Highvale Family/Aric/Battle of Midbote: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Battle of Midbote.jpg|frame|center]]
The wind howled like a banshee across the fields of Midbote, whipping at my emerald cloak and the banners of House Highvale. I, Aric of Highvale, a knight barely a week into my duty, surveyed the battlefield with a heart pounding like a war drum. Beside me, my Emerald Blades stood ready, their faces grim beneath their helms, their eyes aflame with the fire of righteous fury. Across the field, the monstrous horde writhed and shrieked, a tide of rotting flesh and gleaming bone. To our flanks, the other noble houses of Nothoi arrayed their forces, a tapestry of banners snapping in the gale. I saw the stoic Dametrius, his Dune Titans a wall of iron and grit. To my left, the fiery Solaria led her Howling Mass, their battle cries echoing the wind's mournful song.
The wind howled like a banshee across the fields of Midbote, whipping at my emerald cloak and the banners of House Highvale. I, Aric of Highvale, a knight barely a week into my duty, surveyed the battlefield with a heart pounding like a war drum. Beside me, my Emerald Blades stood ready, their faces grim beneath their helms, their eyes aflame with the fire of righteous fury. Across the field, the monstrous horde writhed and shrieked, a tide of rotting flesh and gleaming bone. To our flanks, the other noble houses of Nothoi arrayed their forces, a tapestry of banners snapping in the gale. I saw the stoic Dametrius, his Dune Titans a wall of iron and grit. To my left, the fiery Solaria led her Howling Mass, their battle cries echoing the wind's mournful song.

Revision as of 16:28, 13 June 2024

Battle of Midbote.jpg

The wind howled like a banshee across the fields of Midbote, whipping at my emerald cloak and the banners of House Highvale. I, Aric of Highvale, a knight barely a week into my duty, surveyed the battlefield with a heart pounding like a war drum. Beside me, my Emerald Blades stood ready, their faces grim beneath their helms, their eyes aflame with the fire of righteous fury. Across the field, the monstrous horde writhed and shrieked, a tide of rotting flesh and gleaming bone. To our flanks, the other noble houses of Nothoi arrayed their forces, a tapestry of banners snapping in the gale. I saw the stoic Dametrius, his Dune Titans a wall of iron and grit. To my left, the fiery Solaria led her Howling Mass, their battle cries echoing the wind's mournful song.

"Highvale!" boomed a voice like thunder, and I turned to see Enzio Falconi, Strategos of Nothoi, astride his war-steed. "Your blades are yet to be tested, but I pray their edges are sharp. Today, we reap a grim harvest."

I met his gaze with a steely one of my own. "They are sharp, Strategos," I replied, my voice ringing clear above the din. "And they thirst for the blood of these foul creatures."

A horn blared, a signal lost to the wind's shriek. With a roar, the battle was joined. Archers loosed volleys of arrows, darkening the sky like a flock of vengeful ravens. My Emerald Blades charged, their swords flashing like emerald lightning as they carved a bloody path through the ranks of the undead. The clash of steel on bone, the screams of the dying, the stench of blood and rot - it was a symphony of carnage, a dance of death beneath a leaden sky. I fought with a ferocity born of fear and duty, my blade drinking deep of the enemy's foul essence.

Hours blurred into a bloody tapestry. We broke the enemy's lines, scattering their monstrous ranks like chaff before the storm. Yet, victory did not come cost free. Though the battle was fierce, our losses were thankfully light. Three of our brave men were wounded - one from each company engaged in the close fighting, an Emerald Blade, a Dune Titan, and a Lightner. The healers would tend to their wounds, and they would hopefully return to the fight stronger than before. As the last of the enemy fled or fell, a hush fell over the battlefield, broken only by the groans of the wounded and the keening of the wind. I looked upon my Emerald Blades, their armor battered, their faces etched with exhaustion, but their spirits unbroken. We had faced the darkness and emerged victorious, our bonds forged in the fires of war.

The Strategos rode up to me, his face grim but his eyes alight with respect. "Well fought, Highvale," he said, his voice gruff. "Your blades have proven their worth."

I inclined my head in acknowledgement. "The honor was mine, Strategos. But the victory belongs to Nothoi, and to the courage of all who fought here today."

The wind whipped at my cloak once more, carrying with it the echoes of battle and the promise of more to come. The road ahead would be long and fraught with peril, but I knew that I would face it with the Emerald Blades at my side, ready to meet any challenge, to defend the realm against the darkness that lurked just beyond the horizon.

Battle in Midbote

message to all nobles participating in the battle in Midbote

1A Celestial ArrowsRosnanNothoi140 SFbox  2042
2A Death DancersDwightNothoi52 SFbox  1184
3A Dune TitansDametriusNothoi57 Infbox  831
4A Emerald BladesAricNothoi36 Infbox  587
5A Hell's RainZacharyNothoi75 Archbox  778
6A Howling MassSolariaNothoi51 SFbox  1031
7A Hunters of the NightAretoNothoi26 Archbox  493
8A Jaekind JinnsJinNothoi37 SFbox  794
9A LightnersElenaNothoi41 Infbox  488
10A People who don't read goodSeiðrNothoi73 MIbox  1059
11A Special Archersactron IINothoi61 Archbox  869
12A Wolf BrigadeEnzioNothoi80 SFbox  1739
13DMonsters(Monsters)(rogue)6 otherline  365
14DMonsters(Monsters)(rogue)4 otherline  435
15DUndead Horde(Undead)(rogue)59 otherline  1885
16DUndead Horde(Undead)(rogue)81 otherline  3070

12 attackers (134 Inf, 73 MI, 162 Arch, 360 SF)
4 defenders (150 other)
Total combat strengths: 11895 vs. 5755

The region owner (rogue) and their allies defend.
The Nothoi troops attack because they are at war with (rogue).

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.

Senator actron II Burep is spotted wearing the Ruby-Studded Suit of Good.
Enzio Falconi, Strategos of Nothoi, Senator of Zisswii, Marshal of the Fang of the White Wolf takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

  3 (57-I)
4 (36-I)
9 (41-I)
  1 (140-S)
2 (52-S)
5 (75-A)
6 (51-S)
7 (26-A)
8 (37-S)
10 (73-M)
11 (61-A)
12 (80-S)
  14 (4-M)
15 (59-U)
16 (81-U)
13 (6-M)

Death Dancers (2) fire on Undead Horde (15), scoring 569 hits.
Special Archers (11) fire on Undead Horde (15), scoring 239 hits.
Jaekind Jinns (8) fire on Monsters (14), scoring 431 hits.
Celestial Arrows (1) fire on Undead Horde (15), scoring 705 hits.
Hunters of the Night (7) fire on Monsters (14), scoring 147 hits.
Howling Mass (6) fire on Monsters (14), scoring 375 hits.
Hell's Rain (5) fire on Undead Horde (15), scoring 258 hits.
People who don't read good (10) fire on Monsters (14), scoring 302 hits.
Wolf Brigade (12) fire on Undead Horde (15), scoring 948 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 3974
Dune Titans (3), Lightners (9) and Emerald Blades (4) advance towards the enemy.
Monsters (14), Monsters (13), Undead Horde (16) and Undead Horde (15) advance towards the enemy.

Monsters (14) take 1506 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Undead Horde (15) take 2311 hits from archer fire, which cause 59 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 3817 (0 from close combat and 3817 from ranged)
Total casualties: 0 attackers, 63 defenders

Turn No. 2

   3 (57-I)
4 (36-I)
9 (41-I)
1 (140-S)
2 (52-S)
5 (75-A)
6 (51-S)
7 (26-A)
8 (37-S)
10 (73-M)
11 (61-A)
12 (80-S)
  16 (81-U)
13 (6-M)

Hunters of the Night (7) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 159 hits.
Hell's Rain (5) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 179 hits.
Death Dancers (2) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 513 hits.
Jaekind Jinns (8) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 259 hits.
Wolf Brigade (12) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 926 hits.
People who don't read good (10) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 224 hits.
Celestial Arrows (1) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 667 hits.
Special Archers (11) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 448 hits.
Howling Mass (6) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 545 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 3920
Emerald Blades (4), Lightners (9) and Dune Titans (3) advance towards the enemy.
Undead Horde (16) and Monsters (13) advance towards the enemy.

Undead Horde (16) take 3332 hits from archer fire, which cause 53 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 3332 (0 from close combat and 3332 from ranged)
Total casualties: 0 attackers, 53 defenders

Turn No. 3

    1 (140-S)
2 (52-S)
3 (57-I)
4 (36-I)
5 (75-A)
6 (51-S)
7 (26-A)
8 (37-S)
9 (41-I)
10 (73-M)
11 (61-A)
12 (80-S)
 16 (28-U)
13 (6-M)

Death Dancers (2) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 561 hits.
Howling Mass (6) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 425 hits.
Jaekind Jinns (8) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 513 hits.
Celestial Arrows (1) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 1398 hits.
Wolf Brigade (12) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 1280 hits.
Hunters of the Night (7) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 321 hits.
People who don't read good (10) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 392 hits.
Special Archers (11) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 752 hits.
Hell's Rain (5) fire on Undead Horde (16), scoring 377 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 6019
Lightners (9), Dune Titans (3) and Emerald Blades (4) advance towards the enemy.
Monsters (13) and Undead Horde (16) advance towards the enemy.
Emerald Blades (4) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
Undead Horde (16) score 513 hits on Lightners (9).
Undead Horde (16) score 843 hits on Dune Titans (3).
Lightners (9) score 379 hits on Undead Horde (16).
Dune Titans (3) score 597 hits on Undead Horde (16).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1356, Defenders: 976

Undead Horde (16) take 6092 hits (976 in close combat, 5116 from archer fire), which cause 28 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Lightners (9) take 513 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties.
Dune Titans (3) take 843 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1356 (1356 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 6092 (976 from close combat and 5116 from ranged)
Total casualties: 33 attackers, 28 defenders

Turn No. 4

    1 (140-S)
2 (52-S)
5 (75-A)
6 (51-S)
7 (26-A)
8 (37-S)
10 (73-M)
11 (61-A)
12 (80-S)
3 (39-I)
4 (36-I)
9 (26-I)
13 (6-M)

Jaekind Jinns (8) fire on Monsters (13), scoring 561 hits.
Hunters of the Night (7) fire on Monsters (13), scoring 336 hits.
People who don't read good (10) fire on Monsters (13), scoring 574 hits.
Special Archers (11) fire on Monsters (13), scoring 494 hits.
Death Dancers (2) fire on Monsters (13), scoring 1095 hits.
Celestial Arrows (1) fire on Monsters (13), scoring 1719 hits.
Wolf Brigade (12) fire on Monsters (13), scoring 901 hits.
Howling Mass (6) fire on Monsters (13), scoring 647 hits.
Hell's Rain (5) fire on Monsters (13), scoring 402 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 6729
Emerald Blades (4), Lightners (9) and Dune Titans (3) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line):
2 Nothoi banners are visible in the melee.
Emerald Blades (4) score 502 hits on Monsters (13).
Lightners (9) score 246 hits on Monsters (13).
Dune Titans (3) score 586 hits on Monsters (13).
Monsters (13) score 28 hits on Lightners (9).
Monsters (13) score 38 hits on Dune Titans (3).
Monsters (13) score 28 hits on Emerald Blades (4).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 94, Defenders: 1334

The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.

Emerald Blades (4) take 28 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Lightners (9) take 28 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Dune Titans (3) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Monsters (13) take 9409 hits (1334 in close combat, 8075 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 94 (94 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 9409 (1334 from close combat and 8075 from ranged)
Total casualties: 3 attackers, 6 defenders

Attacker Victory!

The battle does some damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 11 %.
The local roads network has also been damaged.
The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region.

Battle Results

(Personal message)

Your unit participated in a battle in Midbote. Your scribe has written down a <a href="ShowScribeNote.php?noteId=790932" target="_blank">battle report</a>.

The battle lasted for 2 hours.

You have gained 3 Honour and 1 Prestige.
None of your men were killed but 1 were wounded in this battle.
Morale of your troops falls by 1 points. Your men's equipment suffers 2 % damage. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 2 points.