Velaryon Family/Aeravon

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Lord Aeravon Velaryon in Unger during high winter.
Status: Alive
Continent: Beluaterra
Realm: Northern Kingdom of Thalmarkin
Class: Hero
Title: General of Thalmarkin
Count of Rafferty
Weapon: Greatsword named Winterthorne
Religion: Frozen Gods
Unique Items: Cruel Ring of Sartania
Shield of Battle
Realms Served: ¤

Northern Kingdom of Thalmarkin

Lordships Held: ¤

Margrave of Yipinalke
Margrave of Unger
Count of Rafferty


Member of the Laenorran branch of House Velaryon. A child of Laurentius the Gilded, brother to Swenja and half-brother to Monford.

Appearance and character

Aeravon is tall and powerful in appearance. Due to his height he makes a very towering, almost arboreal presence. His voice is very sonorous and deep, fitting for a man that comes from the north even though his Madinan accent often gives away his heritage. He has grey eyes, long raven-black hair and a strong jaw. In battle he is usually armored in black scales and wields a greatsword Winterthorn. During high winter he wraps himself in wolf's fur.


Notable events

Sanguine Order
Northern wastelands
On the trail of the Old Gods

Notable battles

Pomatim charge
The Great Upset of Gemke Fields
Red Fields of Ffangor