User:Nylen/Colonies New Realm (based in Wetham)

From BattleMaster Wiki

Ground rules (from Danaris and the Colonies GM)

  • This is a marauding realm, focused on raiding rather than expansion
  • The characters are dark evil men that worked for one of the Lich King's unholy death knights, Lord Salak, before founding their own realm
  • The realm will start off as an ally of the Lich King's Dominion (which is an NPC realm)
  • The new realm will receive initial help from the GM (recruitment centers, fortifications, funds)
  • Undead armies in the realm's regions will remain there as militia with the secession (but cannot be recruited later)
  • The capital is the region of Wetham

From this starting point we get to make our own choices, but we need a backstory. (How we arrived on the continent originally, how/why we got rid of Lord Salak, why we founded our own realm, etc.)

  • Joining the new realm: It is still being looked into how we will join the new realm. We should have clarity within a day or two. (Joining an NPC realm is not built into the game code right now.)

Ideas / Plans (expand with your own)

Realm theme ideas

  • "Undead" vikings (player characters are humans in service of a viking deity of death/underworld)
  • HIGH MAGIC ALL PC characters are resurrected living citizens. All unit names have an undead "theme" like "skeletal" "undead" "zombie" "banshee" etc. in the name.

An ancient conqueror society ruled by a council of high mages, once considered a golden age in its prime. It fell into ruin thousands of years ago as the great mages of the Empire studied dark magic. The realm has been mostly forgotten to history except that the "Ghost council" has mysteriously been resurrected and now work to rebuild their former fallen empire. The living nobles have all been resurrected by the council too. The society at large uses "dark" magic to fulfill the Ghost council's "DECRE FOR DOMINATION" Victory for this society is obtained when all of the (now hidden) "Ancient Runes of Power" have been claimed.

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  • Armor and ships decorated with bones and skeletons
  • Using Germanic and/or Scandinavian characters (ä, ö, æ, ø, å) in titles and unit names
  • A noble society that looks and sounds threatening on the surface, but are otherwise silly in a monty-pythonesque way (take themselves seriously, not realizing they are being silly)
  • Ties in to the serious silliness and the Germanic theme above: Serious sounding titles, which are in fact silly (example: "Putzfrau" for female judge, which just means "cleaning lady")

Realm name

  • Helheim
  • Helland (derived from "Hel", which is a different name for Helheim)
  • Stríðsveldi (= "Warrior/War Empire in Icelandic)
  • Helvíti (= "hell" in Icelandic)
  • The Ashen Empire
  • Trädgård
  • Hordaland

Deity ideas:

  • Krákan (= "The crow" in Icelandic)
  • Hræsvelgr
  • Loki
  • Hangatýr (Basically an evil take on Odin whom hung himself from Yiggdrisil to gain knowledge. Envisioned as one who tempts others into questionable (suicidal?) acts all for the sake of gaining power or knowledge from the "Ancient Runes")


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(Description or image)

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Government system

Theocracy themes
  • In service of a viking deity of the dead, lead by a champion of the deity
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Tyranny themes
  • Lead by a "standard" chieftain
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Council position names:

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  • Jägermeister (= "Master hunter")
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  • Rechtsanwalt (= "Lawyer")
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+ players joining directly through the Colonies Game Master: