Dubhaine Family/Brigdha/Roleplays/2020/April

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Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 19485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

5th April

Summer Evening - Evora

Christofer III Kane

The healers had been taking care of Christofer the best they could, but could not get control of this disease. They continued the regiment of herbs and moving him every few hours as it seemed to help a little.

The front door burst open and a shriveled old woman, clearly a peasant, came roaring through the clinic.

"Where is the young Christofer? I be Witch Hazel and I need to take care of him!"

"Why would he allow you to assist?"

"I done been taking care of the Kane family since before this ones Grandfather was born and I be damned ifn stop now!"

"By all accounts, his Grandfather died some sixty years ago and he was about 65 then, that would put you at about 130-140 years old. I really doubt that you could be that old, now begone!!"

"Lissen sonny, either you take me to Lord Christofer or I'll put a hex on ye that your great-grandkids will have to deal with"

The old lady had moved into the healers face and put a boney finger against his nose. "Move it NOW or there be Hell to pay!!"

The healer had gone pale and backed up away from this crazy lady, somehow he believed her about being a witch and the hex. "Uh, Maam, please come this wat then." and he led her to Christofers bedside.

6th April

Summer Evening - Evora

Christofer III Kane

Witch Hazel followed the healer to the room of Lord Christofer, She went to look at her new patient and muttered "He looks almost exactly like his Grandpa at that age"

The healer meanwhile watched in fascination as she went about examining Christofer, She held her ear to his chest and listened, stood up quickly and licked his cheek tasting whatever it was her tongue had picked up. She had poked and prodded everything imaginable on his body and at one point lifted his genitals in her hand and seemingly weighed them.

She produced a scrap of paper handed it to the healer and told him that she needed everything on the list, as she turned around the healer scanned the list all were common herbs and plants except...

He looked up to ask a question, she had somehow produced a small black pot and was in the process of building a fire in the center of the room.

"Why do you need 12 chickens?"

" I gots ta eat don't I? By the way last count I was 200 years old, now shut up and get me my stuff!"

7th April

Summer Evening - Evora

Lindow Moonsun

The sun was falling across the horizon. Lindow was in front of a small temple. He knew that Lord Crhistofer was seriously ill in Evora. I had thought about visiting it, but there was a high risk of contagion.

The temple was a polished stone religious building. When Lindow entered, he had to leave his shoes and sword at the entrance, he was only wearing a blue robe with a red cloak. The reason is because being a place of rest and peace, it is forbidden to enter with weapons and war clothes.

Once inside, he found himself in a circular room, full of columns that formed smaller circles until the center of the room, where there was a great cauldron. It was the only light in the place, a light that collided with the columns, forming shadows.

Lindow approached the cauldron, it was a beautifully ornamented object, with timbers from which the flames emanated. In front of the cauldron was a small table with dry branches and woolen thread. Lindow picked up three branches, and tied them with the woolen thread. He approached the cauldron and whispered

"Body, mind and soul"

and threw the branches into the cauldron. After that, Lindow bowed and he turned in the direction of the exit, where there was a lady looking at him.

- Welcome, Grey Exarch Luna - Lindow whispered once close to her - An offering for the sick? -

Luna Tempest

Lady Tempest stood at the entrance of the temple observing her king as he made an offering taking note of the customs.

Temples were not usually a place Luna would frequent as she preferred her studies to religion but would agree it certainly had it place in the world. However this visit wasn't about faith, its was a show of support for her fellow noble Lord Christofer III who is recovering from the disease that is plaguing Karbala.

As the Shadow King concluded and returned to the entrance he whispered to the lady "An offering for the sick?"

Luna nodded in agreement as she removed her sword and boots. Lady Tempest wasn't wearing the armour that had been gifted to her by the Shadow King as they were away from the frontline leaving her wearing just a simple pale blue tunic. While not very lady-like it was practical considering her station. Realizing she never prepared an offering Luna reaches for her journal carefully tearing out a blank page. A few moments later she had folded the page into a bird, an eagle. Supposedly some believe the majestic bird represented spirit and healing.

The lady approached the same as her king, through the shadows. When Luna reached the fire within the cauldron she whispered

"Lord Christofer III, may you recover and soar ever higher"

before throwing the paper eagle into the cauldron.

Lady Tempest would give a respectful bow before returning to the entrance to retrieve her sword and see if the Shadow King was still in attendance.

Christofer III Kane

The Healers actively avoided the area Christofer was recovering in, the logic was simple, "This place smells like a pigsty crossed with a skunk, crossed with dead vermin" one was heard to mutter.

"It's due to that old crazy lady the other answered." They plugged their noses and continued to Lord Christofers room where they found Witch Hazel pouring warm but partially congealed liquid on his sleeping body.

"What are you doing?" They cried when they had entered. "Ahhh, boys, this will release the disease from his body and wake him up. Look he is stirring already!"

Sure enough, for the first time in weeks, Christofer had started moaning and moving in his bed. "Now comes his dreams" The Witch advised.

Christofer was in his home in Bragga, but it wasn't his home yet. It seemed to be years before he had even been born. He wandered the halls and noticed things either out of place or things he had never before seen. In one corner stood a suit of armor from the defining red color to the wings(?) on the helmet he knew was the long since vanished Kane family armor, in its grip was a Claymore and upon closer examination, He discovered the family name "Kane" on the hilt.

'Is this truly where they disappeared to?' He was thinking when his thoughts were interrupted.

"Ahh, finally you show up." a man had stated. Christofer turned with a start, not knowing what to think but was face to face with an older man. This man was very familiar even though he knew he had never seen him before. He was an older man with a kindly but scarred face, He looked like he was a relative of some sort.

"Forgive me, I have not introduced myself, I am Edward Kane, Lord of Bragga, priest, and co-founder of The Flow of the Balance."

"I am Christofer Kane III I am Lord of Bragga."

"Yes, I have been expecting you. You Grandfather Christofer was my younger brother. I died in the bed you sleep in when at home. Today I just want to tell you where I have hidden the family heirlooms you just found."

Christofer was suddenly in front of a blank wall he had never noticed before. Edward reached out, took Christofers hand and guided him to a stone that slipped easily beneath his hand. The wall pivoted on unseen hinges and opened to a room that was only large enough for a few select items. Christofer blinked and the armor with the sword appeared within.

Christofer opened his mouth with so many questions but Edward stopped him, "No more for now, we have plenty of time at a later date. Right now you need to concentrate on getting better."

"NOW WAKE UP!!!" Witch Hazel was shouting.

He moaned and tried to open his eyes but that was a chore unto itself.

9th April

Summer Evening - Evora

Christofer III Kane

Witch Hazel wiped the gelled concoction from Christofers eyes. He slept again breathing deep and without trouble. Looking at the healers she stated

"You boys can take it from here, he is out of danger now"

She packed her stuff and left the room and the sanatarium.

The healers looked horrified at the room and the state she left it in.

"Get the maids in here! Nurses, clean Lord Christofer before he wakes up."

11th April

Summer Evening - Evora

Kiera Cavendish

Dressed in black armor, but with her helm strapped to her horse, Kiera lead the slow march south.

One hundred archers, most of them new to her leadership, kept the steady rhythm as the crossed through the pastoral lands of northern Caligus. They were untried, but their leader was not.

"We need to pick up the pace," she said t Captain Eadinda. "Troops are already gathered in Abadan. We don't want to miss the fun."

13th April

Summer Day - Evora

Kiera Cavendish

"Report of Abadan, m'lady. Seems many have already pushed into Moyale."

Kiera glanced at the writings, noting the names of the nobles present. "Excellent. A fair, easy start to our new Euxarch's first campaign."

She turned to Captain Eadinda. "Let's move them forward. Shadowdale is too spread out; we need to form up."

The Captain saluted and went off to carry out her orders.