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Republican Header.png

Cost: Your attention

Editors: Mordred Le-Fay, Peleus Aeolus
Those who read shall discover Edition: August

Founder: Beowulf Kronos

RNPPM.jpg World News

Republican Mini.png Opposition, Sedition, Suspicion
It is no mystery that Valhus faces discontent amongst her people. As I'm sure you all know by now a rebellion has unfolded in Valhus, and to the date it appears to be doing well. What is a mystery however, are the accurate details that led up to such an explosive result. We know the rebellion was started by Lady, Electra Kybar. Beyond the usual we are unhappy with the current government, why violence was resorted to is still unknown. There are several theories being passed around answering as to why rebellion. One being Valhus and Avalon were near peace, however Fwuvoghor wished to keep fueling a war. Thus we the Republic prompted the rebellion so our rebellious friends in Valhus would take supreme power of government and remain fighting the war. Theres one giant loophole in this plot, the Republic was opting toward peace with Avalon as well. We would never go to such an extent as to inspire rebellion in Valhus if we were thinking on similar grounds, concluding theory (A) inconclusive. The second theory is precisely what Lady Electra outlined in her vehement speech to the realm. Lady Electra's Speech "Valhalla, I come to you as the voice of the realm. I have the power to do it, I have the will to do it. Many of us feel dissatisfied with you. We have spoken a lot through this, and your latest actions only prove it: You aren't appropriate to rule this realm. Your actions are in the disinterest of the realm. You've made mistakes, but instead of correcting them, you only try to blame others. You are the diplomat who has to keep this realm together. It hasn't worked. You have to be our leader, but you don't lead. You try to make us do what you want. Don't think I'm against you as a person. You made this realm, but you've made mistakes, only to keep on warming your throne. I ask you, now still peacefully, step down from your position to give the crown to someone who is better fit for the rulerposition. I'm not saying that's me, but at the moment I have the might, the power and the will to ask you this. Show us you aren't greedy, that you aren't stuck on your might. Step down, leave in honour. Give this realm a chance on living. Nobles of Valhus, Do you stand behind me? Do you support me in this? Show us what you are really made of, all of you. FOR VALHUS!!! Basically she is saying that the people of Valhus are discontent, it has gotten to a point words will not suffice. The government refuses to take responsibility for its mistakes and only looks for the next scapegoat. The throne needs a change of power, a fair and just power. Quite a classic, we have been oppressed to long take arms and fight for freedom, rebellion. If all is true then I wish them much luck in their future endeavors for true freedom. However I believe there is more then meets the eye, perhaps more then we will ever know. Thus leading to theory (C), conspiracy. Of what, when, even whom is unknown. What is known is that justice will prevail over all evils, those on the side of sin take heed.
Peleus Aeolus, August 10th.
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