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Latest revision as of 18:22, 26 November 2008

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Shading his eyes from the spring sun, "The arena is shaping up nicely I must admit."

A diligent scribe looks up from his work to nod, waving the dust from the construction away, "Yes consul. Any idea what you will call it?"

Looking back at the man Aldo pulls on his moustach, "A good question....."

Turning back to his work as the conversation died off, the sound of the pen mixes with the hollars and ringing of construction.

After a time Aldo moves down the small hill of earth, calling over his shoulder, "I'm going for a walk, remain and record."

"Of course consul."
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Everyone in the realm few moments later
Approaching the temple on his walk from the arena build site, just off from the Eternal Flame, Aldo waves over a scuttling lesser priest, "Is Senator Vaclav free for a visit?"

"I'm afraid he's not in consul," adds the lesser priest upon returning, "He's been rather busy in Ieara spreading the good word, and raising good will for the senate."

Frowning Aldo looks around, "A priest and a senator, I still wonder how effective that will be in the end.... No matter, direct me to the temple library if you would, I've a few things to look up."

Wandering the corridors until eventually arriving in the spartan repository of scrolls, tablets and a few books, Aldo scans the shelves carefully. Selecting some of the oldest writings, and those that deal with the most ancient of legends he soon settles in a small straight back wooden chair. Unrolling a scroll of his own, he weighs down the edges carefully before turning his attention to the first slab.
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Everyone in the realm two weeks after
Sitting in his tent, lit by a brazier containing Incindia Aldo looks over the scroll by the violet light. Scratching his chin he sighs and leans back.

Such an odd piece of paper, the text yet eluded him which was surprising given how many he know, but the pictures were intriguing. It wasn't written in human, nor monster, or undead, and it didn't look daimonic. Not for the first time he wondered where Rogosh had gotten it.

Tapping one of the small images faintly he sighs, perhaps it was time to look for information from the other continents.
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Everyone in the realm a month after beginning
Scratching his head Aldo sighs and stands calling for his scribe.


With a clipped tone from fustration, "This translation is proving beyond difficult, even the Elemental Scroll of Time, which changed languages in the middle of the text, was easier then this."

Rolling up the scroll Aldo begins to pack a few things, "I recall from the Occupation, that Silantin possessed a great valut owned by the leaders, and that it held a fair amount of interesting treasure. Unfortunatly since I was part of the rebellion force that liberated Melhed, I was not in Silantin and thus could not search for the vault during the fighting, though Andro did inform me of the starting point to the complex."

Giving his master a blank stare the scribe shrugs, "Tht is very interesting sir but I don't quite follow...."

Pausing Aldo waves a hand at the window, "I'm going for the vault now, there might be something in there that can help and it's not like there's anyone else alive who remembers the thing."

"Uh.... Very well sir, is it far?"

"Yes, it's in Wudenkin, put out a call for those interested in being body guards during the expidition, these are dangerous times after all and I'll need help carrying back the treasure."

Blinking the scribe smiles faintly, hadn't seen his master so excited in months, "Yes Consul!"
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)