The Blood Cult

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Primal Deities


Sun goddess, sustainer of life, the provider, patroness of farmers, fishermen, lumberjacks, etc.(peasants in general).


Moon god, creator of life, god of creation, innovation, and invention, patron of artisans and inventors.


Creation Myth

In the beginning, there was nothing at all. From the void came Isolotl: who was nothing, yet was everything. He was none and all at once, female and male, creation and destruction, heat and cold, good and evil: Isolotl was the being of duality. And so, for a very long time, Isolotl was the world and the world was Isolotl. Then, he became Icalotl and Izalotl and conceived the first litter of divinity, the four Xenotls: Xuna, Motl, Hiacoatl, and Jacatl.

Other Spirits


Dragon goddess, goddess of destruction, vengeance, wrath. She appears when the world is ill, like a plague, to make it bleed until it heals itself and pushes her back.


Skeleton god, god of curruption, temptation, treachery, death, undeath. He appears where the faith is weak, and brings his minions to tempt the living into heresy.

The Blood Cult
Aztec Sun Stone.jpg

Xunaotl, mother of all men.

(Religion Spread / Organization)

Continent / Island Beluaterra
Main Temple (None)
First Temple Gaxano, Small Temple (Lvl. 3)

Coness, Small Temple (Lvl. 3)

Last Updated 02:39, 23 August 2008 (CEST)