. Just as the tree has come alive for the fifth time so will Tuchanon V. It was the sign from our god. He has given the children of Tucha a new home. OOC:I did a roleplay over a couple days to show Dunkotion gave Rackir a sign to do this.

IC:I do this with the best intent, not for personal power. If I wanted power I could have been elected king instead of Prandur. I had much support without even saying I was going to run. In fact I refused the throne while I waited for a sign.

We like Yssaria are not a warring people. We only wish to have a home and to be left in peace. But we will fight if we must. Hopefully something can be worked out to have peace with Yssaria. They are like brothers to us. I will be willing to talk peace with anyone.

Once again I do not do this lightly. I did it to keep the people in northern Yssaria safe.

For the Spear and the Shield

Sir Rackir Spearhawk

Dictator of Tuchanon V, Duke of Isadril