The Fronen Commentator/Edition:1

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Price: Free ----- Printed In Fronepu, ----- Editors: The nobles of Fronen ----- November and December '06


"And if i was you i wouldnt say anything until you can fight on your own and not with allies."

LdBC editor Sam Malone has just stated that Fronen can't do anything witout its allies. To that I ask the following question: Have you been under a rock the past years Sam? Fronen defeated Avalon single handedly. In fact they had some help from Enweilean forces. Perhaps even Luz de Bia sent a few regiments. My memory is a little foggy there, perhaps a fellow Fronen noble can verify that. Either way Sam I cannot believe you would be so foolish as to say Fronen cannot win a war without allies. We've done it! Granted the ally was the pathetic little nation of Avalon but still it was a victory of a scale Luz de Bia cannot achieve, atleast not when they fall into every obvious Riombaran trap.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on November 25

Speaking too Soon

It seems to me that the Luz de Bia Chronicles continually speaks too soon. this is the second time their paper has bragged about Luz's military success only to find they'd fallen into a trap. How can we forget? Less than a month ago the LdBC spoke of how the Luzian army was withing striking distance of Riombara's capital Athol Margos and their largest city Rines? Shortly after that Luz de Bia discovered the hard way that they were led intentionally into Avengmil. They fell into a trap. Riombaran forces cut Luz forces off from their capital and Riombara won a monumental victory against Luz.

Now just like the previous trap situation the LdBC has spoken too soon again. They've accused Riombara of cowardice, saying they cannot do anything without Fronen. Now today Riombara has proved foolish editor Sam wrong again. They have invaded and are now occupying Luz's capital city Grehk. This was done without the help of Fronen or the Republic of Fwuvoghor. I think Luz needs to give Riombara credit. They are clever resourceful people and are experts at military strategy. Furthermore I think if Luz wants to retain its honor they should protest against editor Sam Malone. His pathetic articles and misinformation are tarnishing their reputation.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on November 25

And once more

"'we will only be involved in clearing out milita in Ardmore'...Yeah...Ardmore....Got a little bit lost there dint you?"

I don't believe Fronen ever made a statement like that. I dont know why we would only protect one of Riombara's regions and not the rest of them. Perhaps you should get your own facts strais Sam? And regardless of whatever treaty was signed it was you in Luz de Bia who decided to go to war over the broken treaty. You made the declaration, you chose to sacrifice the lives of your people to take over Riombaran land. Speaking of which, in that treaty didn't you only claim Cagamir and Bolkenia? Got a bit lost there didn't you?

Furthermore, if you don't like treaty-breakers why ally yourself with Avalon? In fact let me turn my attention to them. Lets look at their military power. Its what 28,000 CS right now? now weren't theey supposed to have less than 25,000 CS until atleast November 20? Is this not the fourth time they've went over the limit. This is the fourth time Avalon has broken the Avalon and Fronen Peace Treaty. I suppose you can't except an Avalonian to be honest now can you.

Lastly let me mention this Sam; The Fronen Commentator is a place for opinions and criticisms. Facts may be mentioned but it is not nescessary that everything here be written from a neutral point of view. The Face of Fronen is "All facts all the time," while the Commentator protects Fronen's honor from your verbal attacks and provides a place for Fronen nobles to give their opinions. The problem with each realm having one newspaper like Luz de Bia Chronicles is that you get liars claiming things are fact when they are really propaganda. By contrast we in Fronen split for our readers fact and opinion, news and propaganda, neutrality and bias. If you Sam would like to talk about truth, perhaps you could make another newspaper that doesn't have your incredibly bias and exaggerations included?

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on November 18

A response to the Luz de Bia Chronicles

Both the Luz de Bian editor of the Luz de Bian Chronicles and the Avalonian editor of the Luz de Bian Chronicles have made attacks on Fronen. I think it is our duty as the nobles of Fronen to respond to their verbal assaults just as we respond their physical assaults.

Lets begin with Sam, the Luz De Bian. He says Fronen is late for everything. We were late to the war. You know I think we were too busy winning the war against Avalon to deal with them. I don't know what the Luz de Bians think, but I say it is better to join a war late and win than to be the first to declare war and lose. We can all see now Luz de Bia is losing. I truly hope Avalon and Luz de Bia learn their lessons. It's that attacking neighboring realms who are smarter, better, and have more allies than you is a sure fire way to lose a war. So yes Fronen is late but Fronen wins, both in reality and soon we will win the newspaper war.

Also said by Sam is his usual claim that Fronen rapes small children. I must agree with Lord Hiereshmont that its all a pack of lies. Fronen has treated all the Riombaran peasants admirably. We do take gold from the Luz de Bian peasants. I myself took in a good deal of gold from Eno. We don't rape or needlessly kill though. Let's not forget it was Luz de Bia that declared war on Riombara, Fronen's ally. Anything that happens to Luz de Bia is a direct consequence of their own warmongering.

Lets now turn our attention to the Avalonian ruler Grim-Reaper. He calls my fellow editors and I "mentally disabled". To that I ask him this, when has Fronen ever shown any signs of luncacy? Grim-Reaper wasn't it you who declared war on Fronen? Wasn't it you who subsequently lost the war due to horrible military tactics? If I recall we won quite a few battles against your pitiful little country with a smaller force than you fielded. You see Avalonians have a naturally smaller cranial capacity in comparison to Fronen's people. I believe this may be a genetic defect that affects the Avalonian people. Regardless, I don't believe it is Grim-Reapers place to insult Fronen. Avalon only exists because of Fronen's mercy. In the Avalon and Fronen Peace Treaty we in Fronen showed you Grim-Reaper and your people quite a bit of mercy. I would encourage Avalon to know its place.

On another note The Fronen Commentator would like to thank the editors of The Free South Times for their gracious welcome to the newspaper world.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on November 18

Luz de Bia Chronicles Inept?

To kick start the comments I'd like to make a statement about Luz de Bia's paper. I think it is absurd that one of their two editors, thats half their writing team is not even Luz de Bian. Grim-Reaper of Avalon writes all the LdBC's articles concerning international affairs. Two questions pop into my head when I think about this. First, why does Luz de Bia not use Luz de Bian writers? Is there a lack of literacy there? Do they think they are incompetant? Perhaps they should. My time in Luz de Bia has brought me to the conclusion that the Luz de Bian nobles are honorable people. Sadly, their newspaper constantly slanders Fronen's name, and has a consistantly poor quality of journalism. Why they need a foreign writer is a major question editor Sam of the LdBC needs to consider.

Secondly, of all the foreign writers you could choose, why pick an Avalonian? Avalon has broken treaties and has been an aggressor against peaceful Fronen. The Avalonians are so pitifully lacking in intellegence that they lost a war and two of their regions to an enemy(thats Fronen) who at the start of the war had a far weaker military. This was a war they started. Now why Sam and everyone in Luz de Bia would you choose people like that to help write your articles. Well then again Luz de Bia did start a war against a weaker enemy. Actually, they are now losing that war just as Avalon did. Perhaps the phrase "birds of a feather flock(or in this case write) together" rings true.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on November 16